View Full Version : WHERE DID THE YEAR GO...............

12-24-2009, 01:54 PM


12-24-2009, 02:08 PM
x2 on this sir
except i goes to school also

12-24-2009, 02:12 PM

12-24-2009, 02:16 PM
hell yea ***** .. this shit went so fast

12-24-2009, 02:27 PM
I spent most of it on IA.....

12-24-2009, 02:32 PM
i got way more done this year than i thought i would. thinking of furthering my manwhore degree.lol

12-24-2009, 02:34 PM
i disagree, this year did NOT go by fast at all. NOT AT ALL.

Usually the years do fly by...but NOT this one.

2009 Stopped by, chilled for a minute..payed rent..got caught up in the game...got back on it's feet and is now getting ready to leave.

12-24-2009, 02:37 PM
This year did pass by pretty fast to me.

Fast and the Furious style--as in too soon junior. As in this thread is gay, junior.

12-24-2009, 02:37 PM
its been a good year. i decided i hate my job and its time to try school again

12-24-2009, 02:44 PM
Masters or Bachelors lol..

i got way more done this year than i thought i would. thinking of furthering my manwhore degree.lol

12-24-2009, 02:49 PM
Thsi year has been a good one. It has gone by too quick but I feel like I have accomplished some this year.

12-24-2009, 02:51 PM
I put a good bit of money in the bank during the summer, started college, made good grades, but I don't honestly feel as though I have accomplished much. This year definitely flew by for me. I hate it.

Evil Goat
12-24-2009, 02:58 PM
this has been a very mentally trying year for us...we started off the year in january pretty terrible with my wife miscarrying our 2nd child, and now have ended the year the same way :(

im losing my hair up front, i need to dye my grays, and i'm growing a beard to make up for the lack of hair up top, lol

i still have a shit ton of stuff to be thankful for though and that's what keeps us going!

-my son, my wife, and myself are all healthy

-my father in law beat lung cancer (he also beat kidney cancer a couple years ago as well)

-i have a great regular job that i'm still not tired of going to (and got bonus' 8/12 months, the lowest being a 10% bonus ;) ), my 2nd job is filled with turbos, nitrous, and 3 guys i could trust anything i own with, so what could be better there?

-i was able to throw some money in the bank this year

-i broke into the 10's in the goat

-got a reliable 4x4 truck for $500 :D

-i started a new medicine this year that keeps my gout at bay (i had 14 confirmed gout attacks in '08 and only one this year so i'm super thankful for that)

-my wifes been on fertility meds most of the year and her ob/gyn has suggested that lots and lots of sex can be a good thing :D

Merry Christmas to you guys and I hope your New Year's is a million times better than your '08 was!

--enough of that sappy shit, you can all suck my dick :lmfao:

12-24-2009, 03:02 PM
damn what a year.....
but i hope for the best for you and everyone else on this site....
Merry Christmas to every one and a happy new year.....

this has been a very mentally trying year for us...we started off the year in january pretty terrible with my wife miscarrying our 2nd child, and now have ended the year the same way :(

im losing my hair up front, i need to dye my grays, and i'm growing a beard to make up for the lack of hair up top, lol

i still have a shit ton of stuff to be thankful for though and that's what keeps us going!

-my son, my wife, and myself are all healthy

-my father in law beat lung cancer (he also beat kidney cancer a couple years ago as well)

-i have a great regular job that i'm still not tired of going to (and got bonus' 8/12 months, the lowest being a 10% bonus ;) ), my 2nd job is filled with turbos, nitrous, and 3 guys i could trust anything i own with, so what could be better there?

-i was able to throw some money in the bank this year

-i broke into the 10's in the goat

-got a reliable 4x4 truck for $500 :D

-i started a new medicine this year that keeps my gout at bay (i had 14 confirmed gout attacks in '08 and only one this year so i'm super thankful for that)

-my wifes been on fertility meds most of the year and her ob/gyn has suggested that lots and lots of sex can be a good thing :D

Merry Christmas to you guys and I hope your New Year's is a million times better than your '08 was!

--enough of that sappy shit, you can all suck my dick :lmfao:

12-24-2009, 03:19 PM
I stayed trashed for the majority of this year, so that's where mine went. Just sorta passed me by lol.

12-24-2009, 04:24 PM
I THINK YOU MEAN YOU JUST PASSED OUT....LOL:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

I stayed trashed for the majority of this year, so that's where mine went. Just sorta passed me by lol.