View Full Version : Wtb: cheap car

12-10-2010, 07:40 PM
Hey im looking for a cheap dd. Gotta be honda or acura please. Im have around 2k to spend. Thanks pm me with wat u got.

12-10-2010, 10:08 PM
yo, i got a jdm front teg wit a swap for 1800$ , but the car make s weird loud noise around 5000rpm, and i only rev pass it once and the noise is really loud and im scare thats something wrong with it so never rev pass 5000rpm ever since, the car is really kool wit like 3 colors and alot of parts that make the car really really fast, but im scare that something is wrong with the car so wat u see is wat u get.. and the car is being sold as is ... pm me if interested..