View Full Version : Alright fishin folk....

04-02-2005, 03:44 PM
I don't know who all on here does this, but I am going to take up the art of fishin. I've already found the rod/reel Imma get. Now what the hell else do I need. I'll be trying to hook me up sum catfeesh and bream. This big ole river is callin my name. Don't have me spendin lots and lots o' money. Thanks. Later, QD.

04-02-2005, 04:04 PM
dude.... just get some hooks some line and some weights....use some hotdogs for bait! thats it bro...

04-02-2005, 04:08 PM
Cool. Help me with Photoshop, now. I know you can. Later, QD.

04-02-2005, 04:20 PM
u have pms

04-02-2005, 04:27 PM
Back at ya. Later, QD.

04-02-2005, 05:06 PM
qd when you gonna try i ain't been catfishin in a while and i got some livers and stinkbait to use up.....

oh and this is about the 4th time you've said you're gonna start and you still haven't

04-02-2005, 05:13 PM
The weather keeps fuckin me up. If it's good this coming up weekend, then it will be then. Later, QD.

04-02-2005, 05:18 PM
hmmmm aight well i dunno when i will be back from mississippi but lemme know i wanna watch quuueeeedeeeeee catch his first fish...

04-02-2005, 05:22 PM
Lolol. I'll definitely have video camera and digital camera in hand. Or, well, someone will. Later, QD.

04-03-2005, 12:50 AM
man if i lived closer and would be here this summer i would be all for it. my bestfriend and i used to stay out and get drunk catfishing haha. night fishing is the best but its hard to see the end of the rod moving unless you get a mini glowstick and attach it or build the fire close to the area the rods will be sitting. chicken gizzard/heart (forget which) is the BEST its so damn hard to get off the hook that you can reuse it a bunch of times