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12-10-2009, 08:04 AM
Manager Fired After Transgender Discrimination Claim

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An Orlando McDonald's has fired a manager after he was accused of refusing to hire a teen because she was transgendered.

The McDonald's on International Drive and Sand Lake Road issued a statement Monday evening saying, "Sand Lake Road McDonald’s has a strict policy prohibiting any form of discrimination or harassment in hiring, termination, or any other aspect of employment in the organization. The restaurant requires all employees to comply with local, state and federal employment laws."

The restaurant said it investigated Zikerria Bellamy's claim that the manager called her and left her a hateful voicemail.

"You will not get hired. We do not hire (expletive). You lied to me. You told me you were a woman," said the message Bellamy played for Local 6 News.

"The behavior of the individual in question is not reflective of the employment policies in the organization. Further, this individual acted outside the scope of his authority and was not responsible for hiring. The individual in question is no longer employed by the restaurant," the statement said.

Bellamy, 17, said Sunday she was considering filing a lawsuit after the restaurant allegedly refused to interview her for a possible job.

Bellamy said she did not check off a box on the application where it asked whether the applicant is male or female. According to the application, it states near the voluntary gender question that "failure to respond will not subject you to adverse treatment," D'Onofrio reported.

When she went in for the interview, Bellamy claims a manager forced her to check a box that would indicate her gender.

"Once I looked at his facial expression, when I checked off male, like the whole face just changed. He was upset. I seen the anger, you know, like you can tell when someone gets upset," Bellamy said.

Michael Silverman, the executive director and an attorney for the agency, flew from New York to Orlando and filed a discrimination complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations.

"We're asking them to take the complaint and make sure that McDonald's takes appropriate steps to make sure that this doesn't happen again," Silverman said.

"I'm angry. I'm hurt," Bellamy said. "You shouldn't judge someone based on who they are."

ACTUAL VOICEMAIL!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCXOCsfl5Js)

Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 08:09 AM
Hmmm im not to sure who was at fault here or who to feel pitty for.

12-10-2009, 08:12 AM
Manager Fired After Transgender Discrimination Claim

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An Orlando McDonald's has fired a manager after he was accused of refusing to hire a teen because he was transgendered.

The McDonald's on International Drive and Sand Lake Road issued a statement Monday evening saying, "Sand Lake Road McDonald’s has a strict policy prohibiting any form of discrimination or harassment in hiring, termination, or any other aspect of employment in the organization. The restaurant requires all employees to comply with local, state and federal employment laws."

The restaurant said it investigated Zikerria Bellamy's claim that the manager called him and left him a hateful voicemail.

"You will not get hired. We do not hire (expletive). You lied to me. You told me you were a woman," said the message Bellamy played for Local 6 News.

"The behavior of the individual in question is not reflective of the employment policies in the organization. Further, this individual acted outside the scope of his authority and was not responsible for hiring. The individual in question is no longer employed by the restaurant," the statement said.

Bellamy, 17, said Sunday he was considering filing a lawsuit after the restaurant allegedly refused to interview him for a possible job.

Bellamy said he did not check off a box on the application where it asked whether the applicant is male or female. According to the application, it states near the voluntary gender question that "failure to respond will not subject you to adverse treatment," D'Onofrio reported.

When he went in for the interview, Bellamy claims a manager forced him to check a box that would indicate his gender.

"Once I looked at his facial expression, when I checked off male, like the whole face just changed. He was upset. I seen the anger, you know, like you can tell when someone gets upset," Bellamy said.

Michael Silverman, the executive director and an attorney for the agency, flew from New York to Orlando and filed a discrimination complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations.

"We're asking them to take the complaint and make sure that McDonald's takes appropriate steps to make sure that this doesn't happen again," Silverman said.

"I'm angry. I'm hurt," Bellamy said. "You shouldn't judge someone based on who they are."

ACTUAL VOICEMAIL!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCXOCsfl5Js)

Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 08:14 AM
Hmmm im not to sure who was at fault here or who to feel pitty for.

McDonald's is at fault. Or rather that manager. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 08:15 AM
He shouldnt have called him out like that or left the voicemail that he left.....BUT the motherfucker shouldnt run around lying either. Just because your stupid ass wants to dress like a girl....does NOT mean you can call yourself a girl. He was born a male and that cant be changed no matter what surgery he wants to have.

12-10-2009, 08:20 AM
He shouldnt have called him out like that or left the voicemail that he left.....BUT the motherfucker shouldnt run around lying either. Just because your stupid ass wants to dress like a girl....does NOT mean you can call yourself a girl. He was born a male and that cant be changed no matter what surgery he wants to have.

The dude didn't lie. It stated on the application that not checking either box would not influence the decision of the hiring. SO he didn't check any box. Also, to really make null and void this post, when he was "forced" to check one of the boxes, he DID check MALE.

But if he goes through the legal processes to become female, then legally he CAN call himself a girl. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 08:23 AM
He shouldnt have called him out like that or left the voicemail that he left.....BUT the motherfucker shouldnt run around lying either. Just because your stupid ass wants to dress like a girl....does NOT mean you can call yourself a girl. He was born a male and that cant be changed no matter what surgery he wants to have.

"I'm angry. I'm hurt," Bellamy said. "You shouldn't judge someone based on who they are."

And here we have it...the reason they didn't want to hire a fag, lol. SHUTYOCRYBABYBEHINDUP

12-10-2009, 08:24 AM
The dude didn't lie. It stated on the application that not checking either box would not influence the decision of the hiring. SO he didn't check any box. Also, to really make null and void this post, when he was "forced" to check one of the boxes, he DID check MALE.

But if he goes through the legal processes to become female, then legally he CAN call himself a girl. Later, QD.

Ah not reading owns me...I didnt see where they made him check a box.

Not defending what the manager did at all....but legal processes or not....its still a male.

12-10-2009, 08:30 AM
..but legal processes or not....its still a male.

Morally? Probably.
Legally? Nope.

Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 08:31 AM
Morally? Probably.
Legally? Nope.

Later, QD.

Its all in their little mind...Whether you were born male/female you cannot change that. Even after operations you still have the wrong parts to be the other gender. Plus, you are one or the other and you cant change that.

12-10-2009, 08:36 AM
too bad more people like this manager don't exist, and get away with these things. stupid fucking idiots changing their sex.

12-10-2009, 08:37 AM
Its all in their little mind...Whether you were born male/female you cannot change that. Even after operations you still have the wrong parts to be the other gender. Plus, you are one or the other and you cant change that.

your post reminds me of my honda del..*cough

...i mean my ferrari:D


12-10-2009, 08:38 AM
your post reminds me of my honda del..*cough

...i mean my ferrari:D


LMFAO.....same concept pretty much...people are just too scared to tell the crying fucks they are born one or the other and that shit does not change.

12-10-2009, 09:13 AM
I think people should be able to be/call themselves whatever they want. I thought you right wing shiddiots were supposed to be all about "not interfering in other people's private lives". I guess you all think that when people are gay or transgendered it OK to tell them how to live?

The voicemail that guy left her sounds really, really creepy. I bet that guy secretly fantasizes about trannies and is trying a bit too hard to repress himself and front like he's not. :ninja:

Edit: if anyone is at fault, its that manager, as Micky D's didn't even require her to answer the question. I don't see how anyone's sex parts relate to making hamburgers. Maybe you guys know though so please, share.

12-10-2009, 09:14 AM
too bad more people like this manager don't exist, and get away with these things. stupid fucking idiots changing their sex.

that kinda shit should not be tolerated, period

12-10-2009, 09:23 AM
I think people should be able to be/call themselves whatever they want. I thought you right wing shiddiots were supposed to be all about "not interfering in other people's private lives". I guess you all think that when people are gay or transgendered it OK to tell them how to live?

The voicemail that guy left her sounds really, really creepy. I bet that guy secretly fantasizes about trannies and is trying a bit too hard to repress himself and front like he's not. :ninja:

Edit: if anyone is at fault, its that manager, as Micky D's didn't even require her to answer the question. I don't see how anyone's sex parts relate to making hamburgers. Maybe you guys know though so please, share.

Leaving a voicemail was a stupid ass idea no doubt but if you are born a male, you are a male without a doubt....if you are born female...its the same concept. You can call yourself something else, but its wrong no matter what angle you come from.

Just because you can get a kit for something to make it look like a Ferrari doesn't mean its a Ferrari. Its still gonna be a Del Slo or a Fiero...etc.

12-10-2009, 09:59 AM
too bad more people like this manager don't exist, and get away with these things. stupid fucking idiots changing their sex.
this is where some commi's are needed lol

12-10-2009, 10:01 AM
I'm not saying I support changing genders, but I am saying I don't support prejudice in any form. If someone is an idiot, I dislike that person for being an idiot, not anyone I can lump into a group with that person. If this kid wants to dress like a fem, then who the fuck cares, let him dress fem. Does it affect you ONE bit? I think many people on here are so desperate that they got tricked at one point thinking that a girl with an adams apple was really a girl, now they hold a grudge.

12-10-2009, 10:03 AM
im sure shit like this happens more than the majority of people think it does.but if someone is going to change their sex then they should know these kinds of things are going to happen.there aren't too many tollerent people in today's society.

12-10-2009, 10:15 AM
Its all in their little mind...Whether you were born male/female you cannot change that. Even after operations you still have the wrong parts to be the other gender. Plus, you are one or the other and you cant change that.

Leaving a voicemail was a stupid ass idea no doubt but if you are born a male, you are a male without a doubt....if you are born female...its the same concept. You can call yourself something else, but its wrong no matter what angle you come from.

You're not understanding this. It may be genetically wrong, but it IS legal to change your sex and identity. Once you do so, it's done. In the eyes of the law, this dude is now a female. Like I said, genetically she may not be, but legally he is a she.

I think people should be able to be/call themselves whatever they want. I thought you right wing shiddiots were supposed to be all about "not interfering in other people's private lives". I guess you all think that when people are gay or transgendered it OK to tell them how to live?

Edit: if anyone is at fault, its that manager, as Micky D's didn't even require her to answer the question. I don't see how anyone's sex parts relate to making hamburgers. Maybe you guys know though so please, share.

Agreed on all counts.


that kinda shit should not be tolerated, period

Just curious, but why not? Did one of them break your heart? Were any bills you've had late getting paid because one of these people did not pay it in time? Did one of them do something to you that adversely affected your life? I'm curious as to why this kind of "shit should not be tolerated."

there aren't too many tollerent people in today's society.

And this is a big reason as to why Earth is in such a sad shape that it's in. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 10:27 AM
So its legal to call something other than what it really is? Sounds a bit crazy to me.

12-10-2009, 10:29 AM
I think he must have gotten some head he sound a little too hurt lol.

12-10-2009, 10:29 AM
I think he must have gotten some head he sound a little too hurt lol.

LOL wut?

12-10-2009, 10:31 AM
LOL wut?

Listen to the voicemail, he sounds like one of them dudes on Jerry after their long time man chick told them they was a man they whole life.

12-10-2009, 10:33 AM
Listen to the voicemail, he sounds like one of them dudes on Jerry after their long time man chick told them they was a man they whole life.

LOL how funny would that shit be. He did sound a little crazy. I mean honestly....did he think he would get away with it?

12-10-2009, 10:33 AM
So its legal to call something other than what it really is? Sounds a bit crazy to me.

In Georgia, it is illegal to change the clothes on a mannequin unless the shades are down. In Kentucky, every citizen is required to take at least one shower once a year.

There are all kinds of laws that are crazy. And I think everyone can agree that the two I posted up are indeed crazy. But this law isn't crazy. At least I don't see how it can be. If you want to change your sex, then why not? It's your own body.

Again, I ask all the homophobes why it bothers them so much if they aren't affected by it. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 10:41 AM
It only affects the person whos doing it to themselves....I know....but its still not right. Its still a male and not a female. Which really has nothing to do with the fact that the manager is a dumbass. He probably thought he was cute till he found out the real truth which is probably why he is so butthurt.

12-10-2009, 10:42 AM
It only affects the person whos doing it to themselves....I know....but its still not right. Its still a male and not a female. Which really has nothing to do with the fact that the manager is a dumbass. He probably thought he was cute till he found out the real truth which is probably why he is so butthurt.

Says who? You? Then it must be so.

12-10-2009, 10:43 AM
Says who? You? Then it must be so.

Its wrong because its a male....not a female....just like I dont drive an EK lol

12-10-2009, 10:45 AM
I'm not leghumping QD but I agree with him on this completely. If it is wrong in your eyes, let it be wrong in your eyes but dont push your views on other people. I see no problem with this guy/girl. If you were to ever take a sex & society class in college and actually open your closed minds that you have, you would see that sometimes someone is born with XY chromosomes, but in their mind and conscience, they are female. and as a child they get confused by society's rules of behavior for each. They see they have male parts, but inside they feel they are female. It just happens that way in some people, just like birth deformities and mental problems - It cant be controlled.

I'd like to compare it to my Tourettes. I was born with this condition. I feel like I have to make random and spastic movements Do I like to? No. But my mind tells me I have to. Same with this person. He was born with the mind of a female but with the genes and parts of a male. He doesnt like that it happened this way, but it did. Sometimes they dont match up. Get over it and let them attempt to live their life to the fullest. You cant change what the mind/conscience believes, but you can change what the body is.

12-10-2009, 10:49 AM
Its wrong because its a male....not a female....just like I dont drive an EK lol

Oh, so what you're saying is, yes, because you said so. Gotcha. Who are we to judge?

12-10-2009, 10:53 AM
Oh, so what you're saying is, yes, because you said so. Gotcha. Who are we to judge?

:no: No...Im not saying its because I said so at all.

How was HE born? - Male

So that makes him what?

12-10-2009, 10:54 AM
:no: No...Im not saying its because I said so at all.

How was HE born? - Male

So that makes him what?

Male he will never be a true female.

12-10-2009, 10:56 AM
:no: No...Im not saying its because I said so at all.

How was HE born? - Male

So that makes him what?

Shit, my parents told me I could be anything I wanted. I guess yours left that out?

Male he will never be a true female.

According to whose standards?

12-10-2009, 10:56 AM
The manager is totally in the wrong, but is it even legal for a 17 year old to be considered transgender? I thought there were laws against that until they turned 18. So until then he would just be considered a very feminine male.

12-10-2009, 10:58 AM
Shit, my parents told me I could be anything I wanted. I guess yours left that out?

According to whose standards?

You cant change how you were born man...come on you know that as well as I do.

12-10-2009, 11:01 AM
You cant change how you were born man...come on you know that as well as I do.

So accept what you just said, he was born a female at heart.

You know people in Medieval times said if you were born a commoner, you couldn't change that. They were probably right also. I know what your argument will be, it will be that its different, but its not.

People are who they decide to be, if you decide you want to be a killer, a transgender, or a prejudice ignorant ass, then so be it. But keep your beliefs to yourself and don't tell people whats right and whats "true" when the bottom line is your "truth" is your OPINION

Do I agree with crossdressing, I mean I'm not a fan of it, I think it is a little fucked up, but I also think someone having a fetish of being pissed on is fucked up, so I just don't take part in it.

12-10-2009, 11:05 AM
According to whose standards?

According to not being able to breed have periods etc.

12-10-2009, 11:06 AM
So accept what you just said, he was born a female at heart.

You know people in Medieval times said if you were born a commoner, you couldn't change that. They were probably right also. I know what your argument will be, it will be that its different, but its not.

People are who they decide to be, if you decide you want to be a killer, a transgender, or a prejudice ignorant ass, then so be it. But keep your beliefs to yourself and don't tell people whats right and whats "true" when the bottom line is your "truth" is your OPINION

Do I agree with crossdressing, I mean I'm not a fan of it, I think it is a little fucked up, but I also think someone having a fetish of being pissed on is fucked up, so I just don't take part in it.

It IS different...being born a commoner is not the same as being born a male or female. If you are born a male, you have things a female does not have...even with surgery you are still not a female whether you want to be or not because your body is not the same. This guy, or any other one can believe they are female all day long....but how does that change what you were born with?

12-10-2009, 11:07 AM
According to not being able to breed have periods etc.

Oh, so woman who have birth defects and can't "breed" aren't real women?

12-10-2009, 11:08 AM
Oh, so woman who have birth defects and can't "breed" aren't real women?

Evidently not. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 11:10 AM
Oh, so woman who have birth defects and can't "breed" aren't real women?

Yes they are, they have whats there to produce it just doesn't function.

12-10-2009, 11:10 AM
Oh, so woman who have birth defects and can't "breed" aren't real women?

LOL way to try and turn that around to make an argument.

12-10-2009, 11:12 AM
LOL way to try and turn that around to make an argument.

That isn't turning it around, thats restating his argument.

Yes they are, they have whats there to produce it just doesn't function.

He has parts to reproduce also.

12-10-2009, 11:14 AM
So its legal to call something other than what it really is? Sounds a bit crazy to me.

Its not about "calling something other than what it is."

This might blow some of your minds, but gender is really a choice. all the traits you associate with gender, its all just a social construction in your head. Most people just accept the paradigms they are given and don't question it.

But really, you all are saying its the parts that make you what you are. What about people who are born with genitals that can't be recognized as male or female, like Lady Gaga? What about someone who loses their parts in an industrial accident or when they step on a landmine... does that affect their gender?

Whats wrong with letting people live how they choose to? I've found that people who are the most defensive about this kind of stuff, the biggest homophobes... are really just people who are the most insecure with themselves. They try to re-enforce their own identities by shitting on other peoples'

12-10-2009, 11:14 AM
Before they chop off their penis and dress like a girl, they should know what kind of shit their going to get from other people.

I have no problems with gays/transexuals at all, but i don't think this should have been such a big deal. its McDonald. Go to the next fast food restaurant and apply there.

It's all about the money at the end.

12-10-2009, 11:15 AM
Just curious, but why not? Did one of them break your heart? Were any bills you've had late getting paid because one of these people did not pay it in time? Did one of them do something to you that adversely affected your life? I'm curious as to why this kind of "shit should not be tolerated."

for one homosexuality is wrong, but then to take it to the extreme of transgender...just out right blatant...not to mention of how they want rights just as anyone else, thats a NO. the same DECISION you make in life, you have to deal with the consequences. making some kind of organization just to gain rights as a transgender is foolish. the original reason of not discriminating against someone based on their gender is their born gender, not teh gender they DECIDE to be....theres a difference between being born as a female and changing your lifestyle to become a transgender

12-10-2009, 11:15 AM
Yes they are, they have whats there to produce it just doesn't function.

Some don't.

And what happens to the women that have female parts and they are removed? They go from being a "real woman" to not?

I honestly don't even know why this is an argument/debate. It is what it is. It is NOT what you say it is. It is NOT what I say it is. This like an opinion, well, it actually IS an opinion. There is no right or wrong answer. And why put so much heart and hatred into something that not only do you have no control over, but something that has no control over you? I asked before what has a transgendered person done to you to make you think they should not be "tolerated." I was even wrong in that question because I was actually putting all transgendered people into a category of what one person may have done. So even if one he/she had fucked something up for you, you still shouldn't have hate for all of them.

Again with the state of the world these days. People are too concerned with things that have no bearing on their lives that they create an insecure environment for those around them. It just brings the plant down to a lower level each time. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 11:16 AM
for one homosexuality is wrong, but then to take it to the extreme of transgender...just out right blatant...not to mention of how they want rights just as anyone else, thats a NO. the same DECISION you make in life, you have to deal with the consequences. making some kind of organization just to gain rights as a transgender is foolish. the original reason of not discriminating against someone based on their gender is their born gender, not teh gender they DECIDE to be....theres a difference between being born as a female and changing your lifestyle to become a transgender
If you don't want to answer my question, just say so, homey. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 11:17 AM
because its their decision to become something they are not, its wrong.

12-10-2009, 11:18 AM
So accept what you just said, he was born a female at heart.

You know people in Medieval times said if you were born a commoner, you couldn't change that. They were probably right also. .

False... people were granted titles of nobility all the time. Henry VIII gave out something like 500 titles. :goodjob:

12-10-2009, 11:18 AM
Its not about insecurity I can care less what the next man/woman/both does. Can I ask a question though. When a transgendered person is fully transformed do you think their chromosone is changed also?

12-10-2009, 11:20 AM
He has parts to reproduce also.

Unless I am behind the times I have not heard of a TS having a child through traditional methods.

12-10-2009, 11:21 AM
for one homosexuality is wrong, but then to take it to the extreme of transgender...just out right blatant...not to mention of how they want rights just as anyone else, thats a NO. r

I don't like you because you are _____ and my religion, which is ______ says thats wrong, so I think you shouldn't get equal rights.

Sorry dude, but you're a bigot. :2up:

12-10-2009, 11:23 AM
Unless I am behind the times I have not heard of a TS having a child through traditional methods.

When did this become about the choice of reproducing?
I know plenty of women who DON'T want children. They decide for themselves not to reproduce. The argument was they aren't "real" because they lack the ability to, not the choice.

False... people were granted titles of nobility all the time. Henry VIII gave out something like 500 titles. :goodjob:

Smartass, you know what I mean.

12-10-2009, 11:24 AM
Unless I am behind the times I have not heard of a TS having a child through traditional methods.

There are lots of regular gendered people who are born infertile as well. Hetero couples spend millions on fertility drugs, In-Vitro, surrogate mothers, etc because they can't conceive.

12-10-2009, 11:26 AM
Its not about "calling something other than what it is."

This might blow some of your minds, but gender is really a choice. all the traits you associate with gender, its all just a social construction in your head. Most people just accept the paradigms they are given and don't question it.

But really, you all are saying its the parts that make you what you are. What about people who are born with genitals that can't be recognized as male or female, like Lady Gaga? What about someone who loses their parts in an industrial accident or when they step on a landmine... does that affect their gender?

Whats wrong with letting people live how they choose to? I've found that people who are the most defensive about this kind of stuff, the biggest homophobes... are really just people who are the most insecure with themselves. They try to re-enforce their own identities by shitting on other peoples'

So if some man decides he wants to be a woman....all of his DNA and everything internally and externally are then changed to that of a woman?

Is that what you are saying? If so, thats fucking amazing man.

12-10-2009, 11:30 AM
When did this become about the choice of reproducing?
I know plenty of women who DON'T want children. They decide for themselves not to reproduce. The argument was they aren't "real" because they lack the ability to, not the choice.


When did I say anything about a choice?:thinking:

12-10-2009, 11:32 AM
So if some man decides he wants to be a woman....all of his DNA and everything internally and externally are then changed to that of a woman?

Is that what you are saying? If so, thats fucking amazing man.

I agree. Chromosomes and all just poof!

12-10-2009, 11:33 AM
When did I say anything about a choice?:thinking:

The argument was they lack the capacity to reproduce, that's false, through their choices they decide not to.

Think harder.

12-10-2009, 11:33 AM
So if some man decides he wants to be a woman....all of his DNA and everything internally and externally are then changed to that of a woman?

Its not about DNA, its a state of mind. There is no link between DNA and what people perceive as gender. It has nothing to do with physiology/biology, it has everything to do with psychology, sociology, etc.

For example, Black people and White people are pretty much the same. Asians too. As far as DNA goes they are 99.999999999% identical. I might have more in common genetically with a Black or an Asian than I do with another White person. But look how different the cultures are... its all just social construction.

12-10-2009, 11:38 AM
because its their decision to become something they are not, its wrong.
So that's the basis of your intolerance to people of this persuasion? You're not shallow much, are you? It must suck to have to live a life where people who have not had any affect on your life, yet keeps you that insecure. Glad I only have to worry about robbers and murders and other criminals. I would hate to have to add transgendered and homosexual people to that list. God help me if I accidentally breathe the same air as one of "them" and get infected.

So if some man decides he wants to be a woman....all of his DNA and everything internally and externally are then changed to that of a woman?

Is that what you are saying? If so, thats fucking amazing man.

Talk about turning something around, lolol. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 11:38 AM
Its not about DNA, its a state of mind. There is no link between DNA and what people perceive as gender. It has nothing to do with physiology/biology, it has everything to do with psychology, sociology, etc.

For example, Black people and White people are pretty much the same. Asians too. As far as DNA goes they are 99.999999999% identical. I might have more in common genetically with a Black or an Asian than I do with another White person. But look how different the cultures are... its all just social construction.

Gender has EVERYTHING to do with your body and theyparts you have....it has nothing at all to do with anything else. The parts you have are what make you a male or female (sometimes both) but you cant change that by surgery or simply thinking you are something else.

How would social construction change body parts? That makes no sense whatsoever.

12-10-2009, 11:39 AM
Talk about turning something around, lolol. Later, QD.

LOL apparently hes not the only one who can do that.

12-10-2009, 11:41 AM
The argument was they lack the capacity to reproduce, that's false, through their choices they decide not to.

Think harder.

Can you show me a transexual woman that has reproduced? Or do they all choose not to?

12-10-2009, 11:42 AM
LOL apparently hes not the only one who can do that.

Hahah!!! I can say though, I'm glad this discussion has stayed civil and lacked name calling and insults. I like to see this kind of talk without thinking that someone is getting all pissed off and shit.

Good job, fellas. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 11:44 AM
Hahah!!! I can say though, I'm glad this discussion has stayed civil and lacked name calling and insults. I like to see this kind of talk without thinking that someone is getting all pissed off and shit.

Good job, fellas. Later, QD.


Lol thats true though....I like these types of conversations. Im not mad at all and I hope no one else is.

12-10-2009, 11:45 AM
Can you show me a transexual woman that has reproduced? Or do they all choose not to?

What prevents them from being able to?
I know what you're trying to argue, but your argument was they CAN NOT reproduce. The correct argument would be, they can not give birth.

But then that goes back to there are women who are "born female" that cannot as well.

So like I said, it is their choice to NOT reproduce.

12-10-2009, 11:46 AM
Can you show me a transexual woman that has reproduced? Or do they all choose not to?

Thomas Beattie. Oregon man gave birth last year. He has been a man for all of the last 10 years. Not a man-to-woman, but the opposite. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 11:47 AM
Thomas Beattie. Oregon man gave birth last year. He has been a man for all of the last 10 years. Not a man-to-woman, but the opposite. Later, QD.

Still a woman :taun:

12-10-2009, 11:47 AM
Thomas Beattie. Oregon man gave birth last year. He has been a man for all of the last 10 years. Not a man-to-woman, but the opposite. Later, QD.

I heard about that thats why I said transexual woman haha. Does he not still have female sexual organs?

12-10-2009, 11:48 AM
Im not mad at all and I hope no one else is.

Exactly. I'm not trying to sway your thoughts, they are yours and that's how it is. I'm just tying to put some "food for thought" out there for you to mull over. To me, it's close-minded thinking, but who's to say what I think about you in that aspect is right or wrong, you know? Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 11:49 AM
What prevents them from being able to?
I know what you're trying to argue, but your argument was they CAN NOT reproduce. The correct argument would be, they can not give birth.

But then that goes back to there are women who are "born female" that cannot as well.

So like I said, it is their choice to NOT reproduce.

Can they be impregnated naturally?

12-10-2009, 11:49 AM
Still a woman :taun:

Not as recognized by the state of Oregon! HA!

I heard about that thats why I said transexual woman haha. Does he not still have female sexual organs?

Yeah, i caught you were being specific, lolol. And yes, he retained his female parts while adding the male member. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 11:50 AM
I heard about that thats why I said transexual woman haha. Does he not still have female sexual organs?
Yes, She has to in order to have a child.

12-10-2009, 11:50 AM
How would social construction change body parts? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Why do people who lose limbs have phantom pains and feelings in their missing limbs? Its not about the physical body, its about how the mind perceives the physical body.

Is there a chromosome for bigotry, or did you just wake up and decide to be a bigot one day? :ninja:

12-10-2009, 11:51 AM
Not as recognized by the state of Oregon! HA!

Yeah, i caught you were being specific, lolol. And yes, he retained his female parts while adding the male member. Later, QD.

He's still a woman in my eyes then lol Fuck Oregon(no offense to and Oregon people.) Speaking of Oregon where can I play the official Oregon trails game? lol

12-10-2009, 11:59 AM
Why do people who lose limbs have phantom pains and feelings in their missing limbs? Its not about the physical body, its about how the mind perceives the physical body.

Is there a chromosome for bigotry, or did you just wake up and decide to be a bigot one day? :ninja:

Thats beyond me LOL I have no idea. If they were born with male parts they are a male or if they were born with female parts they are female I know that much.

My beliefs are my beliefs. You can believe that someone can think about being another gender so hard that something happens and changes their body all you want. Thats your opinion.

12-10-2009, 12:00 PM
He's still a woman in my eyes then lol Fuck Oregon(no offense to and Oregon people.) Speaking of Oregon where can I play the official Oregon trails game? lol

LMAO its out there somewhere I actually found it not to long ago.

12-10-2009, 12:08 PM
He's still a woman in my eyes then lol Fuck Oregon(no offense to and Oregon people.) Speaking of Oregon where can I play the official Oregon trails game? lol


12-10-2009, 12:21 PM
LMAO its out there somewhere I actually found it not too long ago.

Fixed :ninja:

Oh wait......

12-10-2009, 12:22 PM
My beliefs are my beliefs. You can believe that someone can think about being another gender so hard that something happens and changes their body all you want. Thats your opinion.

Their body doesn't change genetically/biologically. What changes is their legal status and the social and cultural recognition of their gender. You accept them as what they say they are regardless of parts they may or may not have.

Here's a question for you, what makes you a man... is it just biology, or is it not also culture? What would you say if you went and had a blood test and they told you have 2 X chromosomes (female) instead of XY (male). Would you still think of yourself as a man, or would you start dressing and acting like a woman?

12-10-2009, 12:26 PM
Their body doesn't change genetically/biologically. What changes is their legal status and the social and cultural recognition of their gender. You accept them as what they say they are regardless of parts they may or may not have.

Here's a question for you, what makes you a man... is it just biology, or is it not also culture? What would you say if you went and had a blood test and they told you have 2 X chromosomes (female) instead of XY (male). Would you still think of yourself as a man, or would you start dressing and acting like a woman?

That is my whole point in this thread. I dont see how culture has anything to do with my gender.

Im not 100% but it is not possible to have 2 X chromosomes and still have male genitals is it?

12-10-2009, 12:26 PM
Their body doesn't change genetically/biologically. What changes is their legal status and the social and cultural recognition of their gender. You accept them as what they say they are regardless of parts they may or may not have.

Here's a question for you, what makes you a man... is it just biology, or is it not also culture? What would you say if you went and had a blood test and they told you have 2 X chromosomes (female) instead of XY (male). Would you still think of yourself as a man, or would you start dressing and acting like a woman?

It doesn't matter how you act you are what you are. When you act thats when you are in denial or pretend.

12-10-2009, 12:27 PM
It doesn't matter how you act you are what you are. When you act thats when you are in denial or pretend.

Thats what Im saying. Trying to be something else besides what you really are is all in your imagination.

12-10-2009, 12:29 PM
Maybe Tom Cruise can help them....


12-10-2009, 12:32 PM
So that's the basis of your intolerance to people of this persuasion? You're not shallow much, are you? It must suck to have to live a life where people who have not had any affect on your life, yet keeps you that insecure. Glad I only have to worry about robbers and murders and other criminals. I would hate to have to add transgendered and homosexual people to that list. God help me if I accidentally breathe the same air as one of "them" and get infected.

what's shallow about being wrong?

12-10-2009, 12:38 PM
It doesn't matter how you act you are what you are. When you act thats when you are in denial or pretend.

So you are saying that you would start calling yourself a woman if you found out that you had 2 X chromosomes, ovaries and a uterus then. So you wouldn't be living in denial, right?

If chromosomes are so important at determining who we are then why does the organism with the most chromosomes on Earth (1,000 compared to 46 for humans) look like this:

Ophioglossum Fern


Looks like just another plant to me?

12-10-2009, 12:39 PM
what's shallow about being wrong?

You tell me. Again, you're dodging the question. You keep telling me how you feel, not why. It's wrong isn't an answer. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 12:40 PM
So you are saying that you would satart calling yourself a woman if you found out that you had 2 X chromosomes then. So you wouldn't be living in denial, right?

If chromosomes are so important at determining who we are then why does the organism with the most chromosomes on Earth (1,000 compared to 46 for humans) look like this:

Ophioglossum Fern


Looks like just another plant to me?
It doesn't have male or female organs which determine its gender. So its totally different than a human being. Whats the point with the plant?

12-10-2009, 12:44 PM
You tell me. Again, you're dodging the question. You keep telling me how you feel, not why. It's wrong isn't an answer. Later, QD.
either you're blind or my 'answer' wasnt up to par to what should be an explanation to you, my answer is based on it being wrong, period. just like you have feelings of why a song is shit, your 'answer' doesnt make full sense to others, but its your answer, therefore, its valid to you

12-10-2009, 12:46 PM
opinions are opinions, one person may think it is wrong, another may think it is okay/right. the only thing that matters is that the person involved feels comfortable with what he or she is doing.

12-10-2009, 12:49 PM
either you're blind or my 'answer' wasnt up to par to what should be an explanation to you, my answer is based on it being wrong, period. just like you have feelings of why a song is shit, your 'answer' doesnt make full sense to others, but its your answer, therefore, its valid to you

Nah see here's where you're wrong. Factually wrong. I always give reasons as to why I THINK a song is shit. I don't just say it's shit. and that makes it so. You're not giving any reasons as to why you THINK it's wrong. You're not backing up why you THINK it's wrong or why you don't like them. You're whole answer centers around, simply put, but hardly logical, "it's wrong."

And even an answer to explain your "it's wrong" hypothesis won't answer my question. Even if it were wrong, who cares? Why do you care? Again, what happened to you by one of these people that makes you think they should exist? I'm certainly not of that persuasion nor would I ever think to consider any form of homosexuality or trans-sexuality, but I don't find it not tolerable. I don't let it bother me simply because they don't pay my bills or or have any influence over me. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 12:50 PM

12-10-2009, 12:54 PM
Hahah!!! I can say though, I'm glad this discussion has stayed civil and lacked name calling and insults. I like to see this kind of talk without thinking that someone is getting all pissed off and shit.

Good job, fellas. Later, QD.

At least most of us, anyway! Kudos to the ones I'm talking about! Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 12:58 PM
So you are saying that you would start calling yourself a woman if you found out that you had 2 X chromosomes, ovaries and a uterus then. So you wouldn't be living in denial, right?

If chromosomes are so important at determining who we are then why does the organism with the most chromosomes on Earth (1,000 compared to 46 for humans) look like this:

Ophioglossum Fern


Looks like just another plant to me?

Thanks for giving me a description of a woman. Hey, lets just agree to disagree your not changing my mind and I'm not changing yours. We have differences in opinions at the end of the day I can care less about what someone is or want to call themselves I got bills to pay. Good discussion though people.

12-10-2009, 12:59 PM
It doesn't have male or female organs which determine its gender. So its totally different than a human being. Whats the point with the plant?

That genetics aren't as big a deal with identity politics as they are cracked up to be.

You just said it yourself, you don't need male or female sex organs to determine gender. Gender is just the way that we culturally express the characteristics associated with primary and secondary biological sex. Primary sex refers to reproductive organs, secondary sex refers to the traits that are used to distinguish the biological sexes that are not directly related to reproductive organs.

While primary sex characteristics are biological and can't be changed completely, secondary sex characteristics are entirely changeable, and are not absolutely connected to primary sex traits... there are hairy, deep voiced women (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_insult), etc.

So really while these people cannot change their primary sex characteristics, they can change their secondary sex characteristics and the social/cultural associations that come with them.

12-10-2009, 01:00 PM
So, How many of you lurking people are scared to say something? I know you all have to have an opinion...I have seen half of you viewing the thread all day long.

LOL cmon now
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12-10-2009, 01:03 PM
Good discussion though people.

+94 for you. TB and oneslowex, I'll get you in a bit. Ran out of time. Felt good to have a decent talk with folks of differing opinions and get some feedback. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 01:04 PM
That genetics aren't as big a deal with identity politics as they are cracked up to be.

You just said it yourself, you don't need male or female sex organs to determine gender. Gender is just the way that we culturally express the characteristics associated with primary and secondary biological sex. Primary sex refers to reproductive organs, secondary sex refers to the traits that are used to distinguish the biological sexes that are not directly related to reproductive organs.

While primary sex characteristics are biological and can't be changed completely, secondary sex characteristics are entirely changeable, and are not absolutely connected to primary sex traits... there are hairy, deep voiced women (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_insult), etc.

So really while these people cannot change their primary sex characteristics, they can change their secondary sex characteristics and the social/cultural associations that come with them.

That doesnt make them change what they are just because one sounds,acts, and looks like something doesnt mean they are what they're cut out to be.

12-10-2009, 01:04 PM
"I seen the anger, you know, like you can tell when someone gets upset"

"You shouldn't judge someone based on who they are."

Bellamy said.

i loled.

i seent it, i seent it!

if you dont judge someone on who they are then i guess you we should judge them on what they are, and in that case....a faggot.

12-10-2009, 01:06 PM
That genetics aren't as big a deal with identity politics as they are cracked up to be.

You just said it yourself, you don't need male or female sex organs to determine gender. Gender is just the way that we culturally express the characteristics associated with primary and secondary biological sex. Primary sex refers to reproductive organs, secondary sex refers to the traits that are used to distinguish the biological sexes that are not directly related to reproductive organs.

While primary sex characteristics are biological and can't be changed completely, secondary sex characteristics are entirely changeable, and are not absolutely connected to primary sex traits... there are hairy, deep voiced women (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_insult), etc.

So really while these people cannot change their primary sex characteristics, they can change their secondary sex characteristics and the social/cultural associations that come with them.

I was talking about why you would bring a plant into this discussion when it has no place. Thats what I meant.

So if they cannot change their primary characteristics, that still makes them either a man or a woman whether they like it or not. Even if they have a piece of paper saying they are what they are not.

12-10-2009, 01:10 PM
+94 for you. TB and oneslowex, I'll get you in a bit. Ran out of time. Felt good to have a decent talk with folks of differing opinions and get some feedback. Later, QD.

Interesting discussion for sure. I respect the views of others whether it seems that way or not. :goodjob:

12-10-2009, 01:18 PM
Interesting discussion for sure. I respect the views of others whether it seems that way or not. :goodjob:

Same should go for everyone. Not everyone has the same outlook on a certain topic and most people stand strong by what they believe in. Doesn't mean you have to change the way others think or that they have to change the way you think. Makes for good conversation/debate but shouldn't be taken seriously to start a fight.

12-10-2009, 01:20 PM
Doesn't mean you have to change the way others think or that they have to change the way you think.

That's what I said earlier. Not trying to change you, but just trying to toss up some thoughts. Later, QD.

12-10-2009, 01:21 PM
Same should go for everyone. Not everyone has the same outlook on a certain topic and most people stand strong by what they believe in. Doesn't mean you have to change the way others think or that they have to change the way you think. Makes for good conversation/debate but shouldn't be taken seriously to start a fight.

From what I've seen everyone has been civil. Except one but does he count:D

12-10-2009, 01:22 PM
That's what I said earlier. Not trying to change you, but just trying to toss up some thoughts. Later, QD.

Exactly. If everyone had the same view about every topic, conversation would be greatly boring.

12-10-2009, 01:22 PM
From what I've seen everyone has been civil. Except one but does he count:D

I was just throwing my :2cents: in. lol

12-10-2009, 01:23 PM
I was just throwing my :2cents: in. lol

Oh ok icey.

12-10-2009, 01:23 PM
if you dont judge someone on who they are then i guess you we should judge them on what they are, and in that case....a faggot.

I think she was saying that we shouldn't judge someone negatively based on their lifestyle choices we may not personally agree with.

Like if I called ya a tight pants wearing twilight kid because you drive a silver VW. :ninja:

12-10-2009, 01:25 PM
Oh ok icey.

you bringing me an icey? thanks, i could use it. i woke up with strep throat. :cry:

12-10-2009, 01:27 PM
you bringing me an icey? thanks, i could use it. i woke up with strep throat. :cry:

Yea I'll bring you a icey hot from the microwave. I don't talk to strangers remember? Especially ones that say I'm mean.

12-10-2009, 01:28 PM
I think she was saying that we shouldn't judge someone negatively based on their lifestyle choices we may not personally agree with.

Like if I called ya a tight pants wearing twilight kid because you drive a silver VW. :ninja:

I drive a yellow VW :lmfao:

12-10-2009, 01:30 PM
That doesnt make them change what they are just because one sounds,acts, and looks like something doesnt mean they are what they're cut out to be.

According to you and your definitions. But you don't have the moral authority to define other peoples lives for them.

You may say I don't matter... I say you don't matter, in the end neither of us matter. Enjoy your self-righteous indignation at things you cannot change while you can, life is short. :ninja:

12-10-2009, 01:31 PM
I drive a yellow VW :lmfao:

Then you know all about gender associations. :lmfao:


12-10-2009, 01:32 PM
According to you and your definitions. But you don't have the moral authority to define other peoples lives for them.

You may say I don't matter... I say you don't matter, in the end neither of us matter. Enjoy your self-righteous indignation at things you cannot change while you can, life is short. :ninja:

Lol its funny that your calling me self -righteous when I just disagree with your opinion. Its cool though.

12-10-2009, 01:33 PM
Then you know all about gender associations. :lmfao:


Lol its not a bug its a gti thanks. :lmfao::2up:

12-10-2009, 01:34 PM
Yea I'll bring you a icey hot from the microwave. I don't talk to strangers remember? Especially ones that say I'm mean.

Hot or cold just bring it mean stranger!

12-10-2009, 01:37 PM
Lol its funny that your calling me self -righteous when I just disagree with your opinion. Its cool though.

You want to decide other people's lives for them based on your own personal prejudices. Is there another word for that?

12-10-2009, 01:38 PM
You want to decide other people's lives for them based on your own personal prejudices. Is there another word for that?

What personal prejudice would you say I have sir?

12-10-2009, 01:51 PM
What personal prejudice would you say I have sir?

You're trying to enforce a gender binary that is not supported by the prevailing model of gender theory. You're purposefully not recognizing the difference between "sex" and "gender" because you claim transgendered people are "living in denial". So I'd say you're sexist.

I mean, at least you're not racist (maybe). :tongue1::lmfao:

12-10-2009, 02:01 PM
wow crazy shit

12-10-2009, 02:08 PM
You're trying to enforce a gender binary that is not supported by the prevailing model of gender theory. You're purposefully not recognizing the difference between "sex" and "gender" because you claim transgendered people are "living in denial". So I'd say you're sexist.

I mean, at least you're not racist (maybe). :tongue1::lmfao:

Eh. Not really. I just don't consider a TS a true male or woman. I don't look down on transgendered people ot am I to enforce anything, what does it have to do with me at the end of the day? But I guess your entitled to your opinion of me as well ,and just as I said before your opinion doesn't affect my everyday life.:goodjob:

12-10-2009, 02:35 PM
I said before your opinion doesn't affect my everyday life.:goodjob:

Thats what I am getting at... when you say that TS people should pick the sex they are born with, you are trying to make your own opinion effect people's everyday lives.

Call them what they say they are, its that simple. What parts they have or don't have doesn't concern you (but if you want it to, theres a special section on Craigslist for that:ninja:).

12-10-2009, 03:05 PM
i wanna know how she got the cash to get the operation, but yet is applying at McD's for job?

12-10-2009, 03:12 PM
i wanna know how he got the cash to get the operation, but yet is applying at McD's for job?

Gotta do what you gotta do. He may have had a good job at the time of his operation and lost it somehow.

12-10-2009, 03:23 PM
i wanna know how she got the cash to get the operation, but yet is applying at McD's for job?

I didn't see anything in the article that said she had a surgery. So shes probably still taping it back. I don't even think they do the surgery until 18, and even then before they can get approved to do the surgery they have to live as the other gender for at least a year.

If she had the surgery and did the hormone therapy, the guy probably wouldn't have been able to tell. :ninja:

12-10-2009, 06:12 PM
I think people like this were genetic fuck up's similar to any other mental defect. They need to eat too, I dont like them, and dont think its right, but they need to eat.

12-10-2009, 06:17 PM
we do not hire faggots

12-10-2009, 06:26 PM
as long as these transgendered freaks stay away from me let them do what they want

Got Milk?
12-10-2009, 06:27 PM
Shit, I agree with the manager. Faggots should be shot and killed on the spot.

12-10-2009, 07:50 PM
who gives a crap? they are still a human regardless. and it was Mcdonalds!!!! as long as its not affecting others at work, then so be it.

87 Turbo II
12-10-2009, 09:27 PM
"I'm angry. I'm hurt," Bellamy said. "You shouldn't judge someone based on who they are."

Later, QD.

Biggest fail of a statement ever. That's EXACTLY what you should judge people based on. She meant "You shouldn't judge people based on WHAT they are." I wouldn't hire her/him either, but not from transgenderness, I'd refuse to hire her because of her stupidity. She also said "I seen the anger" earlier. She sounds stupid to me.

12-10-2009, 09:44 PM
Lol its not a bug its a gti thanks. :lmfao::2up:

The only real difference is the outer shell, they are basically the same underneath. With only a couple mechanical differences and the obvious difference of looks on the outside.

Which brings me to my point. Humans, whether male or female, are basically the same. There are only a couple of things that differentiate between the two and those that feel that they need to live as the other can easily do so nowadays. I say let them do what they want and if you don't like transgendered people just be polite and avoid them.

12-10-2009, 10:50 PM
. She sounds stupid to me.

Have you ever met a 17 year old that didn't sound stupid? :screwy: :lmfao:

As for those of you who say that _____ should be shot on the spot, feel free to share your intolerance with the nearest member of Al Qaeda you might happen to run into. I hear they like intolerance, bigotry, and hatred too. Maybe you could both blow yourselves up and us sensible people could finally relax. Don't worry, neither of you will be missed. :goodjob:

87 Turbo II
12-10-2009, 10:57 PM
Have you ever met a 17 year old that didn't sound stupid? :screwy: :lmfao:

As for those of you who say that _____ should be shot on the spot, feel free to share your intolerance with the nearest member of Al Qaeda you might happen to run into. I hear they like intolerance, bigotry, and hatred too. Maybe you could both blow yourselves up and us sensible people could finally relax. Don't worry, neither of you will be missed. :goodjob:

When I was 17 I still used proper diction. It was only 2 years ago.

12-11-2009, 12:04 AM
I think people should be able to be/call themselves whatever they want. I thought you right wing shiddiots were supposed to be all about "not interfering in other people's private lives". I guess you all think that when people are gay or transgendered it OK to tell them how to live?

The voicemail that guy left her sounds really, really creepy. I bet that guy secretly fantasizes about trannies and is trying a bit too hard to repress himself and front like he's not. :ninja:

Edit: if anyone is at fault, its that manager, as Micky D's didn't even require her to answer the question. I don't see how anyone's sex parts relate to making hamburgers. Maybe you guys know though so please, share.

totally agree with you! :goodjob: freedom of speech and expression!

I'm not saying I support changing genders, but I am saying I don't support prejudice in any form. If someone is an idiot, I dislike that person for being an idiot, not anyone I can lump into a group with that person. If this kid wants to dress like a fem, then who the fuck cares, let him dress fem. Does it affect you ONE bit? I think many people on here are so desperate that they got tricked at one point thinking that a girl with an adams apple was really a girl, now they hold a grudge.

x2! i dont like gender changes but im not prejudice to them either. i used to work at Mcds awile back and there were 3 bi-sexuals working there. i didnt treat them any different that any of the other employess. they were cool people just like anyone else. like was said, if them being TS doesnt effect you, then why care?

In Georgia, it is illegal to change the clothes on a mannequin unless the shades are down. In Kentucky, every citizen is required to take at least one shower once a year.

There are all kinds of laws that are crazy. And I think everyone can agree that the two I posted up are indeed crazy. But this law isn't crazy. At least I don't see how it can be. If you want to change your sex, then why not? It's your own body.

Again, I ask all the homophobes why it bothers them so much if they aren't affected by it. Later, QD.

wow i didnt know that about GA.

and yea if someone wants to do something to their body, its their body and they know what theyr doing. like people with those radical piercing and whole bodys covered with tattoos, i might not agree with that but its their body and it doesnt effect me in anyway so why care?

who gives a crap? they are still a human regardless. and it was Mcdonalds!!!! as long as its not affecting others at work, then so be it.

yup! regardless he is still human. we all have rights. changing your sex does not mean you forfeit your rights.

Have you ever met a 17 year old that didn't sound stupid? :screwy: :lmfao:

As for those of you who say that _____ should be shot on the spot, feel free to share your intolerance with the nearest member of Al Qaeda you might happen to run into. I hear they like intolerance, bigotry, and hatred too. Maybe you could both blow yourselves up and us sensible people could finally relax. Don't worry, neither of you will be missed. :goodjob:

:lmfao: nop never lol

agreed! its people with these 1 track minds that keep racism in this world as well as being sexists etc..

saw alot of different opinions while reading throught the thread. i also liked the way everything stayd civil up to the last recent posts.
all i can say to the 1s that are on the opposite side of this little debate, is what if someone in your family turned out like this? would you not talk to them? what if your kids turned out like this? would you dis-own them?:thinking:

12-11-2009, 05:30 AM
saw alot of different opinions while reading throught the thread. i also liked the way everything stayd civil up to the last recent posts.

I was being hyperbolic in my posts, its all in fun. :D

12-11-2009, 07:45 AM
I don't hire gheys, naggers, nOObs, or racist at my store...

12-11-2009, 10:34 AM
Thats what I am getting at... when you say that TS people should pick the sex they are born with, you are trying to make your own opinion effect people's everyday lives.

Call them what they say they are, its that simple. What parts they have or don't have doesn't concern you (but if you want it to, theres a special section on Craigslist for that:ninja:).

How do you pick and choose something your born with? And your right it doesnt concern me, the question arouse and I voiced my opinion. If you want to call me a self-righteous sexist so be it lol all though I don't see how I plugged in religon and sexism into me saying a TG is still their born sex.

12-11-2009, 10:53 AM
How do you pick and choose something your born with? .

You are confusing sex and gender again. They are not the same. I've explained that. Sex is the biological parts, gender is the associations and presumptions that go with those parts. You can choose to change the associations without actually changing the parts. Thats dumbing it down as far as I am willing to go. Reading comprehension > ImportAtlanta :2cents:

12-11-2009, 11:05 AM
too bad more people like this manager don't exist, and get away with these things. stupid fucking idiots changing their sex.

12-11-2009, 11:14 AM

Its funny to hear you guys praise the manager... he's getting fired from a job at McDonald's. Once you get dropped by Mickey D's you're pretty much done as a useful member of society. I bet this manager guy is homeless and begging for change on street corners within 3 weeks. :goodjob:

12-11-2009, 11:14 AM
You are confusing sex and gender again. They are not the same. I've explained that. Sex is the biological parts, gender is the associations and presumptions that go with those parts. You can choose to change the associations without actually changing the parts. Thats dumbing it down as far as I am willing to go. Reading comprehension > ImportAtlanta :2cents:

Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs. I understand that Gender refers to how a person acts in either a masculine or feminine way, but just because a person acts masculine or feminine doesnt mean their sex is changed.

12-11-2009, 11:15 AM
Its funny to hear you guys praise the manager... he's getting fired from a job at McDonald's. Once you get dropped by Mickey D's you're pretty much done as a useful member of society. I bet this manager guy is homeless and begging for change on street corners within 3 weeks. :goodjob:

Lol agreed once dropped my Mickey D's result to your knees.

12-11-2009, 11:17 AM
but just because a person acts masculine or feminine doesnt mean their sex is changed.

In the eyes of the law it does. Later, QD.

12-11-2009, 11:20 AM
This thread is over imo.

12-11-2009, 11:21 AM
In the eyes of the law it does. Later, QD.

We are in a country that says slippers are not to be worn after 10:00 PM. Lets be real the law doesn't always make sense.

12-11-2009, 11:27 AM
We are in a country that says slippers are not to be worn after 10:00 PM. Lets be real the law doesn't always make sense.

Whether or not it makes sense, it's still the law.

HA! Later, QD.

12-11-2009, 11:31 AM
Whether or not it makes sense, it's still the law.

HA! Later, QD.

So if the law suddenly said you're a female are you going to believe them?

12-11-2009, 11:37 AM
So if the law suddenly said you're a female are you going to believe them?

Or move to another country. Later, QD.

12-11-2009, 11:41 AM
Or move to another country. Later, QD.

Lol always an option.

12-11-2009, 11:46 AM
Most definitely. Just because I defend these people's decisions doesn't mean I want to be one of them, lolol. Later, QD.

12-11-2009, 07:17 PM
"I'm angry. I'm hurt," Bellamy said. "You shouldn't judge someone based on who they are."

If we dont judge people by who they are, what should we be judging them by?

12-15-2009, 07:49 PM
he lied on his application. simple

12-15-2009, 11:09 PM
he lied on his application.

How so? Later, QD.

12-16-2009, 12:45 AM
he lied on his application. simple

i think reading ownes this 1 lol
how did he lie if didnt pick 1 or the other? and when asked to check a box he checkd male. so he didnt lie. simple :goodjob:

and im mad no1 answered my last questions on my last post on pg7....

12-16-2009, 07:29 AM
So if the law suddenly said you're a female are you going to believe them?

The law doesn't tell you what gender you are. You decide your own gender and the laws are there to support your decision. If you decided to become a woman one day, you would go to the courthouse, fill out a stack of forms like name change etc, pay a few processing fees, and presto-chango... you're legally a woman.

Thats all part of this "freedom" business these right-wing types are trying to take away from people. :screwy:

12-16-2009, 11:37 AM
All three technically. The manager for acting in the manner he did. Him/her for not checking both male and female. McDonald's for not having a "other" place to be checked.

Either way, that shemale is about to get paid.

12-16-2009, 11:52 AM
All three technically. The manager for acting in the manner he did. Him/her for not checking both male and female. McDonald's for not having a "other" place to be checked.

Wrong. Most company's applications (McDonald's included) does not require an applicant to fill out that section if he/she doesn't want to. It is "supposed" to be a non-discriminatory election as to whether or not you check it. Also, when forced to mark a sex, he chose what his government status was..male. So neither the applicant nor McDonald's was at fault. Later, QD.

12-16-2009, 11:55 AM
But you do agree about the tranny getting paid here soon.

12-16-2009, 12:18 PM
But you do agree about the tranny getting paid here soon.

Yeah, she suffered harassment from that manager. It was one thing for him not to hire her, he could have marked it down as her not having a professional attitude or whatever.

But when he called her and told her "we do not hire faggots" he effectively confessed to a crime. He violated title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1064. So punitive damages are in order. :goodjob:


12-16-2009, 12:33 PM
Yeah, she suffered harassment from that manager. It was one thing for him not to hire her, he could have marked it down as her not having a professional attitude or whatever.

But when he called her and told her "we do not hire faggots" he effectively confessed to a crime. He violated title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1064. So punitive damages are in order. :goodjob:


I wonder if they could link that into a "hate crime" as well. Seeing as how he referred to him in a derogatory fashion in relation to saying why this person wasn't being hired. Later, QD.

12-16-2009, 12:39 PM
I wonder if they could link that into a "hate crime" as well. Seeing as how he referred to him in a derogatory fashion in relation to saying why this person wasn't being hired. Later, QD.

It most definitely can be.