View Full Version : Question - Living Up North

10-25-2005, 01:39 PM
Sorry if this is in the wrong place - I didn't know where else to put it.

I was offered a job in Hartford Connecticut last week and they are going to pay me $45K per year starting salary. That is a little more than I am making here. My question is, since I've always lived here, I don't know what it is like up there, so what is the cost of living up North or in CT? I don't want to move up there and it be different from what I was expecting.

I know it will be a big change - it will be cold, etc. But I want to know how it is different from here in reference to living conditions, etc. I would probably get an apartment up there and things like that.

Can anyone help me out? I've not yet decided if I am going, I want to make sure I have everything in order before I make my decision, plus I still have to sell my house. Any help is appreciated.


10-25-2005, 01:42 PM
WOW! I know personally, I'd LOVE to live up in that part of the country. Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island are all three places that I'd live in in a minute. Later, QD.

10-25-2005, 01:43 PM
It's colder up there, lol... and I used to live in NJ and the cost of living there was more than here.... I think my aunt just moved to CT so I will ask her some more specifics for you if you'd like?? But from what I heard it is beautiful up there...

10-25-2005, 01:45 PM
What kind of job is it? 45K a yr? thats pretty good as a starting salary
and yes cost living will be a little bit more up there in northeast ..but it wont be that bad considering they would pay more up there aswell.
Long Island, Ny Good Place To Live.

A.P. Photography
10-25-2005, 01:45 PM
Here you go


B16a2 Civic
10-25-2005, 01:45 PM
Me, being from Brooklyn, can tell you, its colder then polar bear feet up north....now i never been to Hartford Connecticutt, but the price of houses and partments are high in teh city ( Ny that is)...now the cost of other things are cheaper, clothes, food, gas...but if i was you and really wanted a change in things, id take the job.....or take a quick vacation there, see how you like it

10-25-2005, 01:47 PM
The cost of living is definitely more. Even if you are making a litlte bit more up there, you might end up keeping less in than you would here in the grand scheme of things.

10-25-2005, 01:48 PM
Nowhere in NY, would I live. Later, QD.

A.P. Photography
10-25-2005, 01:48 PM
The cost of living is definitely more. Even if you are making a litlte bit more up there, you might end up keeping less in than you would here in the grand scheme of things.
Just looked at it on the link and if you make $100k in Lville then you would need to make $112k in Hartford

B16a2 Civic
10-25-2005, 01:48 PM
Nowhere in NY, would I live. Later, QD.


10-25-2005, 01:49 PM
Nowhere in NY, would I live. Later, QD.


10-25-2005, 01:50 PM
i went up there for a day trip last year and loved it.

if i took the job, i would be working for a newspaper up there. one of my current clients up there is retiring and i've been offered to take her place at the end of the year when she leaves.

heather - if you could talk to your aunt more, that would be great. i would really appreciate that.

like i said, i haven't decided yet if i am going, but i figure there is nothing really keeping me here besides family and i can come back and visit them. plus, it looks like i will still have layla and she can keep me company. it would be nice to have a change.

10-25-2005, 01:58 PM

Muthafuccin right! West Coast = Best Coast. Later, QD.

10-25-2005, 01:59 PM
From experience I can tell you some things that may help. My family moved from Conyers to the country (corn fields and cows) of New York State about 2 1/2 years ago. The cost of living in that town is MUCH less than it was in Conyers/Atlanta area. Now in NYC you are looking at a different story.

Living Conditions-
yes it gets cold, i caint really tell you how cold it gets in the CT area but I know in Central NY it was -15 for most of the month of Febuary this past winter. It snows until April also! The snow is nice to look at for the first month, then just gets annoying (IMO). When your looking for an appt. look for one with AC, not just heat. Alot of the houses/apartments up north were not built with AC, but beliieve it or not it does get pretty warm there in the summer (it hit 90 for a week strait in NY this past summer) and its annoying if you dont have AC. The house we bought when we moved there was about 3 years old, it was a show house for a company there in the city and didnt even have AC. We had to put the window units in most of the rooms.

Take into account that the appt expense may be a little more up there also, the complex usually has to pay for things like snow plowing during the winter,etc... and heat is used for much longer than here.

Like i said, these things may be different in CT compared to NY State but just tryin to help.

kelly marie
10-25-2005, 02:00 PM
its colder then polar bear feet up north.... awwwww that is cute lol

10-25-2005, 02:01 PM
oh, and another thing....Snow tires will be a MUST during the winter (unless you have a truck on mudboggers or something), they can be expensive.

kelly marie
10-25-2005, 02:04 PM
yeah kristi i grew up in maryland.. moved here when i was 18... its really really cold and the cost of living is way higher.. which is why people get paid more up there.. i like the north but you have to like.. no love the cold weather and snow!! but the scenery is beautiful...

10-25-2005, 02:05 PM
I lived in Ct. for years, its beautiful place to live.
If you have any questions about it feel free to pm me Kristi.

10-25-2005, 02:09 PM
i'm not too worried about the weather. i love the cold and love the snow - i'm sure i will get sick of it up there and freak out for the first winter i'm there, but that doesn't worry me. i am really just concerned that i can make it financially up there. i won't have any debts cause i'm using the money from my house to pay off all my debts. i plan on buying a 4 Runner soon too- but that decision may have to wait until i decide on moving.

thank you guys so much for the help. if you have anything else, keep posting. :)

this is a really tough decision to make and i really do appreciate your help.

B16a2 Civic
10-25-2005, 02:09 PM
if you goin there, get ya timbo's ready Kristi.

10-25-2005, 02:11 PM
My stepdad is from Hartford, when I get a chance I'll ask him more about it. I know that he and my mom go up there yearly for a vacation and they always say how absolutely beautiful it is.

I'll let you know more when I know more...

10-25-2005, 02:14 PM
if you goin there, get ya timbo's ready Kristi.

Fucc Timbos. It's all about Dickie boots. Later, QD.

B16a2 Civic
10-25-2005, 02:15 PM
Fucc Timbos. It's all about Dickie boots. Later, QD.

Air Forces...or as we call em, uptowns.

10-25-2005, 02:16 PM
How much of a difference are we talking? If its less than $5K I think you'll be worse off financially there. Not to mention you'll be away from family. You could always negotiate the salary by comparing house prices, and the fact that you'd be leaving family.

Just a comparison

Here is a $150K home in Lawerenceville, and then there is a $150K home in Hartford

10-25-2005, 02:21 PM
i make about $38K right now and will be making $45K there - but I think I get a raise after like 3 months or something.

A.P. Photography
10-25-2005, 02:23 PM
i make about $38K right now and will be making $45K there - but I think I get a raise after like 3 months or something.
You had better just stay here then. I just looked at a salary comparisson and put in 38k for you in Lville and is said you need to be making 54k there to be even. :eek:

10-25-2005, 02:46 PM
im sure it would be really pretty up thurr

10-25-2005, 02:51 PM
So are you going to leaving Collins behind? or taking him w/ you ?

10-25-2005, 05:26 PM

Darling Nikki
10-25-2005, 05:38 PM
kristi I grew up in Chicago and lived there most of my life. Chi-town is also know as AKA "Windy City") Its cold as shit up there and like everyone else has said its a pretty penny to live in the north too. And you will also have to be able to handle some BLUNT ASS PEOPLE. We are nothing like the people in the south, no offense to my southern men and Southern ladies ;) All I have to say is be prepared. lol As of CT...my good friend that I work with grew up there. He says its beautiful and honestly that is the state with the highest IQ scores. lol Being serious. If you want a change that would be the place to go. If you go Welcome to Yankee life :goodjob:

10-25-2005, 06:07 PM
. And you will also have to be able to handle some BLUNT ASS PEOPLE. We are nothing like the people in the south, no offense to my southern men and Southern ladies ;) All I have to say is be prepared. lol As of CT...my good friend that I work with grew up there. If you go Welcome to Yankee life :goodjob:

i agree, you will miss the southern hospitality for sure

10-25-2005, 06:09 PM
i agree, you will miss the southern hospitality for sure

Or be glad to be away from people that say one thing and mean another as is the case with *most* southern people.

If someone up north likes you they like you, if they dont they dont and arent afraid to tell you.

10-25-2005, 06:20 PM
Or be glad to be away from people that say one thing and mean another as is the case with *most* southern people.

Good point!

10-25-2005, 06:24 PM
best of luck with which ever you decide.

10-25-2005, 06:30 PM
So are you going to leaving Collins behind? or taking him w/ you ?

he will be here since we arent together anymore. and i don't leave people behind - people always leave me behind. ;)

10-25-2005, 09:05 PM
he will be here since we arent together anymore. and i don't leave people behind - people always leave me behind. ;)


I shouldve kept that bet with btlfed :doh:

B16a2 Civic
10-26-2005, 09:07 AM

I shouldve kept that bet with btlfed :doh:

i did.

10-26-2005, 09:15 AM
definitely wouldn't head up into the new england area with any intention having a decent place to live, the comparison pictures posted really isn't far from the truth.

10-26-2005, 10:55 AM

I shouldve kept that bet with btlfed :doh:

no we are no longer together. if you want to know why - ask him.

and nice fucking comment about the bet.

The Golden Child
10-26-2005, 11:03 AM
just gunna say make sure you have back up money ..
and gewd luck if you do take that job offer ..

The Golden Child
10-26-2005, 11:05 AM
in my opion i would stay here in atl ..
cause 1st living cost will kill you ..
2nd work and home will be boring for you ..
3rd just cause money is a lil hihger doesnt mean ull b making more ..
itll be da same at the end ..

10-27-2005, 09:55 AM
Well I still haven't decided what I am going to do. I have that job offer plus two others here in Atlanta. We will see which one is the best. Although one of the offers here is one that I've been wanting for a while now, so.......we shall see

Thanks guys for all your help. We will see what happens.

10-27-2005, 10:11 AM
I don't know why anyone would move to Hartford, CT from ATL of all plalces. I'm from the north and things are much different up there. People are mean up north compared to here and the cost of living will get you. If you're going to be making 10k more than you already make now, I'd consider but if its 5k more than you make and you have bills I'd seriously pass on it because ATL is worth taking a little less since you get SO much more with the city.

10-27-2005, 10:32 AM
Connecticut and all of New England in general is a beutiful place to live. I lived in Hartford for 5 years. I moved because I got sick of snow and cold. Most of the people aren't as bad as they have been made out to be in this thread. However, home prices and energy costs are much more expensive than here. Also taxes will get you in Connecticut as will auto insurance costs. My auto insurance dropped by nearly 30% when I moved to ATL. Everything else costs about the same. If you decide to move up there, I would suggest looking at moving to either Rocky Hill, or Glastonbury. Both are reasonable priced areas and are nice places to live. Stay away from East Hartford. Hope my 2 cents help.

Darling Nikki
10-27-2005, 11:15 AM
Or be glad to be away from people that say one thing and mean another as is the case with *most* southern people.

If someone up north likes you they like you, if they dont they dont and arent afraid to tell you.

DAMN RIGHT. Thats why I am proud to be a yankee.

10-28-2005, 03:25 PM
no we are no longer together. if you want to know why - ask him.

and nice fucking comment about the bet.

fucking thank you. :lmfao:

10-28-2005, 03:27 PM
you're fucking welcome

10-28-2005, 03:28 PM
fucking anytime

10-28-2005, 03:28 PM
fucking thanks

A.P. Photography
10-28-2005, 03:29 PM
wow, such pleasentries are exchanged in this thread

10-28-2005, 03:32 PM
i fucking know , lol

A.P. Photography
10-28-2005, 03:33 PM
i fucking know , lol
I am sorry, was that a hint to what you really want? :idb: :lickpuss:

10-28-2005, 04:05 PM
lol, horny are we?

A.P. Photography
10-28-2005, 04:56 PM
lol, horny are we?
When am I not :lmfao:

The Golden Child
10-28-2005, 05:41 PM
I don't know why anyone would move to Hartford, CT from ATL of all plalces. I'm from the north and things are much different up there. People are mean up north compared to here and the cost of living will get you. If you're going to be making 10k more than you already make now, I'd consider but if its 5k more than you make and you have bills I'd seriously pass on it because ATL is worth taking a little less since you get SO much more with the city.

whats that suppose to mean ??

The Golden Child
10-28-2005, 05:43 PM
DAMN RIGHT. Thats why I am proud to be a yankee.


10-28-2005, 06:22 PM
When am I not :lmfao:
well you are a guy, lol

10-28-2005, 06:31 PM
Being from Boston, I can tell you it's nicer down here for sure. Cost of living is definitely higher, and it's colder. You'll have to deal with shitty New England winters. Stay here lol

A.P. Photography
10-28-2005, 06:53 PM
well you are a guy, lol

10-29-2005, 03:33 PM
I'd say it depends on your rent/expenses here. $7k more a year translates to about $200 more per paycheck which is roughly $400 more per month. You'll probably spend about $200-$300 more on rent up there than down here... so you're not looking at that much of a raise... especially once you take moving costs into account (or are they paying those?).

Anyways, $7k (~1/5 of your salary) at your pay level isn't enough for you to only consider that factor when thinking about a big move like that.

Look up some conneticut message boards and talk to the folks there and see what they think

10-29-2005, 08:53 PM
She can move into the ghetto up there and she will become a ghetto queen =]

But honestly, All jokes aside, why do you ask this in a public forum? Especially in the WL?

10-30-2005, 12:51 PM
i was just curious about what it was like up north. i've lived in ga my entire life, so i don't know what it is like. i wanted peoples opinions on how it is up there and stuff like that.

10-30-2005, 06:02 PM
up north sucks. Is only good for visiting and thats it. Lived In Jersey, NYC and MASS..

Darling Nikki
10-30-2005, 06:20 PM
Connecticut and all of New England in general is a beutiful place to live. I lived in Hartford for 5 years. I moved because I got sick of snow and cold. Most of the people aren't as bad as they have been made out to be in this thread. However, home prices and energy costs are much more expensive than here. Also taxes will get you in Connecticut as will auto insurance costs. My auto insurance dropped by nearly 30% when I moved to ATL. Everything else costs about the same. If you decide to move up there, I would suggest looking at moving to either Rocky Hill, or Glastonbury. Both are reasonable priced areas and are nice places to live. Stay away from East Hartford. Hope my 2 cents help.

Well think about the diff states of the North. Lets see NJ, Illinois, NY and plenty other states all have the type of people that are rude and blunt. I for one can speak for the north. For anyone who ever decides to move there be prepared if you don't like shit said to your face. Thats just how it is.

10-30-2005, 06:31 PM
K nikki, thats not just the north, thats everywhere and the truth at most times. I for one and from that area and still have a house and entire family, I love it and would move back if I didnt view it as my peaceful time away from the city down here.

Deaf Pimp
10-30-2005, 06:32 PM
Yea, the north usually had a stereotype like that. I agree with Krissy, its not just up north, its all over.

Darling Nikki
10-30-2005, 06:38 PM
K nikki, thats not just the north, thats everywhere and the truth at most times. I for one and from that area and still have a house and entire family, I love it and would move back if I didnt view it as my peaceful time away from the city down here.

I understand its not just the north, but there is more rude people up there than anywhere else. I have lived on the west coast as well, the south does have rude people but they won't say shit to your face.

And its not a sterotype either.

10-30-2005, 06:40 PM
Who cares what other people say about you.. atleast you guys are white... hahahahaha Just imagine being another race...

Darling Nikki
10-30-2005, 06:43 PM
^lol, I get called a cracker at my work by a couple of people. I think its funny. lol

10-30-2005, 06:44 PM
I lived there how long? And still visit quite often, dont see much different in the people besides trendiness, accents, weather, and structural differences. I believe literally EVERY state has rude people, selfish people, fake people, and any other "type" that others dont like, not just a specific spot in the US...

I love the north, especially for living standards, just because of the fact that every city looks different and has different styles.

10-30-2005, 06:45 PM
Who cares what other people say about you.. atleast you guys are white... hahahahaha Just imagine being another race...

You white! thats why we call you julio! :tongue:

Deaf Pimp
10-30-2005, 06:46 PM
If the city of Chicago was in Atlanta, I would be in heaven.

10-30-2005, 06:46 PM
I lived there how long? And still visit quite often, dont see much different in the people besides trendiness, accents, weather, and structural differences. I believe literally EVERY state has rude people, selfish people, fake people, and any other "type" that others dont like, not just a specific spot in the US...

I love the north, especially for living standards, just because of the fact that every city looks different and has different styles.

Living up north.. One thing I miss... They have Finer chicks. Other then , I miss nothing..

Oh, some White Castles also.

10-30-2005, 06:47 PM
If the city of Chicago was in Atlanta, I would be in heaven.

No, I like Having good streets. :D

10-30-2005, 06:47 PM
WHITE CASTLES DEFINATELY!!! and finer chicks? like i said, every state has their flaws ;) lol

10-30-2005, 06:48 PM
The pussy meter up north is offfffffffffffffffff the charts compare to the South.

Deaf Pimp
10-30-2005, 06:49 PM
No, I like Having good streets. :D

LOL, ok ok... well Chicago in Atlanta with good streets! :D

10-30-2005, 06:50 PM
The pussy meter up north is offfffffffffffffffff the charts compare to the South.

So are the guys intelligence, and dick meter :tongue: lets go back up together... But I also see the west coast has things that would be nice here, and I bet some people say the same thing... :D

10-30-2005, 06:51 PM
No, I like Having good streets. :D

Then you don't like Atlanta, lolol. Later, QD.

Darling Nikki
10-30-2005, 06:53 PM
I know you lived up there for a long time. And I know that there are rude people in every state. I am just stating the obvious. The north is known for people that are more upfront and in your face than most places in the US. Not trying to piss anyone off here but I can tell you a true example. My stepmom, is a TRUE Southern woman. Nice as hell, sweet, caring etc. Now my dad on the other hand grew up in downtown chicago and is one rude, mean ass mofo and so is my entire family when it comes to having shit in the open. Fine maybe I won't say ALL THE NORTH. But I will speak for chicago.

Deaf Pimp
10-30-2005, 06:54 PM
Your statements make no sense.

Darling Nikki
10-30-2005, 06:54 PM
^fuck off already Pat

10-30-2005, 06:54 PM
u 2 need to get a room

Deaf Pimp
10-30-2005, 06:56 PM
u 2 need to get a room

No room needed anymore... :upchuck:

10-30-2005, 07:20 PM
No room needed anymore... :upchuck:
