View Full Version : Sunday Funnys

11-06-2005, 02:56 PM
The U.S. Cardinals said they are going to develop a code of ethics to help them deal with the sexual scandal. Wait a minute, I thought their already was a code of ethics, it's called the Bible.

What did one gay guy say to the other gay guy at the bar?

Can i push your stool in for you?

What does a blonde say after having multiple orgasms?
Great work, team!
A guy dies whilst making love to his wife. A few days later the undertaker calls her and says, "Your husband still has a hard-on, what shall I do with it?" The wife replies, "Cut it off and shove it up his arse!" The undertaker does as he is told. On the day of the funeral the wife visits her husband for the last time and sees a tear rolling down his face, so she whispers in his ear, "It fucking hurts doesn't it!"