View Full Version : If you live in Acworth/Woodstock

05-24-2010, 03:18 PM
Watch out for a crackhead in a green mazda 626. I rightfully turned in front of him onto victory drive and he tailed me and I was already doing like 10 over, so I slowed down to about 30 and this guy goes around me in the grass! Almost wrecks, gets in front and brake checks me to a stop. We sit stopped on Victory drive for almost a minute and he finally goes, so we go and go and go. Fianlly we get onto kellog to turn onto bells ferry, he decides to follow me even though he had to take a left, I was going right. So we get on bells ferry and he tries to throw a drink in my window (good throw, but my window was up). I got a good glimpse of him, he looked like he was cracked out, hair was in all directions. (no facial hair) first three letters on his tag wer AYY, dude scared me lol I can't put up a fight I'm 130lbs! Crack head. Watch out for this guy. He's a nut.

05-24-2010, 04:59 PM
have you tried calling the police?

05-24-2010, 07:33 PM
Would have but if you have no proof like video they dont listen to you. So no. If I have another run in with him I'll get it on video (hoping I never see this guy again). I have a stock sr20 cam(gear/shaft) in my car for protection lol.

05-24-2010, 07:34 PM
GD. I hate people like this. I hope you bust him on camera.

05-24-2010, 09:27 PM
This guy's got me paranoid.

05-25-2010, 08:29 PM
Scared of a crackhead yet, your avatar says you are a methlab engineer. He was just part of the new Ga crackdown for meth. Trying to give you a "warning" so you dont get busted?