View Full Version : Speeding Ticket--help please (Actually tickets, because he gave me 3 tickets, *sigh)

04-13-2010, 10:13 AM
sooooo, i got three tickets yesterday; reckless driving(40-6-390) , speeding(40-6-181), and failure to signal(40-6-123). I have to go to court since I was "doing" 30+ over the speed limit, and the reckless driving I "committed"

Basically, I came off of Old Dixie Hwy/Tara Blvd road, and merged on to i-75.

Apparently, the cops 'said' that I merged on to i-75 at 90mph (in a 55mph zone), and merged over from the first to third lane(over two lanes) without signaling, and without maintaining my lane for the specified amount of time. He said he clocked me four times---at 79, 89, 90, 90 from 959.8 feet away.

Personally, I don't know how I jumped from 79 to 89/90 miles between two "clocks" but whatever. I don't think I was going that fast(90), but I guess I can't really dispute that.

He said I didn't signal, but I did. The side marker light, blinked but the headlight didn't. Why? Because I just got the car a couple weeks ago, and didn't realize the headlight indicator was out til about last week. I've been super busy and haven't had time to change it out, was going to try and get to it by the end of the week but...yea, I know no excuse. I didn't tell him this at the time, because A. I didn't think about it, and B. in retrospect he might have given me another ticket (maybe I'm wrong)

He said I merged over two lanes, and gave me a reckless driving ticket because of that. I thought that was an improper lane change though, am I wrong? Honestly, it's not like I swerved over from the on-ramp, I KNOW I looked before going into each lane.

Before he pulled me over in the middle of the road(There was roadwork, so I couldnt pull over---was going to pull into a gas station until he gets on the loudspeaker and asks "Buddy, are you going to pull over?") and when he came to the window said I was doing 90 in a 55 merging on to the interstate, I asked if I could see he laser gun, he said he couldnt show it to me. I asked him two or three times, during the conversation, and he also said he couldn't show it to me because it only shows distance. huh?

advise please? :(

merged on the ramp to i-75 from here..he was sitting close to where the arrow points:

overhead view:

04-13-2010, 11:01 AM
I honestly don't see where you have much of a dispute.

Ticket 1 - Your speed: If you're accelerating, then you'll jump speeds at successive time intervals with no problem.
Ticket 2 - Failure to signal: As you said, your reasons are no excuse. Technically, you should check to see if all your accessories are working before you drive your car each time you get in to drive. An "I'm too busy" or "I just bought the car" excuse will never be bought by a judge.
Ticket 3- Reckless driving: Although it seems that it would be "improper lane change," at the rate of speed he got you at and merging over as quickly as you did, qualifies as reckless driving. An improper lane change would be just driving casually down the interstate or highway and just getting over without looking and no signal. High rates of speed and changing multiple lanes within a few seconds is considered reckless.

I know I'm not technical with my responses, but I do know that this is what is going on with your tickets. Later, QD.

04-13-2010, 11:06 AM
if youre under the age of 21, BYE BYE LICENSE!

04-13-2010, 11:11 AM
yes what QD said, and i also think once you're going 25 or more over the speed limit you get reckless driving, and i alsot think a reckless driving tickrt is an automatic suspension of your license........ i would go to court and then tell the judge what happened, and if you get a lenient judge then he may lower your speed, or reduce your charges, but.. thats your best bet

04-13-2010, 11:12 AM
if youre under the age of 21, BYE BYE LICENSE!

YIP IF YOURE UNDER 21... BYE BYE LICENSE... again unless you get a kool judge

04-13-2010, 11:14 AM
Honestly, I would get a lawyer.

They get paid to bullshit and their bullshit gets you out of trouble. I had a friend that did 93 in a 65 and got off with $200 and defensive driving with the help of a lawyer. I think he would've lost his license until 21 if he didn't. PM Vteckidd, he seems to know a lot concerning driving citations and our justice system overall.

04-13-2010, 11:19 AM
Honestly, I would get a lawyer.

They get paid to bullshit and their bullshit gets you out of trouble. I had a friend that did 93 in a 65 and got off with $200 and defensive driving with the help of a lawyer. I think he would've lost his license until 21 if he didn't. PM Vteckidd, he seems to know a lot concerning driving citations and our justice system overall.

There's really no sense in posting stories of what other people's outcomes and situations were in cases because every case is treated differently.

Vteckidd isn't the only "knowledgeable" person on the boards. Hence my accurate response in the beginning. Later, QD.

04-13-2010, 11:25 AM
Get a lawyer.

It sounds like you're pretty much screwed and the only way that you're going to be able to fight any of it is to find a "loophole." You may be able to get out of the speeding ticket if the jursidiction hasn't kept up on permits to operate speed detection devices or some other type of technicality. You might be able to explain to the judge the signal light situation and prove that you have since corrected the problem and get that dropped, but it's a long shot. Reckless driving, I don't really see much of a way to get around that because it's pretty much your word against his there. Good luck with it, it's all a pretty long shot really.

04-13-2010, 11:54 AM
Best you can do is just hope the District Attorney is in a good mood that day. Every day in court every persons has a chance to talk to the DA. He has the ability adn power to change/lower/manipulate your ticket/s. I would find out who is on the docket for that (DA) and give him a call just to ask what you should do. I did all of this in the Atlanta Municiple court and it turned out very well.

04-13-2010, 11:55 AM
jus plead no lo and take ur punishment as a debt to society

and start using cruise control on highways

04-13-2010, 11:58 AM
Or just go to court and deal with it. Wouldn't a lawyer cost even more money? Plus you are guilty and you know it....just deal with it and dont do it again.

04-13-2010, 12:05 PM
imo getting a lawyer is a waste of money, again imo. I think that you should not represent yourself in some cases that are a little more serious, but your case is going to go one way or another regardless. Unless you want to shell out thousands to get a great reputable one, i wouldnt waste my time or money.

04-13-2010, 12:14 PM
Clayton County is one of your biggest concerns. On ramps and off ramps actually do have speed limits and they can write you a ticket for speeding on one. What QD said was very accurate. The fact that you got a ticket for 90 in a 55 is considered a reckless driving charge if other infractions are present. Had he clocked you at 90 and that was your only ticket, it would have likely been just a speeding ticket. The fact that you merged over without waiting 5 or so second is considered an improper lane change but with the speeding ticket there also, it became a reckless driving ticket and the speeding ticket stayed. Now, as far as the other ticket, you can't argue with the fact that you knew about the burned out bulb for a week. Two dollars buys you a new bulb and installation is easy. You may be able to get away from that ticket if you replace it and show that you did it.

If you get community service, go to Reynolds Nature Preserve and do it there. Quick and easy. :goodjob: Good luck with this and hope you get to keep your licence.

04-13-2010, 12:19 PM
Had he clocked you at 90 and that was your only ticket, it would have likely been just a speeding ticket.

That's pretty much right. But in the books, going 25 and over constitutes a reckless driving offense even if you're just going down the freeway in one lane. Most officers just feel like giving you a speeding ticket is less of a hassle for everyone. Mostly because the judge will usually drop it to a speeding charge. Later, QD.

04-13-2010, 12:43 PM
Hope you got where you were going on time.

I really watch my speed no, tickets are almost never worth the extra 5-15 minutes you shave off by speeding.

04-13-2010, 12:52 PM
Well, I can go ahead and tall you that a wreckless driving ticket is around $900. As far as the cop no wanting to show you the gun is bullshit. When I got a ticket for 88 in a 45, the cop gladly showed me the laser after I asked. As a matter of fact, I think they're suppose to tell you, you have the right to see the laser/rader if you'd like. Do what you want, but I would go to court and fight. No like you have much to lose anyways. I fought mine and got off big time. No points, deducted $250 off the fine, and instead of community service (Because I was 16) I had to right a 5 pg essay on the dangers of speeding. That was a long time ago but I'm sure they'll work with you alittle.

04-13-2010, 12:56 PM
I went to court last month for a pretty serious speeding offense, and had I not had a lawyer theres no way I could've gotten off how I did. My lawyer was great and only $500.

Got Milk?
04-13-2010, 01:33 PM
if youre under the age of 21, BYE BYE LICENSE!

He can use nolo on of the tickets. But yeah, GET A LAWYER.

Gorilla Eg!
04-13-2010, 01:41 PM
Or just go to court and deal with it. Wouldn't a lawyer cost even more money? Plus you are guilty and you know it....just deal with it and dont do it again.

exact-a-mundo bill....if its a first offense just beg and plead how sorry you and blah blah blah, they should take it easy on you and just a decent fine and maybe some community service etc....its you are a multi offender, a lawyer isnt gonna do a damn thing IMO....GL with whatever happens, but might want to change your driving style a little, insurance rates are a b*tch these days...Dan

04-13-2010, 01:41 PM
when i went to court for my offenses, i didnt have a lawyer, plead pre trial, and explain your situation to the judge, thats what i did,a nd got mine dropped and 2 of the other people that got arrested with us dud the same thing and they got off as well, all those who jus paid everything off prior to court, wasted their money i think its about the luck of the draw, you can get a good judge, ot you can get a complete dick... good luck though

04-13-2010, 01:53 PM
dealt with similar situation except a little worse so i had to get a lawyer. you can try to fight it and plea your case. some things that made the judge look lighter at me was for taking defensive driving course and had done 60hrs community service before i even went to court. this was all in cobb and the judge seemed pleased i had done that which made it easier to drop some of my charges. my lawyer worked his magic but to her she stated to me that it impressed her what i did. he told me to do that before i finally went to state court over a yr later.

others will have different stories so collaborate all what we say and choose the route that seems best to you. also what is your previous record like? id get a mvr if you have had previous tickets and see what you are up against.

04-13-2010, 03:25 PM
if youre under the age of 21, BYE BYE LICENSE!

Not with a good lawyer lol.

04-13-2010, 03:32 PM
i still lost mine for 6 months but the misdemeanor on my record wasnt even acknowledge and dropped completely off my record. if its just speeding and reckless driving he might be lucky and keep it.

04-13-2010, 03:56 PM
that sucks....good luck with that and slow it down buddy

04-13-2010, 04:16 PM
I suppose because this occured to me before the super speeder took effect. But I was pulled over for 90 in a 55 in Fulton Co. I simply got a speeding ticket and it was only $170, I havent paid it yet because I lost the ticket, but I kno there is a late charge of like $50 or something. So the ticket itself wasnt expensive. But I'm just uselessly commenting

04-13-2010, 04:23 PM
Or just go to court and deal with it. Wouldn't a lawyer cost even more money? Plus you are guilty and you know it....just deal with it and dont do it again.

x2... you said you were speeding and knew you were wrong... :rolleyes:

04-13-2010, 04:54 PM
yah my shit happened over 3 and a half years ago. super speeder law is gonna F you pretty bad most likely.

04-13-2010, 08:12 PM

Evil Goat
04-13-2010, 08:46 PM
I honestly don't see where you have much of a dispute.

Ticket 1 - Your speed: If you're accelerating, then you'll jump speeds at successive time intervals with no problem.
Ticket 2 - Failure to signal: As you said, your reasons are no excuse. Technically, you should check to see if all your accessories are working before you drive your car each time you get in to drive. An "I'm too busy" or "I just bought the car" excuse will never be bought by a judge.
Ticket 3- Reckless driving: Although it seems that it would be "improper lane change," at the rate of speed he got you at and merging over as quickly as you did, qualifies as reckless driving. An improper lane change would be just driving casually down the interstate or highway and just getting over without looking and no signal. High rates of speed and changing multiple lanes within a few seconds is considered reckless.

I know I'm not technical with my responses, but I do know that this is what is going on with your tickets. Later, QD.

this thread should have been locked after this post.

enjoy paying your fines

00 blk G20t
04-13-2010, 09:30 PM
i got pulled over for 91 in 55 last year in august in sandy springs. I was also written a ticket for no possession of a license(but its valid and i did have one just not on my person) window tint 18%......went to court 8 days after it happened. yeah speedy trial is right. usually its like 30 or 60 days...not in this case....so yeah 8 days later i go and talk to the DA he says oh your looking at 1400 in fines here.....how about 750 and you take a DD class....deal......the window tint was never discussed. i assume he made that stick and lowered the speeding fine. sad thing is the cop gave me a chance to get out of the tint ticket but i opened my mouth......so yeah dont tell cops that your not going to strip the tint off the car because you have MOTM pictures to take. he flipped out on me......i was just being honest and i guess i should have kept my mouth shut and stuck with oh yeah the car came with tint and i havent had time/money to do it....blah blah blah....let me off this time......

oh well good luck with your case man. take the DAs deal and move on......ive had a cop pull me over before this case that came out of nowhere so i know he didnt clock me and he wrote my speed was calculated by a helicopter(87mph) before so.....i dont think you have much to stand on just because he didnt show you the radar even though they are supposed to ask you if you want to see it.

04-13-2010, 10:07 PM
im 18 and i got charged with wreckless driving and too fast for conditions, when i got to court the judge told me it was going to be $900+, a year of probation, dd class, and my license suspended for 6months. He advised me it was better to get a lawyer but i said no and plead no lo. Now i wish i would have got a lawyer. This was in december.

04-13-2010, 10:35 PM
Okay i like how only ONE fucking person noticed that he asked the cop to see the laser gun, and the cop said no. If this is true OP you need to get the tape pulled, as long as their flashing lights are on they are recording everything on the dash cam, like him refusing your request to see the final laser readout. Be best is to get a lawer, pull the tape, make a case long the lines of that. Also should have asked him how long was he was "clocking" you(distance/time) because that could be a huge part of throwing the charges out.

04-13-2010, 10:49 PM
I'm not reading through every post in this thread but the "It only shows distance thing" I believe is a lie. Every time I've been pulled over they've shown me where it's mounted to the dash and it shows speed and distance.

04-14-2010, 11:49 AM
You are fucked. He gave you the wreckless driving not only for the lane change, but also i'm sure for the speed that you were travelling. You will get hit with the Super Speeder law too most likely. Start saving pennies cause you are going to need them man. Now if what you are saying is true and he refused to let you see the laser gun, you have a case maybe. But odds are, in the end, you will get fucked.

04-14-2010, 11:55 AM
Arent they going to stick him with the super speeder fine too?

Edit, didnt read the post above me lol I guess they are

Got Milk?
04-14-2010, 03:55 PM
I thought if you get caught speeding 25+, you get arrested?

x Resilience
04-14-2010, 04:18 PM
YIP IF YOURE UNDER 21... BYE BYE LICENSE... again unless you get a kool judge

Nah, its gone. If he didn't get a reckless driving then he would've had a chance but I don't see how he has a chance now. He can suck it. Stick to Hondas that way you can't speed, BMWs aren't for you faggot. Giving us a bad name.

04-14-2010, 08:04 PM
When dealing with speeding tickets, police are only required to ask you if you want them to do a calibration check in front of you if they are using radar. There is no requirement at all for laser, so don't hang your hopes on that. You should be happy you didn't go to jail. There are a few driving offenses (DUI, aggressive driving, vehicular homicide, and WRECKLESS DRIVING) that are mandatory license suspensions and you can be arrested.

My advice, pay the money to get a lawyer and hope he can work some magic. DA's are more likely to work with other attorneys than Joe Schmo. Oh, and stop driving like a retard.

04-14-2010, 08:23 PM
I thought if you get caught speeding 25+, you get arrested?

He said that he 'believe in giving everyone a second chance, so he wasnt going to arrest me'

thanks for all the responses both positive and negative, i appreciate it. ive been recommended 3 or 4 lawyers that I'll be contacting, and see what they say. :-/

04-14-2010, 08:25 PM
As far as replacing my turn signal, should I do it myself, or should I have a shop do it, so I have receipt?

04-14-2010, 08:25 PM
If no one else has, i would suggest bounding it over to state court at your recorder's court hearing. Ask for pretrial and request a transfer with the bailiff. This will give you a good bit of time to save up for a lawyer and take a defensive driving course. When you go to court, keep in mind that a nolo contedre plea will not prevent you from losing your license for at least 6 months unless they either agree to a lesser speeding charge that doesn't exceed 24mph or grant you a limited work permit to drive to and from work.
Whatever you choose, beg the bailiff to trade some of the penalty for community service and a defensive driving course. This can be very expensive for you considering your insurance provider will likely raise your rates when they run your next MVR check after your trial is over. Good luck.

04-14-2010, 08:26 PM
As far as replacing my turn signal, should I do it myself, or should I have a shop do it, so I have receipt?

You can do it yourself, provided you're able to show them that it functions properly.

04-14-2010, 10:21 PM
If no one else has, i would suggest bounding it over to state court at your recorder's court hearing. Ask for pretrial and request a transfer with the bailiff. This will give you a good bit of time to save up for a lawyer and take a defensive driving course. When you go to court, keep in mind that a nolo contedre plea will not prevent you from losing your license for at least 6 months unless they either agree to a lesser speeding charge that doesn't exceed 24mph or grant you a limited work permit to drive to and from work.
Whatever you choose, beg the bailiff to trade some of the penalty for community service and a defensive driving course. This can be very expensive for you considering your insurance provider will likely raise your rates when they run your next MVR check after your trial is over. Good luck.Thats not true.

04-15-2010, 03:45 PM
OP, Read my post, get a lawyer then dont check IA for legal advice again(at least not in the WL)

04-15-2010, 04:01 PM
I'm sorry Corey but....when did you get a bimmer?!?!?! WTF???? You didn't get in that trouble with the Del Sol....that german motor got yo ass!!!

What county court you have to go to? Hope it's not Lake City. That judge is an ass!! Sorry to hear that!!! Don't do it again!!

04-16-2010, 04:28 PM
just bend over...

04-16-2010, 04:52 PM
ur fucked and 90??? doubt 90 but u were speeding and merging lanes like that is ur fault and atleast u kno u dont hav an excuse for blinkers. good luck.