View Full Version : Everyone doing alright today?

01-06-2010, 10:24 AM
Just seeing if everyone is haveing a good day and staying warm.. anywho hope everyone has a good day.. :cheers:

01-06-2010, 10:25 AM
Yep having an alright day. Ready to get back home...

01-06-2010, 10:26 AM
morning nem... well thats good.. i know im ready to get the hell outa here!

01-06-2010, 10:27 AM
Yep having an alright day. Ready to get back home...

What him says here....:yes:

01-06-2010, 10:30 AM
I'm just tired, but yep, thanks for asking

01-06-2010, 10:30 AM
doing good. bored but good.

01-06-2010, 10:31 AM
i definitly agree! I texted the girlfriend alittle bit ago and asked her if we should both fake sick so we can go home, make a fire, curl up on the couch under a blanket and watch a movie.. im waiting on her reply so i know if i should fall ill to something!!

01-06-2010, 10:33 AM
doing good. bored but good.
well liven it up!! do what ive been doing.. just random shit. mainly throwing these stuffed alien things from monsters vs aliens at my co workers!

I'm just tired, but yep, thanks for asking

well got coffee??? your welcome.

01-06-2010, 10:35 AM
just started school again and money is a BIATCH!!!! other than that i can't wait on this new life to enter this world (MY DAUGHTER). well have a nice day IA!!!

01-06-2010, 10:36 AM
Annoying coworker, extremely quiet office, work that twists your brain....

I'm in HELL!

01-06-2010, 10:36 AM
I'm warm. I'd be doing better if my car would sell.

01-06-2010, 11:16 AM
just started school again and money is a BIATCH!!!! other than that i can't wait on this new life to enter this world (MY DAUGHTER). well have a nice day IA!!!

Well we all cant wait for that one.. congrats.. and enjoy. its definitly awsome..

Annoying coworker, extremely quiet office, work that twists your brain....

I'm in HELL!

well id go postal!! probably why i dont work in an office! gotta be on the move all the time!!

I'm warm. I'd be doing better if my car would sell.

I know what ya mean.. i delt with getting rid of my truck for almost a year before it sold... keep your head up.. someone will come get it from ya...

01-06-2010, 11:25 AM
When I think of going postal, I get sleepy.

Its too cold to take a walk outside, and I have NO MUSIC. I guess its time to get and iPod, or Zune, and actually use it.

Maybe drugs will help me find some excitement.....X-pills anyone, lol.... (No, I have not done any drugs)

01-06-2010, 11:31 AM
This week started shitty for me, but i guess getting better as days move along.

01-06-2010, 11:32 AM
Doing just peachy.

01-06-2010, 11:33 AM
tired. same ol stuff just a different day

01-06-2010, 11:35 AM
week started off great. today started off shitty. constant sneezing, I'm just happy school doesn't start until the 13th.

01-06-2010, 11:38 AM
I had to go comfort a friend before work, she just broken up with last night and it was because the boyfriend said she was selfish, which is very true, so it was very awkward trying to comfort someone who had been broken up with for a legit reason...

01-06-2010, 11:55 AM
Just seeing if everyone is haveing a good day and staying warm.. anywho hope everyone has a good day.. :cheers:
my day is fanfuckingtabulous.. thanks for asking, and i hope youe day is as good as mine.:D

01-06-2010, 11:56 AM
Kasper being nice??? WTF??? Lol.

I got promoted and have been in dag gum buckhead in this cold ass room in a dag gum meeting all freakin morning learning about all the BS I need to know. Stuff people learn in 3 years I have to learn in 8 hours. SWEET!!! :(

Tired as fawk!! I wanna get in mauh bed!!!! *cries* gettin paid to sit and listen to someone talk is better than getting paid to stand there and talk to me....lol

01-06-2010, 12:02 PM
I had to go comfort a friend before work, she just broken up with last night and it was because the boyfriend said she was selfish, which is very true, so it was very awkward trying to comfort someone who had been broken up with for a legit reason...

I hope you told her the truth! Somebody has to.

01-06-2010, 12:12 PM
This week started shitty for me, but i guess getting better as days move along.

Well im glad its getting better... and i hope that it gets awsome..

Doing just peachy.

thats awsome.. hows the car doin now days?

tired. same ol stuff just a different day

got that shit right!!

week started off great. today started off shitty. constant sneezing, I'm just happy school doesn't start until the 13th.

aww that always sucks.. well hopefully ya can take some good ol dayquil and it'll knock it outa ya...

I had to go comfort a friend before work, she just broken up with last night and it was because the boyfriend said she was selfish, which is very true, so it was very awkward trying to comfort someone who had been broken up with for a legit reason...

your a better person then i am hun... ida just stood there pointing laughing SEE I TOLD YA YOU WAS A SELFISH BITCH! to her.. no not really but im doin that on the inside right now! and i know that you were too.. so you is a good friend.. hope she finds some golden tree soon..

my day is fanfuckingtabulous.. thanks for asking, and i hope youe day is as good as mine.:D

your more then welcome.. it will be once im done working.. course that wont be till at least 830 tonight.. but eh whatever works!

Kasper being nice??? WTF??? Lol.

I got promoted and have been in dag gum buckhead in this cold ass room in a dag gum meeting all freakin morning learning about all the BS I need to know. Stuff people learn in 3 years I have to learn in 8 hours. SWEET!!! :(

Tired as fawk!! I wanna get in mauh bed!!!! *cries* gettin paid to sit and listen to someone talk is better than getting paid to stand there and talk to me....lol

Damn that was cold! im always nice most of the time! put some sunglasses on. and take a nap! just try not to snore! if they ask questions just tell them your trying to keep the Co2 levels down to a min cause his ass wont stop talkin! :D

01-06-2010, 12:13 PM
im about to liven it up by crakning the ipod and getting a head start on dinner.

oh the excitement lol

01-06-2010, 12:18 PM
I hope you told her the truth! Somebody has to.

I gave it to her straight, I didn't tell her that he would come around... I told her if she wants to change, then she needs to SHOW him, not tell him... I feel bad for her, selfish or not, I know how hard it is to lose someone...

01-06-2010, 03:32 PM
im about to liven it up by crakning the ipod and getting a head start on dinner.

oh the excitement lol

Whatcha maken?