View Full Version : Gaming COD MW2 tips?

01-02-2010, 01:58 PM
So ive been out of the gaming loop for a while and i need some tips.I used to rape at modern warfare, but that was a while ago when i used to play all the time.

So my question is

Anyone got anytips on the multiplayer online? Good classes and stuff? Also do you unlock more classes as you build rank?

any bs post just keep to yourself

01-02-2010, 02:23 PM
Famas with sleight of hand,stopping power and steady aim. You will own people!!

One burst in the chest and done

01-02-2010, 02:37 PM

01-02-2010, 02:56 PM
Theres always little stuff you can do. Me, here's a few of things I follow

-bounce around the outside of the map. Never run straight through the middle lol. The long way is usually the safest way

-pay attention to where your teammates are and remember names. Ex, if you see "CODn00b3" go down a hall and see the activity stream say "CODn00b3" just got shot... theres obviously an enemy down there, go around or just be ready to fire.

-Don't stay too close to your teammate. Theres nothing worse the giving your and your oppenents position away and getting both picked off

-If you're gettin shot at and dont know wheres its comming from, don't try to find out! The enemy already knows where you are so your best bet is to leave and let him sit there and camp until your teammate kills him lol, or just find another angle

thats just a few off my head... and the thread above has more anyways lol

01-02-2010, 06:45 PM
what mode do you play?
For non hardcore i suggest
Skar with grenade launcher,thumper, claymore, stopping power, scavenger, comando

for hardcore switch stopping power with hard-line

For killstreaks i use predator, harrier, pave-low

the skar has the best iron sights because it doesnt block and of your view but for other guns a red dot helps

MY k/d is 2.08 so this works pretty good, when you unlock acr use that gun

01-02-2010, 06:49 PM
yea the Scar seems to be the most used gun online,so that would be good starting point.

all i ever use is SMGs now,lol

600 Double R
01-02-2010, 10:00 PM
yeah stay away from your team mates. go solo and run around the outside skirts of the map. demolition is my favorite game type. i rack up kills pretty good. acr with the suppressor and stopping power or the tar-21 with fmj and stopping power. wouldnt recommend camping on demolition. anyone add me if you wanna play. my gamertag is below. my k/d is currently 1.35 almost 1.36. ill admit there are a few matches i get owned. just went 60-25 on demolition.

01-03-2010, 11:19 AM
My favorite setup of perks will work with anything.

Perk 1 Marathon pro
Perk 2 Stopping Power pro
Perk 3 Commando pro

If you have a powerful gun then switch perk 2 with lightweight pro.

Every once and a while if I am playing against some good people that always get choppers and ac130s I like
Perk 1 Scavenger pro
Perk 2 Danger Close pro
Perk 3 Commando pro
Equip your gun with the noob tube.
Secondary of course STINGER!!!
Unless you are on wasteland or rust then pull out the rpg or javelin.

This is pretty much what I use with just about any gun. The only gun I do not like is the f2000. Its decent if you got Bling on with fmj and another attachment and stopping power. But you will have more success with the mini uzi.

01-03-2010, 11:21 AM
yeah stay away from your team mates. go solo and run around the outside skirts of the map. demolition is my favorite game type. i rack up kills pretty good. acr with the suppressor and stopping power or the tar-21 with fmj and stopping power. wouldnt recommend camping on demolition. anyone add me if you wanna play. my gamertag is below. my k/d is currently 1.35 almost 1.36. ill admit there are a few matches i get owned. just went 60-25 on demolition.

My k/d use to be that high but this past couple weeks my skills have lacked dropped from 1.35 to 1.25 in 2 freaking weeks.

600 Double R
01-03-2010, 02:42 PM
yeah i dont get on much anymore like i use to. tired of the 1887's still being too far and overpowered and now everyone is using rpgs for the hell of it. not fun anymore.

01-03-2010, 04:06 PM
any combo weapons will work and have their advantages but my favorite set up is:

ACR with silencer and either noob tube or red dot depending on map
P2000 with silencer and red dot
Claymore, unless you are playing with people that use shields, then I use semtex.
Perk 1: stopping power or slight of hand
Perk 2: cold blooded
Perk 3: Sit rep

-S Double C-
01-03-2010, 04:44 PM
im thinking about buying this game, i hear if your good at halo your a beast at cod an im prety much a god in halo so we will see what happens

01-03-2010, 05:21 PM
im thinking about buying this game, i hear if your good at halo your a beast at cod an im prety much a god in halo so we will see what happens

If you are good at FPSs, then you will be good at COD. However, I think COD and Halo are very very different, especially when it comes to aiming.

01-03-2010, 05:40 PM
im thinking about buying this game, i hear if your good at halo your a beast at cod an im prety much a god in halo so we will see what happens

lmao, I personally don't think the games compare. Most of my friends are Halo players and they suck at this game, and I suck at Halo. I played at home against 3 friends (normally halo players) and all match they would say:

"What? where am I getting shot from"
"OMG, How'd I die so fast?"
"How'd did I miss?

And everytime, I would say "..this isn't halo" or "..we don't sheilds" and "..cause I shot you through a wall" lol

One game I went 20 - 0 on Favela against 3 other people in a free for all (all run n' gun and a Pavelow)

01-03-2010, 09:36 PM
marathon pro, lightweight pro, commando pro,c4 tact knife and a decently light half accurate sub machine gun. youll do well. run and gun. camping is for bitches.

01-03-2010, 09:47 PM
ive been playing and it takes some getting used to for the onine i am averaging about 1 kill to 2 deaths not to bad for a beginner i guess. Im just not used to so many people being on a map at once. i do a lot better when its like 4 on 4 or something.

-S Double C-
01-03-2010, 10:29 PM
lmao, I personally don't think the games compare. Most of my friends are Halo players and they suck at this game, and I suck at Halo. I played at home against 3 friends (normally halo players) and all match they would say:

"What? where am I getting shot from"
"OMG, How'd I die so fast?"
"How'd did I miss?

And everytime, I would say "..this isn't halo" or "..we don't sheilds" and "..cause I shot you through a wall" lol

One game I went 20 - 0 on Favela against 3 other people in a free for all (all run n' gun and a Pavelow)

I play MLG and SWAT..there is no radar at any time in those playlist and swat you die one shot to the head only. I have 50's in both those playlist and i have a 50 in snipers so im use to one shots, missing (snipers) and no radar. Im gonna check it out though soon and ill add some of you.

Is this game anything like frontlines fuel of war cause i was really good at that game.