View Full Version : rant

11-07-2005, 07:48 AM
have you guys ever had that one professor who you swear just had it out for you? i swear to god this women has got to have it out for me...i mean granted she cant do her "professor duties" worth a shit but my god the women cannot teach!. Everyone in the fucking class fails all the damn papers because of her topics and because of the way she grades, i mean god damn you would think that if everyone was fucking up and what not that she would take time to fucking help us out, but no she jus does the same fucking thing over and over again GRRRRRRRRRRR

sorry, woke up late and its monday, not my two best things

The Ren
11-07-2005, 08:01 AM
I am having the same problem..my bio prof.. only 2 people have passed the first two exams... we are appealing to the bio board..

11-07-2005, 08:10 AM
what sucks is i swear i feel like im the only one that its getting to, i dont know if she has it out to me or what, i have to like fight her to get a good grade on something