View Full Version : dude, axix23, your pathetic

11-17-2005, 11:19 AM
ok to help everone get put into place.. this is the conversation that him and my girlfriend had yesterday... never talked before or does she have any clue to who he is... heres the story now

Axix23: hey, whatsup?
strongliving12: hey
strongliving12: who's this?
Axix23: i dunno
strongliving12: oh really
strongliving12: that's cool
Axix23: ur on my buddy list
strongliving12: I am?
strongliving12: hm...
Axix23: i am trying to figure who u are
Axix23: do u have aol?
Axix23: are u on IA.com?
Axix23: u from braselton?
Axix23: hello?
strongliving12: hey sorry
Axix23: where u go?
strongliving12: I don't have aol
strongliving12: and yes I am in Braselton
strongliving12: what's your name?
Axix23: hmmm, ur on Importatlanta.com
Axix23: Craig
strongliving12: yes I am
Axix23: ur name?
strongliving12: princess12 on IA
Axix23: oh yeh
Axix23: what kinda car do u got?
strongliving12: who are you?
Axix23: Craig
strongliving12: on IA?
Axix23: same as this name, i am not popular
Axix23: i am the one talking shit about pablo b/c he is immature
strongliving12: Oh that's cool
strongliving12: lol
strongliving12: there are a lot of immature ppl on there from what I can tell
Axix23: no kidding, they all hate and stuff
Axix23: whats ur name?
strongliving12: I agree with ya on that one
strongliving12: Erinn
Axix23: nice to meet ya
strongliving12: nice to meet you too
Axix23: i had a gf from Braselton
strongliving12: really?
Axix23: she was all into imports and crap
strongliving12: what was her name?
Axix23: Renee
strongliving12: hm...not sure if I know her
Axix23: she drove a 01 Red Civic, but she old it
Axix23: how old are u?
strongliving12: small town though, so I may
Axix23: she would be like 26 now
strongliving12: 18
Axix23: Damn, ur YOPUNG!
strongliving12: lol
Axix23: young!!
strongliving12: sorry
Axix23: geeze!!
strongliving12: how old are you?
Axix23: i am 28
Axix23: since last fri
strongliving12: lol wow you're old!
Axix23: hey shutup!
strongliving12: I'm just messin with ya
Axix23: anyways, u got a pic? what kinda car?
strongliving12: Oh, but you asked me what I drove lol
Axix23: bf? what does he drive?
strongliving12: Honestly, I'm not all into imports
strongliving12: I'm more of a muscle car fan
strongliving12: I have a honda crv though
Axix23: to tell u the truth, me either, and i got imports! LOL
Axix23: i luv mini-trucks
strongliving12: lol
strongliving12: that's cool
Axix23: so, no bf?
strongliving12: yes I do have a bf
Axix23: nice
Axix23: mine dumped me 2 weeks ago
strongliving12: what about you, single?
strongliving12: awww that sucks
Axix23: yeh
Axix23: i am very shy
strongliving12: really? I'm VERY outgoing lol
strongliving12: u there?
Axix23: yeh, sorry shy!!
strongliving12: it's ok
strongliving12: I'm pretty open
strongliving12: talk about whatever you'd like
Axix23: LOL
Axix23: u got any older single friends?
strongliving12: a couple
Axix23: into cars?
strongliving12: um...
strongliving12: well...
strongliving12: I don't know about that one
Axix23: lol
Axix23: well, i'll take anybody now, on the rebound! LOL
strongliving12: awww
strongliving12: don't cut yourself short
Axix23: LOL
strongliving12: and settle for less than the best
Axix23: tru
Axix23: thank
Axix23: s
strongliving12: anytime
Axix23: so, what friends u got for me? LOL
Axix23: i been having bad luck with girls nowdays
strongliving12: You just have to be patient
strongliving12: I promise...it all works out
strongliving12: let me think
Axix23: paitnece is not my strong point
Axix23: lol
strongliving12: lol....mine either
strongliving12: but I've been working on it
Axix23: i am asian, so they gotta like asian guys
strongliving12: oh ok
Axix23 signed off at 7:03:36 PM.
Axix23 signed on at 7:05:16 PM.
Axix23: u think of anybody?
strongliving12: Michelle
strongliving12: but she's kind of a partier
Axix23: she like asian guys?
Axix23: how old is she?
Axix23: my ex partied every damn weekend
Axix23: she was 21
strongliving12: she likes anything with a penis...i think she might have herpies though, pardon my vulgar ness, but in other words, she's not picky
strongliving12: She's 23
Axix23: oh god
Axix23: LOL
strongliving12: lol
Axix23: she cute?
strongliving12: gorgeous
Axix23: interesting
Axix23: she got free txt message?
Axix23: lol
strongliving12: Um...I'm not sure lol
Axix23: i was going to txt her and say hey
Axix23: b.c i got 1 hour to kill before i go workout
Axix23: anyways, i am 5-11/195/asian/br. eyes/tanned and cute
Axix23: hello?
strongliving12: cool
strongliving12: She's about 5’3, brown hair, brown eyes, about 190lbs
Axix23: nice
Axix23: u think she would mind if i got her cell # from u?
Axix23: LOL
Axix23: i'll just txt her, i won't call her
strongliving12: let me get back to you on that one b/c I haven't got her new cell number yet
strongliving12: but as soon as I get it, I'll think of you
Axix23: LOL, thanks
Axix23: u can just txt me her #
Axix23: 678-472-2184
strongliving12: oh ok
strongliving12: and your name is Craig right?
Axix23: yup
strongliving12: k
strongliving12: I'll put in in my cell
Axix23: k, thanks! LOL
strongliving12: anytime
strongliving12: where do u work?
Axix23: customer service at kgs
strongliving12: oh that's cool
Axix23: where does she work and live?
strongliving12: she works and lives in Athens
Axix23: nice
Axix23: how do u know her?
strongliving12: I was really good friends with her sister and she was one of my close friend's roommate
Axix23: nice
Axix23: hmmmm
Axix23: straight
Axix23: hey, i am going to go jet and go workout, see ya babe, txt me her cell # as soon as u get it! LOL
Axix23 signed off at 7:19:58 PM.

dude, get off your ass... find out who your talking to and if she says that she has a boyfriend leave her the fuck alone if you dont personally know her... grow up and get a real job then maybe you can find a girlfriend...(if your 15 or 16 no its not bad to be working at kgs) but dam dude, you "say" your 28, get up and go to clubs or somthing... to me it seems like your a looser that tries to cyber with gilrs on the net trying to jackoff. STOP lying. o and about pablo... grow the fuck up... hes way to matture for your little ass, he pisses on people like you. all you are is a lonley fuckface thats trying to get with other peoples women. back the fuck up. im asking you nicely. thanks and have a great day... o and go bag my groceries. :)

11-17-2005, 11:23 AM

11-17-2005, 11:24 AM
So does this mean I can send her an AOL IM since I see her screen name?

I need someone to set me up with a girl.

Jimmy B
11-17-2005, 11:25 AM
dude, chill.. hes just a nice guy.. and will talk to anyone.. and yea, he is 28..

11-17-2005, 11:25 AM
hey half... pm me and ill get you someone.

11-17-2005, 11:27 AM
His name is Shi-Ping.

Here is one Pablo posted

So here it is:

Poor Shi-peng
The AIM convo is here:

Axix23: Hey, nice profile.......
MommyOfDakota: thanks
Axix23: u got a Dodge Dakota? <Yes, I gave birth to a truck. *sigh*>
Axix23: or is that ur baby's name?
MommyOfDakota: the baby's name
Axix23: k
Axix23: age/city?
MommyOfDakota: 30/alpharetta, you?
Axix23: 25/m/Alpharetta
Axix23: where in Alpharetta u at?
MommyOfDakota: near old alabama <If "near" is a relative term. Like I'm going to tell you where I live.>
Axix23: oh, I am off of 120 Abbots Bridge Rd
MommyOfDakota: yeah, not too far
Axix23: so, whats ur hobbies?
MommyOfDakota: in my profile....you?
Axix23: cars and etc....... music
Axix23: <What's with all the smileys? It's a little annoying.>
Axix23: i am going to send u a pic. of me <Oh, lucky me.>
MommyOfDakota: ok
Axix23: its taking forever
Axix23: so, ur married? <Ah, so you did read the profile.>
MommyOfDakota: yes
Axix23: how come ur not sleeping in bed with ur husband? <Well, because I'm not sleeping....>
MommyOfDakota: i'm up feeding the baby at the moment
Axix23: oh, k
Axix23: so, u on here alot?
MommyOfDakota: yeah, at night...i only have time to get stuff done once everyone is in bed
Axix23: oh k
Axix23: so, u have an open marriage? LOL <Nice try, dude.>
Axix23: :-)
MommyOfDakota: nope
Axix23: u knew what I was getting at? <You weren't that subtle. Wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.>
Axix23: :-D
MommyOfDakota: yep
Axix23: so, u never even considerate it? <No, I never even "considerated" it.>
MommyOfDakota: nope
Axix23: uh huh
MommyOfDakota: believe it or not, some people have no desire to cheat
Axix23: uh huh
Axix23: :-)
MommyOfDakota: apparently you only know people with poor character <Birds of a feather....>
Axix23: naw, i was just curious
Axix23: ur one hot mom!!!!!!!
Axix23: ;-)
MommyOfDakota: thanks
Axix23: :
Axix23: u can babysit me anytime u want
Axix23: :-P <For god's sake, please stop smiling at me.>
Axix23: so, u still pretty freaky since ur a mom now?
MommyOfDakota: i don't know about that
Axix23: LOL
Axix23: so, u shaved and clean like my car? LOL <Charming.>
MommyOfDakota: none of your business
Axix23: awwwwwwwwwww
Axix23: i didn't mean the whole thing!!!!!!!
Axix23: I meant partially
Axix23: nevermind! LOL
MommyOfDakota: ok
Axix23: so,
Axix23: whats ur fav. position?
MommyOfDakota: i don't know
Axix23: LOL, u dunno? LOL <I DO know that it's none of your business>
Axix23: from tha back?
Axix23: doggie?
Axix23: :-D
MommyOfDakota: still don't know
Axix23: LOL
Axix23: what u do in the daytime?
MommyOfDakota: raise my babies
MommyOfDakota: you?
Axix23: work and sleep!
MommyOfDakota: what kind of work do you do?
Axix23: sales
Axix23: u? <Are you having reading difficulties. DId I not just answer that question?>
MommyOfDakota: i stay at home with my children...i also do some website stuff <Where I am going to put your IM, in fact.>
Axix23: cool, cool, don't u get bored?
MommyOfDakota: nope...raising two kids under 2 is a lot of work...there's no time to be bored
Axix23: i should come over and help u sometimes <Yeah, just what a want. An Internet pervert around my children.>
Axix23: ;-)
MommyOfDakota: lol, right
Axix23: lol
Axix23: i am into married women
Axix23: they are hot and sexy <All married women? Who knew that a legal document enhanced your looks and sex appeal!?
Axix23: :-P
MommyOfDakota: lol...i don't think being married affects how you look
Axix23: LOL
Axix23: so, u still looking for guy-friends? <And I would want you as a friend, why?>
MommyOfDakota: nope
Axix23: LOL, sure
MommyOfDakota: i don't meet people or even talk on the phone...i only chat online and i don't do cyber
Axix23: lol
Axix23: i like the real thing
MommyOfDakota: me too...with my husband only
Axix23: i hate cyber <And I hate you and all guys like you.>
MommyOfDakota: i think it's pointless
Axix23: yeh, no kidding
Axix23: hey, going to bed <Was it something I said? *grin*>
Axix23: later sexy

11-17-2005, 11:28 AM
dude, chill out... once you see that the womans taken, lay off... dont try to hussle her friends even before you get to know her. thats just rude, and who actually thiks in there right mind that they would give there friends number to a complete stranger... i mean common' thats just stupid

11-17-2005, 11:33 AM
The one Pablo posted she said she was married and he asked her to have an affair...lol

11-17-2005, 11:33 AM
Jimmy....I see that he's gone from Shi-peng to Craig now? interesting....because that's what he called everyone else!

and Jimmy, I'm gonna have to agree with rick on this one....Shipeng is getting creepier by the day....I mean, look at all these convo's popping up....yeah, he was a alright guy, a little off at times, but he was tolerable....but seriously though...he's turning into the internet smooth talking dud...I dunno, how about you give him some lessons on "game" and how to talk to women in general....because he makes it pretty obvious that he just is trying to get in their pants.

11-17-2005, 11:35 AM
dude... she was married... if i would of been her husband and found that im... i would have tried to fnd your ass... thats not cool trying to get with other peoples women. grow up and stop being a dick and giving guys a wrong rep... serriously, lay off

11-17-2005, 11:36 AM
dude... she was married... if i would of been her husband and found that im... i would have tried to fnd your ass... thats not cool trying to get with other peoples women. grow up and stop being a dick and giving guys a wrong rep... serriously, lay off

ummm, are you trying to talk to him? because it'd probably be easier to just hit him up on AIM or perhaps txt message his phone ;)

11-17-2005, 11:37 AM
^^^^ :goodjob: when a woman is with someone that means, BACK OFF and dont IM tryin to get ass from them

Jimmy B
11-17-2005, 11:38 AM
lol.. ok, ok.. i see that he needs some pointers! lol

mabye alot of pointers..

11-17-2005, 11:41 AM
lol.. ok, ok.. i see that he needs some pointers! lol

mabye alot of pointers..

Jimmy teach him how playa's work...lol

11-17-2005, 11:41 AM
lol.. ok, ok.. i see that he needs some pointers! lol

mabye alot of pointers..

well, since you are the closest, meaning distance and the last person sticking up for him, I nominate you JimmaJam to help him being a little smoother and to stop going after women who are taken....


11-17-2005, 11:42 AM
my god im so lost. all i did was read the convos. guess i need to know who these people actually are

11-17-2005, 11:43 AM
^^^ i agree with the guy above... adn tell him once he knows that the girls/women are taken, to leave them alone

11-17-2005, 11:44 AM
my god im so lost. all i did was read the convos. guess i need to know who these people actually are

I think when you first came on here, he still had his accord the way most remeber it...

it was shaved, bagged, sitting on 19's, and had a pearl white with ghost flames...

he is a bigger asian guy with a shaved head

you'd catch him driving by(cruising) playing brittany spears every now and then....

11-17-2005, 11:44 AM
well im her boyfriend... o and to answer his question about what i drive... i drive a 2005 dodge ram, and a 2000 xterra and a 1996 ram on 39's... so yea, my truck can run on the hood of your car

11-17-2005, 11:45 AM
well im her boyfriend... o and to answer his question about what i drive... i drive a 2005 dodge ram, and a 2000 xterra and a 1996 ram on 39's... so yea, my truck can run on the hood of your car

hey rick....I dont think he's seen this thread or even replied once to it!! haha

Jimmy B
11-17-2005, 11:49 AM
well im her boyfriend... o and to answer his question about what i drive... i drive a 2005 dodge ram, and a 2000 xterra and a 1996 ram on 39's... so yea, my truck can run on the hood of your car

yea,.. im sure he polly hasent seen it..

and this isnt a pissing contest about your cars.. we dont care..

it IS however how big your E-cawk is though!

11-17-2005, 11:49 AM
I think when you first came on here, he still had his accord the way most remeber it...

it was shaved, bagged, sitting on 19's, and had a pearl white with ghost flames...

he is a bigger asian guy with a shaved head

you'd catch him driving by(cruising) playing brittany spears every now and then....

haha sounds like one kewl dude

11-17-2005, 11:51 AM
ain't nothign to sweat bro.

Happens all the time.

Yo, your girl got friends?

Yeah couple.


Well depends.

balha ablah blaah

The Ren
11-17-2005, 11:53 AM
He doesnt come on IA much anymore

Jimmy B
11-17-2005, 11:53 AM
ain't nothign to sweat bro.

Happens all the time.

Yo, your girl got friends?

Yeah couple.


Well depends.

balha ablah blaah

they have a good personality though

11-17-2005, 11:57 AM
yea, my girl got some FINE friends... but not for him, but he asked my girl what i drove in the im... so i was just telling him.

11-17-2005, 11:58 AM
but i dont think hes seen this thread either... o well

11-17-2005, 11:59 AM
they have a good personality though

hahaa word.

My point is, damn man just cause a girl is attractive doesn't mean her friends are.

Stupid-ass desperate mofos.

11-17-2005, 12:01 PM
^^^^ haha... thats funny, yea they always have that dff.... the designated fat friend

11-17-2005, 12:04 PM
The best part is when she tell shim the girl he can hook her with my have herpes cause she gets around so much, his next question... "Is she cute?" :lmfao:

Damn thats funny, he dont even care if its a torn up infected pussy now...LOL

11-17-2005, 12:08 PM
hahaha DFF!

11-17-2005, 12:16 PM
what a fucking loooooooser.
he needs a life. bad!!!

11-17-2005, 12:17 PM
Atleast he is going for 18+ now, he is heading in the right direction...lol

A.P. Photography
11-17-2005, 12:19 PM
LOL, Rick what is it with guys and your gf?

11-17-2005, 12:23 PM
We'll I didnt read all the posts, but it just seemed like dude was trying to find a good girl, and he didnt even pay attention that she was 5'3" and 190LBS!! thats a big girl, and if he did see that and didnt mind he must be a pretty cool cat trying to get him a girl,,,but reading the other convo...yeah he needs to back the fuck off trying to hollar at married women especially ones who have children..

B16a2 Civic
11-17-2005, 12:30 PM
We'll I didnt read all the posts, but it just seemed like dude was trying to find a good girl, and he didnt even pay attention that she was 5'3" and 190LBS!! thats a big girl, and if he did see that and didnt mind he must be a pretty cool cat trying to get him a girl,,,but reading the other convo...yeah he needs to back the fuck off trying to hollar at married women especially ones who have children..

Lol i did...thats when you would have seen
b16a2 Civic logged off.
but ay Axxix dude, if you need hoe's man holla at me, i can get you one.

11-17-2005, 12:35 PM
gawd he will not learn will he! tried before with me but seems he knows better these days cause I have heard nothing from him. and his description of himself is just a weee bit off. Him and I get along, but this is redicioulous and disrespectful!

B16a2 Civic
11-17-2005, 12:37 PM
maybe he's a virgin.

The Ren
11-17-2005, 12:38 PM
gawd he will not learn will he! tried before with me but seems he knows better these days cause I have heard nothing from him. and his description of himself is just a weee bit off. Him and I get along, but this is redicioulous and disrespectful!
He's done this to most of the current girls on IA including myself

11-17-2005, 12:42 PM
Do you all not see the girl he was being told about had herpes and he still wanted to know if she was hot?? :lmfao:

11-17-2005, 12:43 PM
Thats fucking retarded on his part knowing that the previous conversation was posted a while back and he knew we all read it... some people amaze me these days for some ass

11-17-2005, 12:45 PM
Do you all not see the girl he was being told about had herpes and he still wanted to know if she was hot?? :lmfao:
what a CHOAD!!!!! :lmfao: :lmfao:

B16a2 Civic
11-17-2005, 12:47 PM
what a CHOAD!!!!! :lmfao: :lmfao:


11-17-2005, 12:48 PM
Maybe the guy is just fkin' around?

11-17-2005, 12:49 PM
Not likley, This is what he has been doing to every girl that has a pulse for years

B16a2 Civic
11-17-2005, 12:52 PM
on teh real real...like brett said...the guy was told she had herpes....he asked how she looks....the girl told him she was 5'3 and 190 pounds...and was still interested...someone get this man a pussy to lick please

11-17-2005, 12:55 PM
Maybe even lick the big one with herpes...lol

Repost Squintz
11-17-2005, 12:56 PM
haha, damn.

B16a2 Civic
11-17-2005, 12:56 PM
Maybe even lick the big one with herpes...lol

my stomach turned twice....counter clockwise.

11-17-2005, 12:59 PM
LOL, Rick what is it with guys and your gf?
i dont know... im starting to think the same thing.. its like every other day... im like DAMN man...lol

The Golden Child
11-17-2005, 02:32 PM
my stomach turned twice....counter clockwise.

n i just ate .. =(

11-17-2005, 03:21 PM

11-17-2005, 03:32 PM
thats funny ass hell. Im at work laughing my ass off. :lmfao:

11-17-2005, 07:14 PM
:lmfao: <That's all I gots ta say.

11-17-2005, 09:22 PM
I had to re-read the shit

spoolin spec
11-17-2005, 09:29 PM
Iam so calling that number he listed. Be ready asshat

11-17-2005, 09:31 PM
I had to re-read the shit
haha... hey brett... let me get some rep for pointing out this guy for everyone to know the truth... and can you please help my girlfriend out on some rep... shes kinda low too on rep... thanks

11-17-2005, 09:33 PM
damn,, that is some shit... pretty sad

11-17-2005, 09:33 PM
^^ Gave ya +100

11-17-2005, 09:36 PM
shit nigga! you havent even given your BOY (meaning me) +100!!! wtf mate?

11-17-2005, 09:45 PM
You havent posted anything worth a +100...lol

Jimmy B
11-17-2005, 10:33 PM
goldschlager anyone? :) ahhaha

11-17-2005, 11:06 PM
i used to know ship eng back in the day when his accord was white on white, i think hes changed it recently though, but hes a pretty cool guy havent talked to him in a while but maybe hes just bored....looking for something to do? :confused:

11-18-2005, 07:10 AM
goldschlager anyone? :) ahhaha

Hook a cracka up!!!

11-18-2005, 09:15 AM
Not coming to the guys defense and I don't mean to offend you Rick or your girlfriend but she didn't exactly give off the "don't bother me" impression in that conversation which may explain why he kept going, I may be wrong though.

After saying her friend may have herpes and 5'3 190lbs, dude was still interested??? He might as well go down to cleveland ave if he's that desperate, god forbid someone take him to a strip club.

11-18-2005, 09:19 AM
After saying her friend may have herpes and 5'3 190lbs, dude was still interested??? He might as well go down to cleveland ave if he's that desperate, god forbid someone take him to a strip club.


11-18-2005, 10:30 AM
Not coming to the guys defense and I don't mean to offend you Rick or your girlfriend but she didn't exactly give off the "don't bother me" impression in that conversation which may explain why he kept going, I may be wrong though.

After saying her friend may have herpes and 5'3 190lbs, dude was still interested??? He might as well go down to cleveland ave if he's that desperate, god forbid someone take him to a strip club.
na dude, you didnt offend me or my girlfriend...

Jimmy B
11-18-2005, 11:22 AM
Not coming to the guys defense and I don't mean to offend you Rick or your girlfriend but she didn't exactly give off the "don't bother me" impression in that conversation which may explain why he kept going, I may be wrong though.

After saying her friend may have herpes and 5'3 190lbs, dude was still interested??? He might as well go down to cleveland ave if he's that desperate, god forbid someone take him to a strip club.

hm.. strip club anyone?

The Ren
11-19-2005, 12:33 AM
I got something for you guys
Axix23 [1:18 A.M.]: hey
Karebaregsu02 [1:18 A.M.]: yes?
Axix23 [1:18 A.M.]: whatup
Axix23 [1:18 A.M.]: whats ur problem?
Karebaregsu02 [1:19 A.M.]: Nothing is my problem
Axix23 [1:19 A.M.]: got an attitude
Karebaregsu02 [1:19 A.M.]: whatever dude
Axix23 [1:19 A.M.]: well, u do
Karebaregsu02 [1:19 A.M.]: No I dont
Axix23 [1:19 A.M.]: i guess now u got a supra, u think ur better than everybody, right?
Karebaregsu02 [1:19 A.M.]: fuck off asshole
Axix23 [1:19 A.M.]: u see?
Karebaregsu02 [1:19 A.M.]: how dare you
Karebaregsu02 [1:20 A.M.]: My supra is nothing compaired to most of the supras around atlanta why would I think im better than anyone?
Axix23 [1:20 A.M.]: when u don't got that supra no more, then u will see ur true friends and all
Axix23 [1:20 A.M.]: cars don't last forever
Karebaregsu02 [1:20 A.M.]: the peeps who are my friends
Karebaregsu02 [1:20 A.M.]: were my friends before the supra you asshole
Karebaregsu02 [1:20 A.M.]: but see unlike you
Karebaregsu02 [1:21 A.M.]: I have real friends
Axix23 [1:21 A.M.]: true, but u'll see
Karebaregsu02 [1:21 A.M.]: yeah ok
Karebaregsu02 [1:21 A.M.]: you believe what you want dude
Karebaregsu02 [1:21 A.M.]: dont bother wasting your time with a bitch like me
Axix23 [1:21 A.M.]: a few others on ia thinking about u like that
Karebaregsu02 [1:21 A.M.]: oh yeah?
Axix23 [1:22 A.M.]: i hear people talking
Karebaregsu02 [1:22 A.M.]: I dont care what you hear
Karebaregsu02 [1:22 A.M.]: I see people talking
Axix23 [1:22 A.M.]: i didn't make it up
Karebaregsu02 [1:22 A.M.]: I see people talking
Karebaregsu02 [1:22 A.M.]: you see what people say about you?
Axix23 [1:22 A.M.]: brb
Karebaregsu02 [1:22 A.M.]: how pathetic you are
Karebaregsu02 [1:22 A.M.]: why dont you go check it out
Axix23 [1:22 A.M.]: yeh, u know why?
Axix23 [1:22 A.M.]: they hate and jealous
Karebaregsu02 [1:22 A.M.]: of what?
Axix23 [1:22 A.M.]: actually, maybe they hatin' on u
Karebaregsu02 [1:22 A.M.]: your accord?
Karebaregsu02 [1:23 A.M.]: ok dude..
Axix23 [1:23 A.M.]: i didn't think about that
Axix23 [1:23 A.M.]: they prob. jealous of ur supra
Karebaregsu02 [1:23 A.M.]: I think you need to reevaluate this
Axix23 [1:23 A.M.]: makes sense
Karebaregsu02 [1:23 A.M.]: Oh.. cause so many people talk about me
Karebaregsu02 [1:23 A.M.]: ok.. sure
Karebaregsu02 [1:23 A.M.]: dude
Axix23 [1:23 A.M.]: but anyways, ia people suck
Karebaregsu02 [1:23 A.M.]: then why are you talking to me?
Axix23 [1:23 A.M.]: brb, gotta pee
Axix23 [1:23 A.M.]: don't go nowhere
Karebaregsu02 [1:24 A.M.]: i wont be here when you come back
Karebaregsu02 [1:24 A.M.]: dont bother iming me
Axix23 [1:26 A.M.]: actually, what post they talking shit about me, i didn't see really
Karebaregsu02 [1:26 A.M.]: I dont care dude
Karebaregsu02 [1:26 A.M.]: leave me the fuck alone
Karebaregsu02 [1:26 A.M.]: get it?
Karebaregsu02 [1:26 A.M.]: got it?
Karebaregsu02 [1:26 A.M.]: good
Axix23 [1:26 A.M.]: k, stop cursing at me
Axix23 [1:26 A.M.]: ur rude
Axix23 [1:27 A.M.]: some person u are
Karebaregsu02 [1:27 A.M.]: Im rude?
Karebaregsu02 [1:27 A.M.]: Your rude
Axix23 [1:27 A.M.]: i im u and u give me attitude
Axix23 [1:27 A.M.]: i don't curse at u
Axix23 [1:27 A.M.]: i mean come on
Karebaregsu02 [1:27 A.M.]: I didnt ask you to Im
Karebaregsu02 [1:27 A.M.]: me
Karebaregsu02 [1:27 A.M.]: so dont
Karebaregsu02 [1:27 A.M.]: thanks
Axix23 [1:27 A.M.]: i txt u, and u never reply back to me
Karebaregsu02 [1:27 A.M.]: bye bye now
Axix23 [1:27 A.M.]: don't worry,
Karebaregsu02 [1:27 A.M.]: wow maybe there is a reason for that
Axix23 [1:27 A.M.]: GOODBYE

11-19-2005, 12:45 AM
Wow, what a loser. If you're such a "bitch", why would he continue to talk to you? Asshole.

The Ren
11-19-2005, 12:46 AM
Wow, what a loser. If you're such a "bitch", why would he continue to talk to you? Asshole.
I dunno baby.. You could tell him first hand how much of a bitch I really am..

11-19-2005, 10:01 AM
this dude is really pissin me off... and it seems like he tries to get a kick out of it... hes gonna get it one day

11-19-2005, 10:36 AM
this dude is really pissin me off... and it seems like he tries to get a kick out of it... hes gonna get it one day

no, if you met him, you'd know he's not getting any kicks off of it, this is his so called "game".....he's really book smart, but common sense and street smarts he lacks.

seriously though, you shouldnt be mad or getting pissed, if you met him or saw him, you'd see what you were getting worked up over....because he's harmless, and it's partly because he screws himself over when he begins conversations with the ladies

11-19-2005, 10:54 AM
all shi peng does is fucking lie and talk shit about girls that turn him down, I tried being nice to him but he just talks way to much shit.....

11-19-2005, 10:55 AM
I dunno baby.. You could tell him first hand how much of a bitch I really am..

darling there is nothing wrong with being a bitch!!!!!!!

11-19-2005, 11:01 AM
You havent posted anything worth a +100...lol

shit give me some rep points....ask pablo who found the first convo he posted :)

11-19-2005, 01:51 PM
no, if you met him, you'd know he's not getting any kicks off of it, this is his so called "game".....he's really book smart, but common sense and street smarts he lacks.

seriously though, you shouldnt be mad or getting pissed, if you met him or saw him, you'd see what you were getting worked up over....because he's harmless, and it's partly because he screws himself over when he begins conversations with the ladies
haha... im not really gettin pissed... its just making me mad about how he disrespects women... thats all. but i might be wrong

11-19-2005, 06:10 PM
Thats a funny ass IM

The Ren
11-19-2005, 07:32 PM
Thats a funny ass IM
mine??? Hey I bet 99% of it is all true

11-20-2005, 03:13 AM
Nice job, Karen. That's funny how you kept telling him to fuck off, and he still persists. Did you finally block him or what?

11-20-2005, 03:25 AM
In Related News... (http://usera.imagecave.com/Wolverine_0416/So_for_you/this-thread-is-gay.jpg)

The Ren
11-20-2005, 08:28 AM
Nice job, Karen. That's funny how you kept telling him to fuck off, and he still persists. Did you finally block him or what?
I guess my last thing pissed him off enough and he doesnt wanna talk to me anymore.. :tear: