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View Full Version : *OFFICIAL* ranting thread....let it ALL out

Gorilla Eg!
03-21-2010, 10:13 PM
I need to get a few things off my chest, and I know im not alone on that, so here goes!


(1) people that play into RACE stereotypes : WHITE people that think they have to be rednecks for their "white" heritage, dip spitting, fat slobs, that MUST drive huge ass trucks, and are racist biggots : BLACK people that think they all have to be "GANGSTERS" and wear their pants around their asses ( PANTS ON THA GROUND LOL ) and speak without actually forming any sort of proper english words, think guns are the "cool" thing ( guns are for pussies)

(2) people that have NO common sense

(3) women that think they can succeed in life by being beautiful bimbos and nothing else

(4) people that have NO goals and generally dont try to do anything but waste their lives

(5) car theives!!!!! GO KILL YOURSELVES

(6) people on this and EVERY forum who talk E-TRASH and think they are big and bad behind their little computer screen and wouldnt do A DAMN THING in person....stock being a dick if this is you

(7) women who insist on playing games, seriously just do what you say, and say what you mean...

for now this is all....more to come :cheers:


03-21-2010, 10:27 PM
damn i hate the same shit..

i also hate people that jump on the bandwagon for anything, especially in sports teams.

03-21-2010, 10:30 PM
fuck fuck fuck.......... rant.


Gorilla Eg!
03-21-2010, 10:38 PM
fuck fuck fuck.......... rant.


weaksauce.....you can do better

Gorilla Eg!
03-21-2010, 11:06 PM
come on guys it feels good to let it out....YOU CAN DOOOOOOO EEEEETTTTT!!!!!

03-21-2010, 11:23 PM
I need to get a few things off my chest, and I know im not alone on that, so here goes!


(1) people that play into RACE stereotypes : WHITE people that think they have to be rednecks for their "white" heritage, dip spitting, fat slobs, that MUST drive huge ass trucks, and are racist biggots : BLACK people that think they all have to be "GANGSTERS" and wear their pants around their asses ( PANTS ON THA GROUND LOL ) and speak without actually forming any sort of proper english words, think guns are the "cool" thing ( guns are for pussies)

(2) people that have NO common sense

(3) women that think they can succeed in life by being beautiful bimbos and nothing else

(4) people that have NO goals and generally dont try to do anything but waste their lives

(5) car theives!!!!! GO KILL YOURSELVES

(6) people on this and EVERY forum who talk E-TRASH and think they are big and bad behind their little computer screen and wouldnt do A DAMN THING in person....stock being a dick if this is you

(7) women who insist on playing games, seriously just do what you say, and say what you mean...

for now this is all....more to come :cheers:


I can't stand stupid ass political dumb fucks who don't pay attention to the affects their choices make on the entire country, but instead, fill their own pockets a little more. And all the time people think they're trying to help them. Fuck you Obama.

03-21-2010, 11:52 PM
(7) MEN who insist on playing games, seriously just do what you say, and say what you mean...


03-21-2010, 11:57 PM

i dont play games

03-21-2010, 11:58 PM
thats rare, apparently every guy im dealing with these days have this problem.

03-22-2010, 12:00 AM
thats them north ga boys lol

03-22-2010, 12:03 AM
i live like 45mins below Atl and these guys around here are just fucking dogs

03-22-2010, 12:08 AM
well damn that sucks..wat do they do

03-22-2010, 12:16 AM
I can't stand:

1) java programming
2) calculus
4) short ppl with napolean complexs
5) extremely obese ppl
6) spiders
7) ppl who say they're going to do something and don't

03-22-2010, 12:44 AM
I can't stand:

1) java programming
2) calculus
4) short ppl with napolean complexs
5) extremely obese ppl
6) spiders
7) ppl who say they're going to do something and don't

I hate homework. And not having a job.

03-22-2010, 12:47 AM
I hate the new IA, oh wait-repost....

I hate people with Road Rage, and the ones that talk to the TV....

03-22-2010, 07:03 AM
I can't stand stupid ass political dumb fucks who don't pay attention to the affects their choices make on the entire country, but instead, fill their own pockets a little more. And all the time people think they're trying to help them. Fuck you Obama.

i wanna buy you a beer or something :cheers:



03-22-2010, 11:20 AM
well damn that sucks..wat do they do

lie lie lie lie lie yeah and oh wait LIE. just to make themselves seem like they are good guys... then you find out the truth and its like they are a completely different person

03-22-2010, 11:22 AM
I hate the new IA, oh wait-repost....

I hate people with Road Rage, and the ones that talk to the TV....

LOL I only talk to the TV when Obama is on it...and good words are never heard.

03-22-2010, 11:24 AM
LOL I only talk to the TV when Obama is on it...and good words are never heard.

LOL my mom is BAD about that... i hate when people talk to the TV or in the movie theater like plotting the whole movie out.

03-22-2010, 11:26 AM
LOL my mom is BAD about that... i hate when people talk to the TV or in the movie theater like plotting the whole movie out.

I saw Obama's face on the yahoo homepage today. I gave him the finger. Does that count?

03-22-2010, 11:28 AM
LOL my mom is BAD about that... i hate when people talk to the TV or in the movie theater like plotting the whole movie out.
LOL i dont go that far...I hate when people try and talk to me about the movie we are watching or ask questions...Im like"watch the fucking movie....i havent seen it either!"

I saw Obama's face on the yahoo homepage today. I gave him the finger. Does that count?

LOL I feel better when I do stuff like that even though he didnt see it happen.

03-22-2010, 11:30 AM
thats rare, apparently every guy im dealing with these days have this problem.

have been giving up the booty? If not then that could be the problem... :dunno:

Gorilla Eg!
03-22-2010, 11:42 AM
today my ranting theme is DRIVING


(1) TRUCK DRIVERS that think bec they have the biggest vehicle on the road they can do whatever the f*ck they please..... quit being jackass drivers and respect the fact the WE are the majority and NOT YOU

(2) people that use their turn signal right as soon as they turn!.... either use it or dont, all this does is piss people off

(3) people that change lanes every damn 3 seconds bec this lane is going faster....pick a lane and stay in it

(4) COPS that park in hard so see spots and TURNS THEIR LIGHTS OFF.... If I was to hit you, if would be your fault bec I couldnt see you! TURN YOUR DAMN LIGHTS ON TO BE FAIR AND SAFE!!!!!

(5) people that come up on me in the fast lane when I am EXCEEDING the speed limit and expect me to move over.....please try this on me, I will brake check your ass, and I really do want a new car anyway! :)

(6) people who RUN red lights..... yellow = GO FOR IT, red MEANS STOP DUMBASS!!!!

for now this is all.....MORE TO COME

03-22-2010, 11:49 AM
I lol'd at this thread. I don't think I should get started, I might not stop.

Gorilla Eg!
03-22-2010, 11:58 AM
I lol'd at this thread. I don't think I should get started, I might not stop.

you know you want to.....

03-22-2010, 12:09 PM
- I hate guys who are moochers (sp?)

- I hate when clients call in and they have like extra saliva in there mouth or something, it just sounds so disgusting when they talk.

- I hate when clients call in and they flush the toliet while your talking.

- I hate when clients call in smacking on food.

- I hate GA drivers.

- I hate waiting for people to do something they say they are going to do, but they never do it.

- I hate people who cut you off for no reason, making you brake hard/slam on your brakes to avoid hitting there dumbass.

- I hate people that pull out in front of you going 2 MPH just to turn at the next street or parking lot, when no one is behind you.

- I hate clients that call in cursing us out for there mistakes.

- I hate people who make you repeat yourself over and over again.

- I hate long holds when calling a customer service #.

that is it for now. *stay tuned*

Gorilla Eg!
03-22-2010, 12:10 PM
GET EM GIRL!!!! feels good doesnt it? lol

03-22-2010, 12:17 PM
Kinda, but since I cannot do anything about them it makes me angry that it occurs.

Gorilla Eg!
03-22-2010, 12:20 PM
Kinda, but since I cannot do anything about them it makes me angry that it occurs.

tru tru, but ranting is at least a temp band-aid lol

03-22-2010, 12:20 PM
I cant stand hoes... Like girls that think they the shit but can be fucked by the end of the day I met them. Loud and arrogant females also. Most girls now a days need to learn how to be ladies.

03-22-2010, 12:22 PM
tru tru, but ranting is at least a temp band-aid lol

Lol at temp band-aid..

03-22-2010, 09:31 PM
- I hate people who cut you off for no reason, making you brake hard/slam on your brakes to avoid hitting there dumbass.

Thats how my second SE-R got totaled. :cry:

03-23-2010, 02:06 AM
i hate the feeling of sand between my toes. its pisses me off.

Gorilla Eg!
03-23-2010, 02:07 AM
Ive got some good ones for tmw....check back soon...

03-23-2010, 07:12 AM
Thats how my second SE-R got totaled. :cry:

I think I know you lol..

Gorilla Eg!
03-23-2010, 09:06 PM
Todays theme is clothing!


(1) people that wear socks with sandals....lol makes me laugh

(2) "Big" or "Fat" women that wear clothes that are 3 sizes too small...seriously, its not sexy and nobody wants to see it, if you think your sexy thats your right, but please cover up so I dont have to stare at the sun afterward to burn the image off my eyes

(3) guys that wear T-shirts 3 sizes too damn big!....like Andre 3000 says, make your mom proud and take that thing 3 sizes down!

(4) ED HARDY CRAP!!!!....his art is pathetic, totally un-original, AND PLAYED OUT!!!

(5) guys that wear thongs to the beach.....dude thats just weird and nasty I dont care how "buff" you are

(6) women that wear heels that add a foot to their overall height.....it looks like you are walking on stilts to me lol, not sexy

(7) guys that wear hats to the side....either wear it frontwards, backwards, or slightly tilted.....sideways looks ridiculous, period lol

(8) guys that wear their pants or shorts around their asses and have to hold them up with their hands.....dude they invented a thing called a "BELT" HUNDREDS of years ago, technology is your friend!

for now this is all....more to come! :)

Gorilla Eg!
03-23-2010, 09:15 PM
whos next? LET IT ALL OUT

03-23-2010, 09:26 PM
I have hate in my heart.

03-23-2010, 09:27 PM
I hate everything about everyone all the time.

Gorilla Eg!
03-23-2010, 09:29 PM
I hate everything about everyone all the time.

weaksauce....you can do better!

03-23-2010, 09:36 PM
weaksauce....you can do better!I could but I hate typing.

03-23-2010, 09:42 PM
I hate everything mentioned. I also hate horrible grammar and/or spelling, with a fucking passion.

I will seriously stop talking to a girl if she makes my head hurt when she talks and/or types.


Gorilla Eg!
03-23-2010, 09:53 PM
I could but I hate typing.

dont they make a program to turn speech into typed letters? .....laaaaaazzzzzy lol

03-23-2010, 09:57 PM
I hate....
People with bad hygiene
People who do not watch their damn kids in public
Getting in line behind the person at the grocery store with 100 coupons and 2 buggies full of groceries(dont mind them doing it, just hate to be behind them)
When a woman cuts you off at a red light and you honk at them, and they give you the finger(for some reason it only happens to me from women)
People who live off of welfare instead of finding a damn job
People who quit their jobs and then bitch about not having one
Really really stupid TV commercials
People who are given everything, yet still have nothing
Know it all motherfuckers that know nothing

Gorilla Eg!
03-23-2010, 10:04 PM

03-24-2010, 12:43 AM
The people living above me KEEP FUCKING ALL NIGHT LONG. its annoying the shit out of me because it goes on for hours. Short bursts though. Its like they bang for 1.5 minutes, rest for 30 minutes, then go at it again. I mean, if hes gonna fuck her, might as well give it to her good you know? Shit.. she needs to come down here and see how the arabs do it.

03-24-2010, 12:50 AM
^^^^ i was laughing hysterically when i heard it and yelled "YEAH BUDDY!"

Gorilla Eg!
03-24-2010, 01:09 AM
The people living above me KEEP FUCKING ALL NIGHT LONG. its annoying the shit out of me because it goes on for hours. Short bursts though. Its like they bang for 1.5 minutes, rest for 30 minutes, then go at it again. I mean, if hes gonna fuck her, might as well give it to her good you know? Shit.. she needs to come down here and see how the arabs do it.

AAAAHHHHHH HAHAHAHA, on a serious note, that does suck.....

03-24-2010, 01:20 AM
I saw Obama's face on the yahoo homepage today. I gave him the finger. Does that count?

lol nahhh i wouldnt say so

03-24-2010, 07:13 AM
I need to get a few things off my chest, and I know im not alone on that, so here goes!


(1) people that play into RACE stereotypes : WHITE people that think they have to be rednecks for their "white" heritage, dip spitting, fat slobs, that MUST drive huge ass trucks, and are racist biggots : BLACK people that think they all have to be "GANGSTERS" and wear their pants around their asses ( PANTS ON THA GROUND LOL ) and speak without actually forming any sort of proper english words, think guns are the "cool" thing ( guns are for pussies)

(2) people that have NO common sense

(3) women that think they can succeed in life by being beautiful bimbos and nothing else

(4) people that have NO goals and generally dont try to do anything but waste their lives

(5) car theives!!!!! GO KILL YOURSELVES

(6) people on this and EVERY forum who talk E-TRASH and think they are big and bad behind their little computer screen and wouldnt do A DAMN THING in person....stock being a dick if this is you

(7) women who insist on playing games, seriously just do what you say, and say what you mean...

for now this is all....more to come :cheers:


i'll beat you with my keyboard IRL.



03-24-2010, 07:47 AM
I hate:

The dumb fucks above me, everyday/night all day/night it sounds like a fucking stampede of elephants running back and forth. I want to slice the back of there ankles so they can't move.

Fat people who say you cut them on line at walmart but you were clearly already there on line when they walked up, because I had to turn around to see what she is saying. I shoulda stomped on her bag of doritos.

People who think they know everything and will argue until you just get annoyed with them and give up but they really don't know shit!

Most females, because they are 2 faced. (not me)

Folding/putting away laundry after it dries.

When someone texts you, you respond then they take 3895734895 yrs to respond back.

Checking the mail and having lame clothing store magazines in the mailbox from the previous resident.

People who try to say they are better then everyone else but have nothing to prove it. GET ON MY LEVEL HOMIE!

When you are trying to reverse park and some pulls down the isle of the parking lot and they keep inching forward while your still trying to park like basically about to hit you because they can't wait. HIT MY CAR I WILL BASH YOUR HEAD AGAINST YOUR WINDSHEILD!

People who don't pay attention at lights and the light turns green and they are sitting there like humpty dumpty (sp?) you honk to let them know its green and to move the fuck on and they try to get stupid. If you didn't learn green means go, then go back to PRE-K. Even my son knows green means go.

People who drive 0.1 mph in the fast lane and you can't go around because of traffic.

People who can't park.

People who take 9.89758934 yrs to reverse park.

Fat people who are scarfing down a cheeseburger while driving.

(couples) The ones where your b/f won't let you listen to music in his car/let you touch the radio but wanna jump in your car and take control of the radio. MOFUGGA I WILL CHUCK YOUR CD OUTTA OF THE CAR AND YOU CAN GO WITH IT!

stay tuned for more..

03-24-2010, 07:53 AM
I'm sick of people bitching about politics and the new bill. SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU CAN'T DO SHIT ABOUT IT, MOVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. Everyone blows ANYTHING out of proportion if it doesn't benefit them, this is true with anything.

03-24-2010, 08:07 AM
I'm sick of people bitching about politics and the new bill. SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU CAN'T DO SHIT ABOUT IT, MOVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. Everyone blows ANYTHING out of proportion if it doesn't benefit them, this is true with anything.

If we move, we'll end up moving to a country that already has the horrible health care established.. lol

just rockin your chains bud

03-24-2010, 08:14 AM
If we move, we'll end up moving to a country that already has the horrible health care established.. lol

just rockin your chains bud


03-24-2010, 08:35 AM
I hate:

The dumb fucks above me, everyday/night all day/night it sounds like a fucking stampede of elephants running back and forth. I want to slice the back of there ankles so they can't move.

amen to that. it gets really annoying here when im actually trying to get to sleep and it sounds like wwe is going on above my room. it sucks cause i live on 1st floor and there are 4 rooms in the apartment above me so you can hear when they start stomping around.

03-24-2010, 08:59 AM
amen to that. it gets really annoying here when im actually trying to get to sleep and it sounds like wwe is going on above my room. it sucks cause i live on 1st floor and there are 4 rooms in the apartment above me so you can hear when they start stomping around.

I've thrown my slippers over and over again as hard as I could at the ceiling. I'd use a broom stick but I am scared I will be so mad and hit the ceiling to hard it will go through the ceiling lol..

03-24-2010, 09:08 AM
I've thrown my slippers over and over again as hard as I could at the ceiling. I'd use a broom stick but I am scared I will be so mad and it the ceiling to hard it will go through the ceiling lol..

haha weve had a ceiling bump fest before. my roommates and i stood on chairs and beat on out ceiling in the kitchen with our hands and then they started stomping on their floor. they also are inconsiderate and throw their cig butts and cartons down in the bushes and along our walkway to our apartment. feel sorry for the grounds keeper guys cause it make us look like we are shitty people and that we have an apartment full of chain smokers when most of us dont smoke at all. went out one morning and the guy was picking up every single cigarette butt. i ended up telling him that it was the assholes above us and helped pick up some. guess thats what we get for living in apartments on school campus.

back freshmen year i hated the assholes that would set the fire alarm off in the dorms atleast twice a week. they even did it when it was cold. the RAs would try to make sure everyone was out of our room but it go to the point where once it was going off you would hear the whole hall of slamming doors and lights going off. dumb fucks did it so much that if there was a real fire, some people would get stuck and be fucked in their rooms because it was usually a hoax.

03-24-2010, 10:34 AM
well this is funny. i started playing my techno and dance and it sounds like they are having a seizure up there

03-24-2010, 10:40 AM
Yeah at my old apt the people next door pissed me off with there loud country music so i started banging on the walls and slamming cabinets and turned my music and tv really lous just to piss them off.

Gorilla Eg!
03-24-2010, 12:41 PM
I hate:

The dumb fucks above me, everyday/night all day/night it sounds like a fucking stampede of elephants running back and forth. I want to slice the back of there ankles so they can't move.

Fat people who say you cut them on line at walmart but you were clearly already there on line when they walked up, because I had to turn around to see what she is saying. I shoulda stomped on her bag of doritos.

People who think they know everything and will argue until you just get annoyed with them and give up but they really don't know shit!

Most females, because they are 2 faced. (not me)

Folding/putting away laundry after it dries.

When someone texts you, you respond then they take 3895734895 yrs to respond back.

Checking the mail and having lame clothing store magazines in the mailbox from the previous resident.

People who try to say they are better then everyone else but have nothing to prove it. GET ON MY LEVEL HOMIE!

When you are trying to reverse park and some pulls down the isle of the parking lot and they keep inching forward while your still trying to park like basically about to hit you because they can't wait. HIT MY CAR I WILL BASH YOUR HEAD AGAINST YOUR WINDSHEILD!

People who don't pay attention at lights and the light turns green and they are sitting there like humpty dumpty (sp?) you honk to let them know its green and to move the fuck on and they try to get stupid. If you didn't learn green means go, then go back to PRE-K. Even my son knows green means go.

People who drive 0.1 mph in the fast lane and you can't go around because of traffic.

People who can't park.

People who take 9.89758934 yrs to reverse park.

Fat people who are scarfing down a cheeseburger while driving.

(couples) The ones where your b/f won't let you listen to music in his car/let you touch the radio but wanna jump in your car and take control of the radio. MOFUGGA I WILL CHUCK YOUR CD OUTTA OF THE CAR AND YOU CAN GO WITH IT!

stay tuned for more..

WOW, your rants MIGHT actually be better than mine!....reps given lol

03-24-2010, 12:49 PM
Thank you thank you...stay tuned there will be more.

03-24-2010, 01:00 PM
the stay tunage results:

People who flush the toilet constantly while using the bathroom so you don't hear anything. (public restroom) Hope you don't do this at home, your water bill would be very costly, save some water for Tilly the whale, yanno the one who killed like 3 people, I can see why he's mad, he has no water to live in.

People who talk on the phone while using the bathroom. I hope you drop your phone in the toilet one day.(public restroom)

People driving in front of you who come up to a light to turn and the light turns yellow and they take there time going or people who turn slow period. If I didn't like my car, I would rearend you for the fun of it. Of course if I had money to pay court fees and to fix your stupid car.

Clients who call in asking for assistance to make changes, you tell them how to do it, they don't like your response, so they say I will cancel it.. LAZY ASS! If you can't write a two lined request and send it to us then you do belong on the couch watching Jerry Springer.

How candy is packaged!!! How are you going to put all that air in the fucking bag and like 5 1/2 pieces of candy (skittles, sour patch kids, ect..) I am not paying for candy, I am paying air, that I don't need. There is enough air already that I don't have to pay for.

People who don't put shopping carts in the thingies when they are finished and let them roll into people's cars. If I ever catch someone doing this and it hits my car, I am going to put YOU in a shopping cart and roll you off a bridge, lazy dumb ass bitch!

Fat people who really try to hard to fit into clothes to small for them. No means am I in shape or skinny but I am not fat and I do wear clothes that fit me. If I want a muffin top, I will go buy a muffin at the store and cut the bottom off.

stay tuned again..

Gorilla Eg!
03-24-2010, 01:01 PM
Thank you thank you...stay tuned there will be more.

YVW!!!....oh best believe! ;)

03-25-2010, 07:12 AM
bump for rants!

Gorilla Eg!
03-25-2010, 08:09 AM
bump for rants!


03-25-2010, 08:29 AM
i posted another one yesterday right before you posted you would check back.. did you read it?

Gorilla Eg!
03-25-2010, 04:10 PM
added more to my rhyme thread....thinking of new rants for here....might incorporate some of the rhyme into rants.... EL OH EL

Gorilla Eg!
03-25-2010, 04:40 PM
i posted another one yesterday right before you posted you would check back.. did you read it?

yes I did, and as always.... I salute this bad bitch ;)

03-25-2010, 05:10 PM
I fucking hate it when people are in the middle lane on the interstate and the person in front of them is going slower but not ridiculously slow, so they merge in front of you and never pass. They just ride side by side causing traffic buildup. This makes me want to make sprays on the front bumper that spray chemicals to eat away at their car paint.

Gorilla Eg!
03-25-2010, 05:14 PM
I fucking hate it when people are in the middle lane on the interstate and the person in front of them is going slower but not ridiculously slow, so they merge in front of you and never pass. They just ride side by side causing traffic buildup. This makes me want to make sprays on the front bumper that spray chemicals to eat away at their car paint.

SOOOO TRUE.... I HATE it when people throw lit cigarette butts out the damn window and they hit my windshield and burst!!!! OMFG that pisses me off

03-25-2010, 06:36 PM
I hate:

-Analog clocks
-Reality Shows
-Low Budget "nigga" movies (I'm black, no racism here)
-Slow Internet
-Honda Civics
-Reality Shows
-People that talk too much/Take too long to get to the point
-the phrase "Stop playing with me, yo!"
-Hard Headed Kids
-when people say/type "mines" ex, I got mines
-People that like Reality Shows
-the Country
-Walmart's new store arrangement

03-25-2010, 06:53 PM
I hate any one or anything that has to borrow style from some one or some thing else..

I guess this means I hate most Honda owners and their cars.

03-25-2010, 06:54 PM

I hate fucking pussy when it's super wet then your sticky after!
I hate that shit.

Oh yea and hairy pussy too. No one can eat through your bush girls shave that shit!

03-25-2010, 08:01 PM
I hate that fucking sound velcro makes when pulled apart slowly

I hate spilling panda express all over my pants

I hate vacuum cleaners that don't work

I hate when neither side of the pillow is cold

Gorilla Eg!
03-25-2010, 08:10 PM
damn there is some serious steam comin outta this thread!.... better out than in I always say!!!.....keep it comin guys....

03-25-2010, 08:27 PM
I hate it when Gorilla's think it's ok to drive a Civic.... Dom from F&F is one. OP is another.

Gorilla Eg!
03-25-2010, 08:31 PM
I hate it when Gorilla's think it's ok to drive a Civic.... Dom from F&F is one. OP is another.

the car doesnt make the driver....the driver MAKES THE CAR....BETTER LEARN THAT! hahahaha

03-25-2010, 08:40 PM
I just found a bunch of great deals on sc400's but don't have the money right now to buy one! Fuck! I can't wait until my new job starts! Roar...

Gorilla Eg!
03-25-2010, 09:47 PM
I just found a bunch of great deals on sc400's but don't have the money right now to buy one! Fuck! I can't wait until my new job starts! Roar...

LOVE me some toyota soarers!...mmmmm yummy

03-25-2010, 10:00 PM
I need to get a few things off my chest, and I know im not alone on that, so here goes!


(1) people that play into RACE stereotypes : WHITE people that think they have to be rednecks for their "white" heritage, dip spitting, fat slobs, that MUST drive huge ass trucks, and are racist biggots : BLACK people that think they all have to be "GANGSTERS" and wear their pants around their asses ( PANTS ON THA GROUND LOL ) and speak without actually forming any sort of proper english words, think guns are the "cool" thing ( guns are for pussies)

(2) people that have NO common sense

(3) women that think they can succeed in life by being beautiful bimbos and nothing else

(4) people that have NO goals and generally dont try to do anything but waste their lives

(5) car theives!!!!! GO KILL YOURSELVES

(6) people on this and EVERY forum who talk E-TRASH and think they are big and bad behind their little computer screen and wouldnt do A DAMN THING in person....stock being a dick if this is you

(7) women who insist on playing games, seriously just do what you say, and say what you mean...

for now this is all....more to come :cheers:


Fair enough I dip and drive a truck but Im not racise, but round here we are called Country boys aka good ol boys lol. Redneck=white wal mart trailer trash. country boy= polo wearing, muddy jeans, shit kicker boots, aint affraid of shit, deer hunting, cow tippin', skoal spittin', beer drankin', takin' girls down to the riverbank, and get gettin' wild under the pale moon light with a pryamid of beer cans. lololol

I FUCKING HATE, sissy ass white boys who dress up like girls in thier skinny jeans and act all prissy.
I FUCKING HATE, how all these brotha's out here, thinkin they are sooo much fucking better, and harder than anyone else "I SLANG DRUGS, I ROLL TWANKY DEEP, I A HEAD BUSSA" trick please, im from the farm, dont fuck with me.
I FUCKING HATE, people that can't fight mono y mono.
I FUCKING HATE, when girls think they have to look like barbie.
I FUCKING HATE, two-faced, low down, pieces of shit.
I FUCKING HATE, when you pee in a urinal, there's always a creepy dude peeing beside you.
I FUCKING HATE, when you stick it in a girls ass, how she jumps around almost breaking yer penis.
I FUCKING HATE, alot of things. Warm beer, rap music, thugs, anything FUBU, dumb rich white kids, frat boys, ect ect.

03-26-2010, 09:53 AM
yes I did, and as always.... I salute this bad bitch ;)

Nicki Minaj FTW!

Gorilla Eg!
03-26-2010, 03:58 PM
YES THIS IS IN ALL CAPS FOR A REASON..... IM SICK AND F*CKIN TIRED OF ALL YOU GD MOTHERF*CKIN ASSHOLES HERE ON I-A.....DO SOMETHING POSITIVE WITH YOUR TIME INSTEAD OF WASTING IT BEING DICKS AND MAKING FUN OF OR TRYING TO RUIN OTHER PEOPLES LIVES BEC YOU SIMPLY A SAD SACK OF SH*T HUMAN BEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....im sorry your life sucks....mine doesnt....to everyone who isnt rude, crude, or mean to other on this or any forum or just life in general....keep it real and stay positive and love your life.....Dan

for now this is all....more to come

Gorilla Eg!
04-07-2010, 02:10 PM
So I am VERY interested in speaking with a coast guard recruiter about possibly joining up... been thinking about it for years, pretty much ready to do it....There is only one damn office in GA and its in ATL....I have called there 3 times so far, at different times DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS and this recruiter IS NEVER THERE.....WTF MANNNNNN...im just gonna leave 10 billion messages until you call me back....hope you have a HUGE VOICE MAIL BOX, bec im going to fill it up until I get a call back :)

04-07-2010, 02:23 PM
Sorry quickdodge® is a moderator/admin and you are not allowed to ignore him or her.


04-07-2010, 02:33 PM

bwahahaha you can't ignore the superior....