View Full Version : Misc WTF?!?! Robocop remake?

11-13-2005, 10:10 PM

yea, a damn remake... are they that lazy now? i mean I remember the original, so it cant be that old... right? LOL


"...The circuitry-filled crimefighter has already endured two inferior sequels, a syndicated TV series and a pair of straight-to-cable movies, but that’s not enough damage for Tinseltown, so producer Michael De Luca and Sony have apparently decided to dismantle the scrap and solder it back together for a 21st century version of the heavy-steppin’ police weapon.

Our source is usually quite reliable with intel, as unfortunate as that may be in this case. I honestly thought De Luca was a little better than this – as New Line’s former president of production, he helped make a reality of movies like Blade, Magnolia, The Mask, Austin Powers… And now a remake like this?

Blasphemy? Nah, but certainly idiotic, and a distressing indication of the true depths of creative bankruptcy afflicting Hollywood. Word is that original Robocop director Paul Verhoeven wisely wants nothing to do with it.

As a summary for those six or seven mutants out there who’ve never seen it, the original extra-violent classic was set in a crime-ridden futuristic Detroit, where a mortally wounded law officer becomes part of a corporate experiment in which his remains are encased in a robotic suit and unleashed on the city’s felons."