View Full Version : 99 sok so new problem10 wrecked... electrical issues, HELP!

12-29-2009, 08:45 AM
ok so i'm too lazy to re-type this shit so i'll copy my post from MCE. maybe someone on here can lead me in a promising direction...

first report:

hey guys... i got in a pretty shitty wreck about a week ago in my s10... crushed the whole driver's side of the truck... fender, door, bed, and tailgate....

well... long story short, i replaced the bed and the fender and i am going to replace the door next week sometime (all manual on the door, no power windows or locks..)

here's the issue though... i went to go open the driver's door(wrecked one) with the key off and it should shut the interior accessories off and it wasn't... found out it was a bent/busted door switch... i replaced that with a junkyard special and now that works, but when i try to fire the truck up, it won't start. the battery also died while it was parked over the past week, and i'm figuring the door switch had something to do with the drain... so i've had it on the charger all day to try and charge it enough to start it, but to no avail... the fuel pump(which was working before) isn't coming on... i've been all over the internet reading up on it and i don't think my truck comes with a fuel pump reset switch (if it does, please please let me know and also let me know how to reset it!!!) so what i'm thinking is i need to reset the whole computer..... if anybody has any ideas please let me know.



it's trying to crank over... like i can hear it clicking... but no fuel... threw some starter fluid in the intake and it fired for a second then died.... that's how i came to the conclusion that it was something to do with the fuel system.... AGH i hate troubleshooting!!!

the relay seems to be in good working order... i tried testing out the relay connector with the horn relay and nothing... and the horn relay works for sure.... all fuses are good, no blown fuses anywhere... as far as wiring goes, we're tracing those now..


put a red top in it and all the ignition is working fine, just no fuel to get it running... when we changed out the battery the headlights started flashing periodically... found out there's a viper alarm system in it that never seemed to work before... replaced the battery in the key fob and was able to disarm the alarm, but still no fuel pump sounds...... i traced the wiring from the top of the tank up under the frame and didn't see any damage there either.... i think it has something to do with the computer..... anybody got any ideas?


i browsed on the internet for over an hour and came across this posting of a blazer that had a similar condition and the guy tried EVERYTHING and still couldn't get the thing running... and by everything i mean buying a new fuel pump, replacing all the relays, replacing the fuel pump connectors, replacing the wires and nothing.... guy comes on the forum and tells him to make sure the fuel pump ground wire is connected to the frame (it's in the rear of the truck on the inside of the frame)..... no responses from the blazer guy after that... so i went out to the garage and checked... sure as shit! the ground wire was dangling by the back end of the frame. reconnected that shit and the truck fired right up! hahahah wtf chevy and your wiring bullshit.

so needless to say the truck starts up again.... now i just gotta make sure all the air ride works properly and the relays going to the compressors and make sure i fixed the major drain to the battery... but i think it was that door switch that i replaced i'll keep yall posted i gotta see if that bitch stayed charged over night


ok so new problem

i got the fuel pump issue worked out but now when i try to fire up the truck it will start, run for about a second and then die.... all the MAP, MAF, etc sensors are hooked up, the battery is fully charged, and the fuel pump is kicking on... when i kick on the blinkers, the driver side front works, but not the passenger side front (there's a burn out bulb up there) and the back side is very dim... i had a tail light issue when i bought the truck... the passenger rear blinker/brake light wouldn't kick on when activated, but now when i turn the blinkers on the license plate light flickers and the tails light up dimly... if ya had to ask me i think it's the tail light harnass... it's pretty hacked up with splices and cut wires everywhere so i think i may replace that, but it doesn't explain the truck not running for more than a second. i also noticed that when i hooked up the 2 5 prong tyco relays for the compressors (which also have hackjob wiring) and turn the key to the on position (this should activate the compressors to turn on to fill the air tank) all of the warning lights on the dash turn on and blink (this should not be happening....) so i think i have 2 bad relays.... i'm going to try and get a multimeter on them today to see if there's any high resistance levels on them so that may give me a better idea... i'm also planning on checking all wires TO the relays to see if i have any excessive voltage and resistance because it could very well be a wiring issue.... i checked all the fuses under hood and in the dash and every single one is good, but i think the hackjob wiring is causing the under hood fuse box to power surge every time i hook the relays up or have them hooked up and hit the brakes.... i don't know if this would cause the truck's computer to freak out and not want to start, so if you guys know anything or have any suggestions it would greatly help.... i feel like as soon as i get one thing fixed something else goes wrong

the pros about this experience so far:
1) i found out i indeed have a viper alarm system hooked up and can now arm and disarm it
2) my electrical skills (which are minimal) aren't as terrible as i thought they were
3) i am now extremely good and assembling and disassembling the front end and bed of a second gen s10 lol

and this is where i am today with it...

so... i think it's important to mention that my truck is bagged so there's extra wiring outside of the factory wiring... if anybody has any ideas that'd be awesome