View Full Version : Aftermarket HIDs

09-25-2010, 11:22 AM
I cannot stand people that stick HIDs in halogen housings. Unless you retrofit projectors, I fucking hate you. You blind everyone else on the road which is dangerous. I was sitting at a light and this douche bag in a new Wrangler had HIDs in his headlights and fogs.. I couldn't even see the fucking traffic light. So I put my brights on. I see him flash his brights (even though they aren't any brighter). I leave mine on the whole time, and as we drive by, he yells: "Your brights!!"... ARGHHHHH fucking rice boy shit fuck douche ass cunt... Srly, every fucking douche I see with HIDs, if they blind me, you eat my fucking brights!!! Go fuck yourselves..


I wish police officers here in the states enforced this. Also, I wish everyone here flashed their lights whenever some douche has blinding lights..

Even people that put their fogs on when there is no fog irritate me. I don't flash my headlights, but in Europe, people will flash you for putting your fogs on when there is no fog. Because they are blinding to an extent. I really don't understand why Americans don't flash their lights when they are blinded by oncoming motorists. Actually I do. The average driver here is definitely less aware of his surroundings than the average European driver.

ARGGHHH that gets me on another subject.. Slower traffic never keeps right in this fucking country!!!!!!!1 I swear, either they do it on purpose, or they have no clue what is behind them.. Most European countries will FINE you if you don't keep right when the right lane is free.


09-25-2010, 02:28 PM

But I totally understand where your coming from

09-25-2010, 05:16 PM
Listen here you socialist commie pink-o sissy Uropean... This hur is Americua, we don't care how much more "soofistacated" Urope is. If your fairy little eyes can't take the heat, then stay off our roads. My grandad didn't lose his toe in Korea so you can bitch and moan about my 1st amendment right to express myself thru 15k HID's.

Americua... FUCK YEA!!!!!

09-25-2010, 06:16 PM
I have HIDs ;)

flash me and see if things dont get even brighter lol

09-25-2010, 10:08 PM
You did it, everyone does it. If the light is the correct Kelvin and adjusted properly, it doesn't affect cars passing by. But no1 takes the time to adjust them. They enjoy having other cars running off the side of the road.


09-25-2010, 11:02 PM
You did it, everyone does it. If the light is the correct Kelvin and adjusted properly, it doesn't affect cars passing by. But no1 takes the time to adjust them. They enjoy having other cars running off the side of the road.


No, there is still glare, even if you point them down.. Glare will blind other motorists.

Also, I would like to correct my original post.. I don't think it is so much 'american' drivers.. More like 'georgian' drivers. fuck I hate georgia..

09-26-2010, 08:02 AM
ARGGHHH that gets me on another subject.. Slower traffic never keeps right in this fucking country!!!!!!!1 I swear, either they do it on purpose, or they have no clue what is behind them.. Most European countries will FINE you if you don't keep right when the right lane is free.


This is what pisses me off the most. I deal with this on the daily and it drives me insane!! 65 mph is not meant for the fast lane. GTFO!

09-26-2010, 09:39 AM
or when people have their HIDS on at 2pm

09-26-2010, 09:45 AM
or when people have their HIDS on at 2pm

That just makes them look like fools. I laugh every time I see people do this.

Mr Egg Rollllll
09-26-2010, 11:04 AM
That, ladies and gentlemen, is why I retrofitted.

09-26-2010, 03:10 PM
I got SilverStars for the Miata. It's like having an E-bay HID kit... Except I can see where I'm going.

09-26-2010, 04:01 PM
thats why i got projectors, i dont care what people say and make fun of me for having them but i dont blind other people

09-26-2010, 04:34 PM
HIDs are getting ridiculous i see them on everything now, minivans, trucks,

my care came stock with projectors atleast

09-26-2010, 04:43 PM
LoL I am with you :D Need that MOVE OVER sticker on the windshield that points to the right hahaha. :D My car came stock with HID's so at least they came with shields!

09-26-2010, 07:59 PM
Yeah it sucks ass. i see to many people down here in florida that do that shit.. big rigs are doing it now to. and it just blinds the fuck outa me at night.. i wanted to slap one dude that came into best buy the one day. he has them on his tahoe. and he has the fogs and everything. he just said he didnt care if he blinded other drivers he thinks they look cool. i was like yeah blinde a cop. he said the famious last words and i passed him not to long after that being pulled over and busted for them cause he blinded a cop! i really hope cops start cracking down on that shit. cause if they dont belong in your car and you dont at least adjust them you desirve to be pulled over and fined for it.

As for the drivers that drive 55-60 in the far left lane. ya'll need to die! cause that shit is just fucked up.

I wanna add to this as well the stupid ass people that have the handicap stickers on there rear view mirrors and almost hit someone cause they cant see around them. you need to eat shit to!

09-26-2010, 10:10 PM
Look at the 99-01 TL they have HID in a factory non projector headlight, yet they blind you also. Sad thing is when you were taught to drive they tell you not to stare directly into the lights. I have no problem, and not worth making a fuss over it, just focus looking at the right shoulder of the road till they pass.

09-27-2010, 09:14 AM
I cannot stand people that stick HIDs in halogen housings. Unless you retrofit projectors, I fucking hate you. You blind everyone else on the road which is dangerous. I was sitting at a light and this douche bag in a new Wrangler had HIDs in his headlights and fogs.. I couldn't even see the fucking traffic light. So I put my brights on. I see him flash his brights (even though they aren't any brighter). I leave mine on the whole time, and as we drive by, he yells: "Your brights!!"... ARGHHHHH fucking rice boy shit fuck douche ass cunt... Srly, every fucking douche I see with HIDs, if they blind me, you eat my fucking brights!!! Go fuck yourselves..


I wish police officers here in the states enforced this. Also, I wish everyone here flashed their lights whenever some douche has blinding lights..

Even people that put their fogs on when there is no fog irritate me. I don't flash my headlights, but in Europe, people will flash you for putting your fogs on when there is no fog. Because they are blinding to an extent. I really don't understand why Americans don't flash their lights when they are blinded by oncoming motorists. Actually I do. The average driver here is definitely less aware of his surroundings than the average European driver.

ARGGHHH that gets me on another subject.. Slower traffic never keeps right in this fucking country!!!!!!!1 I swear, either they do it on purpose, or they have no clue what is behind them.. Most European countries will FINE you if you don't keep right when the right lane is free.


Aawwww babe... so mad! <3 I love it. :kiss:

You know i agree with this 100%! Especially those dipshits in the left lane. Just because they think they are going fast doesn't mean they actually are. UGH. And to those people: when we cut you off to reinforce the "Slower traffic KEEP RIGHT" rule , DO NOT put on your highbeams.

I just don't know why you won't let me wave a gun around to these people... I'm pretty sure that would be beneficial!

I'd also like to add:

I HATE the people who go slow as hell, then speed right up once you get next to them as you pass.
Then those in front of you who slow down when they pass someone.
To those who do not know how to keep a constant speed- FUCKYOU- it isn't hard.
Finally- people definitely don't know how to merge.

ohhh.. road rage.


09-27-2010, 09:23 AM

I HATE the people who go slow as hell, then speed right up once you get next to them as you pass.
Then those in front of you who slow down when they pass someone.
To those who do not know how to keep a constant speed- FUCKYOU- it isn't hard.
Finally- people definitely don't know how to merge.

ohhh.. road rage.


I have to deal with this EVERY morning on my way to work. The entrance ramp to the interstate goes around a sharp turn while going up a pretty steep hill and no one seems to know how to space out and merge into traffic...instead they stop at the top of the ramp causing all kinds of traffic. Then the whole not keeping a constant speed and getting faster when I try to pass makes me rage and wish I could just run them off the road

09-27-2010, 09:41 AM
Aawwww babe... so mad! <3 I love it. :kiss:

You know i agree with this 100%! Especially those dipshits in the left lane. Just because they think they are going fast doesn't mean they actually are. UGH. And to those people: when we cut you off to reinforce the "Slower traffic KEEP RIGHT" rule , DO NOT put on your highbeams.

I just don't know why you won't let me wave a gun around to these people... I'm pretty sure that would be beneficial!

I'd also like to add:

I HATE the people who go slow as hell, then speed right up once you get next to them as you pass.
Then those in front of you who slow down when they pass someone.
To those who do not know how to keep a constant speed- FUCKYOU- it isn't hard.
Finally- people definitely don't know how to merge.

ohhh.. road rage.


I didn't read anything in your post due to the epic Clown Shoe.

Also Frog, people here in the States are to sensitive when brights get flashed at them. They over react and don't get the point that you are just trying to say "Hello! Excuse me fellow American neighbor, but I can not see due to your fog lights. Can you turn them off, thank you" or "Move over please I'm traveling 27 MPH faster than you". They think you are trying to say, "ARRGGGHHH FUCKING ASSHOLE GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND RAPE YOUR MOTHER".

09-27-2010, 10:15 AM

We are Americans....this IS what we say.

On a side note, I hate the fucks that come right on my ass in the fast lane when I am already doing 80+ and flash your lights for me to move. This works out really well when I am at work and driving my three ton ambulance. Fortunately for those people, they have good brakes :D

09-27-2010, 10:32 AM
We are Americans....this IS what we say.

On a side note, I hate the fucks that come right on my ass in the fast lane when I am already doing 80+ and flash your lights for me to move. This works out really well when I am at work and driving my three ton ambulance. Fortunately for those people, they have good brakes :D

LOL atleast if something happens you can take care of them

09-27-2010, 10:37 AM
LOL atleast if something happens you can take care of them

Not if they hug my ass. I switch on my bright ass LED load lights and brake check them. It usually does the trick.

09-27-2010, 06:40 PM
I just hate people. They fuck shit up too much.

Someone bomb the roads so us ricers can have some fun


just kidding

09-27-2010, 07:36 PM



09-27-2010, 07:37 PM
Just because your diesel truck is fast thanks to your programmer, does NOT mean it can stop on a dime or handle like a Miata. Stop driving it like it's a goddamn sports car, its still a 2 1/2 ton TRUCK.

09-27-2010, 07:46 PM
Just because your diesel truck is fast thanks to your programmer, does NOT mean it can stop on a dime or handle like a Miata. Stop driving it like it's a goddamn sports car, its still a 2 1/2 ton TRUCK.

and have it tuned properly so it doesnt smoke all over the place...that shit stinks so bad

09-27-2010, 08:39 PM
and have it tuned properly so it doesnt smoke all over the place...that shit stinks so bad

no that's just you

09-28-2010, 12:41 AM
On a side note, I hate the fucks that come right on my ass in the fast lane when I am already doing 80+ and flash your lights for me to move. This works out really well when I am at work and driving my three ton ambulance. Fortunately for those people, they have good brakes :D

Well, you should still merge right, regardless of your speed.. If I am going 100mph, and someone comes up behind me, I do everything I can to move over to let him continue at that rate. I usually achieve this before they even have to brake.

If we follow your logic, it is the same as ppl going 55 or 60 MPH in a 55 mph zone.. They also, just like you, think: "I am already going speed limit / 5 mph over speed limit".

Left lane isn't for driving, it is for passing. You are in the same boat as the people who cannot grasp the notion of keeping right.

Also Frog, people here in the States are to sensitive when brights get flashed at them. They over react and don't get the point that you are just trying to say "Hello! Excuse me fellow American neighbor, but I can not see due to your fog lights. Can you turn them off, thank you" or "Move over please I'm traveling 27 MPH faster than you". They think you are trying to say, "ARRGGGHHH FUCKING ASSHOLE GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND RAPE YOUR MOTHER".

HAHAH very true

I'd also like to add:

I HATE the people who go slow as hell, then speed right up once you get next to them as you pass.
Then those in front of you who slow down when they pass someone.
To those who do not know how to keep a constant speed- FUCKYOU- it isn't hard.
Finally- people definitely don't know how to merge.

ARGH!!!! Yes, are we the only ones who know how to use cruise control? It sure seems like it whenever I am on the highway.

And for 90% of GA drivers: On-ramps are meant for you to 'get up to speed'. To do this, push on the rightmost pedal. Fucking inbreeds.

09-28-2010, 08:04 AM
ARGH!!!! Yes, are we the only ones who know how to use cruise control? It sure seems like it whenever I am on the highway.

And for 90% of GA drivers: On-ramps are meant for you to 'get up to speed'. To do this, push on the rightmost pedal. Fucking inbreeds.

Pretty sure we are. ;) That's why i wuuuv uuuu

HAHHAAHAH YES! Speed up to get on a highway! That's the best part... people really fail so hard.

09-28-2010, 08:51 AM
ARGH!!!! Yes, are we the only ones who know how to use cruise control? It sure seems like it whenever I am on the highway.

And for 90% of GA drivers: On-ramps are meant for you to 'get up to speed'. To do this, push on the rightmost pedal. Fucking inbreeds.

These 2 things along with keeping right piss me off the most. I know your dumbass has cruise control, it's pretty much standard equipment on most cars now and if you don't pay the fuck attention and maintain speed.

The slow drivers on the on-ramps is probably top of my list. Holy shit, please don't drive 30 mph down the ramp, wait until you're 2 car lengths from HAVING to merge and then try to either speed up a little and cut someone off or just park at the end of the ramp, every time someone does this in front of me in my truck I just want to push the 4low button and push these fucks out of the way. It's a ramp, it's long as fuck for a reason, even if you have the slowest piece of shit car you can get up to a decent speed before the end of the ramp.

09-28-2010, 09:11 AM
The slow drivers on the on-ramps is probably top of my list. Holy shit, please don't drive 30 mph down the ramp, wait until you're 2 car lengths from HAVING to merge and then try to either speed up a little and cut someone off or just park at the end of the ramp, every time someone does this in front of me in my truck I just want to push the 4low button and push these fucks out of the way. It's a ramp, it's long as fuck for a reason, even if you have the slowest piece of shit car you can get up to a decent speed before the end of the ramp.

Well put!

09-28-2010, 09:45 AM
This one also just came to me on my way to work. People who realize they need to turn at the last minute on a divided highway and decide it's a good idea to stop in the far right lane, and cause all kind of fuckery trying to get to the turn lane instead of going to the next light, making a u-turn and coming back to where you needed to turn. Save yourself the headache and the danger for yourself and everyone you just cut off and just take 1 more minute to go to the next light.


09-28-2010, 09:59 AM
We are Americans....this IS what we say.

On a side note, I hate the fucks that come right on my ass in the fast lane when I am already doing 80+ and flash your lights for me to move. This works out really well when I am at work and driving my three ton ambulance. Fortunately for those people, they have good brakes :D

and I can't stand people who brake check :P

09-28-2010, 11:06 AM
I don't tailgate, but if someone were to brake check me, they'll find out if their brakes are good enough to stop two cars...

09-30-2010, 03:14 PM
funny thing

i was pulled the other night and the main topic were my lights

6k hids

us spec ellipsoids

the first officer was dead set on giving me a ticket

2nd officer shows up and explains to him "its ok its not illegal. they dont blind you"

told me to aim my lights a little better and sent me on my way lol

09-30-2010, 08:33 PM
what a whiner...seriously stop being such a pansy

10-03-2010, 12:25 AM

10-04-2010, 03:05 AM
I am only referring to the people that hug my ass real close and then expect me to merge. And last I checked, the left lane isn't for passing. If I drive in the left lane, then obviously I will be driving faster than the rest of traffic. You 100mph ass can go around me if you are in that much of a hurry.

10-04-2010, 03:50 AM
And last I checked, the left lane isn't for passing. If I drive in the left lane, then obviously I will be driving faster than the rest of traffic. You 100mph ass can go around me if you are in that much of a hurry.Uhhh... If you're in the left lane and going "faster than the rest of the traffic" and someone is going faster (100mph assholes) than you then you are not going faster than the rest of the traffic...

Logic Fail.

BTW: The left lane is for passing.

10-04-2010, 07:33 AM
echo ftmfw

10-04-2010, 03:42 PM
Uhhh... If you're in the left lane and going "faster than the rest of the traffic" and someone is going faster (100mph assholes) than you then you are not going faster than the rest of the traffic...

Logic Fail.

BTW: The left lane is for passing.

LOL, and you can actually get a ticket for not moving over, regardless of what speed you are going, impeding the flow of traffic or something along those lines.

10-04-2010, 05:07 PM
I'm pretty sure the cop will pull over the guy going 100+ than a guy that's blocking traffic going 80..... But yeah left lane is for passing. Thought that was common sense.......

10-07-2010, 11:48 PM

10-07-2010, 11:50 PM
I have HIDs ;)

flash me and see if things dont get even brighter lol

fuck you in the face. Cram your mad tyte JDM RicerVision lights up your ass.

funny thing

i was pulled the other night and the main topic were my lights

6k hids

us spec ellipsoids

the first officer was dead set on giving me a ticket

2nd officer shows up and explains to him "its ok its not illegal. they dont blind you"

told me to aim my lights a little better and sent me on my way lol

Damn fine police work.
Stupid pigs.

10-08-2010, 09:16 AM
fuck you in the face. Cram your mad tyte JDM RicerVision lights up your ass.

Damn fine police work.
Stupid pigs.
LOL good one dumbass. I bet FX projectors turned on bright in your face will run you right off the road ;)

10-08-2010, 10:02 AM
LOL good one dumbass. I bet FX projectors turned on bright in your face will run you right off the road ;)Or into a head-on collision with you... If I'm in my 18-wheeler or 3500 Dually I guarantee I would walk away the winner from that battle, if I were in the Miata... Well, I guess that's why my wife has such a big life insurance policy on me.:(

But seriously, I have no problem if HID's are in projectors and done right... We all know it's the e-Bay/cheap/young crowd (not everyone, but most) that fucks it up for everyone.

10-08-2010, 10:08 AM
Or into a head-on collision with you... If I'm in my 18-wheeler or 3500 Dually I guarantee I would walk away the winner from that battle, if I were in the Miata... Well, I guess that's why my wife has such a big life insurance policy on me.:(

But seriously, I have no problem if HID's are in projectors and done right... We all know it's the e-Bay/cheap/young crowd (not everyone, but most) that fucks it up for everyone.

Or into a head-on collision with you... If I'm in my 18-wheeler or 3500 Dually I guarantee I would walk away the winner from that battle, if I were in the Miata... Well, I guess that's why my wife has such a big life insurance policy on me.:(

But seriously, I have no problem if HID's are in projectors and done right... We all know it's the e-Bay/cheap/young crowd (not everyone, but most) that fucks it up for everyone.

Cool double post bro! LOL but seriously i was just fucking around. I have retrofited OEM headlights so I can see better....and everyone else can still see too

10-08-2010, 10:13 AM
Cool double post bro! LOL but seriously i was just fucking around. I have retrofited OEM headlights so I can see better....and everyone else can still see tooLOL... I'm sitting in the middle of a Cow pasture with one bar on my mobile broadband. Not sure if it's me or still IA...

00 blk G20t
10-08-2010, 10:29 AM
Big kudos to the asshole that cuts out of the way of stopped traffic, leaving you going to fast behind him to stop in time slamming into the stopped car in front of you......... but i guess thats what you get for following to closely. :) yup been there.

10-08-2010, 12:45 PM
LOL good one dumbass. I bet FX projectors turned on bright in your face will run you right off the road ;)
