View Full Version : Fuckin crackheads

02-07-2010, 09:43 PM
So i heard this girl i went to HS with, who was on the low end of the education spectrum in HS and smoked/is smoking crack, is now prego with another crackheads baby, and she found out the baby is going to be disabled/retarded.

How much of a fucking low life can people be, it BOGGLES my mind!:thinking::no::???:

02-07-2010, 09:44 PM
yeah thats fucked up

The Ninja
02-07-2010, 09:46 PM
You know whatelse boggles minds? Quantum computing.

02-07-2010, 09:55 PM
Cool thread.

02-07-2010, 10:46 PM
is she gonna keep it?

02-08-2010, 10:45 AM
wheres the free crack?

02-08-2010, 10:46 AM
Is this the 5 o'clock free crack give away?

02-08-2010, 10:55 AM
So i heard this girl i went to HS with, who was on the low end of the education spectrum in HS and smoked/is smoking crack, is now prego with another crackheads baby, and she found out the baby is going to be disabled/retarded.

How much of a fucking low life can people be, it BOGGLES my mind!:thinking::no::???:

She started off smoking pot. :tongue1:

02-08-2010, 10:57 AM
damn..so noo free crack? damn i got soo excited!

02-08-2010, 11:44 AM
She started off smoking pot. :tongue1:
hahaha i was thinking the same thing when i read his sig.

02-08-2010, 11:56 AM
She started off smoking pot. :tongue1:

gateway drug?LAWL

i could say you started off drinkin milk, now look at ya...sodas, alchohol, coffee tsk tsk.

02-08-2010, 11:57 AM
Thread sucks balls, Just like the OP...

02-08-2010, 12:35 PM
gateway drug?LAWL

i could say you started off drinkin milk, now look at ya...sodas, alchohol, coffee tsk tsk.

You can't deny it, can you? :rolleyes:

All of my consumables are legal for my use. How about you?

02-08-2010, 03:14 PM
You can't deny it, can you? :rolleyes:

All of my consumables are legal for my use. How about you?

that was my whole point, cannabis is not a gateway drug, if someone is going to do hard drugs, they would have done them anyway, proof???

ok...how about the fact that since the 70's there has ALWAYS been a very steady amount of hard drug users....BUT there are more and more cannabis smokers everyday, the amount of people who smoke cannabis constantly rises and harddrug users stays at a Plataea?


Pot is like if people didnt die and the number of people on earth goes up and up


Harder drugs are like the world now, there are always people dieing and being born so there is always give or take steady amount of people on earth.
(practically speaking)

02-08-2010, 03:17 PM
that was my whole point, cannabis is not a gateway drug, if someone is going to do hard drugs, they would have done them anyway, proof???

ok...how about the fact that since the 70's there has ALWAYS been a very steady amount of hard drug users....BUT there are more and more cannabis smokers everyday, the amount of people who smoke cannabis constantly rises and harddrug users stays at a Plataea?


Pot is like if people didnt die and the number of people on earth goes up and up


Harder drugs are like the world now, there are always people dieing and being born so there is always give or take steady amount of people on earth.
(practically speaking)


Hard drugs are more dangerous, so the reason the number stays the same is new users constantly partake, but old users constantly OD.


Look at celeb deaths this past year.

02-08-2010, 03:17 PM

Um what? It starts here

02-08-2010, 03:19 PM

Hard drugs are more dangerous, so the reason the number stays the same is new users constantly partake, but old users constantly OD.


Look at celeb deaths this past year.

ummm exactly?

but cannabis user dont O.D, and more people smoeke it everyday, the amount of cannabis users year to year has never gone anywhere but up.

hard drug user numbers stay that same, b/c yea they die.

02-08-2010, 03:25 PM
So i heard this girl i went to HS with, who was on the low end of the education spectrum in HS and smoked/is smoking crack, is now prego with another crackheads baby, and she found out the baby is going to be disabled/retarded.

I bet shes registered on IA, and probably drives a Honda with trailer wheels!

lulz na im just kidding I feel bad for the retarded baby, but its okay cause when hes old enough BKgen will have someone to talk to on here

02-08-2010, 03:58 PM
that was my whole point, cannabis is not a gateway drug, if someone is going to do hard drugs, they would have done them anyway, proof???

ok...how about the fact that since the 70's there has ALWAYS been a very steady amount of hard drug users....BUT there are more and more cannabis smokers everyday, the amount of people who smoke cannabis constantly rises and harddrug users stays at a Plataea?


Pot is like if people didnt die and the number of people on earth goes up and up


Harder drugs are like the world now, there are always people dieing and being born so there is always give or take steady amount of people on earth.
(practically speaking)

The fact that you are not denying that she started on marijuana shows it was a gateway drug for her.

To deny that is the sign of a pothead.

02-08-2010, 04:11 PM
The fact that you are not denying that she started on marijuana shows it was a gateway drug for her.

To deny that is the sign of a pothead.

I dont even know the girl jackass, but your so foolish to continue the think its a gateway drug, try reading some studies on it instead of spewing your ignorant opinion.

The "Gateway Theory" is a theory that the use of cannabis naturally leads to the use of heroin, cocaine, or other "hard drugs". This theory is often used to explain why cannabis use must remain criminal, despite cannabis use itself being less physically dangerous than many legal activities. Although the Gateway Theory has been repeatedly debunked and discredited by reviews funded by the White House, the Parliament of Britain, and the government of Canada, it continues to be used as an argument in both educational materials and political decisions.

Based on the data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), formerly named the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, by SAMSHA, the percentage of those who have ever tried marijuana and then ended up using heroin once per month is around 1 in 1000. To explain this further, since the estimated number of monthly heroin users in the United Status in 2001 is 100,000, that is the maximum number of people who can have gone on to use heroin regularly after trying cannabis. Since there are an estimated 83 million people in the US who have ever tried cannabis, this works out to 0.12% (100,000 / 83,300,000).


and now its upwards of 99 million cannabis users.

Gateway Theory Debunked...Again.

A 12 year study from the university of Pittsburgh pokes yet another whole in the wet paper napkin known as the "gateway theory."


Investigators said that environmental factors (e.g., a greater exposure to illegal drugs in their neighborhoods) as well as subjects' "proneness to deviancy" were the two characteristics that most commonly predicted substance abuse.

"This evidence supports what's known as the common liability model ... [which] states [that] the likelihood that someone will transition to the use of illegal drugs is determined not by the preceding use of a particular drug, but instead by the user's individual tendencies and environmental circumstances," investigators stated in a press release. They added, "The emphasis on the drugs themselves, rather than other, more important factors that shape a person's behavior, has been detrimental to drug policy and prevention programs."

No kidding. It's such a perfectly logical conclusion, it's hard to understand why anyone thought otherwise. Especially since one study after another has shown the exact same thing.

It shouldn't take 12 years of research by respected social scientists to tell us that trying one drug can't possibly have the psycho-pharmacological effect of making you want some different drug you've never tried before. Marijuana grows on trees. It's ubiquitous. That's why people try it first.

As for the "environmental factors" that actually are useful in predicting behavior, much thanks is owed to drug prohibition for creating a criminal subculture through which illicit drugs are widely available to young people. As a high school student, I had potential access to a far greater variety of drugs than I do now as professional drug policy reform activist. Alcohol was the one thing you couldn't get easily.

Inevitably, the "gateway theory" will not die a sudden death today. It will live on in the form of anecdotal accounts from marijuana "victims" whose progression into addiction will be taken out of context. It's a shame that so many people who are genuinely concerned about the drug problems facing America's youth nonetheless insist on misunderstanding basic facts about drug use.

Imagine the progress that could be achieved overnight if research such the Pittsburgh study were used to make policy.







^ this last one would do you wonders. :tongue1:


Do you know who Barry Cooper is?

From wiki.. Barry Cooper is a former law enforcement officer and anti-drug-war lecturer made famous throughout the anti-drug-war community for his film Never Get Busted Again Vol. 1.

but WHY??

Why Barry Cooper is No Longer a Police Officer
Barry now admits during his tour of duty in the war on drugs his conscience often bothered him while seeing everyday, hard working, non-violent citizens torn from their children and spouses and placed in jail during a raid or traffic stop.

Barry explains, "I knew what I was doing was wrong but my need for fame, adrenaline and peer acceptance overrode my good conscience." Barry now realizes this is a war on people not a war on drugs. He explains "This war on people is a failed policy. We have more prisoners of this war in jail then ever before yet even the DEA admits we have more potent drugs and a larger supply of drugs available than ever before."

After leaving law enforcement, Barry began building small businesses for a living. He is the former owner of three car dealerships, a tire shop, a nightclub, a limousine service and a cage fighting company. Barry continued his education by returning to college and joining the debate team where he uses these skills to educate against propaganda.

While living his civilian life, Barry continually noticed the abuse of law enforcement growing worse. Barry himself was unjustifiably arrested five times and became the target of a botched civil raid which left bruises on his 13 year old daughter. One of his arrests includes him being jailed for theft in 2006. After being released from jail, Barry learned the "theft" charge stemmed from him not returning Jeepers Creepers I and Jeepers Creepers II on time to a local video rental store. The charges were dropped after the media aired the story. Barry admits he might have deserved jail time for his choice of movies but not for being late on a return. The other four arrests were just as unreasonable and led to charges being dropped or being found not guilty by a jury.

After experiencing these crazy searches and arrests, it was clear to Barry the courts were doing nothing to protect him and others of their 4th amendment rights which promises to protect citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. This is when Barry decided to release a series of DVDs and writings (beginning with Never Get Busted Again Traffic Stops Volume I) to help parents, students, teachers, bankers, laborers and other citizens from going to jail for something as unreasonable as marijuana possession.

Barry is not soft on crime. He explains, "If we release all non-violent drug offenders we would have room for the sex offenders, murderers, burglars, robbers, etc." Barry contends law enforcement should place people in jail for the crimes they commit and not the drugs. "If somebody abuses drugs to the point they are influenced to harm persons or property, then lock them up for harming the person or their property. This ensures the drug abusers who cause harm are locked away and the millions of drug users who never commit crimes get to stay home, go to school, continue working and be with their families."

Barry has recently received global attention by being reported in over 300 newspapers and magazines across the world including an exclusive front page story in the Dallas Observer and Houston Press. Barry has been a guest on numerous radio and television programs including MSNBC Tucker Carlson, FOX Geraldo At Large, ABC I Caught, The Adam Corolla Radio Show, NBC Mike and Juliet Morning Show and the syndicated Todd and Tyler Radio Show. Barry currently gives a tip of the week on Playboy Radio and was recently featured on the front cover of Cannabis Culture Magazine. He has also appeared in Rolling Stones Magazine, Radar Magazine and Don Diva Magazine.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a minute to watch this youtube vid, just watch it.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYpt_H6g_44&feature=related

02-08-2010, 04:28 PM
So you quote pro-marijuana sites as sources, and form 2003?:screwy:
I gave you sources from Sept 2008 from established AMA studies, and government sites.

Here is why it is illegal (my sources here are from the US Governmentand the National Academies Press):

Legalization as a Non-Starter (http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/news/press09/marijuana_legalization.pdf)
Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base (http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=6376)
Medical Marijuana Fact Sheet (http://www.importatlanta.com/forums/pdf/MedicalMarijuanFactSheet.pdf)
California City and County Listing of Illegal Store Front Ordinances (http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/statelocal/California_listing.html)
Marijuana Myths & Facts: The Truth Behind 10 Popular Misperceptions (http://www.ncjrs.gov/ondcppubs/publications/pdf/marijuana_myths_facts.pdf)
What Americans Need to Know About Marijuana (http://www.ncjrs.gov/ondcppubs/publications/pdf/mj_rev.pdf)
Denial of Marijuana Rescheduling (http://www.importatlanta.com/forums/../publications/pdf/fedreg041801.pdf)
The DEA Position on Marijuana (http://www.dea.gov/marijuana_position.html)

I suggest that you start looking at some sources with authority, not propaganda sites. Put the pipe down, and learn something.

So you simple were posting a rumor about someone you don't know? That's pretty desperate to push your propaganda.

02-08-2010, 04:35 PM
So you quote pro-marijuana sites as sources, and form 2003?:screwy:
I gave you sources from Sept 2008 from established AMA studies, and government sites.

Here is why it is illegal (my sources here are from the US Governmentand the National Academies Press):

Legalization as a Non-Starter (http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/news/press09/marijuana_legalization.pdf)
Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base (http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=6376)
Medical Marijuana Fact Sheet (http://www.importatlanta.com/forums/pdf/MedicalMarijuanFactSheet.pdf)
California City and County Listing of Illegal Store Front Ordinances (http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/statelocal/California_listing.html)
Marijuana Myths & Facts: The Truth Behind 10 Popular Misperceptions (http://www.ncjrs.gov/ondcppubs/publications/pdf/marijuana_myths_facts.pdf)
What Americans Need to Know About Marijuana (http://www.ncjrs.gov/ondcppubs/publications/pdf/mj_rev.pdf)
Denial of Marijuana Rescheduling (http://www.importatlanta.com/forums/../publications/pdf/fedreg041801.pdf)
The DEA Position on Marijuana (http://www.dea.gov/marijuana_position.html)

I suggest that you start looking at some sources with authority, not propaganda sites. Put the pipe down, and learn something.

So you simple were posting a rumor about someone you don't know? That's pretty desperate to push your propaganda.

you're pathetic.

It's 2010 the evidence is clear, pot is much safer then alcohol. When my kids get to the age they start experimenting with substances, i would rather them smoke pot instead of drink cause at least l know they will live through the pot smoking experience

WATCH the VID!(here's a quote from it) "i was very intimidating when i crashed through your door with a 44"

02-08-2010, 04:37 PM
Oh good, another worthless argument with a stupid pot head about weed.

02-08-2010, 04:43 PM
Oh good, another worthless argument with a stupid pot head about weed.


02-08-2010, 04:45 PM
you're pathetic.

It's 2010 the evidence is clear, pot is much safer then alcohol. When my kids get to the age they start experimenting with substances, i would rather them smoke pot instead of drink cause at least l know they will live through the pot smoking experience

WATCH the VID!(here's a quote from it) "i was very intimidating when i crashed through your door with a 44"

I'm pathetic? I'm not the 22 year old trying to convince everyone that something should be changed legally - but won't even talk to his representative.

Please show me this "clear evidence" from reliable sources. You have failed in 3 threads so far.
Your opinion is not "clear evidence".

Barry Cooper hired Joey Dauben from snowrevolt.com to run his 2010 campaign for Texas Attorney General. Barry Cooper choice of place to talk about his candidacy? Alex Jones' Infowars.
Quote from Barry Cooper - "Barry considers Alex a friend, ally and supporter"

You should pick someone else to be your selling point.

02-08-2010, 06:16 PM
lol David88vert clearly won that!

02-08-2010, 06:32 PM
Well I watched your video, And I basically laughed the whole time. This guy sounds like he is promoting for the KKK, but its for Potheads! LOL

In the video he quotes stuff from the late 1930's. Lol

And on top of that.. The only time you are going to do time for having being caught with marjiuana is when you have pounds on you. And then your not a pot smoker, you are a drug dealer. And you deserve to do time.

02-08-2010, 07:23 PM
If I had to choose between Alcohol and Weed, I would choose weed. The effects of Alcohol and so much more worse than weed. I have no idea how alcohol is legal and weed is illegal.

I will never drank, I mean just look how many deaths and problems it causes. Its ridiculous really.