View Full Version : General Chat Commonly overlooked Traffic laws, and original(long) Rant by me

87 Turbo II
07-15-2010, 01:25 AM
I have a few things I feel every single person in America should read, because apparently nobody knows. It's broken up into 4 parts per problem. The "General information" part, the "What you should do" part, the "What you should NEVER do" part, and the "Why this is important" part. Feel free to addyour own to this thread if you know other laws you see people break all the time and put them and others at danger (other than speeding, that's hardly even really unsafe unless it's on back roads and blind corners/hills)

!!!!!!LEFT LANE!!!!!!!!
General Information: On a highway the left lane is used for passing and passing only. If the speed limit is 55mph and you're going 105mph in the left lane next to a car in the 2nd to left lane going 105mph, you're still in the wrong because although you're both speeding, you've got a "obstructing the flow of traffic" charge too because if you're both going 105mph, you're not passing them, and the really big jackass going 110MPH behind you cannot make the pass without moving to the 3rd to left lane to get around you two and you're forcing him to "make an illegal pass" on top of HIS speeding charge.

What you should do: If there isn't a car to your right that you are overtaking, move over to the right to occupy that space. If you are in the 2nd to left lane and wish to pass someone in front of you, move to the LEFT not to the RIGHT and pass them. When you are in front of their car and have some distance, get back over or continue passing cars if it is a row of cars you're overtaking. If you're passing in the left lane, and someone comes up behind you, finish your pass, then when you have space, get to the right, let the faster car pass you, then get back to the left and continue passing the other cars.

What you should NEVER do: Cruise in the left lane just because you can. If there is no one to pass to your right, stay in the passing lane illegally. Drive in the left lane to the left of a car going the same speed as you creating a 2 lane moving block that someone has to illegally pass 2 lanes to the right of.

Why this is important: There are always people who will want to go faster than you, you are not the law, you do not have the right to try and be a want-to-be cop and stop speeder by blocking the lane. If you are caught going 5 over the limit in the left lane by a cop and you're not passing, even though you're speeding you can STILL get a ticked for interrupting the flow of traffic, so you're not too law abiding yourself. In theory these left lanes should prevent a highway from EVER stopping(unless someone's car breaks down), yet anyone who drive's 285 at 8:00 a.m. knows that fucker's treating the left like any other cruising lane all the way up to 400 will back the highway up as if it has red lights for miles.

!!!!!!!!RIGHT LANE!!!!!!!
General information: The right lane is for entering and exiting a highway. Cars entering the highway will be forced to merge into this lane and cars exiting will need to be in this lane before exiting. Cruising is permitted, but choosing to cruise in this lane comes with requirements.

What you should do: Merge onto this lane from an entry ramp, wait until you can move to the left and then proceed to do so until you are 1 or 2 exits away from where you need to get off. If you're about to get off the highway, perhaps you should wait until you've passed the merging point of the last entry ramp before going towards your exit ramp. Or, since you are about to leave the highway, slow down to let people on, you don't need to be gonig fast when getting off on your exit ramp anyway.

What you should NEVER do: Drive in the right lane because it's clear and speed past everyone to your left and also blowing by the entry ramps to your right and cutting off the people slowly getting on.

Why this is important:You have the OPTION to use this lane, but the car's entering when you drive by an on ramp don't get that choice you do. They HAVE to get over to where you are, so if you two are about to collide, YOU have to be the one to watch them approach from the corner of your eye, and pace yourselves to let them merge in front of you. They have no choice, they need this lane to get on the highway, you don't NEED it since you're already on the highway. This is why entry ramps get backed up from people not being allowed on, and once again if people did this properly, in theory, (other than broken down cars) the highway ramps would never come to a standstill. IF people used the left and right lanes properly, there would never be traffic jams ever, you would never be late to work. No more stop and go traffic.

General Information: A flashing yellow light is NOT A 4 WAY STOP!!!! It means, 2 busy often 2 3 or 4 lane roads intersect and the traffic signal is down, the busier road has flashing yellow, which is proceed with caution. The less busy one has flashing red, which means stop until the cars going through the flashing yellow on the busier road have cleared away.

What you should do: If you see a flashing yellow light ahead of you, you're going to have the right of way, 100%, guaranteed every time over the intersecting road. The other road will have a flashing red and they HAVE to stop and wait for you to go by. So when you see yellow flashing, just slow down, look around as you roll through it, and move on. If you see red flashing, wait until the intersection is clear and proceed to move through it when no cars are coming on the road with a flashing yellow.

What you should NEVER do: Stop at a flashing yellow and tell the person who has a flashing red it's their turn to go. If you're at a flashing red light and you think it's a 4 way stop, just assume you're right, don't look at the other signal to see if it's yellow. Just go when you think it's your turn and if you hit somebody pretend it's their fault.

Why this is Important: I am TIRED of sitting at a flashing red, only to see someone stop on a 3 lane road with a flashing yellow trying to wave me on. If the car next to them treats the flashing yellow properly, and the jackass stopped at the yellow waves me into the intersection, and I am hit by the guy following the law and driving through the flashing yellow, it's still my fault, when I could have happily waited for everyone to clear away and then proceed.

Now if driver's ed actually stressed these very real but for some reason often overlooked laws. Or even better if people would take a 1 hour lecture that reminded them about laws like this every 3years or so to keep their license(and people actually used the roads properly), traffic would be reduced almost to nothing. The government spends millions of dollars putting up stupid red lights at all the traffic ramps that do nothing and setting up super speeder laws and nothing changes, traffic is JUST as bad as it used to be, sometimes worse. The government could very easily require people to attend law reminder classes every few years and collect revenue off of the classes to actually help out with our country's debt, it would also give jobs to people at driving education schools by opening these mandatory classrooms up and thus stimulate the economy. You have to realize, these 40 year old assholes weaving in and out of the right lanes without their blinkers going 20 over and cutting people off and stopping at intersections that even have "keep moving" signs haven't seen a driver's ed classroom in 25 years and have had 25 years of not learning the new laws that have come out, or been reminded of any of the hundreds of laws they forgotten and still people are SURPRISED that there are so many accidents and traffic jams? Seriously America, grow up.

07-15-2010, 01:28 AM
Don't forget driving with hazards on in the rain. I want to ram all of them lol!

87 Turbo II
07-15-2010, 02:20 AM
Don't forget driving with hazards on in the rain. I want to ram all of them lol!
Oh that's going in.

!!!!!!!!Hazard Lights!!!!!!!!
General information: Your vehicle is equipped with hazard lights to let other driver's know your car is either stopped in the way, or is about to be because a wheel feels like it is going to fall off and you're making your way over to stop. They are not for "hazardous road conditions" but rather "hazardous vehicular conditions.

What you should do: When in the rain, turn on your head and tail lights. THERE! Now you're visible, no more action needed. If you ride the brakes and take it slow, which you will probably doing in a heavy downpour traffic conditions, then the bright third brake light and extra bright tail lights are showing other drivers where you are PLENTY well. If your car stops in the middle of the road, or partially in a flowing lane of traffic, or inthe middle of a parking lot but not in a space, and you feel it is in the way, THEN turn on your hazard lights. If you lose all brake pedal feel, or if your steering locks up, now is a good time to use your hazards as well.

What you should NEVER do: Unfortunately I can't say you should never drive with them on, because for some ungodly reason, the book issued by the DMV actually recommends you put your hazard lights on in the rain. I just recommend sticking to your usual lights though. There isn't really anything you should NEVER do, but for everyone's sake, just pretend your hazard lights are forbidden in any situation that is unlike the one above in the "what you should do" section.

Why it is important: It's unnecessary when a static light makes you visible already. Also driving in the rain requires concentration, a blinking light is DISTRACTING as hell! driver'shave enough to worry about in a heavy downpour. Also, if you're turning or merging lanes, the hazard lights treat your turn signals as if they don't exist so when you merge into me with your hazard lights on, I'm going to have to say I don't see how it couldn't have been your fault.

07-15-2010, 04:25 AM
Where does it say it in the book? That would definitely be contradicting GA Law if it says hazards are ok to use in the rain: it's technically illegal to use hazard lights on a moving vehicle unless you are attempting to get to the shoulder during an emergency situation.

87 Turbo II
07-15-2010, 09:33 AM
Oh you're right, after checking the 2009 laws (it's what ts on the DMV's website) it actually says not to. I don't know what buy I remember back in 05 when I was reading through the laws the first time I could have sworn I got to that sentence and my jaw dropped, maybe for a little while the state did encourage it? Hell I don't know,this is another reason people should have to attend a little law reminding lecture once every few years.

07-18-2010, 11:21 PM
Is this really "commonly overlooked" law? Do people really not know this?

07-19-2010, 12:26 AM
What I truly hate are the times when you come up to a traffic light that is clearly out due to weather/construction/etc, and they assume since they are on the "bigger road" that they have the right of way and continue like they have a flashing yellow or permanent green. THIS IS WRONG! If a traffic light is out, it is a four-way stop. It inconveniences everybody to have to treat it like a four way stop, but nothing is more inconvenient than when some asshole with entitlement issues causes a pileup that blocks the whole intersection.

07-19-2010, 10:58 AM
Is this really "commonly overlooked" law? Do people really not know this?

I see dumbasses driving slow on the left lanes all the time.

Also, don't forget the one about leaving at least an empty lane when passing the parked cop if possible. I've known too many people getting ticketed for this.

07-19-2010, 06:11 PM
I hate when people merge on the highway at 25 mph, which creates a long line behind them, and then the are terrified of actually merging. They wait and wait. The next car in the lane they are merging into could be 1/2mi back, and they will still almost come to a stop to let that car go. WTF??!! Everything you said is true lol. Irritating as hell!

07-19-2010, 06:21 PM
Don't forget driving with hazards on in the rain. I want to ram all of them lol!

I fucking hate those assholes!!!!!


07-19-2010, 09:01 PM
rant all you want, but its not going to change anything.

07-20-2010, 07:29 AM
People who don't yield/move over for emergency vehicles. I ALWAYS do this, even when it's clear that I'm not going to be in their right-of-way. I hate the people who clearly don't give a fuck and/or are too lazy to move to the right and slow down. These assholes also create near-accident situations when the people who did pull over/slow down try to get back over to resume normal lane/speed. I can't tell how many times I've yielded only to get stuck on the side of the road waiting for a line of cars, who didn't slow down, to pass me so I could safely resume my travels.

I also want to slash the tires of the people who either run all the way up a turning lane to beat a line of car or who drive up a center median way too long to turn or merge into the flow of traffic. Most of the time they won't signal either because they know people who are on the lookout (like me) won't let them in because the're being such asshats. On a few rare occasions I have seen LEOs take action on these idiots.

The HOV lane is NOT a passing lane.

Bicyclists who think just because they are on a bicycle that they don't need to follow the rules of the road. I don't feel bad when they get clocked when doing something illegal...which most of them are.

Jaywalkers. I don't think I've ever seen any of the drunk idiots runnign across Peachtree ever get pulled aside for darting in and out of cars. Most of the time, this is done within 25ft of a marked crosswalk. But people are too fucking lazy these days and can't wait the 30 seconds it takes for the lights to activate and allow you to cross safely. Once again, I don't feel bad for the ones who get plowed. I do feel bad for the people who hit them and have to see it.

07-21-2010, 07:07 AM

If a driver pisses you off either pass him with whatever means necessary. Pressure him into running off the road. Or if you're really mad bump him.

07-21-2010, 10:14 PM
i can't believe you wrote all that lol

07-28-2010, 09:49 AM

If a driver pisses you off either pass him with whatever means necessary. Pressure him into running off the road. Or if you're really mad bump him.

LAWL, that's my vote

07-28-2010, 08:43 PM
Well, contrary to the rant. The Hazards in HEAVY rain with very poor visibilty does actually help the driver behind you judge the distance from you much better. The static lights arent as bright as the blinking lights. Just like flashers on an emergency vehicle. Now in moderate conditions it doesnt really aid a follower. However driving with your highbeams on does not help at all.

07-29-2010, 12:24 PM
I hate when people merge on the highway at 25 mph, which creates a long line behind them, and then the are terrified of actually merging. They wait and wait. The next car in the lane they are merging into could be 1/2mi back, and they will still almost come to a stop to let that car go. WTF??!! Everything you said is true lol. Irritating as hell!

That shit drives me insane. If they would pay attention while on the ramp and get up to a decent speed merging wouldn't be a problem.

07-30-2010, 12:49 AM
I hate when ass holes don't yield to emergency vehicles, then when we blast them with an air horn they call an complain. Just as a reminder its pull to the Right, not left, not slam on you god damn brakes but to the Right. For those of you who don't get over or slow down when an emergency vehicle is stopped, you can go to hell. I almost got hit the other day because some impatient ass hole decided he was to good to wait for us to pick up the motorcyclist off the road and deiced the lane we were in was a good one to drive down. One more thing I will add the next mother fucker who honks their god damn horn at me while I am directing traffic or tending a patient on scene I swear to fucking god I will drag your ass from you car and beat you to death with my clipboard of pain. Also just as a reminder the person directing traffic is a traffic control signal and if you disobey his orders its just like speeding or running a red light or stop sign but the ticket is a lot more expensive. Sorry for my rant, just thought I would share a responders point of view.