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04-20-2010, 06:31 PM
A few things I've worked on in my Photoshop class.


more pics on post #27

04-20-2010, 06:39 PM
green horse...

looks like you get the grip of it.

04-20-2010, 06:40 PM
lol. Wizard of Oz. A horse of a different color! =)

04-21-2010, 08:31 AM
Cool. Looks good.

04-22-2010, 07:14 PM
Are they teaching you anything except for select tool cut-outs and color swaps? (hope so!)

Dirty Octopus™
04-23-2010, 07:07 AM
green horse...

looks like you get the grip of it.

bwahaha boy you an ass! but damn did i chuckle my house shoes off! :lmfao:

04-23-2010, 07:53 AM
Where are you taking this class at?

04-27-2010, 10:08 PM
Are they teaching you anything except for select tool cut-outs and color swaps? (hope so!)
Actually, I used ALOT more than the select tools and the hue/sat. It takes more than that to restore a photo, especially a ripped and de-colorized photo.t I used many different tools and brushes. I used three different selection tools, layer masks, clipping masks, clone stamp, spot healing tool, the healing tool, I did a burn and dodge layer (not the burn and dodge tools, I did a 50% gray layer and brushed in the areas I wanted burned and dodged) . And i'm sorry you want to be a smart ass, but its not like i said 'im graduating tomorrow and this is what i learned.' I happen to know quite alot about photoshop, but the rules were to only use what we went over in class that day. I have been using photoshop for many years and I am actually taking the class over just for fun, I took it last year and made a 99. We get penalized for using tools not taught by the instructor at that time. But thank you for your input. If your the GURU at photoshop then congratulations, but keep your smart ass comments to yourself. And if you would like to critique my work, then by all means, do so.

Where are you taking this class at?
Gwinnett Tech. I'm in the Commercial Photography program, but I am getting a certificate in New Media Design program as well. They have Photo Imaging(Photoshop) I,II, and III. I believe if you want to take the class with out the photography program you have to sign up for 'New Media Design'.

big mac
04-27-2010, 10:31 PM
wow more talents besides the mean ass graffitti? thats hella hot lol

04-27-2010, 10:37 PM
wow more talents besides the mean ass graffitti? thats hella hot lol

thanks! =)

04-28-2010, 12:10 AM
I wasn't being a smart-ass. I am dead serious. If all you are learning to do in a photoshop class (that you're paying money for) are simple color swaps (no matter what tool you are using) or texture mapping then you should look for a better class.

There are half a dozen ways to change the color of an object and none of them are particularly difficult. Google 'photoshop tutorials' to get a glimpse of the masterful techniques that can be learned (and practiced) for no charge.

I would be upset if a class spent more than 20 minutes explaining that color can be manipulated when there are more powerful (and less intuitive) topics that are more important. For example, you could probably spend half a semester just exploring the different blend modes.

Sorry for trying to open your eyes a little. If you like your class then fine.

Also, I am no guru. I could spend 5 years doing nothing but studying digital art and photoshop and still not know everything there is to know about it.

04-28-2010, 12:20 AM
Lol @ the "JDM parking only".

04-28-2010, 11:44 PM
I wasn't being a smart-ass. I am dead serious. If all you are learning to do in a photoshop class (that you're paying money for) are simple color swaps (no matter what tool you are using) or texture mapping then you should look for a better class.

There are half a dozen ways to change the color of an object and none of them are particularly difficult. Google 'photoshop tutorials' to get a glimpse of the masterful techniques that can be learned (and practiced) for no charge.

I would be upset if a class spent more than 20 minutes explaining that color can be manipulated when there are more powerful (and less intuitive) topics that are more important. For example, you could probably spend half a semester just exploring the different blend modes.

Sorry for trying to open your eyes a little. If you like your class then fine.

Also, I am no guru. I could spend 5 years doing nothing but studying digital art and photoshop and still not know everything there is to know about it.

I get HOPE, so it's free. For the two restoration photos, the objective was to show that we knew how to restore, and for the hatch and bike, the objective was to show that we knew how to mask. As I said, I wasn't just changing colors, I used blending tools, healing tools, editing layers, all that good stuff. And yes I could go find 'photoshop tutorials' but then it wouldn't be hands on, and I wouldn't get professional critiques - then and there, and I wouldn't get college credits. And Photo Imaging isn't my major, I'm going to school for Commercial Photography. Gwinnett Tech's photography program is one of the highest rated in the southeast. This has produced some of the photographers that have gone on to work for TIME and NAT GEO, so even if I was paying, I'm pretty sure it's worth it.

04-29-2010, 12:56 AM
I think you're missing my point. Let it suffice to say that you'll probably learn a lot more by interacting with your contemporaries (http://photography-on-the.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=7) and looking at some of their work (http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=684360) than a class that assigns such minor tasks as homework.

Good luck.

04-29-2010, 01:54 AM
I did not miss the point, you think that my class is novice. In that you are correct, because it is only second quarter. The homework that was assigned, was a review of first quarter. In first quarter there are people in the class who have never even used a computer, there are people who have never used photoshop, so therefore, the instructor starts from scratch and assigns minor goals. As time goes on the class will get harder. I have more than a year to go. My whole point of posting these pictures was to show my beginning and ending result of ONE homework assignment. I like getting USEFUL critiques from people who have USEFUL things to say. This would have been a whole different conversation if you would have started your posting different, such as: what all did you use to edit your photos, or what steps did you take; NOT Are they teaching you anything except for select tool cut-outs and color swaps? (hope so!). So your whole way of going about NOT being a smart-ass was INCORRECT.

04-29-2010, 02:03 PM
I'll just be blunt, then.

If the assignment they gave you is any indication, then you will still suck at photoshop when you're finished with that class. In my opinion, it is not worth the time and money in when you can learn the same techniques off of any of a dozen websites in less time.

I'm not hating on you or your homework. I am trying to enlighten you so that you don't wake up one day after you've taken 3 or 4 of these classes and wonder why non-artists with no formal training are running circles around you at photoshop (or lightroom or whatever).

If all you can discern from any of posts is some kind of insult, then there's nothing I can do. People will see what they want to see.

04-29-2010, 04:13 PM
well thank you for your 'enlightenment'.

05-03-2010, 12:59 PM
well thank you for your 'enlightenment'.

Don't mind the douchebags.

Tarzanman = :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes:

My opinion on the photos- I think they are good except I wouldn't go adding color to an old black and white photo. It would look better without the girl's green dress. My monitor here isn't calibrated, but it looks pretty green to me.

05-03-2010, 01:55 PM
I'll just be blunt, then.

If the assignment they gave you is any indication, then you will still suck at photoshop when you're finished with that class. In my opinion, it is not worth the time and money in when you can learn the same techniques off of any of a dozen websites in less time.

I'm not hating on you or your homework. I am trying to enlighten you so that you don't wake up one day after you've taken 3 or 4 of these classes and wonder why non-artists with no formal training are running circles around you at photoshop (or lightroom or whatever).

If all you can discern from any of posts is some kind of insult, then there's nothing I can do. People will see what they want to see.

this is the cold hard truth, but then again everyone has to start somewhere. I have been a designer for about 10 years now, and in my school this level of work would have been unacceptable. If you take offence to these words, just wait when you start interviewing for a job you will NEED to only survive, and the art director flips though your work like a deck of cards, then casually dismisses you with a wave and tells you you are not a proper fit. You have to be better than the best person in your class to even have a shot in any kind of creative business.

I have to admit though, that your valve covers look much better than what you posted here, I am also surprised that a photography major wouldn't have more legit photography, showcasing your post processing.

05-04-2010, 08:15 PM
this is the cold hard truth, but then again everyone has to start somewhere. I have been a designer for about 10 years now, and in my school this level of work would have been unacceptable. If you take offence to these words, just wait when you start interviewing for a job you will NEED to only survive, and the art director flips though your work like a deck of cards, then casually dismisses you with a wave and tells you you are not a proper fit. You have to be better than the best person in your class to even have a shot in any kind of creative business.

I have to admit though, that your valve covers look much better than what you posted here, I am also surprised that a photography major wouldn't have more legit photography, showcasing your post processing.

I understand, and thank you for your :2cents:. I know that I am no where near qualified to be hired just yet, but I am working towards it.

As with my valve covers& art, THAT is my calling. When I paint I'm not in the mind set of taking AMAZING pictures of things, I'm just worried about fulfilling the customers requests. I mean, if the customer asked me to take all these really good pics, then I would, otherwise I focus all on painting. But thank you for taking the time to look at them!

05-04-2010, 08:40 PM
heres the hand-outs we received for the homework


05-04-2010, 08:41 PM
posted those just to show what was asked of us.

05-04-2010, 09:05 PM
I understand, and thank you for your :2cents:. I know that I am no where near qualified to be hired just yet, but I am working towards it.

As with my valve covers& art, THAT is my calling. When I paint I'm not in the mind set of taking AMAZING pictures of things, I'm just worried about fulfilling the customers requests. I mean, if the customer asked me to take all these really good pics, then I would, otherwise I focus all on painting. But thank you for taking the time to look at them!

you should do the pink fish valve cover on my hood! :goodjob:

05-05-2010, 10:13 AM
Yeah. You're welcome too. Next time I'll just kiss your a$$ instead of giving you the benefit of legitimate advice.

It won't help you at all, but it will make you feel better, right?

05-05-2010, 01:13 PM
Yeah. You're welcome too. Next time I'll just kiss your a$$ instead of giving you the benefit of legitimate advice.

Why are you so fucking concerned about her taking your advice? First time, you were being helpful, now you're just being a complete jackass. Im not surprised at this coming from you though.

05-06-2010, 09:50 AM
Yeah. You're welcome too. Next time I'll just kiss your a$$ instead of giving you the benefit of legitimate advice.

It won't help you at all, but it will make you feel better, right?

I'm not asking you to kiss my ass. I understand that you were trying to give me constructive criticism, but the way your first post was stated took offense to me. I'm sorry if it wasn't meant that way. I'm not here to argue with people, I'm here to learn.

05-07-2010, 08:34 AM
This Weeks Project



05-15-2010, 05:00 PM
Don't let the haters get to you. Every one has to start some where, Even the "self taught" guys. As far as your work goes your doing fine. These first level classes are more about learning what Photoshop does as a tool not so much creative application. Also having an instructor to help guide you is never a bad thing. sure there are tons of informative free tutorials online, but nothing beats having an experienced individual around to help when you get stuck. Anyone who tells you that these or any classes are a waste is a dumb ass. If you learn just one thing that makes you a better designer it was worth the time and money invested, and since your using hope it's even better.

05-17-2010, 09:36 PM
Don't let the haters get to you. Every one has to start some where, Even the "self taught" guys. As far as your work goes your doing fine. These first level classes are more about learning what Photoshop does as a tool not so much creative application. Also having an instructor to help guide you is never a bad thing. sure there are tons of informative free tutorials online, but nothing beats having an experienced individual around to help when you get stuck. Anyone who tells you that these or any classes are a waste is a dumb ass. If you learn just one thing that makes you a better designer it was worth the time and money invested, and since your using hope it's even better.

Thank you =) Glad you understood what I was saying. lol. but thanks for your input.