View Full Version : Misc I just got an Nvidia 6800!!!!!!

11-13-2005, 06:17 PM
This thing is sweet. It out benches the ATI 9800xt 256 on everything.

I am playing UT2k4 with all settings on high and at 1600x1280 resolution. I am getting well over 100 frames per second.

F.E.A.R. demo almost everything is on max.

Still gotta try Quake 4

Best 185 Ive spent. Also Monarch has a 25 mail in rebate so the card is 160 in the end. Monarch is also a local shop in Tucker so I was able to just go get it instead if waiting on FedEx:D

11-13-2005, 07:37 PM
congrats, yeh monarch is where i got all my parts for my computer. great places