View Full Version : So i got fired... but there is more than that

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 07:52 AM
ok, so i'm just gettin home after i got fired.... but here is the wierd thing. I work hard, pretty much have trained every new kid that has come in there and the manager has been trying to promote me to Service manager for over 3 weeks now....

ok so heres the reason i got fired:

the South East manager came in today to watch us work, so i walk in EVEN 2 minutes early! and he is like hey can i talk to you for a second before you clock in? i was like yeah sure, he's like so why did you touch the cameras? (these cameras are there so they can spy on us while we work to make sure we are working) anyways, i was like um, i touched the camera once, and that was under the direct command of the general manager b/c someone had moved them. (i know who it was and he got fired about 2 weeks ago) anyways, so he's like are you calling me a liar, i have you on camera moving them. i was like no...i'm not calling you a liar but if you're accusing me of doing something i didn't do then yes, you are a liar. Because i am not going to admit to a crime i know i didn't commit. He's like well why did you move them? i was like i didn't move them dude, i was told to "re-focus" them by the general manager. He told ME specifically to do it. i was like dude i HATE ladders with a passion man, what makes you think that i'm really going to get up on one just to make sure that you don't see me sitting down for 5 minutes? dude, i'm up high on this little totem pole here, if i wanted to get it done i could have told someone to do it but guess what i didn't and do you know why? B/C i didn't do it! He's like you're fired, leave the premesis. (sp?) i was like ok, fine, but ask anyone here and they will tell you this is a mistake on your part, and they all know i didn't move those cameras...

end rant. :rant:

The Ren
10-21-2005, 07:54 AM
Thats some fucking bullshit...

Dark Side
10-21-2005, 07:55 AM
^^^ I am with her on that one.

A.P. Photography
10-21-2005, 07:57 AM
should have asked to see the film he has of you moving the cameras and then brought in the GM but unfortunatley GA is a fire at will state.

10-21-2005, 07:57 AM
Dude sorry to hear that. That is some fucking bullshit though. Unless they can prove that something is even missing, then they have no grounds to fire you. Did he check with your g.m.?

10-21-2005, 07:59 AM
Correction...I was just told that apparently this state can fire you without giving reason. Sorry, I'm from Massachusetts originally, it's different there.

The Ren
10-21-2005, 07:59 AM
Dude sorry to hear that. That is some fucking bullshit though. Unless they can prove that something is even missing, then they have no grounds to fire you. Did he check with your g.m.?

That was sucks about Ga... they can fire you and not even tell you why... Ga law sucks

10-21-2005, 08:01 AM
I'm sorry Jm, But yea the guys sounds like a real dick. He shoudln;t have fired you

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:07 AM
thanks guys! i apprecaite it... i just got off the phone with my manager... and he said he's going to talk to that guy and see if he can get my job back... i told him i didn't know if i wanted it back, but if i did take it back, i got a pay raise, this weekend and next weekend off, and a personal apology from the SE manager...so we'll see what happens...

10-21-2005, 08:09 AM
id go file for unemployment today then id try to find out every way that i could get money from that company... thats bullshit to like the 10th degree if ive ever heard of it. sorry about it... well we got jopb oppenings at my work if you wanna work. its a cabinet shop?

10-21-2005, 08:13 AM
who do you work for? i would go far over that SE managers head, call corporate and bust some balls; that don't work call them out for sexual harrasment... tell them SE asked you for sexual favors and you declined so he fired you :lmao:

A.P. Photography
10-21-2005, 08:15 AM
id go file for unemployment today then id try to find out every way that i could get money from that company... thats bullshit to like the 10th degree if ive ever heard of it. sorry about it... well we got jopb oppenings at my work if you wanna work. its a cabinet shop?
Understand, GA is a fire at will state, they do not have to give you anything or even explain why they fired you.

A.P. Photography
10-21-2005, 08:16 AM
; that don't work call them out for sexual harrasment... tell them SE asked you for sexual favors and you declined so he fired you :lmao:
Thats cold but it could work. :lmfao:

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:18 AM
Hey it worked in american beauty! hmm.....

10-21-2005, 08:27 AM
thanks guys! i apprecaite it... i just got off the phone with my manager... and he said he's going to talk to that guy and see if he can get my job back... i told him i didn't know if i wanted it back, but if i did take it back, i got a pay raise, this weekend and next weekend off, and a personal apology from the SE manager...so we'll see what happens...

Wow dude, if this was you talking him up for all this, good job. If it was him offering this so that you come back if he can pull some strings, then that's cool too. Obviously shows they want you around...

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:32 AM
yeah man i told him thats the only way i'm coming back... they do want me there, thats why this was pretty much a shock.

10-21-2005, 08:33 AM
I like that idea, just call corporate and tell them as you were walking in he confronted you about gay sex in exchange for a raise. He will be investigated beyond belief, and he will think twice about firing for no reason in the future.

10-21-2005, 08:33 AM
i wouldve had a much bigger attitude about it. sounds like some iddiot who wanted to fire you just bc he could. that pisses me off, big time. is it really that serious that u moved the camera? i dnt think so. i wouldnt go back until he apologized unless i really need my job back.

10-21-2005, 08:36 AM
I like that idea, just call corporate and tell them as you were walking in he confronted you about gay sex in exchange for a raise. He will be investigated beyond belief, and he will think twice about firing for no reason in the future.

The key to this apparently is you have to call it "gay sex". Otherwise it means nothing...

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:37 AM
i don't plan on going back until i get what i wanted... and no moving the cameras really isn't the much of a bad thing... they aren't positioned for any security purposes, they are just there so they can make sure we're working.... but yeah i will need money soon so i'm going to run over the gwinnett mall area and see if any dealer ships are hiring or anything....i want to work in a car place if i can... and for preferably for more than 8 dollars an hour.

10-21-2005, 08:37 AM
that sucks ass jm - and you are nicer than me, i would have knocked him out.

10-21-2005, 08:39 AM
i wouldve had a much bigger attitude about it. sounds like some iddiot who wanted to fire you just bc he could. that pisses me off, big time. is it really that serious that u moved the camera? i dnt think so. i wouldnt go back until he apologized unless i really need my job back.

That is what I was telling JM.. there wasnt anything missing or any reports of anything so whats the big deal and then also the fact that they only confronted him and not the guy that had asked him to do it kinda pissed me off... I told him it sounds like he puts up with alot of bullshit there and Just get his name cleared and be done with it unless he really wanted to go back. To me it sounds kinda triffling and messed up... I don't know if I would want to work for a company like that anyways...

10-21-2005, 08:42 AM
Papa Johns is hiring, atleast my location is i think, for drivers. You average about $15/hr generally, and all you do is deliever pizzas, pretty easy job.

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:42 AM
and i won't.... i'm going to look for another job today... one that will treat me right and pay me more....thanks again baby.

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:43 AM
hm.... i did deliver pizzas for a while... hmm... what location...

Dark Side
10-21-2005, 08:44 AM
and i won't.... i'm going to look for another job today... one that will treat me right and pay me more....thanks again baby.

NP Good luck today sweetie. lol

10-21-2005, 08:44 AM
hm.... i did deliver pizzas for a while... hmm... what location...

Baby then you'd smell like pizza and I would get fat cause I would want pizza all the time and then I would hate pizza cause it would get old and I dont want to hate pizza cause I like pizza...

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:45 AM
lol! hey hey hey! that whole gay thing was to get my job back! there is no real Gayness... lol! lol!

B16a2 Civic
10-21-2005, 08:45 AM
another example of the man tryna hold a brotha down....

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:46 AM
right thats true...i like pizza and working there made me hate it...

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:46 AM
another example of the man tryna hold a brotha down....

fo serious! shiiiiii

10-21-2005, 08:47 AM
The alpharetta location off statesbridge. I've been working there since july and still love pizza!!

10-21-2005, 08:48 AM
That sucks...sorry to hear that. You could always try and take it higher.

Dark Side
10-21-2005, 08:48 AM
J/K man but really good luck job hunting today. I would give u a job at the store and u could work for me. But its a family biz and u would not want my dad as ur boss. Shits not fun.

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 08:49 AM
lol! i'll take your word for it lol! and thanks bro!

Mike Lowrey
10-21-2005, 08:52 AM
Understand, GA is a fire at will state, they do not have to give you anything or even explain why they fired you.

It is not quite that simple. It is true that GA is not a right to work state, but you still have to have some reason for the firing. Employees do have some recourse, even if it is very little.

A.P. Photography
10-21-2005, 08:53 AM
It is not quite that simple. It is true that GA is not a right to work state, but you still have to have some reason for the firing. Employees do have some recourse, even if it is very little.
Wrong, it is a fire at will state and if you read the paper that you sign when you do your new employee paperwork it states that your employment can be terminated at anytime without reason.

10-21-2005, 08:55 AM
It is not quite that simple. It is true that GA is not a right to work state, but you still have to have some reason for the firing. Employees do have some recourse, even if it is very little.
thats when u get that lame "incompetent" lable. my ex got fired from one of her job bc she wouldnt let the mngr feel on her and when she finally got a seperation notice 3 weeks later it said she was incompetent. its like a defautl excuse or somethign i think.

10-21-2005, 08:58 AM
Wrong, it is a fire at will state and if you read the paper that you sign when you do your new employee paperwork it states that your employment can be terminated at anytime without reason.
yeah i learned that when i 1st moved here from florida. suck but what are u gonna do. if u wrk for the government or the state i think ur job is a bit more secure. my mom is a teacher and she has tenure which is like job security or something, not totally sure EXACTLY but thats pretty much what it is.

B16a2 Civic
10-21-2005, 08:58 AM
do you need teh Black Delegation to delegate his candy ass?

10-21-2005, 08:59 AM
do you need teh Black Delegation to delegate his candy ass?

we can do that.... ;)

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 09:00 AM
i believe someone has already spoken to him.... which is odd. but being a black man, he said he is quote trying to hold it down for a BD Member, nah mean" which kinda through me off guard but i guess some one talked to him... or the BDM mafia did lol who knows...

A.P. Photography
10-21-2005, 09:03 AM
yeah i learned that when i 1st moved here from florida. suck but what are u gonna do. if u wrk for the government or the state i think ur job is a bit more secure. my mom is a teacher and she has tenure which is like job security or something, not totally sure EXACTLY but thats pretty much what it is.

Yeah the goverment jobs have to go through a board for you to get fired so they are the best ones to have. No one single person can fire you.

do you need teh Black Delegation to delegate his candy ass?

I think we might have to. ;)

A.P. Photography
10-21-2005, 09:07 AM
or the BDM mafia did lol who knows...

10-21-2005, 09:09 AM
do you need teh Black Delegation to delegate his candy ass?
i was already thinking that but i didnt want to be the 1st to say it so i get the 1st kick. lol!!

The Golden Child
10-21-2005, 09:14 AM
what a fucking asshole hey man let me know if you wanna bash his face to the ground ..

ill beat him with my cast and say self defense .. =P

Repost Squintz
10-21-2005, 09:20 AM
sounded like a lil ego trip on his part. prolly was mad cause his wife didnt spooon with him the night before. i know im a lil late but shit. thats some fugged up stuff right there.

Boosted S60R
10-21-2005, 09:38 AM
ok, so i'm just gettin home after i got fired.... but here is the wierd thing. I work hard, pretty much have trained every new kid that has come in there and the manager has been trying to promote me to Service manager for over 3 weeks now....

ok so heres the reason i got fired:

the South East manager came in today to watch us work, so i walk in EVEN 2 minutes early! and he is like hey can i talk to you for a second before you clock in? i was like yeah sure, he's like so why did you touch the cameras? (these cameras are there so they can spy on us while we work to make sure we are working) anyways, i was like um, i touched the camera once, and that was under the direct command of the general manager b/c someone had moved them. (i know who it was and he got fired about 2 weeks ago) anyways, so he's like are you calling me a liar, i have you on camera moving them. i was like no...i'm not calling you a liar but if you're accusing me of doing something i didn't do then yes, you are a liar. Because i am not going to admit to a crime i know i didn't commit. He's like well why did you move them? i was like i didn't move them dude, i was told to "re-focus" them by the general manager. He told ME specifically to do it. i was like dude i HATE ladders with a passion man, what makes you think that i'm really going to get up on one just to make sure that you don't see me sitting down for 5 minutes? dude, i'm up high on this little totem pole here, if i wanted to get it done i could have told someone to do it but guess what i didn't and do you know why? B/C i didn't do it! He's like you're fired, leave the premesis. (sp?) i was like ok, fine, but ask anyone here and they will tell you this is a mistake on your part, and they all know i didn't move those cameras...

end rant. :rant:
Thats is some bullshit man I will make a few call JM and see if I can get you on somewhere.

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 09:42 AM
will do mikey! thanks man!

Boosted S60R
10-21-2005, 09:50 AM
will do mikey! thanks man!Sure man that really sounds like some gay ass shit though for real.

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 09:52 AM
that it is sir that it is...

10-21-2005, 10:08 AM
Sprint is looking for Techs. Are you interested?

mocha latte cupcake
10-21-2005, 10:09 AM
perhaps... whats the job qualifications? driving? booth? electronix? PM me my crazy freakin puerto rican buddy!

10-21-2005, 11:08 AM
pm sent

10-21-2005, 11:32 AM
what is said manager's name and official title? it's always fun to call and file complaints about management :)

10-21-2005, 11:55 AM
Dart Container is hiring. how close are you to Lithonia?

Darling Nikki
10-21-2005, 12:11 PM
Awww i feel for ya buddy. Sorry to hear about all this....GA laws DO SUCK

10-21-2005, 12:17 PM
Nopi Smyrna is hiring :) so i hear.............

The Yousef
10-21-2005, 01:04 PM
sorry JM...that sucks man....i'll see what i can do...:goodjob:

10-21-2005, 01:08 PM
that fuckin sucks dude.. fuck them

Boosted S60R
10-21-2005, 01:09 PM
that fuckin sucks dude.. fuck themFor real :2up:

10-21-2005, 01:20 PM
thats fucked up...wow...

10-21-2005, 04:02 PM
Just an FYI even though GA is a fire whenever they feel like it...

Theres always loopholes to screw them. If you are 100 % sure you did not touch or moved the cameras, he can get in major shit.

Im Telling you , Dont believe in the GA FIRE WHENEVER law... do some more reaserch and you will be happy at the end if you follow through.

10-21-2005, 04:03 PM
Nopi Smyrna is hiring :) so i hear.............

lol.. I would consider that kinda of bad advice :lmfao:

10-21-2005, 04:17 PM
Heh, as I hear today every Target in the state of GA is down like 50+ team members for our fourth quarter. Pick one. ;)

B16a2 Civic
10-21-2005, 04:19 PM
Heh, as I hear today every Target in the state of GA is down like 50+ team members for our fourth quarter. Pick one. ;)

i hated workign at Target...used to work on teh floor...god i hated zoning and staying after hours to do so.

10-21-2005, 04:21 PM
i hated workign at Target...used to work on teh floor...god i hated zoning and staying after hours to do so.

It's not so bad once you claw your way to the top of the food chain. :D If you have half a brain you can excel.

B16a2 Civic
10-21-2005, 04:23 PM
It's not so bad once you claw your way to the top of the food chain. :D If you have half a brain you can excel.

its not about having a brain to excel at Target, its about suckin teh right dick, which i didn't, plus i was 16 when iw orked there, wasnt gon be my career...so im guessin your an "LOD" that all of us real workers hated Lol

10-21-2005, 04:27 PM
its not about having a brain to excel at Target, its about suckin teh right dick, which i didn't, plus i was 16 when iw orked there, wasnt gon be my career...so im guessin your an "LOD" that all of us real workers hated Lol

Has nothing to do with "suckin teh right dick" as you put it. It's doing your job and not bitching about it, which the majority of the people there are incapable of doing. And no, I am not an LOD. I am a GSTL. And I highly doubt that you were a "real worker" from your attitude. And it's not my career either, but more money at the end of the year is still money.

A.P. Photography
10-21-2005, 04:30 PM
Theres always loopholes to screw them. If you are 100 % sure you did not touch or moved the cameras, he can get in major shit.

Julio, go back and read and he was told to touch the camera by the GM, so technically he did touch the camera. There is a very, very thin line in his case so it could go either way.

B16a2 Civic
10-21-2005, 04:34 PM
Has nothing to do with "suckin teh right dick" as you put it. It's doing your job and not bitching about it, which the majority of the people there are incapable of doing. And no, I am not an LOD. I am a GSTL. And I highly doubt that you were a "real worker" from your attitude. And it's not my career either, but more money at the end of the year is still money.

i have this attitude cause the company sucks with HR in refrence to its employees, which i got this attitude when i left the company...and i wasa " real worker" as you would put it, i would be the first person they call when someone called out and i havent called out or been late once, they just werent willin to pay alot of money to someone still in high school, i would put it close to 60 hours durin the christmas season, again they justs uck with HR and i wouldn't recomment anyone to work there, you dont have definte hours when closing, your day ends when your slow ass co workers finish zoning there area.

10-21-2005, 04:35 PM
Has nothing to do with "suckin teh right dick" as you put it. It's doing your job and not bitching about it, which the majority of the people there are incapable of doing. And no, I am not an LOD. I am a GSTL. And I highly doubt that you were a "real worker" from your attitude. And it's not my career either, but more money at the end of the year is still money.

Umm this is the wrong thread doood... lol

10-21-2005, 04:36 PM
i have this attitude cause the company sucks with HR in refrence to its employees, which i got this attitude when i left the company...and i wasa " real worker" as you would put it, i would be the first person they call when someone called out and i havent called out or been late once, they just werent willin to pay alot of money to someone still in high school, i would put it close to 60 hours durin the christmas season, again they justs uck with HR and i wouldn't recomment anyone to work there, you dont have definte hours when closing, your day ends when your slow ass co workers finish zoning there area.

You too B... what you doing.. how have you been havent heard fro you in 12, 789 minutes... :idb:

B16a2 Civic
10-21-2005, 04:38 PM
You too B... what you doing.. how have you been havent heard fro you in 12, 789 minutes... :idb:

ahh been around, workin alot, how you been tho :) :kiss:

10-21-2005, 04:39 PM
ahh been around, workin alot, how you been tho :) :kiss:

Good just working alot lately... things going better in your world...?

The Yousef
10-21-2005, 04:40 PM
things going better in your world...?
he's got Veetak!! of course things are going better...duh! lol


10-21-2005, 04:40 PM
i have this attitude cause the company sucks with HR in refrence to its employees, which i got this attitude when i left the company...and i wasa " real worker" as you would put it, i would be the first person they call when someone called out and i havent called out or been late once, they just werent willin to pay alot of money to someone still in high school, i would put it close to 60 hours durin the christmas season, again they justs uck with HR and i wouldn't recomment anyone to work there, you dont have definte hours when closing, your day ends when your slow ass co workers finish zoning there area.

It's not like that at our store. :shrug: Anyone under 18 leaves at ten anyway, so they don't know anything about closing late. I don't know when/where you worked, but it's been Target policy for minors to leave at ten for a long time. The latest we stay is in the holidy season, and we try to have everyone out by 1 am. And that's only the week before/after Christmas. 1-3 quarter we are out by 10:30-11 weekdays, and 11-12 on weekends. I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience but as a whole the company is excellent. Sorry I'm defensive but I hear this crap on a regular basis from snot nosed sixteen-year-olds who bitch about hours but then they never want to work. It's tiring.

A.P. Photography
10-21-2005, 04:40 PM
Good just working alot lately...
Yep so much so that she did not even make it to Sidelines on the night one night I make it out :tongue:

B16a2 Civic
10-21-2005, 04:41 PM
Good just working alot lately... things going better in your world...?

ahh yes indeed, got me another apartment...so tas all good, just back to teh daily problems now....i.e Car ( nothin major, just to lazy to fix Lol)....i may be at the bbq 2morrow tho

A.P. Photography
10-21-2005, 04:41 PM
ahh yes indeed, got me another apartment...so tas all good, just back to teh daily problems now....i.e Car ( nothin major, just to lazy to fix Lol)....i may be at the bbq 2morrow tho

10-21-2005, 04:42 PM
ahh yes indeed, got me another apartment...so tas all good, just back to teh daily problems now....i.e Car ( nothin major, just to lazy to fix Lol)....i may be at the bbq 2morrow tho

That would be sunday B.. it's ok.. i know

10-21-2005, 04:43 PM
It's not like that at our store. :shrug: Anyone under 18 leaves at ten anyway, so they don't know anything about closing late. I don't know when/where you worked, but it's been Target policy for minors to leave at ten for a long time. The latest we stay is in the holidy season, and we try to have everyone out by 1 am. And that's only the week before/after Christmas. 1-3 quarter we are out by 10:30-11 weekdays, and 11-12 on weekends. I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience but as a whole the company is excellent. Sorry I'm defensive but I hear this crap on a regular basis from snot nosed sixteen-year-olds who bitch about hours but then they never want to work. It's tiring.

I used to work for target back in the day .. i thought it was fun!!! lol... :goodjob:

B16a2 Civic
10-21-2005, 04:46 PM
It's not like that at our store. :shrug: Anyone under 18 leaves at ten anyway, so they don't know anything about closing late. I don't know when/where you worked, but it's been Target policy for minors to leave at ten for a long time. The latest we stay is in the holidy season, and we try to have everyone out by 1 am. And that's only the week before/after Christmas. 1-3 quarter we are out by 10:30-11 weekdays, and 11-12 on weekends. I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience but as a whole the company is excellent. Sorry I'm defensive but I hear this crap on a regular basis from snot nosed sixteen-year-olds who bitch about hours but then they never want to work. It's tiring.

Then you, my friend, were at a great store, with me, i would come in at 12:00( on weekends) and leave at 3:00 am.
My store completly sucked when it came to the Leads on teh floor and Cashiers, no cashiers ever came off teh registers to help.
I would always finish my area at 10:00 or 15 minutes after closing then i would have to go finish helpin all teh other people...and on school nights it was no better, i would still have to help before i could leave early...oh and i was aware of the 10:00 curfew for peopLE who had school the next day but they didn't care, They wanted the " team" to leave together....i would have worked in teh backroom if i could...but cause of my age i couldn't use the ladder sor the trash compacter for the boxes...so they enforced that rule with me Lol....im just sayin, my experience was complete wack, to this day i refuse to shop in that store...( this is in Columbus, not atl)...so i wasn't really bashin your store or experience, just my ex store and experience.

B16a2 Civic
10-21-2005, 04:48 PM


10-21-2005, 04:55 PM
Man that is the sux.
Where did you work?
Get a job at the Lexus Delarship, there is gonna be an influx of yuppies snagging that new IS350, ive already seen a few of them around.

10-21-2005, 05:17 PM
sorry JM . :( Your better off. Who wants to work with people like that anyway. You'll find a great job!

10-21-2005, 05:27 PM
That is horible man. They are going to really hate it when they need your experience and you are not there. Oh yeah, and Target Sux. I worked there for almost three years. They are still begging me to come back.

10-21-2005, 05:31 PM
thanks guys! i apprecaite it... i just got off the phone with my manager... and he said he's going to talk to that guy and see if he can get my job back... i told him i didn't know if i wanted it back, but if i did take it back, i got a pay raise, this weekend and next weekend off, and a personal apology from the SE manager...so we'll see what happens...

That would sound about right!

10-21-2005, 05:36 PM
sorry buddy you will find something better ;)

10-21-2005, 09:39 PM
That sucks chode. I didn't realize that Ga law had this gay ass law about firing. I was fired from my job at petsmart cus i wasn't "outgoing" enough. WTF, and in their training vids they say not to make a long ass convo with the customers. I did talk to them, but it was the usual stuff.