View Full Version : Time to whore the wagon!! A timeline... Pic intensive!!!

12-03-2010, 08:59 PM
Well I finally finished some other projects I had going on. so I decided it was time to work on the wagon.

Here she is when I got her. 2002 OB Lexus IS300 Sportcross.



I dabbled a lil when I first got her with a few different wheel options... First was the 18X8 Work CR-KAI


Wasnt feeling it. So tried on the Volk TE37's in 17" staggerred


Still wasnt happy.

So I decided to work on my VW's. Had a Rabbit Truck I was working on and a few others before that. Spent way too much time and money trying for something I knew I didnt have the patience to obtain with the cars.

I then stumbled across a set of 18X8 Crimson Inc wheels that looked to be pretty beat up. But couldnt pass them up because they are uber rare and I got them for a good price.


They were 18X8 +45 all around. I decided to take them to my friends at Smith's Powdercoating. They hooked me up with a full refinish. Spraying them with Tiger Silver powder with a clear powder over that... They turned out pretty nice.


Slapped them on and thought I would be able to stop there...


Well then I couldnt stand the ride height anymore. TOO much gap! I first thought about just getting some springs and giving it a mild drop. Then some lil devil on my shoulder whispered in my ear.. GO LOWER!!!! So I decided to scoop up some Tein Super Street coilovers and got the EDFC to go with it.

I thought to myself.. Well if I am going to handle a lil better and since I will already be right there working on the car.. Why not go ahead and replace the brakes too. So I ordered slotted rotors with ceramic pads...

Finally got them in and did the install in about 5 hours.



Decided to go moderate on the ride height at first...



Something keeps pushing me... It is an expensive addiction.. So I hopped on the interwebs that night and said to myself. I wanna go a lil crazy. My wife is already mad enough I just spent almost $2K, and may possibly divorce me but hell I need MORE!!! lol.

After hours of arguing with the wife over my purchase that night I finally got some sleep.. I got shipping confirmation on the order the next day.

What was the order for???

17X8 +35 and 17X9 +40 BBS RS's


I was stoked. I knew I needed to refinish them so I pulled them apart the day they came in. I had decided on a color scheme a lil crazier than I normally do to get away from the safe side...

Barrells = Gloss Black
Lips, bolts, hex center caps = Mirror Polished by me
Faces = Candy Teal

So they are dropped off at the powder coaters and I take the lips, bolts and hex centercaps home.

I had my work cut out for me!!!!


So I started with 320 grit sandpaper and worked my way to 2000 grit. Wetsanding at 1000 grit and up. Slowly working my way through the clear and the grime that had eaten into them. I ended up with this.


Side by side comparrisson


I then did the same process to all the lips and all the center caps. I spent approx. 40 hours doing this process.

Alarm clock went off. Got up. Showered. Got dressed. Yawned. Grabbed a Diet Coke. Ate some breakfast. And headed to the polish wheel in the garage. It was time to bring my hard work to life. I started on the cutting side polisher. Used the "brown" polish stick. Worked out the small surface scratches and imperfections. Then went to the other side with the "pink" polish stick to give it the full on shine.

This is what I ended up with...




Polishing is a dirty job.. I looked a lot worse than this pic shows.. But I looked like a coal miner.


I then knew that when these wheels were done I would want to slam the car down really low. So I decided to get a head start on the process. So I got it up on the lift and decided to roll the fenders, trim the liners, and drop it approx. another inch all around...


I was getting excited. My wheels are still currently not done. But I did go check on my status yesterday.


They vaccuum primed the faces. And my barrells are done in the gloss black. Next step they said is the Bengal Silver base coat and then the Candy Teal over that. Hopefully by the firs tof the week I will get them back.

While I was there I also noticed these in the back next to my wheels...



Not one but TWO sets of Lamborghini Superleggra wheels. Valued at $6300 per set. WOAH!!!

I also decided the OG bolts werent shiney enough so I ordered new bolts.

When they are done I will get them mounted up ASAP and get some pics up. Im stoked.. Sorry for the hella ong post. Im stoked.

12-03-2010, 09:14 PM
Nice work! Definately gonna be dopeness with the BBS

12-03-2010, 09:23 PM
shit looks awesome , loved the commentary

12-03-2010, 09:26 PM

12-03-2010, 09:34 PM
Thanks... Im stoked.. And definately getting a little excited about seeing the finished product :)

12-04-2010, 12:46 AM
The BBS are gonna be baller, can't wait to see them on the car

12-04-2010, 01:56 AM
Damn those are some wide ass Lamborghini wheels. Those BBS wheels will look good on that Lexus.

12-04-2010, 08:18 AM
Gonna be sick by the sounds of it, very in depth thread love it.

civic gsr
12-04-2010, 09:32 AM
my wife the same she would have killed me already

nice work manm

12-04-2010, 09:59 AM
very awesome car love the detail.

12-04-2010, 10:31 AM
Thanks.. Wish the wheels were done so I could work on some other details

Got Milk?
12-04-2010, 10:36 AM
Very Nice!!!!

12-04-2010, 11:12 AM
loved the first wheels actually, but theres nothin wrong with bein a wheel whore :-) good stuff man

oh and btw, shoulda just grabbed the SL wheels and took off lol

12-05-2010, 12:41 AM
The owner of the powder coating place drives one of these... (NO I am not kidding in any way shape or form.. this really is what he drives!!!)


And has lots of guns he calls toys.. And is about the same size as a side by side refridgerator lol... Not stealing anything from there :)

And the Crimson Inc wheels that are on the car now are for sale.

12-05-2010, 12:37 PM
^^ i see... lol. clean car man. youve got good taste in wheels. just curious, how many pedals?

12-05-2010, 01:33 PM
^^ i see... lol. clean car man. youve got good taste in wheels. just curious, how many pedals?

Well unfortunately the Sportcross only came in the 2 pedal option lol. I am currently researching the possiblity of a complete 2J swap with 6 speed tranny. Not sure my wallet can afford it yet. Just researching. I need a real sponsor lol.

12-05-2010, 03:13 PM
Well unfortunately the Sportcross only came in the 2 pedal option lol. I am currently researching the possiblity of a complete 2J swap with 6 speed tranny. Not sure my wallet can afford it yet. Just researching. I need a real sponsor lol.

thats what i thought. that swap would be incredible. if you didnt have sponsors before then, youd definitely have them afterward.

12-05-2010, 05:13 PM
thats what i thought. that swap would be incredible. if you didnt have sponsors before then, youd definitely have them afterward.

Yeah but if I got sponsors afterwards there wouldnt be much more to do besides paint and body work lol

12-05-2010, 06:53 PM
Yeah but if I got sponsors afterwards there wouldnt be much more to do besides paint and body work lol

haha you say that but after youve fulfilled all your major goals like that, youll start to notice more and more things that you want to do with a car. its just part of the addiction. best of luck on your plans for the car.

12-06-2010, 12:37 AM
Well played sir.

12-06-2010, 01:42 AM
good shit.. the BBS' are gonna be a good look.. nice work on the polishing..

12-06-2010, 09:07 AM
Thanks guys.. I talked to my buddies about 15 minutes ago.. They are gonna have the BBS's done this week! Hopefully no later than Weds. Possibly today or 2moro depending on how many mufflers they can get done. They do all the powder coating for Cherry Bomb mufflers. So all those bright red glasspacks (sp) and mufflers and such you see from Cherry Bomb was done at the same powder coaters. :) Hopefully they get all the red dust out of the gun and out of the air before they spray my wheels lol.. I dont want purple wheels :)

12-06-2010, 09:34 AM
good deal. goes without saying but post the update when you get them on.

12-06-2010, 10:33 AM
Yeah I gotta run by the Toyota dealership and pick up Toyota Sealer 102 "FIPG" today so when I do get them I will have the sealer to put them back together. :) That damn stuff is $14 per tube though... UGH!!!

Sylent Nite
12-06-2010, 09:33 PM
Nice work and nice post man, Love it when people show how much time and effort they really put into the few cars in the South that stand out and get the right attention. Reps for you bud.

12-07-2010, 09:07 AM
My car seems to turn some heads as it sits.. I think it is just because they are rare cars and mine is sitting on the ground. It probably doesnt help that I have the stickers on the back window.. including the chrome AK47 one lol.. I feel kinda wierd having my teal BBS sticker on the car that I had made considering my BBS's arent on the car yet. But oh well

12-07-2010, 09:36 PM
Powder coater said the wheels will be done 2moro.. Hopefully nothing comes up to hold them back. I cant complain.. They hook me up with the discount :)

12-08-2010, 04:11 PM
All I gotta say is....

BOOOOOOOOOMMMM Bitches.. Wheel one is done...


Others are still in pieces.. I need to clean off the finger printed mess I have on them, so dont mind the smudges.

Heres a few bonus shots..



Messy SHIT here...




12-08-2010, 04:45 PM
haha you look like a kid on christmas morning. GOOD SHIT man. wheels look incredible.

12-08-2010, 05:39 PM
good work!

404 THE DC4
12-08-2010, 06:02 PM

12-08-2010, 07:29 PM
Thank you.. That wheel thats done looks like crap in the pic bc of those smudges but oh well. I got 2 wheels done before my old man back decided to stop. Plus it is supposed to snow this weekend and I will be damned if I am gonna run these in the snow lol.. So I got some time to finish em. I am also gonna buy some more Toyota Sealer to run another bead around the wheel just fro extra durability

12-08-2010, 08:10 PM
Sorry to post again but snapped a few shots of the TWO finished.. Had to whore em out a lil more...






One 17X8 and one 17X9 done.. one side of the car can be baller lol

12-08-2010, 08:26 PM
Daayyyuuuuuuuuuum, those wheels are clean as fukk :goodjob:

12-08-2010, 08:30 PM

12-08-2010, 08:52 PM
So you all like???? lol.. Im stoked to finish em but unfortunately I have other shit to do too... And Im whooped with my almost 2 year old running around and my wife wanting attention.. So Im not gonna rush them to get done. I want them done right. I dont want the money I spent going to waste. Thats a lot of money!!!!

12-08-2010, 09:11 PM
B.A.L.L.E.R status

12-09-2010, 10:36 AM
If you ever go to sell them.... dibs.

12-09-2010, 10:53 AM
haha hell yeah we like them. well, i do anyway. Few people take the time to "do it right" on this site, so by all means, take your time.

12-09-2010, 11:38 AM
Great Work! In for Updates

12-09-2010, 04:41 PM
If you ever go to sell them.... dibs.

If I ever do sell these they will be in the $3K range.. Theres a similar set and the guy is asking $3,500 for them. I have invested approximately $2,500 and that doesnt include my time, which is literally HOURS AND HOURS in polishing, disassembly, driving for parts lol, assembly, and tire mounting which isnt even done. All in all I would say I have about 40 or so hours into them. It took about 4-6 hours for EACH lip to be sanded properly. So needless to say.. Shit aint cheap!!! Plus the powder coat I get the hookup on. So a normal guy/girl that walked into the powder coaters couldnt get the work done that I did...

My good friends work at Smith Powder Coating here in my area. They do amazing work. Needless to say... But they had my barrells and faces media blasted. Then sanded. The barrells were simply cleaned after they got back from the blaster and shot with gloss black. Wasnt too worried about them. The faces were cleaned. Then they were vaccuum primed. After the vaccuum prime thay got a Bengal Silver base coat. After the base coat was baked on and cleaned they then layed the Candy Teal on. I got basically half off of what it would cost someone to get it done this way and it still wasnt cheap. The candy teal powder alone was $75.

But I will have more pics up tonight. I am going to try and finish assembling the other two wheels, if my back allows me to that is.

12-09-2010, 09:25 PM
Im in pain lol... BUT...


Got them done!!!

12-09-2010, 09:31 PM

lol. good stuff. get em mounted!

12-11-2010, 12:21 AM
Looks nice. Wish i would have done this picture thing for my RX7

12-11-2010, 10:29 AM
Got the tires mounted and balanced at the shop last night.. Pics arent the best.. Front tires didnt seal properly for some reason.. Gonna have to redo them I think. It isnt leaking from the wheel so they are sealed properly thank goodness... But heres a few shots.. Not the best...





12-11-2010, 12:42 PM
i wanna see some shots in the daytime...looks good

12-11-2010, 04:54 PM
Havent had time yet. But I will soon hopefully. Unfortunately the weather isnt supposed to be the greatest the next day or two.

12-11-2010, 06:31 PM
yeah weather is gonna suck...but cool

12-14-2010, 10:26 AM
Well it was fun while it lasted.. Had a bunch of people compliment the wheels at the gas station and everywhere I stopped, but as my luck would have it we got snow right after I got these on which means the salt is on the roads. I will be pulling the wheels off til next season so they dont get ruined. Im sorry these are the only pics I can offer during the day in this 15 degree weather... Salt covered car :( I had a lil fun with the photo editor lol



A lil too much fun with the editor lol.. These could make some cool posters/tshirts lol
