View Full Version : Need help with prog for digi cams...

11-04-2005, 12:43 PM
OK so my computer recently crashed and now i lost the program i used to get my pics off my digi cam and i cant find the disc that came with it. I have a Fiji Film camera and need to get my pics off. Are there any programs i can download to get my pics off the cam??? Anyone have FinePix Viewer they can send me???


11-04-2005, 12:45 PM
Windows XP has it's own program, once you hook the cam up and turn it on it should pop up with Microsoft Scanner and Camera wizard or somethin' like that. Thats what I use.

11-04-2005, 12:52 PM
go to fuji films webssite, they have the program, or next time I am at my parents house, I will get it for you, they have a fuji cam

11-04-2005, 01:02 PM
are the pics stored internally on your camera or is their a media device( compact flash card...) everything is stored on?
if pics are stored on a media device, WOLF sells a card reader that plugs right into your USB port. runs about 15bucks