View Full Version : LA or NYC?

04-28-2010, 02:38 PM
Im debating, Got accepted into an Audio Production school in LA, and also got accepted into one in NYC. Cant decide which one I want to go with. Figured Id ask ol IA Whoreslounge.

Help me, explain


04-28-2010, 05:07 PM
It' expensive either way.

But because I'm a East Coast guy...and I love my Yankees.

NYC all the way.

04-28-2010, 05:28 PM

I'd prefer the ol North. That's where its at and the economy on this side is strong. Not that I know how the music industry is, I just so happen to have a friend that also was accepted in 2 audio production schools in both LA and NYC, he chose NYC.

Plus... u wont have to have a car in NYC nor worry about gas prices since u wont have to rely on ur car like in LA with its rip off almost $4 a gallon fuel already. AND... the music industry (if thats what ur shooting for) is somewhat stronger on this side than that. AND.... if ur a family guy, ur not unncessarily far from family incase something bad happens. I could go on, but I'm a northern boy as well, born in NY. SO...

04-28-2010, 05:28 PM
i would base my decision on the caliber of school youre attending..... probably do some research and see which school is ranked higher and had more success in the post degree job hunt, then go with that school. basing your decison on which city rocks more might not be wise lol jus mu :2cents:

04-28-2010, 05:34 PM

I'd prefer the ol North. That's where its at and the economy on this side is strong. Not that I know how the music industry is, I just so happen to have a friend that also was accepted in 2 audio production schools in both LA and NYC, he chose NYC.

Plus... u wont have to have a car in NYC nor worry about gas prices since u wont have to rely on ur car like in LA with its rip off almost $4 a gallon fuel already. AND... the music industry (if thats what ur shooting for) is somewhat stronger on this side than that. AND.... if ur a family guy, ur not unncessarily far from family incase something bad happens. I could go on, but I'm a northern boy as well, born in NY. SO...

also blacknoise made a very good point for new york, housing is VEEEEEEEERY EXPENSIVE in manhattan, so that probably adds up tp the fuel and car cost you'd be saving. however everything is so accessible in nyc..... most things you need is in walking distance and for the further stufff, the public transportation is ftw, trains run 24 hrs, and go almost everywhere, cabs are also not that expensive... but as i said in my previous post, i would make my decision on how good the school is

04-28-2010, 05:43 PM
The north is cold too long. I'd go to L.A.

04-28-2010, 05:45 PM
NYC and LA compete for the most expensive housing. He doesnt have to live in Manhattan, I wouldnt want to live in Manhattan, to loud. Far Rockaway, NY and/or Carlstadt, NJ are both close enough yet far enough so u have at least the "feeling" of a residental area. Carlstadt has a very small city like feeling although its only 10mins from Manhattan, downside is u would have to pay a toll if u drove into NY for school/work which is $10!! and $8 to get OUT of NY. In California, the additional cost of the car/insurance/fuel/maint and so on would make it somewhat harder to live, at least to my frugal self, being here in OH for years.

I would only assume that these arent places that have dorms and with that assumption, housing+car+fuel+travel would outweigh the ease of access in NY. We all know of its transportation system and although expensive, things get cheaper when established there.

So 2 important questions, does the school(s) ur looking for have dorm rooms? And will u be working while attending at the sametime?

04-28-2010, 05:47 PM
The north is cold too long. I'd go to L.A.

Thats a dumb reason to avoid an education. 3months out of the year arent worth u avoiding a good school. A little cold never hurt anyone that actually purchased a COAT and wore some gloves.

04-28-2010, 05:48 PM
Thats a dumb reason to avoid an education. 3months out of the year arent worth u avoiding a good school. A little cold never hurt anyone that actually purchased a COAT and wore some gloves.

Hey guy. We haven't yet heard what the differnce in the quality of the schools is. So your statement is irrelevant.

04-28-2010, 05:53 PM
Hey guy. We haven't yet heard what the differnce in the quality of the schools is. So your statement is irrelevant.

Obviously, thats why the post before ur statement asked for my assumption to be answered guy. And regardless, its still a stupid reason to avoid a school due to weather

04-28-2010, 06:01 PM
Well there are a few things that are making me lean toward LA. The tuition at Los Angeles Recording School is 10k more than SAE New York. Also LA Recording School offers an associates degree, which I would be doing, and SAE New York does not. The degree isn't exactly needed in this industry, but it wouldn't. My networks at this moment, are strong enough to not need a degree, but I like the sound of it. Also the school in LA, has dorms, $500 a month, and they are on Sunset BLVD. SAE New York does not have dorms. The cost isn't a problem as far as a living goes. I also like the idea of not having a car, so its making a hard decision on me, I like both a lot.

04-28-2010, 06:03 PM
I also prefer colder weather over scorching hot weather. But Im leaning toward that degree. SAE Atlanta does offer an associates degree! But Im ready to get out of this place. I need to get out of this place for my business aswell, I have to expand to other large cities.

04-28-2010, 06:03 PM
Obviously, thats why the post before ur statement asked for my assumption to be answered guy. And regardless, its still a stupid reason to avoid a school due to weather

It's not a stupid reason if you don't like cold weather. And anyway, he asked for reasons yay or nay on why to go/not go to the schools. So I threw out there that it's cold in NYC.
I gave a reason, you gave some as well, now leave it alone and let him decide. You're biased anyway since you're from there.

04-28-2010, 06:08 PM
ok i dont know much about the music industry, from from a business standpoint, and associates degree isnt worth much, basically the key to makig it in the music industry or any industry for that matter is networking, gettin know the people you need to know, and forming the right bonds, i do think where music is concerned NY has more of a pull in the industry than LA, and alot of the heavy hitters are based in ny, so i might sway to ny a little more than LA. what exactly does the school in Ny offer if not a degree... is it jus a certification or something, do they have any schools that offer a bachelors degree in your field?

04-28-2010, 06:09 PM
degree all the way man, even if the industry your looking into getting into doesn't require it. lets say mcdonalds needs to hire someone and they have two applications, one person has a diploma and the other doesn't. who would you hire if you were the manager?

04-28-2010, 06:13 PM
In audio production, a associates degree is what you are going to get. Like I said, I have built bonds and relationships with some pretty big artists, and people in general. (Roscoe Dash, Soulja Boy, Gucci Mane, etc) so I feel like Im ahead of a lot of people as far as that goes. Even if Im not a big fan of their music (Soulja Boy) Its still a great connect/bond because he is very successful at what he does, and a lot of people like him. Ive considered staying in Atlanta just for the fact that a lot of my connects are here, but I want to expand. With my business about to launch here soon aswell, I need to be in either LA or NYC for that too, my business partner is here in Atlanta.

But i agree with a few posts above, the degree isn't NEEDED, but I wouldnt mind having it for resumes because you never know.

04-28-2010, 06:14 PM
ok i dont know much about the music industry, from from a business standpoint, and associates degree isnt worth much, basically the key to makig it in the music industry or any industry for that matter is networking, gettin know the people you need to know, and forming the right bonds, i do think where music is concerned NY has more of a pull in the industry than LA, and alot of the heavy hitters are based in ny, so i might sway to ny a little more than LA. what exactly does the school in Ny offer if not a degree... is it jus a certification or something, do they have any schools that offer a bachelors degree in your field?

And yes, the school in NYC gives you a diploma and some sort of certificate.

04-28-2010, 06:24 PM
are both schools credited?

04-28-2010, 06:34 PM
Yes, they both are.

04-28-2010, 06:34 PM
www.recordingcareer.com is the school in LA, and www.newyork.sae.edu is the NYC school

04-28-2010, 06:37 PM
personally i would go to the one in l.a because they have dorms, you can actually get a degree and the perks of just living there and there are unlimited possibility's of who you could meet and get bigger.

04-28-2010, 06:42 PM
True. I believe networking out there may be a lot better if I was wanting to be an actor, or anything with movies. Which is still a possibility. Anything audio I will be able to do. Music is my passion. But the school out there is branched off of LA Film School which is a pretty big school out west. So I think entertainment in general, LA is great. But the fact that rap/hip hop is my type of music, NYC seems best for that. It honestly a hard decision for me.

04-28-2010, 06:46 PM
seriously, you think rap/hip hop is more up north? maybe more underground stuff but the only big people i can come up with off the top of my head is ja and jay z. out west plenty of HUGE people have blossomed tupac,dre,snoop,em, 50 (even though he is from ny he still got noticed there)

04-28-2010, 07:01 PM
A lot of talent comes out of Atlanta aswell. It also comes to where I want to live aswell. I like both places, the same. I just want to be somewhere where I can make the most of it and have the most potential.

Evil Goat
04-28-2010, 07:15 PM
never been to nyc...been to l.a. a few times....always had fun and i'd take being near the beach and perfect weather nearly year around over the bullshit NE weather any day any time

04-28-2010, 07:56 PM
so all i got out of this thread is



04-28-2010, 08:29 PM
I cant access the page, but apparently SAE is world-wide. AND they are also in LA. A degree is offered by SAE but not in America? I hate that I cant actually access the page for the LA site. Ugh, I dont like to make biased statements. But I seriously think the NY setup would be good. Music from up north isnt as popular as the south, yes, but at least where I'm at I hear more random artist from the north east than from the west.

And even with my stay in GA, I heard more music from the NE than from the West. Acting aside, both locations would be great to try and get a foothold in, huge markets. NY may link u to the Chicagoland area, LA will link u to SF and probably the Texans that rap. But if thats the case ur best position would be ATL. Maybe I'm heavily opinionated but thats how I think it.

CA is as popular as NY for its educational system. Both states push for that, CA has silicon valley, NY is the corp headquarters of America. U have access for what, 30million people along the BasWash? And u have 30million people within the State of CA.

If u make rap, "hard" rap-trap music, then NY would give u a better backing. Compton was ok for that back then, but u still have Jim Jones/J.R. Writer/Hell Rell and the rest of the Byrdgang is still in existence. I dont hear anything from the other side of the country anymore.

Snoop still is high and makes his music, niche music. I believe this side of the country is the place to start, where most start. GA is a hub, NY is a hub, IL is showing back up thanks to Twista and his crew making better music and since I believe the producers/owners are diversifing a bit, those Canadians are more accessible and are showing up in music, whether rap, hip-hop, r&b.

For the westcoast: I know OK has a niche group of rappers and u have the TX hub which we all know of. But I've babbled quite a bit and this will be very hard to read. But these are simply my observations to the music I hear.

04-28-2010, 08:30 PM
They are world wide. But alot of their campuses do not offer financial aid. And I dont know many people, my age, who can just pull $23k out of their ass

04-28-2010, 09:28 PM
I appreciate your response bro!

05-05-2010, 06:55 PM
They are world wide. But alot of their campuses do not offer financial aid. And I dont know many people, my age, who can just pull $23k out of their ass

Ooooo, well u got me there. Have u decided yet or still in the debating stage?

05-05-2010, 06:58 PM
im from nyc and theres good oppertunitys there but expensive living thats why i am in atl now

05-05-2010, 07:19 PM
^thats the reasoning why many from the far east coast are down there. BUT, now GA has no opportunity. MIDWEST WHERE ITS AT!!



05-05-2010, 07:31 PM
I've never been to NYC, but I believe LA is cheaper, from what I hear. Besides, I love the shit out of the LA area. It's sooo much better than the North East, I can assure you.

05-05-2010, 08:11 PM
I've never been to NYC, but I believe LA is cheaper, from what I hear. Besides, I love the shit out of the LA area. It's sooo much better than the North East, I can assure you.

um no, mantooth

05-05-2010, 08:15 PM
um no, mantoothUm yes. Wait? What are you disagreeing about?:thinking:

05-05-2010, 08:27 PM
Um yes. Wait? What are you disagreeing about?:thinking:

u thinking LA is better than the whole section of NE. I can agree LA may be slightly cheaper, but NYC is also cheaper than Boston, MA. But that aside, this includes other costs outside of the actual cost of rent.

05-05-2010, 08:30 PM
u thinking LA is better than the whole section of NE. I can agree LA may be slightly cheaper, but NYC is also cheaper than Boston, MA. But that aside, this includes other costs outside of the actual cost of rent.Okay. LA (and surrounding areas) are better than the entire NE.:tongue1:

05-05-2010, 08:49 PM
fuck everything and move to Europe!

05-05-2010, 11:51 PM
I never thought I would say this, but NYC for sure.

Fast Shadow
05-06-2010, 01:00 AM
www.recordingcareer.com is the school in LA, and www.newyork.sae.edu is the NYC school

I know that area very well, I used to live about 2 miles west. That area is basically right on the line between "new" and "old" Hollywood. New Hollywood = Kodak Theater, very tourist friendly. "Old" Hollywood = sex shops and street crime. You wouldn't be IN the bad area, but you'd be close to it.

In LA you will 100% need a car unless you plan on never going more than a couple of miles from your home, which isn't realistic. LA itself is very big, and SoCal as a whole is absolutely huge. I've lived out here since 2008 and I still can't get over how huge the sprawl is compared to Atlanta.

If you are into cars, SoCal kills everything else. The car culture here is unlike anything you can believe. After living in LA for a year you'll be so tired of exotic cars that the only thing that will still catch your eye are classic / vintage whips.

That being said, what are you looking to do for your career? Do you want to be an audio engineer as in film and TV production, or do you want to be in music? If you want to be in music, especially hiphop/R&B I would say you should look hard at NYC. Also, LA is fiercely competitive when it comes to jobs for audio engineers or film/video editors. There are a lot of them out here and many of them will work for practically no money if it means getting their name on a credit. But NYC is very competitive too, and there are relatively fewer jobs in the field - especially film and TV.

In the end I think if you move to LA you will almost certainly not regret it. But it's a pretty tough place, it's tougher than Atlanta. Cali has a reputation for being laid back, but it's not really like that. LA can get rough, fast. And it's a city that is just as famous for destroying peoples' dreams as it is making them come true.

05-06-2010, 02:02 AM
LA. For these reasons:

1) Weather is unbeatable
2) They both have fine girls, but la has more of them, they're everywhere!, I've lived in la and ny so I can make this comparison
3) Anything and everything about car parts is in cali, from parts to cars cali has it first and socal has the best car scene in this country
4) you can go to the beach and/or up a mountain to go snowboarding both in one day
5) Since your into media productions.....I mean where else is better to be than 30min from hollywood

05-06-2010, 06:57 AM
It' expensive either way.

But because I'm a East Coast guy...and I love my Yankees.

NYC all the way.

X2 all the motherfuggin way!

05-06-2010, 07:41 AM
I made my choice, and I'm supposed to be starting school on June 1st!

05-06-2010, 09:46 AM
LA !

05-06-2010, 02:55 PM
Yup, Im moving to LA at the end of this month

Fast Shadow
05-06-2010, 03:27 PM
:bigsmilie YES more tax money to help pay off the debt in this broke ass state

05-06-2010, 07:18 PM

05-09-2010, 12:58 AM
Mr. Muay Thai can do a remix of a remix while remixing the remix of another song, remix'd..... chopped and screwed son

you need to step your game up sleeper

05-09-2010, 07:40 PM
LA bro you will never com back.. It's great..trust me

05-10-2010, 06:39 PM
A little over 2 weeks and Im out of here..

05-10-2010, 06:50 PM
Congratulations dude, I hope you hit it big time!!!....girls and your career lol

05-10-2010, 07:26 PM
Thanks brother! Im hoping so too!