View Full Version : Me vs. homeless guy @ QT

Got Milk?
12-07-2010, 10:16 AM
So I go to QT to put in some gas. I walk up to the station and ofcourse as usual, there is a homeless guy sitting in the cold asking for money. He asks me if I could spare him some money to buy hot dogs. I replied to him "go inside and get w.e. you want and tell the clerk I'll pay for it", he replies "Nooo give me the money, the hot dogs down the street are cheaper". :thinking: I reply to him, what does that have to do with anything, I'm paying for w.e. you get inside the QT. He fucking replies to me " no it's okey, thanks anyway"

Are you fucking kidding me. You are sitting in the fucking cold, freezing your ass off, I offered him hot meal and to get w.e. he wants from QT. But nooooo, all that motherfucker has on his mind is how to get high and get alcohol. I usually always give 10 dollar bills even 20 dollar bills every time I see a homeless guys at a light, but not anymore. I used to think it was a myth where people would say, they only get the money to get high, but now I see it's the truth. Fucking idiotic.

12-07-2010, 10:25 AM

props for offering to buy him food though

reminds me of a guy that came into the RaceTrac I work at the other day. pulled a knife on our manager because we refused to sell him any more alcohol. smh

12-07-2010, 10:28 AM
The most I will do is give a homeless guy food or a gatorade. I gave one guy ten bucks once, but only because I found twenty bucks earlier in the day and he told me that he played for KC and the Sunshine Band and later for Styx before he fell on hard times.

It is almost always a waste to give money to the homeless, though. If you want to help, donate to a shelter so the money will be used for good instead of a fix.

12-07-2010, 10:35 AM
I never give money to people asking - I always will take the time to get them what they really need first. You did the right thing to try to buy the hotdogs for him.

12-07-2010, 11:21 AM
Classy move, offering to help him. like you did.
Most of them are scammers, though.
There was a news report, several years back, that said a study done in Atlanta showed that those "beggers" average 30 something THOUSAND dollars a year, just from begging.

Was a guy that stood at the I-20/Villa Rica exit for a couple years, off and on.
His sign said he was a war vet, homeless and needed food.
We used to give him a few dollars here and there.
One day, a couple hours after giving him some $, we ran in to him at a gas station, off Hwy. 61.
He was wearing the same dirty clothes, but drove up in a brand new F-150 and bought 2 cases of Bud Wieser.
My room mate got in his face and wanted to kick his ass, but the clerk threatened to call the cops.

civic gsr
12-07-2010, 12:02 PM
That's funny. Man cause ppls don't really use the money. U give themto eat they use it for drugs or alcohol that's. A shame

That's why every time I see I tell them to find a job lol I know its hard to get one but the least they can try

12-07-2010, 12:09 PM
This happens all the time, I've only had two homeless people actually allow me to give them food, the others just want money. Fuck that.

12-07-2010, 01:43 PM
Yeah u did the right thing offering him food.. Shit I would of took the free food though for real and I'm not homeless..just a broke ass

I remember one of my friends dad took us to a basketball at Georgia Tech when I was in h.s. And then he took us to the Varsity.. This homeless guy asked him for money for food (said he was getting a hot dog from the V) and he gave the guy a $20 bill.. And he just walked away ha ha

There's a guy at the Braves games that always asked for change and says it's his birthday.. He straight up says he's gonna buy beer with it..atleast he's honest

I do remember seeing a thing about this "homeless" lady that drove a Mercedes...she said it's all about the story and location

280zx 2by2
12-07-2010, 04:39 PM
So I go to QT to put in some gas. I walk up to the station and ofcourse as usual, there is a homeless guy sitting in the cold asking for money. He asks me if I could spare him some money to buy hot dogs. I replied to him "go inside and get w.e. you want and tell the clerk I'll pay for it", he replies "Nooo give me the money, the hot dogs down the street are cheaper". :thinking: I reply to him, what does that have to do with anything, I'm paying for w.e. you get inside the QT. He fucking replies to me " no it's okey, thanks anyway"

Are you fucking kidding me. You are sitting in the fucking cold, freezing your ass off, I offered him hot meal and to get w.e. he wants from QT. But nooooo, all that motherfucker has on his mind is how to get high and get alcohol. I usually always give 10 dollar bills even 20 dollar bills every time I see a homeless guys at a light, but not anymore. I used to think it was a myth where people would say, they only get the money to get high, but now I see it's the truth. Fucking idiotic.

It's hard to take that approach and make that generalization about all people.

I saw this guy on the side of the road at a light and a car pulled up and gave him what looked like subway, and he just tore into it like he hadn't eaten for days.

I try to give the ones that honestly look like they need help what little I can, I feel bad for the people that have social issues and just can't function at a workplace, but if I get the slightest impression they are druggies I don't think twice about them.

But also the hobo's in ATL seem to be a different breed than the ones he have here, we have no soup kitchens out overnight freeze shelters, they sleep in the bushes next to I-75.

12-07-2010, 04:41 PM
kudos to you OP , i have offered food and drink before and been turned down , silly homeless people

12-07-2010, 04:52 PM
I alway give homeless spare change when i have it. When i was like 7-8 yrs old, I use to see a homeless guy that alway use to pick up aluminum cans for a living. Never asked for money, or ever did he begged for food and just months ago, I saw him picking up his OWN mail at the P.O. I was only 7 or 8 at the time so there was nothing I could do. I honestly felt good to see that he is no longer picking up cans and is now doing better in life.

12-07-2010, 05:17 PM
I dont usually carry cash so I dont give them anything.

12-07-2010, 05:30 PM
I feel bad for the ones that are really down on there luck. But the ones in atlanta will get on my bad side fast. I was meeting a friend at the varsity in atlanta I was waiting for him under the parking deck. One of them came to my window asking for money I told him I did not have any. he would not leave and started to get loud the straw that broke the camels back with me was he tryed to lean in my window and said something to the affect of let me get that change in your center console. the best way to describe it feeling was that m personal space was invaded! he saw the change in my center console but not the glock 40 beside my seat this is the only time I have ever pulled it. soon as he saw it he took off running!

12-07-2010, 05:40 PM
The ones In atlanta are more crack head then "homeless". The gas station by my apartment in gwinnett I get the oh my car ran out of gas down the road can i get a few bucks almost daily. One guy I would see there at least 3 times a week! The second time he asked me I said you asked me the same thing and had the same story 3 days ago! He response was "why you trying to knock my hustle" LOL

12-07-2010, 05:51 PM

12-07-2010, 06:00 PM
I don't give them shit. I used to give them applications (seriously) but I realized even helping them help themselves was a waste of my time. So now I don't do shit for them. They want to do nothing for themselves and want everyone else to do it for them? Fuck that.

And if you think I'm joking................. Later, QD.

12-07-2010, 06:28 PM
And if you think I'm joking................. Later, QD.


12-07-2010, 07:09 PM

12-07-2010, 07:34 PM
I came in expecting a fight thread.

12-07-2010, 07:36 PM
There is a guy that usually hangs out at the corner of Freedom Parkway and Boulevard over by Atlanta Medical Center that always sat at the corner with a sign. One day on my way to take a patient to the ER, saw the man sitting there holding his sign as usual but the sign said "I just want a beer." I told the guy to walk down to the gas station next to the hospital and I will meet him there. He met me there and I bought him an Icehouse. Guy was actually pretty cool and very intelligent. According to him, he lost his wife and two kids in a car accident and soon after gave up on life and went to the streets. Guy wasn't a douche or anything. Just laid back. If I saw him again, I would probably buy him another beer.

12-07-2010, 07:40 PM
i came expecting a fight too hahaha... in my case there is a guy down the street from where i work at. when i see him outside i usually buy him a jug of milk some chips, dairy snacks like doughnuts , bread and a normal drink. i usually give him like 2 dollars in change so he could use it for laundry. but thats about it. some people really do fall into hard times though and i feel like if i can i will...

props on the buying it yourself.

12-07-2010, 07:59 PM
some people really do fall into hard times though and i feel like if i can i will...

I definitely can, but I see no point. They fall on hard times, sure (ask me how I know), but it's their fault if they don't pick themselves back up. Later, QD.

12-07-2010, 09:09 PM

I'd give this guy a $10 just for the laugh.

12-07-2010, 10:09 PM
I stop giving money to homless ppl !

12-07-2010, 10:41 PM
Dude that sucks. That guy ruins it for the people who may really need a hot meal. A higher power will deal with him at some point. Its a tough call to give money or not. I usually do as well. If they abuse the privilege, then thats between them and god.

h22 jones
12-07-2010, 11:13 PM
I used to give homeless people money even after hearing all the horor stories but then (lol there is always that but then) I was at the mall and a guy that seemed pretty cool walked up with a gas can explained how he was passing threw town run out of gas bla bla bla was a vietnam veteran bla bla bla it was a pretty damn good story to talked to the guy for about ten minutes gave him five dollars. Ok about two years later (yea no shit two Years) i was with my baby mam (lol baby mama were not together now so for my wifes sake she is none as my baby mama lol)at our second check up because she was pregnant with my son . When we got there i told her to go inside i had to call a few customers for work then id be in . As soon as i got on the phone with a customer this guy walks to the window and says excuss me i need to talk to you and went strait into his storie i cutr him off because i was on the phone with a customer and he got a attitude and was like well i need to talk as soon as you get off the phone( Im like are you for real is he going to sit here and stair at me the whole time im talking to a customer ) . I new the guy looked familar just couldnt place him and he had gone into his little speach right before i told him i was on the phone .So im talking to a customer running through my head were do i know this guy from and then he walks over to the car( that had just pulled up right beside me with a pregnant women in it) she roles down the window and he starts with the same line he gave me to a tee two years ago (im like are you kidding me not only is he a scammer he has done moved on to the pregnant womens docters office )so im pissed now. I get off the phne and im like hey man then i yeal it hey man and he finaly turns around . Im like you need to just go the hell on and dont be harrasing these pregnant women then he proceds to teel me how and were he will kick my ass lmao . Well im 6 foot 6 which you cant tell untill i stand up of course so as he is walking toward the truck i just step out then he decides he doesnt want to fight by this time im so pissed i dont realy give a shit so i proceed to chase him down the street just basicaly to get him away from the docters office then i go inside. My baby mama is like did you here some guy is chasing a bum down the street i was like realy i didnt see that lmao.

i do still buy them food ( i cant help it im a giver it makes me feel good) but no more money im not going to feel like a fool.

Got Milk?
12-07-2010, 11:50 PM
haha funny stories, thx for sharing. ;)

12-08-2010, 04:56 PM
OP, my dad had a similar experience once. Outside his work was this same guy everyday askin for somethin. One day, he said ill tell you what. We'll go next door and I'll buy you lunch, you seem like a nice guy. The guy wouldnt go with him. Just wanted cash.

12-10-2010, 09:06 AM
The last homeless bum that started shit with me about got my car parked on top of him.

12-10-2010, 09:56 AM
So I go to QT to put in some gas. I walk up to the station and ofcourse as usual, there is a homeless guy sitting in the cold asking for money. He asks me if I could spare him some money to buy hot dogs. I replied to him "go inside and get w.e. you want and tell the clerk I'll pay for it", he replies "Nooo give me the money, the hot dogs down the street are cheaper". :thinking: I reply to him, what does that have to do with anything, I'm paying for w.e. you get inside the QT. He fucking replies to me " no it's okey, thanks anyway"

Are you fucking kidding me. You are sitting in the fucking cold, freezing your ass off, I offered him hot meal and to get w.e. he wants from QT. But nooooo, all that motherfucker has on his mind is how to get high and get alcohol. I usually always give 10 dollar bills even 20 dollar bills every time I see a homeless guys at a light, but not anymore. I used to think it was a myth where people would say, they only get the money to get high, but now I see it's the truth. Fucking idiotic.

Props to you for trying to do a good thing.

12-10-2010, 03:41 PM
...the booze down the street is cheaper too, lol

12-10-2010, 10:17 PM
I don't give them shit. I used to give them applications (seriously) but I realized even helping them help themselves was a waste of my time. So now I don't do shit for them. They want to do nothing for themselves and want everyone else to do it for them? Fuck that.

And if you think I'm joking................. Later, QD.

Agreed 100%! I work my ass off close to 50 hours a week and I go to class five nights a week. I'll be damned if I am going to give some lazy ass, money that I earned because they won't go help themselves. I laugh at homeless people that beg for money. Sadly most proabaly make more that me and its tax free!

12-10-2010, 11:24 PM
Agreed 100%! I work my ass off close to 50 hours a week and I go to class five nights a week. I'll be damned if I am going to give some lazy ass, money that I earned because they won't go help themselves. I laugh at homeless people that beg for money. Sadly most proabaly make more that me and its tax free!

socialism is the answer.

nah jus kiddin.

Slow Motion
12-16-2010, 10:44 PM
To the one who do give food and deodorant preciate it. I was stranded one time and someone helped me like that. Don't give money. Buy what they need and if you know of a job let them know. That's what I do.

12-17-2010, 01:39 AM
But also the hobo's in ATL seem to be a different breed than the ones he have here, we have no soup kitchens out overnight freeze shelters, they sleep in the bushes next to I-75.

yeah and at the corner of wal mart down too. There is even these one people that always sit on the side of inner perimeter near bemis in their jeep with a sign on it that says "kicked out of home, need money for food and gas" or something like that. I dont think they need the money that bad cause they are only there during the day and its not like someone is going to stop their car, get out, and give them the money

12-17-2010, 11:09 PM
Fuck bums. Only time I've ever gave money was one time me and my ole lady were leaving a resturant and a black homeless man approached me stating he had just walked from the hospital (20miles away) where his mom had just died. Then on about how he lost everything trying to pay her medical bills. Shortly after he got done with his speach, he started rapping.... and believe it or not, it was actually pretty decent.

12-19-2010, 08:11 PM
I find myself thinking about the same exact stuff as the folks on this thread. Anyways, good move OP. Never EVER give someone begging money; give them commodities first. Me and two friends stopped at a gas station one day in his srt4 and some guy came up with a gas can begging for $10 for fuel. I start pumping the fuel, give my other friend a $10 from my wallet, and tell him to put $10 of gas in the dudes can. Like an idiot he just walks up and gives the dude $10. In a heartbeat the asshole snatched the bill then sprints over to his Caprice and spins tires out of the parking lot.

Human beings I swear.

Got Milk?
12-19-2010, 09:30 PM
I find myself thinking about the same exact stuff as the folks on this thread. Anyways, good move OP. Never EVER give someone begging money; give them commodities first. Me and two friends stopped at a gas station one day in his srt4 and some guy came up with a gas can begging for $10 for fuel. I start pumping the fuel, give my other friend a $10 from my wallet, and tell him to put $10 of gas in the dudes can. Like an idiot he just walks up and gives the dude $10. In a heartbeat the asshole snatched the bill then sprints over to his Caprice and spins tires out of the parking lot.

Human beings I swear.

o wow.

12-19-2010, 09:33 PM
o wow.

That's no surprise, dude. It happens every time (for the most part). I know because I've been there. Later, QD.

Big J
12-19-2010, 09:42 PM
I live in Atlanta, I never give "homeless" people anything.

Got Milk?
12-19-2010, 09:53 PM
That's no surprise, dude. It happens every time (for the most part). I know because I've been there. Later, QD.

I've actually had homeless people ask me for gas money. I never actually gave them the gas money, I usually give them money if they ask for food money. But after my last experience at QT, I'll only be giving food and job applications. I mean, WTF it's logical not to give them money for gas. If you can afford a car, especially the cars that most of them drive, you can afford the stinky $3/gallon.

So far, the stories that "homeless" people throw at me are: food money, gas money, "i just came from iraq" or some other army related situations.

12-19-2010, 10:07 PM
So far, the stories that "homeless" people throw at me are: food money, gas money, "i just came from iraq" or some other army related situations.

The "I'm heading to (wherever, USA) to be with my sick (insert relative here)" excuses they use to pull on your heart strings. I learned a lot from these people, and real homeless people, when I was living on the street myself. I've learned the tricks of the trade, but I never participated. I did my own thing and never panhandled in all my time out there. Later, QD.

Got Milk?
12-19-2010, 10:11 PM
The "I'm heading to (wherever, USA) to be with my sick (insert relative here)" excuses they use to pull on your heart strings. I learned a lot from these people, and real homeless people, when I was living on the street myself. I've learned the tricks of the trade, but I never participated. I did my own thing and never panhandled in all my time out there. Later, QD.

You was homeless at some point in your life?

12-19-2010, 10:14 PM
You was homeless at some point in your life?

For two years, I lived between Underground Atlanta and the Doraville area on Buford Hwy. Yessir. Later, QD.

Got Milk?
12-19-2010, 10:26 PM
For two years, I lived between Underground Atlanta and the Doraville area on Buford Hwy. Yessir. Later, QD.

Damn, mad respect for you. You're doing very good in your life compared to that you were homeless at some point. Even though I did have mad respect for you, I respect you more as a person now than I did before, later.

Got Milk?
01-11-2011, 08:34 AM


01-11-2011, 10:14 AM
u mean he didnt have the golden voice ?

Evil Goat
01-11-2011, 12:31 PM
I usually always give 10 dollar bills even 20 dollar bills every time I see a homeless guys at a light

There's a sucker born every minute....

I don't even acknowledge "homeless" people....in the last 12 years I have done one thing for a homeless person, I was sitting in the drive thru at a mcdonalds here in macon with an obviously sad look on my face because I was having the shittiest day that anyone could ever have and ol buddy came by my truck and said "smile man, we're still breathing right?" and walked on, didn't ask for anything, wasn't looking for a handout, just noticed I was obviously having a shit day, I quickly rolled the window down and asked if there was anything I get for him and ended up grabbing him a meal with a shake and I've never seen the guy since

I've lived in Macon my whole life and some of the people around here have been homeless for a long long time....i see some of the same faces day in and day out in the same spots doing the same thing, i'm not giving them crap, i don't care if they have a skank female with them or a dog or a cat....i'm the most heartless person you'll ever run across and they'll starve before I give up my hard earned cash to some idiot who doesn't want better for themselves

01-11-2011, 07:31 PM
I always offer food not money.

01-11-2011, 09:10 PM
Damn, mad respect for you. You're doing very good in your life compared to that you were homeless at some point. Even though I did have mad respect for you, I respect you more as a person now than I did before, later.

I appreciate that. I've met so many people when I was out there. Of course, every one of them had their stories of how they got there. Well over half have everyone else to blame but themselves. They would tell me their stories and I could tell that they were creating their own mess. It's very easy to get caught up in the drug life with using them to get "away" from their problems. The addictiveness gets to them and they don't turn around. The ones that may be out there "legitimately" have gotten so used to it, they just keep on surviving that way. I was lucky enough (and smart enough) to not get wrapped up in drugs and alcohol or I might still be there. After two years of BS-ing myself, I turned it around and moved out of state to clear my mind.

I never believed the sob stories before and I damn sure don't believe them now. <--- talking about the "just ran out of gas on my way to dying Mom" or the "I'm hungry can you spare some change for a hamburger" routines. Later, QD.

01-11-2011, 11:27 PM

win!!!!!!! i always give them money if they tell me they need it for a beer fuck i would hope someone would give me money for a beer if i was broke. no joke im not just being funny

Evil Goat
01-13-2011, 06:46 PM
win!!!!!!! i always give them money if they tell me they need it for a beer fuck i would hope someone would give me money for a beer if i was broke. no joke im not just being funny

to be honest it wasn't that funny....no need to clarify

01-18-2011, 06:20 PM
i never really carry cash, and i dont like giving cash to homeless people.

01-28-2011, 09:44 AM
No way, i hate dipshits

01-28-2011, 11:30 AM
i usually give them whatever change i have in my pockets, usually a quarter or 2.

01-28-2011, 11:54 AM
After having dinner with some friends we had like 3 to go boxes with some good ass food some homeless guy came and ask for some change we didn't have any so he kinda walked away I then realize shit we have all this food so everyone agree and I went and ask him he took it right away and disappear lol some ppl deserve better some ppl just dont...my boring homeless story

01-29-2011, 01:24 PM
the real homeless ppl have jobs, they clean parking lots for a few dollars, and MANY other "here and there" oddjobs that local managers will gladly pay a few bucks for rather than have to do it htemselves. they dont beg all day. Many if not most, have mental problems and thats the life they choose to live.