View Full Version : General Chat So, I'm watching the Eric Bana...

01-03-2010, 02:46 PM
Ford Falcon thing and I begin to wonder...

In rallying, when the navigator says things like 7 left, 10 right, etc...what do they get the numbers from? at first I was thinking from 12 o'clock with one being right and 11 being left and so on...

So I was hoping I could get an intelligent answer (I'm gonna check online too) to my query...

01-03-2010, 02:48 PM
I have a video with all of it but here's something quick to read over.

The main thing to start with is they are called pacenotes.

From wiki

MC1 100 KL2 100 KR2 200 SQL 100 KR4 50J!->R2+ (D/C!) 100 +SQR 400 F->CR->KL4 100 MC2


* From Main Control 1 (start), 100 metres straight to a kink left, severity 2
* 100 metres, kink right severity 2
* 200 m, square left (90°)
* 100 m, kink right severity 4
* 50 m, Jump (caution!) into immediate right hand bend severity 2 tightens (caution, don't cut [the corner, due to hazard on the inside]!)
* 100 m, oversquare right
* 400 m, flat (maximum speed) into crest into kink left severity 4
* 100 m to Main Control 2 (finish)

Turns and Speed... on a scale from 1-6. When they say Right 6 for example it means a gentle gradual turn which you can keep heavy throttle throughout the turn. And a 1, would be a very difficult turn, usually a 90* degree turn or more that requires massive braking. So 6 being easy and down towards 1 being the hardest.

Care : Hazardous
Caution : Very Hazardous
Crest : Rise in terrain hides track beyond.
Jump : Rise in terrain that if taken at speed, wil jump the car into the air. Remember once your tires leave the ground, you have zero control of the car.
Long : A long Corner
Very Long : an extended long corner
Turn : a corner at a road junction
Opens : Corner widens on exit
Tightens : Corner becomes tighter on exit
Narrows : Road Narrows
Don't Cut : Do not drive across the apex of the corner
Straight : Hold a straight line through the coming bends
Bends : Ripples in the terrain which could unsettle your suspension.

Professional drivers also mention distance in Meters.. like
3 left, 100, over crest.
This means, slow down for a left turn, in 100 meters, over the crest.


01-03-2010, 03:31 PM
thanx man...didn't realize it was so deep...I'm gonna keep studying

01-03-2010, 04:18 PM
I knew EJ25 would chime in. :goodjob:

01-03-2010, 10:06 PM
Love the Beast is a great video.