01-30-2010, 09:47 AM
Well...I am a super speeder. Fucking idiot cops though. I was going 93 on 85. NOBODY around and you're going to give me a ticket?

Here is the whole story, because it wasn't just that simple. Long, sorry, but worth the read.

So I was on my way home from a party in Rome (GA for you idiots) it's like 3am and I am on 85 close to the 316 exit, there is NO traffic, almost creepy lol. Anyway, just cruising along not really paying attention to my speed because like I said, 3am, no cars, it's just hard to care.

Anyway close to the exit I see the flashing lights in my mirror, I look down and I am now going about 75 or so. I'm like whatever and pull over. I kind of take a minute to pull over because right where he "wanted" me to pull over there was tire carcass from a truck or something and other debris so I looked for a smooth spot that wouldn't destroy my car.

I pull over and shut the engine off and open the door. Immediately the officer yells hands where I can see them get out of the car right now. Which I was already doing because there is no way in hell I can get into my glove compartment or even my wallet strapped in.

I get out and he kind of lunges and me and says get against the car, at this point I am laughing a little like are you serious? :???: He tells me to shut up and pats me down finding nothing. :screwy:

He then asks why I was super speeding. :lmfao::lmfao: I literally died laughing and said huh?? He said don't "huh" me boy. I explained I didn't know I was "super speeding" and that's not even very fast especially for such a wide interstate in the middle of the night with no cars.

He then saw my German flag stickers on the car and asked if I thought this was the autobahn and asked why the car is gutted and why this and that. I explained I track it and took everything out to make it easier to work on and save some weight. He then asked to check the car. :doh: I said no, because you have no valid cause and no reason to. He immediately became hostile and said that because I was "super speeding" at 3am he has every right to search this vehicle as I may of been drug trafficking and the car could be gutted to hide drugs in different places. I lol'd and said ok wear yourself out. He told me to stand against the guardrail which I did.

After fifteen minutes of him doing nothing he came back and said he found a razor blade in the trunk and I shouldn't be carrying stuff like that. :screwy:

So I simply ask what exactly is he doing, if I was speeding write me a ticket. He gets upset again and asks why I was speeding. I mentioned again it's late, no cars, so I couldn't really keep "up with the flow" and didn't really think about it. He then asked why I tried to evade him. :lmfao: I explained the car sits low and that hitting the debris back there would of ripped stuff off, he said he should write me a ticket for the car being too low and that h could arrest me from trying to run. :lmfao:

So after more complete BULL SHIT I tell him to write me a ticket or I am driving away and he can follow me to his station where maybe a sane person is working at this hour. That got his panties in a wad and I also told him how ridiculous most cops are in this country. This story is also completely fake and made up because there is so much gay nothing lately lets see who can't read and just starts bashing me. If you get here don't comment that it's fake, just continue with the flow. That got him even more mad especially since for some reason he thought not flying an American flag is a sin.

FINALLY he writes me a ticket for going 93 and tells me he's following me for a while to see where I am going.


-Ticket for going 93 on 85.
-Cop harasses me.
-I harass cop.
-Cop cries.
-I leave, I win.

:2up::2up::2up::2up::2up::2up: FUCK YOU GA AND YOUR STUPID FUCKING LAWS. :2up::2up::2up::2up:

87 Turbo II
01-30-2010, 09:53 AM
;) Guy sounds like a total dick.

01-30-2010, 09:53 AM
LMAO wouldnt have took the ticket unless he showed me the radar.

01-30-2010, 09:54 AM
;) Guy sounds like a total dick.

Like most cops are.

01-30-2010, 09:54 AM

01-30-2010, 09:54 AM
LMAO wouldnt have took the ticket unless he showed me the radar.

No this cop was a DICK, he probably would've taken my to jail if I asked to see the radar.

01-30-2010, 09:56 AM

01-30-2010, 09:56 AM
LOL fool you were hauling ass. Late or not the laws are still the same

01-30-2010, 09:57 AM
LOL fool you were hauling ass. Late or not the laws are still the same

So? It's not like I could hurt anyone with nobody else around.

87 Turbo II
01-30-2010, 09:57 AM
Like most cops are.

a good percentage of them yes, but there are a considerable chunk of good ones out there too. It's just harder to be noticed when you do your job right and everyone remembers the asshole who abuses power.

01-30-2010, 09:59 AM
So? It's not like I could hurt anyone with nobody else around.

Still doesn't change anything. Im not siding with the cop or anything....but the law is still the same regardless of the time or amount of people around.

87 Turbo II
01-30-2010, 09:59 AM
Guess reading owns southside and 87turbo

I guess the ;) went under your speeding radar. I read it all.

01-30-2010, 10:00 AM
Still doesn't change anything. Im not siding with the cop or anything....but the law is still the same regardless of the time or amount of people around.

True but it should be more laid back, I've passed a cop before going 100 late at night and he didn't do anything, probably because he could tell I was scared by the way I backed off lol.

01-30-2010, 10:01 AM
edit: damn you shouldnt be speeding :goodjob: :ninja:

87 Turbo II
01-30-2010, 10:02 AM

way to ruin the fun

01-30-2010, 10:03 AM
True but it should be more laid back, I've passed a cop before going 100 late at night and he didn't do anything, probably because he could tell I was scared by the way I backed off lol.

Some of them just dont want to write the ticket. Its probably too much paper work for their lazy asses

01-30-2010, 10:03 AM
Some of them just dont want to write the ticket. Its probably too much paper work for their lazy asses

Probably is.

01-30-2010, 10:04 AM
fine hoes dont get your panties in a bunch :lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:

01-30-2010, 10:05 AM
well i guess we see whos illiterate on this thread now lmao :lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:

edit your shit bish!


01-30-2010, 10:13 AM

:doh: premature ejaculation..

should have floored it and got away...

01-30-2010, 10:16 AM
:doh: premature ejaculation..

should have floored it and got away...

I should of really...:yes:

01-30-2010, 10:17 AM
I was getting mad for you, until the end. :tongue1:

01-30-2010, 10:18 AM
I was getting mad for you, until the end. :tongue1:

Yeah, thank god he just gave me the ticket and let me go.

01-30-2010, 10:19 AM
So? It's not like I could hurt anyone with nobody else around.

Just because no one is around doesn't mean you are allowed to get away with speeding. How are you any different than any other speeder? I do agree with you on not knowing how fast you were going but blaming Georgia laws for your ticket makes no sense.
It's still illegal to speed, traffic or no traffic.

Great story though.

01-30-2010, 10:21 AM
Just because no one is around doesn't mean you are allowed to get away with speeding. How are you any different than any other speeder? I do agree with you on not knowing how fast you were going but blaming Georgia laws for your ticket makes no sense.
It's still illegal to speed, traffic or no traffic.

Great story though.

Not really, I can drive better then most people. I shouldn't pay a fine for driving fast because other idiots crash doing it, paying a regular speeding ticket, ok that's fine, super speeding, LMFAO. No thanks.

I may take it to court.

01-30-2010, 10:23 AM
Yeah, thank god he just gave me the ticket and let me go.

No kidding.

01-30-2010, 10:31 AM
Not really, I can drive better then most people. I shouldn't pay a fine for driving fast because other idiots crash doing it, paying a regular speeding ticket, ok that's fine, super speeding, LMFAO. No thanks.

I may take it to court.

Well GL with taking it to court. But whats your proof for not breaking the law? It's not a matter of being a good driver, its the matter of the road conditions. What if there's a deer in the road when your joyriding one night? Any number of things!

And you don't get special privilages for being a "good" driver when it comes to speeding on a public highway, sry.

01-30-2010, 11:28 AM
Not really, I can drive better then most people. I shouldn't pay a fine for driving fast because other idiots crash doing it, paying a regular speeding ticket, ok that's fine, super speeding, LMFAO. No thanks.

I may take it to court.

Doesn't matter. You're not above the law. Even Mario Andretti is human and makes errors at times.

01-30-2010, 11:32 AM
Doesn't matter. You're not above the law. Even Mario Andretti is human and makes errors at times.

Well they should at least take conditions into consideration.

01-30-2010, 11:46 AM
awesome story simon! i had a cop get a little pissed cause i continued off an exit up here in marietta and he said he thought i was trying to elude. i pointed around me and told him i decided to stop here where there is no traffic to make it safe for both of us and he settled down.

was it 93 in 55 or 65 up there by 316?

01-30-2010, 11:46 AM
Lol... epic stupidity.

Rookie mistake 1:Laughing at the cop
Rookie mistake 2:telling him to write u a ticket
rookie mistake 3: thinking you can go to court and fight it. Lol they may lower the points but they won't lower the fine and u will owe an extra 50 for court costs.

haha the cop definitely won bc u owe 400-500 dollars and ur on IA crying about being the cops bitch

btw The cop does not have to show u the radar reading

01-30-2010, 11:48 AM
I completely understand where youre coming from. 93 isn't even really that fast. what a dick :2up:


01-30-2010, 11:48 AM
Lol... epic stupidity.

Rookie mistake 1:Laughing at the cop
Rookie mistake 2:telling him to write u a ticket
rookie mistake 3: thinking you can go to court and fight it. Lol they may lower the points but they won't lower the fine and u will owe an extra 50 for court costs.

haha the cop definitely won bc u owe 400-500 dollars and ur on IA crying about being the cops bitch

btw The cop does not have to show u the radar reading

Well if the cop wasn't such a dumb fuck I wouldn't of laughed. I was tired and ready to go, the ticket was inevitable, that's fine I can try to get them to drop it.

Cop didn't win anything from me except for being laughed at. :lmfao:

01-30-2010, 11:52 AM
Cop didn't win anything from me except for being laughed at. :lmfao:

01-30-2010, 11:55 AM
good one!:.

01-30-2010, 12:00 PM
;) cool story bro..."sin not flying the american flag":lmfao:

01-30-2010, 12:17 PM

x Resilience
01-30-2010, 12:22 PM
Don't see how you accomplished anything or "won" anything. You still drove away with a ticket.

01-30-2010, 12:35 PM
Don't see how you accomplished anything or "won" anything. You still drove away with a ticket.

He may not have "won", but he earned my respect. To some people that's more important.


01-30-2010, 12:46 PM
I had a big message written up. The jist of it is fuck you and quit your fucking whining.

01-30-2010, 12:52 PM
WTF is up with all the winky faces in here??

01-30-2010, 01:04 PM
When I was at simons house last night he pooped on my fingers and then licked it off

01-30-2010, 01:16 PM
This just goes to show alot of people dont read the full post when it's a long read lol.

01-30-2010, 01:16 PM
this thread is full of hardcore fail.

01-30-2010, 01:29 PM
Op is a fool. (no winkie face)

x Resilience
01-30-2010, 02:08 PM
He may not have "won", but he earned my respect. To some people that's more important.


Not really, you won't be the one paying the ticket for him. Fuck respect, if I have to pay hundreds of dollars.

01-30-2010, 02:15 PM
You were a jackass .

Number one rule when getting pulled over is to sit still turn on dome light and keep hands on steering wheel.

At 3 am going 90+ mph you took a min to pull over and opened the door. WTF do you think was going through his mind?

Then you mouth off to him?

He prob escalated it because of your actions.

Next time be polite and keep your hands on the steering wheel. When he asks you for registration/license THEN you explain you have to get out of the car to reach the glove box.

Figured you would know how to act. The best way to handle a cop is to be polite and give him no reason to feel alarmed it's about his safety not yours.

Don't be a punk kid and next time you'll be let go maybe even with a warning since you were speeding doesn't matter how empty the highway is.

01-30-2010, 02:21 PM
You were a jackass .

Number one rule when getting pulled over is to sit still turn on dome light and keep hands on steering wheel.

At 3 am going 90+ mph you took a min to pull over and opened the door. WTF do you think was going through his mind?

Then you mouth off to him?

He prob escalated it because of your actions.

Next time be polite and keep your hands on the steering wheel. When he asks you for registration/license THEN you explain you have to get out of the car to reach the glove box.

Figured you would know how to act. The best way to handle a cop is to be polite and give him no reason to feel alarmed it's about his safety not yours.

Don't be a punk kid and next time you'll be let go maybe even with a warning since you were speeding doesn't matter how empty the highway is.Read the last paragraph right before the cliffs...

01-30-2010, 02:23 PM
You "drive better" so you think you should get a pass lol

what if a deer ran out in front of you? A kid? What if you nodded off an fell asleep?

You were speeding period. 93 qualifies for super speeder

if you weren't a jackass punk kid you prob would have been let go with a warning. But because of your attitude I'll prob get picked on next time I get pulled over. Diffence is I can play the game and talk myself out of it. They hold ALL the cards.

I've had asshole cops pull me over and I'm friendly polite say yes sir and show them some respect and been let go with a warning. I haven't had a ticket in 4 years. Most of them just want you to acknowledge their authority, show some respect, admit you were wrong, comply with their requests.

You don't argue a ticket with the cop, that's what the judge is for.

I've been pulled over for speeding once in Cobb county. I informed the officer I had a gun in the car. He made me get out searched me searched the car etc for no reason. I just said yes sir thank you and he let me go and said "nice gun". If I had mouthed off and told him what a douche he was I bet I would have gotten a ticket and searched even longer

01-30-2010, 02:24 PM
I know it's fake op is still a douchebag

01-30-2010, 02:27 PM
I know it's fake op is still a douchebagAgreed. Huge over-flowing douche bag.

01-30-2010, 02:29 PM
I also agree :NINJA:I agree you fail at typing simple code:ninja:

01-30-2010, 02:36 PM
who the fuck would take their time to write this. fuckin gay

01-30-2010, 03:07 PM
I know it's fake op is still a douchebag


01-30-2010, 03:18 PM
LOL fool you were hauling ass. Late or not the laws are still the same

Truth, but maybe the cop was new and that badge gave his ego a little boost lol

01-30-2010, 03:27 PM
LOL god damn how dumb can you fucks possibly be? SERIOUSLY?

Reading....its does a motherfucker good.

01-30-2010, 03:46 PM
i liked this story

01-30-2010, 04:01 PM
the story is fake!!!! lol:lmfao: [SIZE="3"]the ppl above me havent noticed yet lol[:taun:/SIZE]

Evil Goat
01-30-2010, 04:43 PM
sounds like you got what you deserved....thanks for contributing

01-30-2010, 05:03 PM
-I leave, I win.



01-30-2010, 06:29 PM
I've had asshole cops pull me over and I'm friendly polite say yes sir and show them some respect and been let go with a warning. I haven't had a ticket in 4 years. Most of them just want you to acknowledge their authority, show some respect, admit you were wrong, comply with their requests.

so much truth is this statement.

I too have escaped a ticket or two by simply being as respectful as possible regardless of how I really felt. :goodjob:

01-30-2010, 06:36 PM
so much truth is this statement.

I too have escaped a ticket or two by simply being as respectful as possible regardless of how I really felt. :goodjob:

Well I'm a man and man up to cops.

01-30-2010, 06:57 PM
Well I'm a man and man up to cops.

no doubt

I can't afford to man up. $$$

01-30-2010, 08:33 PM
Well...I am a super speeder. Fucking idiot me though. I was going 93 on 85.

Fixed that part.

On the rest of your story, you again prove that you really are an idiot.

I will school you on a couple things though.

Drug runners do strip down cars in order to hide the drugs behind panels, spare tires, whatever. He was probably looking for anything to suggest you have been doing that, such as a small amount from a ripped package or something.

Being a smart ass will ALWAYS lead to a ticket and harassment.

finally, you are a fucking idiot.

01-30-2010, 08:54 PM
Fixed that part.

On the rest of your story, you again prove that you really are an idiot.

I will school you on a couple things though.

Drug runners do strip down cars in order to hide the drugs behind panels, spare tires, whatever. He was probably looking for anything to suggest you have been doing that, such as a small amount from a ripped package or something.

Being a smart ass will ALWAYS lead to a ticket and harassment.

finally, you are a fucking idiot.
Your totally right

01-30-2010, 09:02 PM
Fixed that part.

On the rest of your story, you again prove that you really are an idiot.

I will school you on a couple things though.

Drug runners do strip down cars in order to hide the drugs behind panels, spare tires, whatever. He was probably looking for anything to suggest you have been doing that, such as a small amount from a ripped package or something.

Being a smart ass will ALWAYS lead to a ticket and harassment.

finally, you are a fucking idiot.

LOL...I'm stupid alright. :lmfao:

I love this thread.

01-30-2010, 09:08 PM
Fixed that part.

On the rest of your story, you again prove that you really are an idiot.

I will school you on a couple things though.

Drug runners do strip down cars in order to hide the drugs behind panels, spare tires, whatever. He was probably looking for anything to suggest you have been doing that, such as a small amount from a ripped package or something.

Being a smart ass will ALWAYS lead to a ticket and harassment.

finally, you are a fucking idiot.

L-O-L agreed&repped.

edit: nm

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to simontibbett again."

01-30-2010, 09:31 PM
L-O-L agreed&repped.

edit: nm

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to simontibbett again."http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x249/Echonova1/owned-13.jpg

01-30-2010, 11:25 PM
lmao sooo full of FAIL!!! Can we please just end this thread already...its really starting to get sad

Got Milk?
01-31-2010, 01:35 AM
Well...I am a super speeder. Fucking idiot cops though. I was going 93 on 85. NOBODY around and you're going to give me a ticket?

Here is the whole story, because it wasn't just that simple. Long, sorry, but worth the read.

So I was on my way home from a party in Rome (GA for you idiots) it's like 3am and I am on 85 close to the 316 exit, there is NO traffic, almost creepy lol. Anyway, just cruising along not really paying attention to my speed because like I said, 3am, no cars, it's just hard to care.

Anyway close to the exit I see the flashing lights in my mirror, I look down and I am now going about 75 or so. I'm like whatever and pull over. I kind of take a minute to pull over because right where he "wanted" me to pull over there was tire carcass from a truck or something and other debris so I looked for a smooth spot that wouldn't destroy my car.

I pull over and shut the engine off and open the door. Immediately the officer yells hands where I can see them get out of the car right now. Which I was already doing because there is no way in hell I can get into my glove compartment or even my wallet strapped in.

I get out and he kind of lunges and me and says get against the car, at this point I am laughing a little like are you serious? :???: He tells me to shut up and pats me down finding nothing. :screwy:

He then asks why I was super speeding. :lmfao::lmfao: I literally died laughing and said huh?? He said don't "huh" me boy. I explained I didn't know I was "super speeding" and that's not even very fast especially for such a wide interstate in the middle of the night with no cars.

He then saw my German flag stickers on the car and asked if I thought this was the autobahn and asked why the car is gutted and why this and that. I explained I track it and took everything out to make it easier to work on and save some weight. He then asked to check the car. :doh: I said no, because you have no valid cause and no reason to. He immediately became hostile and said that because I was "super speeding" at 3am he has every right to search this vehicle as I may of been drug trafficking and the car could be gutted to hide drugs in different places. I lol'd and said ok wear yourself out. He told me to stand against the guardrail which I did.

After fifteen minutes of him doing nothing he came back and said he found a razor blade in the trunk and I shouldn't be carrying stuff like that. :screwy:

So I simply ask what exactly is he doing, if I was speeding write me a ticket. He gets upset again and asks why I was speeding. I mentioned again it's late, no cars, so I couldn't really keep "up with the flow" and didn't really think about it. He then asked why I tried to evade him. :lmfao: I explained the car sits low and that hitting the debris back there would of ripped stuff off, he said he should write me a ticket for the car being too low and that h could arrest me from trying to run. :lmfao:

So after more complete BULL SHIT I tell him to write me a ticket or I am driving away and he can follow me to his station where maybe a sane person is working at this hour. That got his panties in a wad and I also told him how ridiculous most cops are in this country. This story is also completely fake and made up because there is so much gay nothing lately lets see who can't read and just starts bashing me. If you get here don't comment that it's fake, just continue with the flow. That got him even more mad especially since for some reason he thought not flying an American flag is a sin.

FINALLY he writes me a ticket for going 93 and tells me he's following me for a while to see where I am going.


-Ticket for going 93 on 85.
-Cop harasses me.
-I harass cop.
-Cop cries.
-I leave, I win.

:2up::2up::2up::2up::2up::2up: FUCK YOU GA AND YOUR STUPID FUCKING LAWS. :2up::2up::2up::2up:

Am I the only one who saw that before posting, or is EVERYONE just going with the "Flow"?

01-31-2010, 01:42 AM
Am I the only one who saw that before posting, or is EVERYONE just going with the "Flow"?

i think it was about 50/50 lol

01-31-2010, 08:37 AM
You can tell who wasn't kidding lol, there's no way Vteckidd wrote all that going along with the "flow." :lmfao:

01-31-2010, 10:39 AM


01-31-2010, 10:46 AM
Fixed that part.

On the rest of your story, you again prove that you really are an idiot.

I will school you on a couple things though.

Drug runners do strip down cars in order to hide the drugs behind panels, spare tires, whatever. He was probably looking for anything to suggest you have been doing that, such as a small amount from a ripped package or something.

Being a smart ass will ALWAYS lead to a ticket and harassment.

finally, you are a fucking idiot.

LOLOLOL :lmfao: Jimmy, you might wanna go back and re-read everything cuz you just owned the shit outta yourself :goodjob:

01-31-2010, 11:31 AM
I know it's fake op is still a douchebag


I knew the story was fake at the beginning because nobody would invite the OP to a party. Much less would anyone drive to Rome for a party. Although i guess they could have turned him around at the door and not let him in.

I however don't doubt the stupidity and ego in the story to be anything but factual.

01-31-2010, 11:32 AM

I knew the story was fake at the beginning because nobody would invite the OP to a party. Much less would anyone drive to Rome for a party. Although i guess they could have turned him around at the door and not let him in.

I however don't doubt the stupidity and ego in the story to be anything but factual.

Have we met? Didn't think so, you don't have a CLUE how I act or am, so why are you talking shit?

01-31-2010, 11:33 AM
LOLOLOL :lmfao: Jimmy, you might wanna go back and re-read everything cuz you just owned the shit outta yourself :goodjob:

i think he knew that he was joking...

01-31-2010, 11:39 AM
Have we met? Didn't think so, you don't have a CLUE how I act or am, so why are you talking shit?

Just as you've proven with this thread, nothing i type on here has to be factual when attempting to make someone else look like an moron. Although you do a decent job of making yourself look like an idiot without any outside assistance.

01-31-2010, 11:40 AM
Just as you've proven with this thread, nothing i type on here has to be factual when attempting to make someone else look like an moron. Although you do a decent job of making yourself look like an idiot without any outside assistance.

That was kind of the point of the thread. lol I wrote a story with what I hear morons say on here, bashing cops, blaming others for their issues, etc. I thought I created a fairly stupid character aka myself in this story for people to bash me, watch someone will post and still think it's real.

01-31-2010, 11:46 AM
Its funny as shit to see some of you shitheads try to cover up the fact that you missed that the story was fake and try to continue and bash the OP. When in reality, you are continuing to own yourself and should just turn off your in73rw36z.

87 Turbo II
01-31-2010, 12:19 PM
Yeah the people who haven't noticed are funny, and since we kept pages 1-3 pretty good at just "going with it" there will be more stupid responses from people who are serious before the thread dies. I caught it right away(not really hard to "catch" it's written in plain English) and when I read it, it was the only post in the thread.

01-31-2010, 11:58 PM
fuk gwinnett

Gorilla Eg!
02-01-2010, 12:52 AM
LOL fool you were hauling ass. Late or not the laws are still the same


02-01-2010, 01:02 AM
i was thinking about posting this same story on body building forums

only to realize they would not read it, and neg me for saying fuck cops LOL

02-01-2010, 09:07 PM
your all idiots but the OP> :lmfao:

02-01-2010, 09:26 PM
lol simon, your sense of humor makes me lol. thank you so much for this thread