View Full Version : Super Speeder Law

11-28-2009, 02:00 PM
Repost or not, I do not care. I heard another ad on the radio about it like 20 minutes ago. It said January 1st was when it was being put into effect. The ad also said that all people would be charged the maximum the new law would allow regardless of how much they were speeding. That's a little much IMO. I mean I have nothing wrong with most laws but this is another way for the Gov.'t to suck money out of the people IMO. Anyone else have anymore input?

11-28-2009, 02:09 PM
the gov't is taking over the WORLD!!


11-28-2009, 02:11 PM
Just glad I don't Super speed. :D

11-28-2009, 02:16 PM
Just glad I don't Super speed. :DThe only reason it's called Super speeder law, is because it's a really hardcore law that affects ANYONE/EVERYONE that gets caught speeding period.

11-28-2009, 02:20 PM
A few links about it....


11-28-2009, 02:40 PM
The only reason it's called Super speeder law, is because it's a really hardcore law that affects ANYONE/EVERYONE that gets caught speeding period.

These super-speeder fines will kick in for drivers caught traveling more than 75 mph on two-lane roads or 85 mph on any road. It’s part of an effort to raise money for Georgia’s trauma network, the system of emergency rooms and ambulance services called upon for the worst accident injuries.

11-28-2009, 02:45 PM
WRONG. READ YOUR LINKS.Basically what I said. When or if you get caught speeding when this law goes into effect, you get anal rapped without any lube.

11-28-2009, 02:47 PM
Do some research. You can fight it and win. Its un-constitutional. Something about the right to be free from excessive taxes. Do your homework b4 you post up in here son

11-28-2009, 02:50 PM
I didn't get a ticket lol. I haven't had one in almost 3 years. I was just seeing if anyone else knew about this new anal rape law going into affect the first of the year.

11-28-2009, 02:51 PM
Do some research. You can fight it and win. Its un-constitutional. Something about the right to be free from excessive taxes. Do your homework b4 you post up in here son

maybe, if you can afford to pay a lawyer thousands of $$$$$, just to get out of it. :dunno:

11-28-2009, 02:53 PM
Basically what I said. When or if you get caught speeding when this law goes into effect, you get anal rapped without any lube.

No, it isn't nearly what you said. You are saying that all speeders will get an extra $200 fine on their ticket, when in actuality it is speeders that are going 20+ MPH over the speed limit. The reason why it is called the Super Speeder law is because it affects those that are "super speeders."

11-28-2009, 02:59 PM
No, it isn't nearly what you said. You are saying that all speeders will get an extra $200 fine on their ticket, when in actuality it is speeders that are going 20+ MPH over the speed limit. The reason why it is called the Super Speeder law is because it affects those that are "super speeders." It doesn't just apply to that, it can be just going 15mph over. In most cases, cops won't bother unless you are going over 10mph the speed limit. But now this will give them a reason to bother you regardless.

On Tuesday, driving over 85 miles per hour (mph) on any of Georgia's highways or roads became substantially more expensive. Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue signed the state's new "super speeder law (http://www.legis.ga.gov/legis/2009_10/pdf/hb160.pdf)," which aims to discourage dangerous driving while raising money to fund the state's trauma centers.

11-28-2009, 03:00 PM
Ugh, I hope I don't get a speeding ticket. I'm watching my foot from now on! Haha.

11-28-2009, 03:01 PM
Repost or not, I do not care. I heard another ad on the radio about it like 20 minutes ago. It said January 1st was when it was being put into effect. The ad also said that all people would be charged the maximum the new law would allow regardless of how much they were speeding. That's a little much IMO. I mean I have nothing wrong with most laws but this is another way for the Gov.'t to suck money out of the people IMO. Anyone else have anymore input?

I'm cool with it. Get the dummies to start slowing down or they can pay for their "fun." Later, QD.

11-28-2009, 03:02 PM
I'm cool with it. Get the dummies to start slowing down or they can pay for their "fun." Later, QD.Like I said, I have no problem with it either. But I think some of the things are a little over the top.

11-28-2009, 03:07 PM
Like I said, I have no problem with it either. But I think some of the things are a little over the top.

The way I view things? I don't worry about anything that doe not affect me. Later, QD.

11-28-2009, 03:21 PM
this shouldnt really get me. its VERY rare thet i go more than 10 over the limit

11-28-2009, 03:22 PM
I'm cool with it. Get the dummies to start slowing down or they can pay for their "fun." Later, QD.

x2, lot of idiots out there killing innocent people....

11-28-2009, 03:50 PM
The way I view things? I don't worry about anything that doe not affect me. Later, QD.O I agree with you man don't get me wrong lol. I have slowed my ass down a shit load from the way I used to drive. Well that and the truck I have no would probably fall apart over 60mph.

Slomaro Z28
11-28-2009, 05:41 PM
I don't usually do more than 10 over, but I do like to gas it to get to the speed limit.

11-28-2009, 05:46 PM
I'm cool with it. Get the dummies to start slowing down or they can pay for their "fun." Later, QD.

I screwed up a couple of months ago and fell into this "superspeeding" law. I should have went to jail immediately and had my car towed. but I had no other driving infractions on my record so he let me go home. I hired a lawyer for my court date and wound up paying almost $1,000 in court fines and still had to pay the lawyer. NOT worth it.....I had an empty stretch on a 2 lane road and went for it, I hit the gas. apparently I wasn't alone when I saw a very angry cop behind me with blue lights and sirens blasting. 90 mph in a 35....and wreckless driving.

I honestly was shocked he didnt take me to jail...I guess he could tell I knew I fucked up when he came to the window and I was just holding my face in my hands.

11-28-2009, 05:48 PM
I screwed up a couple of months ago and fell into this "superspeeding" law. I should have went to jail immediately and had my car towed. but I had no other driving infractions on my record so he let me go home. I hired a lawyer for my court date and wound up paying almost $1,000 in court fines and still had to pay the lawyer. NOT worth it.....I had an empty stretch on a 2 lane road and went for it, I hit the gas. apparently I wasn't alone when I saw a very angry cop behind me with blue lights and sirens blasting. 90 mph in a 35....and wreckless driving.

I honestly was shocked he didnt take me to jail...I guess he could tell I knew I fucked up when he came to the window and I was just holding my face in my hands.

living up to our screen name are we...lol

11-28-2009, 05:50 PM
lol this law is dumb. that is all.

11-28-2009, 05:51 PM
lol this law is dumb. that is all.

Any particular reason why? Later, QD.

11-28-2009, 05:56 PM
I don't usually do more than 10 over, but I do like to gas it to get to the speed limit.
im the same way, whats the n getting a fast car if youre never gonna reap the benefits of it.

11-28-2009, 05:58 PM
I always thought this was a cool law.....

Shit.. have fun while donating..


11-28-2009, 07:03 PM
I will have to read more on it but on its surface I really like it. The only drawback I can think of is that more people might be inclined to try running.

11-28-2009, 07:22 PM
It doesn't just apply to that, it can be just going 15mph over. In most cases, cops won't bother unless you are going over 10mph the speed limit. But now this will give them a reason to bother you regardless.

your still 10-15mph over the speed LIMIT your still breaking the law they have a reason to pull you over anytime when your OVER the limit.

Like I said, I have no problem with it either. But I think some of the things are a little over the top.

The way I view things? I don't worry about anything that doe not affect me. Later, QD.

X2 usually people that think something is over the top or unfair means the law will effect them.

Any particular reason why? Later, QD.because he speeds duh.

11-28-2009, 07:24 PM
your still 10-15mph over the speed LIMIT your still breaking the law they have a reason to pull you over anytime when your OVER the limit.

X2 usually people that think something is over the top or unfair means the law will effect them.

because he speeds duh.Ok so in the future when you get pulled over for say 10mph over, and you get around $600 dollars in fines for a small speeding ticket. I am gonna remind you of your post.

11-28-2009, 07:24 PM
I will have to read more on it but on its surface I really like it. The only drawback I can think of is that more people might be inclined to try running.Very good point man.

11-28-2009, 07:27 PM
Ok so in the future when you get pulled over for say 10mph over, and you get around $600 dollars in fines for a small speeding ticket. I am gonna remind you of your post.
where does it say 10mph is going to be a super speeder ticket. man you need to read what the law is before you open your mouth. and the reason this law isnt going to effect me. since i basically inferred it with my previous post. i dont see more than 5 over. unless on the highway where i go with the flow. but usually on the slower side of the flow. but nice try anyways.:goodjob:

11-28-2009, 07:41 PM
The way I view things? I don't worry about anything that doe not affect me. Later, QD.
that is a horrible way to view things and that mentality is why everything is so bad now. the govt takes away rights and freedoms and grows more and more powerful bit by bit; because ppl dont care because it doesnt affect them in the short term.

11-28-2009, 07:43 PM
i honestly just think fines are too high as it is. 150 dollars for changing lanes without a blinker is absurd. and now say you are going 15 over on the interstate, it will cost at minimum 340 dollars. thats a joke. fines are high enough.

11-28-2009, 07:44 PM
that is a horrible way to view things and that mentality is why everything is so bad now. the govt takes away rights and freedoms and grows more and more powerful bit by bit; because ppl dont care because it doesnt affect them in the short term.
how will a speeding law effect someone if they dont speed?

how will a speeding law effect someone in the long run?

11-28-2009, 08:07 PM
i wasnt talking about this particular law. just in general that is a bad mindset to have. like for example if the goverment wanted to make it where they were allowed to stop by and search any gun owners house. well if you didnt own any guns (qd i know you do, just an example) then the attitude that "doesnt affect me, i dont care" would be a big deal. you dont want to give the gov't that kind of power. it already is too powerful and having a mindset to let them do what they want as long as it doesnt directly affect you can be very harmful. in this case though, do you really think the govt should be able to just make it extremely expensive for a traffic violation? personally i believe most of the legislators that passed this bill will never have to worry about it. i highly doubt saxby chambliss gets ticketed when he gets stopped. so in a sense, they could have had the "doesnt affect me, i dont care" mindset and passed it. possibly.

11-28-2009, 08:46 PM
After a quick read through the links posted and a couple more i looked up myself, I am more inclined to favor this. I do have some gripes though. The bill should either omit expressways or address them separately. On an expressway, an area with heavier traffic has a lower speed limit, therefore someone excessively speeding has a far greater chance of causing an accident. With the way the law is currently written, having more lanes actually gives you a higher cushion before the law takes affect.

If I was to write this, the number of lanes on a road wouldnt even enter the conversation. It would be hinged on the posted speed limit. On a 45-60mph road, SS takes affect at 15 over. 65-70 mph, SS applies at 20 mph over. The big hit would be on slower roads. Any road with a limit at 40 and below it would take affect at 10mph over.

87 Turbo II
11-28-2009, 08:46 PM
Ok so in the future when you get pulled over for say 10mph over, and you get around $600 dollars in fines for a small speeding ticket. I am gonna remind you of your post.You're retarded, you said THIS EFFECTS ANY SPEEDERS, the neveryone pointed it out that it does not, and you're still acting like it will. IT's fi you're going 75 on a 2 lane road or 85 on an interstate. Both of those are more than 10 over. They are 20 or 30, so stop acting like ANY and every speeder will get effected, only the SUPER speeders. So even for those of you who have gotten the occasional 10 or 15mph speeding ticket, NOTHNIG has changed for you.

11-28-2009, 08:53 PM
that is a horrible way to view things

I don't care what you THINK my way of thinking is. You don't pay my fines or my bills, so what you THINK I should be feeling is of no relevance to me. If I don't speed, then why should I care about this going into effect? I don't do anything to break any laws so I don't care about that shit. Maybe when it starts really affecting me, I'll change my views. Until then...I'm good and you take care of you. Later, QD.

11-28-2009, 10:46 PM
Ya know.. Ive read over everything and i see both views. Honestly i think both are correct in many ways. and in correct in others. your either saying "well i dont speed so i have nothing to worry about" and others saying "yeah this is bullshit cause if you get caught speeding this will happen or it wont" and one definitly right about continueing to give the law to much power. But i want you all to sit down and think about this.. We are on a car forum. most of us drive cars or trucks or bikes that are built, made, designed the way we want them which stand out. now i want you to take into consideration how many people that have been pulled over for bullshit things, how many of us have been fined for some serious bullshit. (and before anyone blows there wod about "oh well you were in the wrong blah blah blah") this isnt what im saying. But We all know that there are ass hole currupt cops out there that hate our lifestyle. hate us being different because we enjoy our cars. Now with this new law in. Wouldnt that just give them more or a reason to target us? i mean there willing to pull us over for going 4 or 5 miles over and saying we were speeding. whats for them to say "oh hey he was doing 15 or 20 mph over so they can really rack up there quota? i mean we all know that the states are hurting for money since the economy went to hell in a hand basket. now that they are "legally able" to suck more money outa people that are hardly makeing it as it is. whos to stop them? when it is time to stand up and say enough is enough? just my opinion.

11-28-2009, 10:50 PM
150 dollars for changing lanes without a blinker is absurd.
Not using your blinker is absurd. It is about 3 inches from your left hand.

87 Turbo II
11-28-2009, 10:56 PM
Not using your blinker is absurd. It is about 3 inches from your left hand.

Thank you! REPS, I do not understand why anyone would not make signaling a habbit.

11-28-2009, 11:25 PM
I'm fine with law as long as they change the speed limit on 285 to 65mph. 55 on 285 is ridiculous.

11-29-2009, 03:42 AM
i wasnt talking about this particular law. just in general that is a bad mindset to have. like for example if the goverment wanted to make it where they were allowed to stop by and search any gun owners house. well if you didnt own any guns (qd i know you do, just an example) then the attitude that "doesnt affect me, i dont care" would be a big deal. you dont want to give the gov't that kind of power. it already is too powerful and having a mindset to let them do what they want as long as it doesnt directly affect you can be very harmful. in this case though, do you really think the govt should be able to just make it extremely expensive for a traffic violation? personally i believe most of the legislators that passed this bill will never have to worry about it. i highly doubt saxby chambliss gets ticketed when he gets stopped. so in a sense, they could have had the "doesnt affect me, i dont care" mindset and passed it. possibly.

you do know if you have a class 3 firearm permit for say a automatic MP5 or a silencer. they are allowed to come and ask to see it at any time. not saying they can come search for it. but you would have to produce it if they asked for it.

You're retarded, you said THIS EFFECTS ANY SPEEDERS, the neveryone pointed it out that it does not, and you're still acting like it will. IT's fi you're going 75 on a 2 lane road or 85 on an interstate. Both of those are more than 10 over. They are 20 or 30, so stop acting like ANY and every speeder will get effected, only the SUPER speeders. So even for those of you who have gotten the occasional 10 or 15mph speeding ticket, NOTHNIG has changed for you. thank you someone else that can read what the law actually is.

Ya know.. Ive read over everything and i see both views. Honestly i think both are correct in many ways. and in correct in others. your either saying "well i dont speed so i have nothing to worry about" and others saying "yeah this is bullshit cause if you get caught speeding this will happen or it wont" and one definitly right about continueing to give the law to much power. But i want you all to sit down and think about this.. We are on a car forum. most of us drive cars or trucks or bikes that are built, made, designed the way we want them which stand out. now i want you to take into consideration how many people that have been pulled over for bullshit things, how many of us have been fined for some serious bullshit. (and before anyone blows there wod about "oh well you were in the wrong blah blah blah") this isnt what im saying. But We all know that there are ass hole currupt cops out there that hate our lifestyle. hate us being different because we enjoy our cars. Now with this new law in. Wouldnt that just give them more or a reason to target us? i mean there willing to pull us over for going 4 or 5 miles over and saying we were speeding. whats for them to say "oh hey he was doing 15 or 20 mph over so they can really rack up there quota? i mean we all know that the states are hurting for money since the economy went to hell in a hand basket. now that they are "legally able" to suck more money outa people that are hardly makeing it as it is. whos to stop them? when it is time to stand up and say enough is enough? just my opinion.

why dont you read the speeds and areas this extra fine is going to cover. not everyone that speeds is going to get the extra $200 fine. only people that have a high speed.

Not using your blinker is absurd. It is about 3 inches from your left hand.

lol it feels weird making a turn without a turn signal. the ever so rarely that i do. if even catch myself turning my signal on to turn into my driveway... AT 4-6 IN THE MORNING. im like wtf i havent seen a car on the road in 10 mins, let alone in the neighborhood. lol

11-29-2009, 03:54 AM
where does it say 10mph is going to be a super speeder ticket.

IT's fi you're going 75 on a 2 lane road or 85 on an interstate. Both of those are more than 10 over.
Both of you fail, there are plenty of two lane roads with 65mph speed limits.

11-29-2009, 04:07 AM
Both of you fail, there are plenty of two lane roads with 65mph speed limits.
omg really :rolleyes: you found the one road in ga in the back woods around the corner thats 20 miles away from anything. congrates:goodjob:

Got Milk?
11-29-2009, 04:35 AM
the gov't is taking over the WORLD!!


no, just over America.

11-29-2009, 05:00 AM
omg really :rolleyes: you found the one road in ga in the back woods around the corner thats 20 miles away from anything. congrates:goodjob:
Like omg, not rly, but nice try ;)

11-29-2009, 11:41 AM
Both of you fail, there are plenty of two lane roads with 65mph speed limits.

I'm not saying you're wrong (although I think you are), but you'll need to provide proof of that. I drive 2-lane roads all the time and I know for a fact that there aren't any of those anywhere near the Atlanta metro area. Or even outside areas.

I drive 4-lane highways (65mph speed limit) all the time and every single time they dip into a 2-lane stretch, the speed limit dips down to 55mph. And this is in Anytown, GA.

So I'd like to see some proof of your statement. Later, QD.

87 Turbo II
11-29-2009, 12:16 PM
I will say that the 2 lane part of 85 above Suwanee is like a 70mph road, but since the speed limit IS so high, there is less of a need to speed above that.

thank you someone else that can read what the law actually is.

lol it feels weird making a turn without a turn signal. the ever so rarely that i do. if even catch myself turning my signal on to turn into my driveway... AT 4-6 IN THE MORNING. im like wtf i havent seen a car on the road in 10 mins, let alone in the neighborhood. lol

yeah, when I first heard about the law, it didn't bother me at all, and it still doesn't. If anything I say it's good, let's get those 90 mph traffic weaving bumper riders off of the highways.

also I am the same, I am programmed to use my signal for every turn or lane change even in a left turn only lane or something I signal for left. Furthermore, if for any reason I don't use it, I find myself feeling disappointed and like a hypocrite, like you said, even if it's pulling into a parking space at 3a.m.

11-29-2009, 12:17 PM
I will say that the 2 lane part of 85 above Suwanee is like a 70mph road, but since the speed limit IS so high, there is less of a need to speed above that.

Is he talking about interstates or back roads? Later, QD.

11-29-2009, 12:21 PM
I think most traffic violations are stupid as fuck, if I want to speed, I will speed, fuck cops.

11-29-2009, 02:27 PM
Any particular reason why? Later, QD.
See qoute below.

I will have to read more on it but on its surface I really like it. The only drawback I can think of is that more people might be inclined to try running.

I think most traffic violations are stupid as fuck, if I want to speed, I will speed, fuck cops.


edit: and like the one guy said, we are fucking car guys. Why do we spend money on our cars to make them faster, handle better, ect.? Every now and then you know you just randomly put your foot to the floor just to see if you car still has it. Why should we(as I say we as in the car scene from classics to imports) be targeted and penalized harsher for doing the same thing everyone else does randomly? Also I feel its dumber for people to get ridiculous speeding tickets when they are out somewhere racing on a empty road late at night/early in the morning where you can tell that no one eles is around besides the ones racing.
but thats just my 2cents.

11-29-2009, 03:30 PM
See qoute below.

I didn't see anything, but I'll take your word for it. Later, QD.

11-29-2009, 03:51 PM
I didn't see anything, but I'll take your word for it. Later, QD.

cool. my word is good enough for QD. :D

11-29-2009, 03:53 PM
this sucks, I just got a 16 over ticket yesterday, and my arraignment is in Jan, I hope they dont plaster my ass with an insane fine.

11-29-2009, 04:32 PM
lol this law is bullshit. even though i don't usually go over 10mph the speed limit, it still is bullshit. it wont even affect us that much as it will the truckers lol. there are countless times when i'm going 75mph and a 18 wheeler flies by me. i don't get how advance america is and all that shit that they can't have a autobahn or something similar to it. the way i see it is on most highways you have what 5 lanes here? why not make the lane(s) different speed limits. the far left lane 85mph and keep dropping it down 5mphh each lane over. will there be people still speeding yes but i think there will be less of them speeding.

11-29-2009, 04:32 PM
this sucks, I just got a 16 over ticket yesterday, and my arraignment is in Jan, I hope they dont plaster my ass with an insane fine.
it doesn't matter, it's when you got your ticket. it's not when the court date is.

11-29-2009, 04:52 PM
lol this law is bullshit. even though i don't usually go over 10mph the speed limit, it still is bullshit. it wont even affect us that much as it will the truckers lol. there are countless times when i'm going 75mph and a 18 wheeler flies by me. i don't get how advance america is and all that shit that they can't have a autobahn or something similar to it. the way i see it is on most highways you have what 5 lanes here? why not make the lane(s) different speed limits. the far left lane 85mph and keep dropping it down 5mphh each lane over. will there be people still speeding yes but i think there will be less of them speeding.

I fully agree. And if the properly enforced the laws like the autoban is enforced then there would be no real problems. Is pass on the left lane, and get out of the way of faster cars. Simple right?

11-29-2009, 04:56 PM
i drive my car slow because its a boat.. so im cool... less chance of me getting killed... i hope it passes..lol

11-29-2009, 05:57 PM
lol this law is bullshit. even though i don't usually go over 10mph the speed limit, it still is bullshit. it wont even affect us that much as it will the truckers lol. there are countless times when i'm going 75mph and a 18 wheeler flies by me. i don't get how advance america is and all that shit that they can't have a autobahn or something similar to it. the way i see it is on most highways you have what 5 lanes here? why not make the lane(s) different speed limits. the far left lane 85mph and keep dropping it down 5mphh each lane over. will there be people still speeding yes but i think there will be less of them speeding.

Ehhhh. The law isn't BS at all. Why not up the ante for the idiots that take chances with other people's lives? And it won't really affect truckers any more than it does now. We already are held to different fines and punishments. Later, QD.

11-29-2009, 07:04 PM
I fully agree. And if the properly enforced the laws like the autoban is enforced then there would be no real problems. Is pass on the left lane, and get out of the way of faster cars. Simple right?
that's how it is everywhere else in the world.

Ehhhh. The law isn't BS at all. Why not up the ante for the idiots that take chances with other people's lives? And it won't really affect truckers any more than it does now. We already are held to different fines and punishments. Later, QD.
why not raise the age of when you're able to get your license and make it more difficult to get. in europe you have day driving, night driving, rain driving, etc. here you take a dumb test that shows signs and you can still miss 5! and then you go on parallel park, blah blah, take a 1/4 mile ride and boom, you have your license. that is why there are so many deaths/accidents here. people can't drive worth shit. it still doesn't make it right for those fuck faces that like to drive 10-20 mph below the speed limit, they should be fined with the super slow speeders law. because of them there are sometimes accidents. everything has two ways you can look at it.

11-29-2009, 11:30 PM
the more I read this the more im beginning to think its bullshit as well, I already paid my fines, so its not that my opinion is skewed

"Driving over 85 mph or more anywhere in Georgia" being super speeding is bullshit. Anyone that has been on I-85 knows you go this fast just to keep up with traffic, Or on GA-400.

I thought the way the law was stated before when I was researching my own fines and charges a couple of months ago, "superspeeding" was going 30mph over any posted speed limit.

SO say your on I-85 and the speed limit is 70mph...you would have to be clocked at 100 mph to fall into super speeding. A law like that makes more sense. Or if your a jackoff like me and get lasered at ALMOST three times the posted limit! 90mph in a 35 mph residential. logically and reasonably no one needs to be driving that fast on state roads unless you have a bleeding person in your back seat and your on the way to a hospital. that should certainly fall into super speeding. and a those speeds you do get "tunnel vision" so the risk just multiplies the faster you go, and the trauma as well if you get into a crash.

11-29-2009, 11:52 PM
why not raise the age of when you're able to get your license and make it more difficult to get.

Because it isn't just younger drivers doing the speeding. Everyone of all age brackets falls into the "super speeder" category.

Is it only BS to you because you'll fall into this law? Seems the only way you'd call foul on this law is if it would affect you. I don't drive that fast so I don't care. I think it's great if some dummy pays out the ass for endangering others. Later, QD.

11-29-2009, 11:54 PM
^ I figured you'd be asleep..

11-30-2009, 12:54 AM
omg really :rolleyes: you found the one road in ga in the back woods around the corner thats 20 miles away from anything. congrates:goodjob:

lol reps

I'm not saying you're wrong (although I think you are), but you'll need to provide proof of that. I drive 2-lane roads all the time and I know for a fact that there aren't any of those anywhere near the Atlanta metro area. Or even outside areas.

I drive 4-lane highways (65mph speed limit) all the time and every single time they dip into a 2-lane stretch, the speed limit dips down to 55mph. And this is in Anytown, GA.

So I'd like to see some proof of your statement. Later, QD.


this sucks, I just got a 16 over ticket yesterday, and my arraignment is in Jan, I hope they dont plaster my ass with an insane fine.

i dont think its gonna be that bad b/c my friend got 49 in a 35 and his fine is 130.

11-30-2009, 01:14 AM
lol this law is bullshit. even though i don't usually go over 10mph the speed limit, it still is bullshit. it wont even affect us that much as it will the truckers lol. there are countless times when i'm going 75mph and a 18 wheeler flies by me. i don't get how advance america is and all that shit that they can't have a autobahn or something similar to it. the way i see it is on most highways you have what 5 lanes here? why not make the lane(s) different speed limits. the far left lane 85mph and keep dropping it down 5mphh each lane over. will there be people still speeding yes but i think there will be less of them speeding.

LOL maybe they should take some of that ''superspeeder'' money and use the extra funds to build that autobahn you're talkin about...

11-30-2009, 02:05 AM
See qoute below.



edit: and like the one guy said, we are fucking car guys. Why do we spend money on our cars to make them faster, handle better, ect.? Every now and then you know you just randomly put your foot to the floor just to see if you car still has it. Why should we(as I say we as in the car scene from classics to imports) be targeted and penalized harsher for doing the same thing everyone else does randomly? Also I feel its dumber for people to get ridiculous speeding tickets when they are out somewhere racing on a empty road late at night/early in the morning where you can tell that no one eles is around besides the ones racing.
but thats just my 2cents.
you do realize we as tuners are not being targeted by this law right. its targed at people that SPEED EXCESSIVELY!!! if you dont speed you wont have to worry about it. lol

11-30-2009, 02:06 AM
the more I read this the more im beginning to think its bullshit as well, I already paid my fines, so its not that my opinion is skewed

"Driving over 85 mph or more anywhere in Georgia" being super speeding is bullshit. Anyone that has been on I-85 knows you go this fast just to keep up with traffic, Or on GA-400.

I thought the way the law was stated before when I was researching my own fines and charges a couple of months ago, "superspeeding" was going 30mph over any posted speed limit.

SO say your on I-85 and the speed limit is 70mph...you would have to be clocked at 100 mph to fall into super speeding. A law like that makes more sense. Or if your a jackoff like me and get lasered at ALMOST three times the posted limit! 90mph in a 35 mph residential. logically and reasonably no one needs to be driving that fast on state roads unless you have a bleeding person in your back seat and your on the way to a hospital. that should certainly fall into super speeding. and a those speeds you do get "tunnel vision" so the risk just multiplies the faster you go, and the trauma as well if you get into a crash.

bullshit. I've never had tunnel vision. that being said, your whole post is void.

11-30-2009, 02:08 AM
you do realize we as tuners are not being targeted by this law right. its targed at people that SPEED EXCESSIVELY!!! if you dont speed you wont have to worry about it. lol
yes i do realize this. But im saying we are more likely as people who's cars stick out to be spotted first for traffic violations. and like I said, who mods a car/buys a fast car if they arnt gonna put the power to use every now and then?:cheers:

11-30-2009, 02:19 AM
yes i do realize this. But im saying we are more likely as people who's cars stick out to be spotted first for traffic violations. and like I said, who mods a car/buys a fast car if they arnt gonna put the power to use every now and then?:cheers:
coming from someonw with a honda. but yeah you take it to the track.

11-30-2009, 02:38 AM
lulz, i got a mazda too.
and i knew ur gonna say take it to the track but we all know there have been times when u just decided to run out 3rd/4th when the speed limit is a good 25-30 lower then what u decide to stop at.

11-30-2009, 02:45 AM
lulz, i got a mazda too.
and i knew ur gonna say take it to the track but we all know there have been times when u just decided to run out 3rd/4th when the speed limit is a good 25-30 lower then what u decide to stop at.
right but i surely dont do it in front of a cop and get a ticket for 30+ over....:goodjob:

thats the point you can have cake. just make sure where you eat it

11-30-2009, 02:53 AM
right but i surely dont do it in front of a cop and get a ticket for 30+ over....:goodjob:

thats the point you can have cake. just make sure where you eat it
the last part of that qoute is all fucked up lol. but i kno hell, i havent done 30+ infront of a cop. but im just saying.

Not saying anything...just sayin.

11-30-2009, 04:03 AM
the last part of that qoute is all fucked up lol. but i kno hell, i havent done 30+ infront of a cop. but im just saying.

Not saying anything...just sayin.
thats the point you dumbass. do use a favor. stop just saying.:goodjob:

11-30-2009, 04:10 AM
I'm not saying you're wrong (although I think you are), but you'll need to provide proof of that. I drive 2-lane roads all the time and I know for a fact that there aren't any of those anywhere near the Atlanta metro area. Or even outside areas.

I drive 4-lane highways (65mph speed limit) all the time and every single time they dip into a 2-lane stretch, the speed limit dips down to 55mph. And this is in Anytown, GA.

So I'd like to see some proof of your statement. Later, QD.

What about GA400? I thought it was 65mph and only two lanes past exit 12 or so...haven't been up that way in a while:???:

This law effects people all over Georgia, what does it matter if most of those roads aren't in the metro area?

I think the law should be about speed vs speed limit, the number of lanes and speed alone don't seem all that relevant to me. It seems more sensible to just raise the fines based on the current system than enact a new law which creates a seperate criteria.

Who is the superspeeder?
A. Amanda who is going 85 in a 65, four lane road
B. Charlie who is going 73 in a 35, two lane road

Tell me how that makes sense..

11-30-2009, 04:37 AM
What about GA400? I thought it was 65mph and only two lanes past exit 12 or so...haven't been up that way in a while:???:

This law effects people all over Georgia, what does it matter if most of those roads aren't in the metro area?

I think the law should be about speed vs speed limit, the number of lanes and speed alone don't seem all that relevant to me. It seems more sensible to just raise the fines based on the current system than enact a new law which creates a seperate criteria.

Who is the superspeeder?
A. Amanda who is going 85 in a 65, four lane road
B. Charlie who is going 73 in a 35, two lane road

Tell me how that makes sense..
did you also not realy were its 20 over... so that 35 would be one and that 85 would be one. geez is it so hard to fucking read anymore. wtf.

11-30-2009, 07:02 AM
edit: and like the one guy said, we are fucking car guys. Why do we spend money on our cars to make them faster, handle better, ect.? Every now and then you know you just randomly put your foot to the floor just to see if you car still has it. Why should we(as I say we as in the car scene from classics to imports) be targeted and penalized harsher for doing the same thing everyone else does randomly? Also I feel its dumber for people to get ridiculous speeding tickets when they are out somewhere racing on a empty road late at night/early in the morning where you can tell that no one eles is around besides the ones racing.
but thats just my 2cents.

Nobody around here seems to actually be modifying their cars to actually make them more fun or perform better since all everyone is worried about is looks, fads, and other nonsense that doesn't do anything worthwhile.

11-30-2009, 07:22 AM
Because it isn't just younger drivers doing the speeding. Everyone of all age brackets falls into the "super speeder" category.

Is it only BS to you because you'll fall into this law? Seems the only way you'd call foul on this law is if it would affect you. I don't drive that fast so I don't care. I think it's great if some dummy pays out the ass for endangering others. Later, QD.
if going 5-10mph over the posted speed limit will get me that $200 fine then they can suck one. i don't get the point of all these cars being made v8 400hp and what not but yet you can't drive it like that anywhere but the so called track. they should start making cars with that can't go over 75mph and 40hp. it seems that every other car commercial boasts about how much hp/tq the car has, but what's really the point of having it. you wont take a truck to a track.

LOL maybe they should take some of that ''superspeeder'' money and use the extra funds to build that autobahn you're talkin about...
lol if only...

11-30-2009, 07:23 AM
who mods a car/buys a fast car if they arnt gonna put the power to use every now and then?:cheers:

Lots of people do. I'm one of them. One of the smart ones.

What about GA400? I thought it was 65mph and only two lanes past exit 12 or so...haven't been up that way in a while:???:

Four lanes all the way up to just outside Dahlonega. There it turns into a 2-lane road and the speed limit dips to 55.

This law effects people all over Georgia, what does it matter if most of those roads aren't in the metro area?

You're not reading this right. I was referring to your claim that there are 2-lane, 65mph roads roads around metro Atlanta. Then I expanded my answer to include all of Georgia. Later, QD.

I think the law should be about speed vs speed limit, the number of lanes and speed alone don't seem all that relevant to me. It seems more sensible to just raise the fines based on the current system than enact a new law which creates a seperate criteria.

Who is the superspeeder?
A. Amanda who is going 85 in a 65, four lane road
B. Charlie who is going 73 in a 35, two lane road

Tell me how that makes sense..[/QUOTE]

11-30-2009, 07:26 AM
if going 5-10mph over the posted speed limit will get me that $200 fine then they can suck one. i don't get the point of all these cars being made v8 400hp and what not but yet you can't drive it like that anywhere but the so called track. they should start making cars with that can't go over 75mph and 40hp. it seems that every other car commercial boasts about how much hp/tq the car has, but what's really the point of having it. you wont take a truck to a track.

I've never heard of a "so called track." What is that?

It doesn't matter what the horsepower of a car is. That has no bearing on the speed limit. Also, I don't work with the top brass at the automobile manufacturers so I'm not the one you need to be asking about why they make high horsepower cars. Ask them. And lastly, it's long been known that it's an unwritten "rule" that you won't get pulled over 5-8 mph over the speed limit.

I'm not clowning on anyone, but I don't understand why there is an argument. If you don't speed, why worry about it? It won't be your money being spent. Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 07:32 AM
I've never heard of a "so called track." What is that?

It doesn't matter what the horsepower of a car is. That has no bearing on the speed limit. Also, I don't work with the top brass at the automobile manufacturers so I'm not the one you need to be asking about why they make high horsepower cars. Ask them. And lastly, it's long been known that it's an unwritten "rule" that you won't get pulled over 5-8 mph over the speed limit.

I'm not clowning on anyone, but I don't understand why there is an argument. If you don't speed, why worry about it? It won't be your money being spent. Later, QD.
so called track, is a track lol.
yes there is no bearing on the speed limit on how much the car has horsepower, but you are more likely to go over the speed limit the more horsepower the car has. i wouldn't go by that unwritten rule because in south carolina you will get pulled over for going 5-8mph over lol. happend to me :(. why worry about it? because it's just another way for the gov't to get more money. that's like saying if they wanted to ban guns, because i don't own a gun i shouldn't care?

11-30-2009, 07:33 AM
And lastly, it's long been known that it's an unwritten "rule" that you won't get pulled over 5-8 mph over the speed limit.

From the mouth of a Bulloch County sheriff's deputy:

In GEORGIA no one but state troopers can give a ticket for under 10 over, because the highway patrol doesn't get the money like a local police department would...eliminating a conflict of monetary interest.

The public tag line however, is the the troopers are "better trained"....which is true, but you see what I'm getting at. Sort of doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

11-30-2009, 07:36 AM
From the mouth of a Bulloch County sheriff's deputy:

In GEORGIA no one but state troopers can give a ticket for under 10 over, because the highway patrol doesn't get the money like a local police department would...eliminating a conflict of monetary interest.

The public tag line however, is the the troopers are "better trained"....which is true, but you see what I'm getting at. Sort of doing the right thing for the wrong reason.
and that is who i got pulled over by in south carolina, a state trooper lol.

11-30-2009, 07:42 AM
i wouldn't go by that unwritten rule because in south carolina you will get pulled over for going 5-8mph over lol.

Not necessarily. I've gone through 35 states in the last 2 years driving 7,8,9 mph over and never been pulled over for speeding once. This includes South Carolina (which I happen to drive to at least 4 times a week).

that's like saying if they wanted to ban guns, because i don't own a gun i shouldn't care?

A little difference here. Speeding is a law already in effect. They are just upping the ante on fines. Owning a gun (at least in GA) is not against the law. I see where you were headed with that, though. Again, it's not your money so why worry about what someone else is spending their money on if they get caught speeding?

From the mouth of a Bulloch County sheriff's deputy:

In GEORGIA no one but state troopers can give a ticket for under 10 over, because the highway patrol doesn't get the money like a local police department would...eliminating a conflict of monetary interest.

The public tag line however, is the the troopers are "better trained"....which is true, but you see what I'm getting at. Sort of doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

Yes, I knew that. I didn't state that "rule" as a matter of fact. It was a general one. Technically they can. Just the high majority don't worry about it. Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 07:47 AM
Can anyone tell me what usually happens when you do try to go the speed limit on a highway or interstate?

11-30-2009, 07:50 AM
Not necessarily. I've gone through 35 states in the last 2 years driving 7,8,9 mph over and never been pulled over for speeding once. This includes South Carolina (which I happen to drive to at least 4 times a week).
well, i got a ticket for 8mph over when i was coming back from myrtle beach on the july 4th weekend.

A little difference here. Speeding is a law already in effect. They are just upping the ante on fines. Owning a gun (at least in GA) is not against the law. I see where you were headed with that, though. Again, it's not your money so why worry about what someone else is spending their money on if they get caught speeding?
as long as you see where i was headed lol. i see your point as well. i just think the fines should of stayed the way they are and that it should be left up to the judge to decide the punishment.

Yes, I knew that. I didn't state that "rule" as a matter of fact. It was a general one. Technically they can. Just the high majority don't worry about it. Later, QD.
i had the low majority then lol.

11-30-2009, 07:51 AM
Can anyone tell me what usually happens when you do try to go the speed limit on a highway or interstate?

Sure. I do it all the time. You get a nice cruise without the worry of where the cops are posted up. You don't have to worry about getting pulled over. You get to your destination just a few minutes later, but to me, a few minutes later is definitely worth keeping a couple hundred dollars in my pocket. Surely you're not trying to justify speeding?

I'm not saying that speeding is a horrible crime or anything, but how can it be justified? Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 07:54 AM
You get to your destination just a few minutes later, but to me, a few minutes later is definitely worth keeping a couple hundred dollars in my pocket.
damn, this is the first thing i highly agree with you on, i think.

11-30-2009, 07:54 AM
well, i got a ticket for 8mph over when i was coming back from myrtle beach on the july 4th weekend.

I didn't say no one ever gets one.

as long as you see where i was headed lol. i see your point as well. i just think the fines should of stayed the way they are and that it should be left up to the judge to decide the punishment.

As I said, that's not my concern so I don't care how they deal punishment. Now if we were talking imprisonment, it would be an entirely different thing. I'd be on your side of "this isn't fair." But it's just raising fines, so it's not big deal. Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 07:56 AM
As I said, that's not my concern so I don't care how they deal punishment. Now if we were talking imprisonment, it would be an entirely different thing. I'd be on your side of "this isn't fair." But it's just raising fines, so it's not big deal. Later, QD.
i just think if they are going to do this, they should raise the speed limit at least 5mph. then add the 5mph to how fast you have to be going for the SS law thing. get what i'm trying to say?

11-30-2009, 08:44 AM
Sure. I do it all the time. You get a nice cruise without the worry of where the cops are posted up. You don't have to worry about getting pulled over. You get to your destination just a few minutes later, but to me, a few minutes later is definitely worth keeping a couple hundred dollars in my pocket. Surely you're not trying to justify speeding?

I'm not saying that speeding is a horrible crime or anything, but how can it be justified? Later, QD.
:boobies: pussy... wet ready and waiting.:goodjob:

11-30-2009, 08:57 AM
:boobies: pussy... wet ready and waiting.:goodjob:

Funny coming from a virgin with a micropenis.

11-30-2009, 08:59 AM
And they continue to keep the speed limits on major highways 55mph and allow people to drive 80+mph then ticket them for going 30+ over. Fucking ridiculous.


11-30-2009, 09:05 AM
And they continue to keep the speed limits on major highways 55mph and allow people to drive 80+mph then ticket them for going 30+ over. Fucking ridiculous.


A friend got pulled over for going 4 over yesterday LMFAO. No ticket just a "where you going in such a hurry, slow it down."

11-30-2009, 09:06 AM
And they continue to keep the speed limits on major highways 55mph and allow people to drive 80+mph then ticket them for going 30+ over. Fucking ridiculous.

-Ant. 55 on interstates means they are metropolitan area. like 285 and inside the perimeter. on the open highway its 65. and when you get really far out its 70. i really dont see the problem here.

Funny coming from a virgin with a micropenis.way are you here. your unwanted here. please leave. i dont even know where all this pent up anger is coming from... i guess you see me as a threat.

11-30-2009, 09:11 AM
55 on interstates means they are metropolitan area. like 285 and inside the perimeter. on the open highway its 65. and when you get really far out its 70. i really dont see the problem here.

way are you here. your unwanted here. please leave. i dont even know where all this pent up anger is coming from... i guess you see me as a threat.

No, no threat, just a potential lover.

11-30-2009, 09:23 AM
I didn't get a ticket lol. I haven't had one in almost 3 years. I was just seeing if anyone else knew about this new anal rape law going into affect the first of the year.

You're full of shit. You said you couldn't go into the marines because you had a ticket you were waiting to settle through in court. Whats the real story???

11-30-2009, 09:28 AM
And they continue to keep the speed limits on major highways 55mph and allow people to drive 80+mph then ticket them for going 30+ over. Fucking ridiculous.

that's what i was thinking.

11-30-2009, 09:28 AM
No sense in asking him to explain, he's a compulsive liar.

11-30-2009, 09:53 AM
No, no threat, just a potential lover.
sorry your not my type...

11-30-2009, 09:57 AM
:boobies: pussy... wet ready and waiting.:goodjob:

If asking an honest question is me being a man cave, then get me some tampons cause I'm fixing to start flowing. Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 10:29 AM
I always do the speed limit or a little under. I drive an old truck with no power, I'm not going to blow the mofo up just to keep up with traffic. Also, my speedometer is wrong because I have a different tire size from stock.

I don't want to get pulled over for anything... a Woodstock city cop had my car towed one time because some bitch at my insurance company got one number on my VIN wrong. I got pulled over just because I had out-of-town plates and I was on Bells Ferry at 4:30 AM. After all that hassle, I haven't consciously broken a traffic law since, and I try to keep a low profile and not draw attention to myself.

Also, theres almost always some fuckstick in a lifted truck tailgating me, then passing me on the right when there are 2 or more lanes open to the left. Most of the time these trucks have IA stickers. I don't see why these shitbirds have to drive 100mph all the time :2up:

But yeah, anything that gets super-aggressive drivers off the roads is fine with me. :cheers:

11-30-2009, 10:49 AM
The fact still remains that those that are usually going that fast are more aware than the motherfuckers going 10 under in the fast lane. The ones speeding this much are not talking on the cell phone/eating while they're driving. They are paying attention to wtf they are doing. The autobahn proves my point.. WAY less accidents with the lax speed laws.

Speed doesn't kill our kids... What a bunch of BS.. Drunk and/or dumb kids kill themselves.

11-30-2009, 10:51 AM
The fact still remains that those that are usually going that fast are more aware than the motherfuckers going 10 under in the fast lane. The ones speeding this much are not talking on the cell phone/eating while they're driving. They are paying attention to wtf they are doing.

Speed doesn't kill our kids... What a bunch of BS.. Drunk and/or dumb kids kill themselves.

So what you're saying is that the only way a person can be dangerously speeding are the ones using cell phones or eating? You don't find that a little bit ridiculous? Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 11:03 AM
Half the time whatever butt nugget is tailgating me and/or passing me on the right at 100mph is usually sending a text, talking on the phone, fiddling with the radio, watching a movie, microwaving a hotpocket, fingerbanging some skank in the passenger seat, rolling a joint, etc etc. Theres too much damn technology in vehicles nowadays. Damn kids need to get off my lawn :crazy:

11-30-2009, 11:10 AM
No, I was using that as an example. I was trying to get the point across that the people speeding are usually paying more attention and are more aware of their surroundings than the people just cruising down the road going the speed limit or under. Those people are usually the ones with one hand on the top of the wheel and talking on the phone or to someone else in the car or trying to read something/eat/fap/finger bang the skank in the passenger seat.

I am disregarding the big truck drivers with this statement because they usually have no choice but to go close to the speed limit.

11-30-2009, 11:17 AM
No, I was using that as an example. I was trying to get the point across that the people speeding are usually paying more attention and are more aware of their surroundings than the people just cruising down the road going the speed limit or under. Those people are usually the ones with one hand on the top of the wheel and talking on the phone or to someone else in the car or trying to read something/eat/fap/finger bang the skank in the passenger seat.

I am disregarding the big truck drivers with this statement because they usually have no choice but to go close to the speed limit.

I wasn't thinking about your post as a trucker. Sorry if I led you to think that. I know I usually post from a trucker's POV.

I was typing, though, as a passenger car driver. I see just as many people flying by me on phones or with a big Mac half stuffed in their mouths as I do people not speeding by. But traffic wrecks aren't solely dependent on how careful one is. Say I'm driving at 60mph on 285 and you came flying by at 80. I have a blowout and it causes me to swerve into you. If you weren't going as fast as you were, you wouldn't be near me and wouldn't have been involved (more than likely). Also in that same scenario, the wreck is going to be a lot worse because of your speed than it would be if both of us were going 60mph. Your car will careen a lot further and cause more havoc.

So there is stuff you can't see, foretell that play into the most careful of drivers. I do understand what you mean, but I don't think I agree that much. Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 11:25 AM
i agree with the faster you go the worse a wreck can be if one were to happen but other than that this law is crap.

11-30-2009, 11:40 AM
I personally think extremely aggressive speeders do need to be punished, like dicks with fast cars doing 100mph+ on I85 inside the perimeter.

but I also think that having a 35mph speed limit on a semi-residential roads or a 55mph speed limit on a 5 lane freeway is ridiculous, even if it is inside the perimeter. As I can recall back before the oil crisis in the 70s speed limits were a little higher, and when the oil crisis hit, a publication was released saying that millions of gallons of gasoline will be saved if all the speed limits were lowered by 10mph.

so here we are with speed limits from the 70s.

11-30-2009, 11:43 AM
if there was no traffic brazillians of gallons would be saved.

11-30-2009, 11:52 AM
The fact still remains that those that are usually going that fast are more aware than the motherfuckers going 10 under in the fast lane. The ones speeding this much are not talking on the cell phone/eating while they're driving. They are paying attention to wtf they are doing. The autobahn proves my point.. WAY less accidents with the lax speed laws.

Speed doesn't kill our kids... What a bunch of BS.. Drunk and/or dumb kids kill themselves.

No, I was using that as an example. I was trying to get the point across that the people speeding are usually paying more attention and are more aware of their surroundings than the people just cruising down the road going the speed limit or under. Those people are usually the ones with one hand on the top of the wheel and talking on the phone or to someone else in the car or trying to read something/eat/fap/finger bang the skank in the passenger seat.

I am disregarding the big truck drivers with this statement because they usually have no choice but to go close to the speed limit.
i have to beg to differ on this. people that are speeding usually are not aware of their speed. because of the cell phone and etc. i have yet to really see someone speeding that isnt on the phone or playing with themselves or something else. people that are aware of how they are driving are the ones driving the speed limit. you have it ass backwards.

11-30-2009, 11:59 AM
how about we face the truth and say that 70% of people here speeding or not eat, talk, put make-up on, etc. when driving.

11-30-2009, 12:26 PM
I tend to agree with the law, however, i do have some issues with it. Over time, i can see how this "super speeder" stuff could bleed over into normal speeding violations - as tends to happen to laws in general.

Good intentions to start out with. (funding hospital's ERs or whatever, great, awesome, wonderful! *yay!*) that's how the state gets the publics approval - then eventually it turns into something nobody intended after the state gets used to having the income - like an extra Violation Fee tacked on to every traffic ticket processed.

Aren't traffic tickets supposed to be the deterrent from excessive speed? Now that the state legislature has gotten used to having the income, through fines and whatnot, it has decided that the top 3% (example) of all speeders need to have a much higher fine (tax) than the other 97% in order to increase the states revenue. This seems, in my opinion, to go against the spirit of traffic laws in their entirety.

I can see suits being filed on the basis of "profiling" (another example of a well intended law that's gotten out of hand) - harrassment - as well as unconstitutional taxes. Which i think someone brought up before hand. In my opinion; if this law is to work (work = get people to slow down. which should be the entire reason for a speeding ticket in the first place, but apparently not this time), it will need to be enforced EXACTING to the guidelines laid down with zero tolerance so it can be "fair" to everyone caught red handed.


11-30-2009, 12:30 PM
I personally think extremely aggressive speeders do need to be punished, like dicks with fast cars doing 100mph+ on I85 inside the perimeter.

but I also think that having a 35mph speed limit on a semi-residential roads or a 55mph speed limit on a 5 lane freeway is ridiculous, even if it is inside the perimeter. As I can recall back before the oil crisis in the 70s speed limits were a little higher, and when the oil crisis hit, a publication was released saying that millions of gallons of gasoline will be saved if all the speed limits were lowered by 10mph.

so here we are with speed limits from the 70s.

At your age, you can't recall anything past 1990. Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 12:37 PM
i have to beg to differ on this. people that are speeding usually are not aware of their speed. because of the cell phone and etc. i have yet to really see someone speeding that isnt on the phone or playing with themselves or something else. people that are aware of how they are driving are the ones driving the speed limit. you have it ass backwards.

Maybe I am just thinking of everyone as if they were myself. When I drive I am fully aware of my surroundings and who or what is around me in case I need react to a situation. I have forgotten that probably at least 50% of the people on the road are complete morons and I don't know how they got their license in the first place.

At your age, you can't recall anything past 1990. Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 01:30 PM
At your age, you can't recall anything past 1990. Later, QD.

lol I am not actually talking about my personal experiences, but from talking to people who were actually alive during that time period.

Am I wrong?

11-30-2009, 01:30 PM
If people are so worried about it, simple don't speed. Leave for place on time or take ur time going to places. Still worried then invest in a good radar detector and a good laser jammer....first 2-3 tickets it saves you from will pay for itself (but still keep it as backup not excuse to speed).

11-30-2009, 01:34 PM
i have to beg to differ on this. people that are speeding usually are not aware of their speed. because of the cell phone and etc. i have yet to really see someone speeding that isnt on the phone or playing with themselves or something else. people that are aware of how they are driving are the ones driving the speed limit. you have it ass backwards.
you sir, have it ass backwards. I know plenty of ppl who drive over the limit in the fast lane who 80-95% of the time dont text/eat/ect. Hell im always in the fast lane going 65-75 and im having to dodge the slow unaware drivers all the fucking time. ppl try and merge into me and shit. They ride in the fast lane doing the exact speed limit getting passed by ppl in the slow lane. Shit is annoying. Ill fucking blow past them and give em the stink eye and blow off so they look at me passing their slow ass and get the fuck outta the fast lane.

hell.. i need one of those windshield banners that says move over.

I tend to agree with the law, however, i do have some issues with it. Over time, i can see how this "super speeder" stuff could bleed over into normal speeding violations - as tends to happen to laws in general.

Good intentions to start out with. (funding hospital's ERs or whatever, great, awesome, wonderful! *yay!*) that's how the state gets the publics approval - then eventually it turns into something nobody intended after the state gets used to having the income - like an extra Violation Fee tacked on to every traffic ticket processed.

Aren't traffic tickets supposed to be the deterrent from excessive speed? Now that the state legislature has gotten used to having the income, through fines and whatnot, it has decided that the top 3% (example) of all speeders need to have a much higher fine (tax) than the other 97% in order to increase the states revenue. This seems, in my opinion, to go against the spirit of traffic laws in their entirety.

I can see suits being filed on the basis of "profiling" (another example of a well intended law that's gotten out of hand) - harrassment - as well as unconstitutional taxes. Which i think someone brought up before hand. In my opinion; if this law is to work (work = get people to slow down. which should be the entire reason for a speeding ticket in the first place, but apparently not this time), it will need to be enforced EXACTING to the guidelines laid down with zero tolerance so it can be "fair" to everyone caught red handed.


you sir at 100% correct. This law will get out of hand over time or never be put to use correctly. u got some green.

11-30-2009, 01:36 PM
If people are so worried about it, simple don't speed. Leave for place on time or take ur time going to places. Still worried then invest in a good radar detector and a good laser jammer....first 2-3 tickets it saves you from will pay for itself (but still keep it as backup not excuse to speed).

its the concept were worried about. What it represents :rolleyes:
and i have a radar detector and leave on time :boobies: but slow traffic pisses me off :cheers:

11-30-2009, 01:44 PM
. Ill fucking blow past them and give em the stink eye and blow off so they look at me passing their slow ass and get the fuck outta the fast lane.

I've never seen the ricer flyby explained in a step-by-step procedure like that before. Cool :goodjob:

I usually stay in the middle lane. Its annoying to have to deal with people merging on/off if you're on the same highway for 20 miles or so. I stay out of the left lanes so people can pass and so that the faster drivers will have those lanes. The problem is the idiots that weave, or who put the hammer down no matter what lane they're in.

I don't give a fuck who is more skilled and/or paying attention, the rules of the road are the same for everyone. Everyone wants to believe they are Schummy or Dale Jr. but even those mokes have to obey the rules of the road.

11-30-2009, 02:59 PM
I've never seen the ricer flyby explained in a step-by-step procedure like that before. Cool :goodjob:

I usually stay in the middle lane. Its annoying to have to deal with people merging on/off if you're on the same highway for 20 miles or so. I stay out of the left lanes so people can pass and so that the faster drivers will have those lanes. The problem is the idiots that weave, or who put the hammer down no matter what lane they're in.

I don't give a fuck who is more skilled and/or paying attention, the rules of the road are the same for everyone. Everyone wants to believe they are Schummy or Dale Jr. but even those mokes have to obey the rules of the road.

lol i wasnt talking about a ricer fly by. for those u gotta fall back a bit and down shift 2 gears to get a running start. :crazy:

I was saying that ppl who go slow in teh fast lane need to get the fuck outta the way. A rule of the road is the fast/passing lane is that you are supposed to get out of the way of a faster moving car if you see them approaching/wanting to pass right?

And i dont weave. I just keep my speed of 65-75 and depending on traffic usually depends on wut lane im in. Sometimes im in the middle, sometimes it looks like im that asshole in the fast lane flying by everyone when im really doing 10 over. :goodjob:

11-30-2009, 03:08 PM
At least he admits hes the asshole.

11-30-2009, 04:09 PM
Am I wrong?

Yes. It was lowered by 15mph, not 10, lolol. Speed limits used to be set at 70mph across interstates until 1975 (I think). A mandatory nationwide speed limit was enacted and set to 55mph all across the US. It was abolished in 1995 and states were free to set their own limits. Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 04:13 PM
its the concept were worried about. What it represents :rolleyes:

Again, I have to ask. Why are you worried? Do you stand to lose a lot of money? If so, then that's well and good maybe it'll make you slow down. It's apparent the only people that are pitching a fit over this new law are the ones that have something (more) to lose. Later, QD.

11-30-2009, 08:03 PM
Again, I have to ask. Why are you worried? Do you stand to lose a lot of money? If so, then that's well and good maybe it'll make you slow down. It's apparent the only people that are pitching a fit over this new law are the ones that have something (more) to lose. Later, QD.

because it is a possibility i could lose alot of money and my license again. Would be pissed if it was because of this law. and im not pitching a fit, just throwing out random thoughts/attempting to stir up the pot.

12-01-2009, 12:03 AM
because it is a possibility i could lose alot of money and my license again.

So this is NOT incentive to slow down and play it safe? Or do you just not mind throwing your money at the government? Not to mention your driver's license? Later, QD.

12-01-2009, 12:34 AM
it is but I feel the laws are improper for the way everything works. Because in reality 80+ of the cars on the road are breaking the speed limit.

psh if they made the driving test harder then the need for laws like this wouldnt be needed.

12-03-2009, 05:20 PM
did you also not realy were its 20 over... so that 35 would be one and that 85 would be one. geez is it so hard to fucking read anymore. wtf.

It's hard to read what you type.. None of the links in this thread said anything about 20mph over being super speeding.

12-03-2009, 05:23 PM
It's hard to read what you type..

12-03-2009, 05:24 PM
psh if they made the driving test harder then the need for laws like this wouldnt be needed.

No sir. Making the test harder isn't going to slow people down. Taking money from the people would be a far more effective way. Later, QD.

12-03-2009, 10:03 PM
It's hard to read what you type.. None of the links in this thread said anything about 20mph over being super speeding.

ugh maybe you should read up on the law. instead of reading about the telephone game people play on the internet. if you actually did some research onthe law instead of going of what he said about what he siad 2- times over. you might learn something. and know what the law is. geez. IA is fucking stupid!

No sir. Making the test harder isn't going to slow people down. Taking money from the people would be a far more effective way. Later, QD.
+1 sort of like what they do in germany its like 4000 to get your license and they hav every strict rules of the road. and every fine is heavy which i based off your annual income. guess what... very few people break the law because they know its going to cost them, money or license.

87 Turbo II
12-03-2009, 10:19 PM
I was saying that ppl who go slow in teh fast lane need to get the fuck outta the way. A rule of the road is the fast/passing lane is that you are supposed to get out of the way of a faster moving car if you see them approaching/wanting to pass right?
Prepare for a long rant, and slow left lane drivers is my biggest pet peeve, and IMO, can be linked to the cause of all congestion related traffic.

Not exactly, but VERY close. The passing lane is used ONLY for passing. Not pacing AT the limit with the car next to you, not driving in it when the highway is empty, or when there is a stretch of road without cars in the 2nd to left most lane. You have to be going faster than the nearest car to the right of you, even if they are speeding, you have to be going faster, even if barely. If someone is behind you, you don't have to speed up or move over, but you better be passing, and when you reach a big enough gap to fit in, you move the fuck over because it's a decent ammount of space where you will not be passing, then the car behind you, that was passing with you, can decide to actually pass you if they want, by speeding up. In theory, if everyone in the world owned a Buggati Veyron, and they're all gonig 200MPH on a 65 MPH expressway, if you're in the left most lane, your ass better be doing 201+MPH, or not only will you get the speeding charge, you can STILL get a charge for interrupting the flow of traffic for not going fast enough. It has nothing to do with relation to the limits though, just the speed others are going. I will say, if you're in the laft most lane, and someone is behind you though, especially if they approached you quickly, move. and if they flash their lights, it's CALLED FLASH TO PASS, idk how it got lost in translation as a sign of road rage or aggression but flashing the high beams quickly a few times behind someone in the left lane, just means, please yield to the right, it isn't meant to be disrespectful or anything.

So in THEORY, if someone in the left lane is ALWAYS passing, then the expressway free of wrecks, should NEVER get to a point where all 5 lanes are stopping and going, but the cause of it, is that a few exits up ahead, there is somebody going the same speed as the car to the right of them in that left lane, and causing a moving block, then people behind them keep their distance, and the people behind them and etc. etc. until you get all the way back to the people who are rolling at 15 mph, and keep going and you get the 5mph crawling stop and go. 285 West is like this before you pass 400 every morning, but it doesn't make sense to me why an exit on the right side of the highway should effect the left 2 lanes, but because of idiots, and SO MANY PEOPLE not knowing the left lane laws, it is the reason you have congestion. Thus it is why it is my biggest pet peeve. ONE or TWO people can block and entire HIGHWAY and add 15 mins to your routine, I don't see why Driver's ed doesn't focus on this AT ALL.

12-03-2009, 10:29 PM
+1 sort of like what they do in germany its like 4000 to get your license and they hav every strict rules of the road. and every fine is heavy which i based off your annual income. guess what... very few people break the law because they know its going to cost them, money or license.
in germany they have the autobahn so really no reason for any laws to be broken... and it's not just in germany that you have to pay a large fee to get your license, it's all across europe.

12-03-2009, 10:56 PM
The passing lane is used ONLY for passing.

Exactly. Technically, you're not supposed to cruise in the far left lane. Later, QD.

12-03-2009, 11:00 PM
But, would I not be wrong in ASSUMING that an officer pulls you over for speeding. That he could get you charged with this new law?

87 Turbo II
12-03-2009, 11:16 PM
But, would I not be wrong in ASSUMING that an officer pulls you over for speeding. That he could get you charged with this new law?

Only if you're going 85+ on the interstate or 70+ on a 2 lane road. If you're going 75 on a 65 mph interstate the ticket is exactly as it would have been before the Super speeder law existed. It is written like 50 times in this thread.

12-03-2009, 11:32 PM
Many loop holes are in the rules cops go by. Especially for those of us who have had a not so good driving record in our past.

87 Turbo II
12-04-2009, 03:36 PM
Well yeah if a cop wants to lie and just write down a higher number for the money to go towards the cancer research or w/e it was then yeah, he just fucked you over, but at least for a cause.

12-04-2009, 03:38 PM
Well yeah if a cop wants to lie and just write down a higher number for the money to go towards the cancer research or w/e it was then yeah, he just fucked you over, but at least for a cause.Doesn't always go for a good cause. Maybe 5% of the time it does.

87 Turbo II
12-04-2009, 03:47 PM
Normal court fees yeah, they can go to shitty things like building statues of dead politicians in a park, this law(Super Speeder) however was developed JUST for funding to a cancer society for children or something along those lines.

12-04-2009, 03:57 PM
Normal court fees yeah, they can go to shitty things like building statues of dead politicians in a park, this law(Super Speeder) however was developed JUST for funding to a cancer society for children or something along those lines.That's the cover anyways right?

Black R
12-04-2009, 04:09 PM
you guys do realize this is a thinly veiled scheme to generate revenue for things that already occur, right? :/

12-05-2009, 09:17 PM
ugh maybe you should read up on the law. instead of reading about the telephone game people play on the internet. if you actually did some research onthe law instead of going of what he said about what he siad 2- times over. you might learn something. and know what the law is. geez. IA is fucking stupid!

POST A LINK BIG BOY. Ima call BS until you do.

12-06-2009, 10:24 AM
wow,how about my speedometer light went out last nite. guess i better fix it before the first.lol

12-07-2009, 01:11 AM
i dont like the law bc i think the dumbass that are running over 85 on the highways are just going to run and kill more people.

12-07-2009, 10:30 PM
if they run, then that means they are hiding something.

12-07-2009, 10:35 PM
if they run, then that means they are hiding something.

or that they're trying to avoid getting that "Super Speeder" mark slapped on their driving record... :doh:

12-07-2009, 10:44 PM
you do know the fine is only 200 extra dollars right. geez some of you people are so dense. wtf

12-08-2009, 09:04 AM
that is a horrible way to view things and that mentality is why everything is so bad now. the govt takes away rights and freedoms and grows more and more powerful bit by bit; because ppl dont care because it doesnt affect them in the short term.Is driving a right?

Is it your right to be in anyones house you choose? Is it your right to wear your shoes if they ask you to remove them in their home? The road isn't yours and it's not your right to drive on it, it's a privilege and if you don't like the rules of it you can simply not drive.

What about GA400? I thought it was 65mph and only two lanes past exit 12 or so...haven't been up that way in a while:???:

This law effects people all over Georgia, what does it matter if most of those roads aren't in the metro area?

I think the law should be about speed vs speed limit, the number of lanes and speed alone don't seem all that relevant to me. It seems more sensible to just raise the fines based on the current system than enact a new law which creates a seperate criteria.

Who is the superspeeder?
A. Amanda who is going 85 in a 65, four lane road
B. Charlie who is going 73 in a 35, two lane road

Tell me how that makes sense..Where the hell is 400 a 2 lane road?

i just think if they are going to do this, they should raise the speed limit at least 5mph. then add the 5mph to how fast you have to be going for the SS law thing. get what i'm trying to say?5mph? You do understand mph stands for miles per hour right? The length of Highway 400 is 53.75 miles. That means driving the ENTIRE length from Dahlonega to Buckhead 5mph faster saves a grand total of 4 minutes. Seriously? Then driving to Seattle from atlanta 5 mph faster would barely save 3 hours of driving for 40 hours.

A friend got pulled over for going 4 over yesterday LMFAO. No ticket just a "where you going in such a hurry, slow it down."Bullshit.

Normal court fees yeah, they can go to shitty things like building statues of dead politicians in a park, this law(Super Speeder) however was developed JUST for funding to a cancer society for children or something along those lines.Trauma hospitals.

you do know the fine is only 200 extra dollars right. geez some of you people are so dense. wtfExactly. The law is only adding $200 to the fine of those that are excessively speeding. It doesn't mark the offender in any way any more than a ticket today.

12-08-2009, 09:38 AM
I don't agree with most aspects of is crap Perdue is pushing. Seriously, 85 in a 70 zone is nothing, but you'll get popped with an extra $200 for it yet you could do 60 in a 45 zone and not get labeled a "super speeder" but I'd be willing to bet that it is far more 'dangerous' to do 60 in a 45 than doing 85 in a 70. Perdue is just an idiot, plain and simple.

They would make more money if they went after assholes on cellphones. Fuck, I say nail people who text while driving with $400 fines....that income would eclipse the $200 super speeder bullshit.

12-08-2009, 09:45 AM
I don't agree with most aspects of is crap Perdue is pushing. Seriously, 85 in a 70 zone is nothing, but you'll get popped with an extra $200 for it yet you could do 60 in a 45 zone and not get labeled a "super speeder" but I'd be willing to bet that it is far more 'dangerous' to do 60 in a 45 than doing 85 in a 70. Perdue is just an idiot, plain and simple.

They would make more money if they went after assholes on cellphones. Fuck, I say nail people who text while driving with $400 fines....that income would eclipse the $200 super speeder bullshit.No way to prove it, anyone can simply say they were dialing their phone and not texting. However someone that has a phone up to their ear is breaking a law that is been around for decades yet it's never pursued in that way.

12-08-2009, 10:14 AM
No way to prove it, anyone can simply say they were dialing their phone and not texting. However someone that has a phone up to their ear is breaking a law that is been around for decades yet it's never pursued in that way.

In that case... nail all the fuckers who hold a phone while driving. Not that using a hands-free device is any better either.

My point really is that there are sooooo many other things that could be used to make roads safer and generate revenue (note the order I said this). But it's simply the fact that tagging people for speeding is MUCH easier and takes less effort to yield revenue generation. Sadly, they see dollar signs before anything else and then tag some little excuse to it to spoon feed the general population into thinking they are trying to make a difference. People that drive dangerously slow cause a good number of accidents. I can say how many times I've seen these idiots doing 40-45mph (and sometimes less) on a normal flowing interstate and in middle of the road causing cars to go everywhere trying to avoid hitting them. Also, look at the types/locations of fatal accidents when you're watching the news. Heck, just yesterday there was some fatal accident yesterday in DeKalb by someone who slid of the road and whacked a tree... on a two-lane road and they weren't speeding. Many fatalities end up like this. I had a friend killed when they flipped their SUV going 25mph. All I am saying is that I see more fatal accidents reported that do not involve excessive speeding (not to say they weren't doing a small amount over the post limit) and happen on side streets as opposed to interstates.

But it somes down to a easy to understand fact. The government did a study a number of years back and found that it's eaier and more cost effective to make new safety regulations on cars rather than educating drivers on the proper rules of the road. Those out there who are "road smart" will agree that knowing the laws will make your head explode because of the overwhelming number of people who are too ignorant or too lazy to give a damn. That's what it comes down to. We are driving in a time of road stupidity, where people thinkg it's a right. When people understood that driving was a privilege, they took it seriously and were carefule about their actions behind the wheel.

Though I think it would be funny if they forecast a budget based on revenue by the super speeder law and end up getting shafted because people actually slow down. I tend to do 10-15 over the POSTED speed limit..depending on the flow of traffic. But I might be a littlre more mindful of if in hopes that I'll hear a news story that the state isn't seeing as much revenue as it thought it would... my MFR to Perdue.

12-08-2009, 10:21 AM
Where the hell is 400 a 2 lane road?

Should have read further down. I took care of that already, lolol. Later, QD.

12-08-2009, 10:31 AM
The government did a study a number of years back and found that it's eaier and more cost effective to make new safety regulations on cars rather than educating drivers on the proper rules of the road. That's what I have the biggest issue with. The state shouldn't have to eat the education fee, that should be the responsibility of the driver so cost does not matter one bit. Given the opportunity I would be the first person on the capital steps to lobby for improved driver education, much like Europe, requiring specific driver challenges like accident avoidance and skid pad training.

12-08-2009, 10:46 AM
5mph? You do understand mph stands for miles per hour right? The length of Highway 400 is 53.75 miles. That means driving the ENTIRE length from Dahlonega to Buckhead 5mph faster saves a grand total of 4 minutes. Seriously? Then driving to Seattle from atlanta 5 mph faster would barely save 3 hours of driving for 40 hours.
that would be 4 minutes and 3 hours you didn't have before. do you know what 3 hours are? 180 minutes, 10,800 seconds, or 10,800,000 miliseconds.

the point i was trying to make is, cars today are built to go faster then cars a decade ago. if you are going to up the fines why not up the speed limit at least 5mph. that way you are going 85mph now and get the extra $200 fine, but if the extra 5mph would be there you wouldn't get it unless you were going 90mph.

12-08-2009, 10:51 AM
the point i was trying to make is, cars today are built to go faster then cars a decade ago. if you are going to up the fines why not up the speed limit at least 5mph. that way you are going 85mph now and get the extra $200 fine, but if the extra 5mph would be there you wouldn't get it unless you were going 90mph.

I shot your "point" down when you tried it on me. It doesn't matter what the car manufacturers make the cars speed go to. The government can set the speed to whatever it deems necessary. Maybe the car companies should start making their cars not go so fast. Later, QD.

12-08-2009, 10:56 AM
i was popped back in october or november for this super speeder deal...lame! cruise set on 75mph for 30 minutes, went to pass some ppl to get up to my exit and right as i eclipsed a slight hill there was a sherriff dep. clocked me at 85mph. i pulled right over and he gave me exactly 85 in a 70 on the ticket..im a super speeder now becuase i went 85mph for approx 5 seconds. now, im not saying i dont deserve a speeding ticket as i def. broke the law...but damn...i have not had a ticket in 5 years, i was not still accelerating and he would have known (i have longtube headers, no cats, and a catback on a mustang), and i pulled over as quick as i could. would it have killed the guy to drop it down 1mph and save me the $200 and the points that im sure come along with the superspeeder charge? im pissed about the whole thing really....i could go on for days about it

12-08-2009, 11:00 AM
the point i was trying to make is, cars today are built to go faster then cars a decade ago..

Not everyone on the road drives a brand new vehicle. There are plenty of 1960's/1970's vehicles on the roads with bad tires and 4 wheel drum brakes. Also, aside from emissions in the Metro counties, vehicle inspections are not required. If it has 4 wheels and all the lights work, then whatever POS you find at the junkyard is probably street legal in most of the counties. :lmfao:

12-08-2009, 11:12 AM
I shot your "point" down when you tried it on me. It doesn't matter what the car manufacturers make the cars speed go to. The government can set the speed to whatever it deems necessary. Maybe the car companies should start making their cars not go so fast. Later, QD.
i know that's why they should deem necessary to change the speed limit or why not pass a law saying car companies can't create such high powered cars. since they're throwing around new laws lol

Not everyone on the road drives a brand new vehicle. There are plenty of 1960's/1970's vehicles on the roads with bad tires and 4 wheel drum brakes. Also, aside from emissions in the Metro counties, vehicle inspections are not required. If it has 4 wheels and all the lights work, then whatever POS you find at the junkyard is probably street legal in most of the counties. :lmfao:
i don't see much of 60s/70s cars :???:

12-08-2009, 11:19 AM
i know that's why they should deem necessary to change the speed limit or why not pass a law saying car companies can't create such high powered cars. since they're throwing around new laws lol

Or just not drive your 150mph capable car above the speed limit. HA!

i don't see much of 60s/70s cars :???:

They're there. I drive one every day. Later, QD.

12-08-2009, 11:21 AM
i know that's why they should deem necessary to change the speed limit or why not pass a law saying car companies can't create such high powered cars. since they're throwing around new laws lol

i don't see much of 60s/70s cars :???:

Just because cars can go faster doesn't mean drivers can handle them well.

12-08-2009, 11:34 AM
Just because cars can go faster doesn't mean drivers can handle them well.
no where in my posts did i state that or even come close to saying it.

12-08-2009, 11:34 AM
Or just not drive your 150mph capable car above the speed limit. HA!

160mph lol

They're there. I drive one every day. Later, QD.
i have yet to see your car in person.

12-08-2009, 12:07 PM
Do some research. You can fight it and win. Its un-constitutional. Something about the right to be free from excessive taxes. Do your homework b4 you post up in here son

you do realize that technically ticket fines are not actually considered taxes right?

12-08-2009, 11:12 PM
not really a factor to me, when and if i go those speeds its ONLY when no one else is around......or with the flow of traffic going thru columbia sc, those fuckers move going thru there lol.

12-09-2009, 02:50 PM
Not using your blinker is absurd. It is about 3 inches from your left hand.

i see plenty of cops everyday going through atlanta going well over 15 miles over the posted 55 speed limit on 75. changing lanes without a blinker. and entering and exiting the carpool lane when the lines are solid.

12-09-2009, 02:53 PM
i see plenty of cops everyday going through atlanta going well over 15 miles over the posted 55 speed limit on 75. changing lanes without a blinker. and entering and exiting the carpool lane when the lines are solid.

Doesn't mean it's legal to do. Later, QD.

12-09-2009, 02:57 PM
Doesn't mean it's legal to do. Later, QD.

didn't say it was. just saying i'm not for something that most cops do on a regular basis because they are cops and can get away with it.

12-09-2009, 03:07 PM
but if this is going into affect i would think they should re evaluate roads starting with more populated roads and adjust the speed limit. some are just ridiculously low. but chances are they wont because thats where they target and make their revenue.

government in america is one reason why i am going to move out of america.

12-09-2009, 03:13 PM
didn't say it was. just saying i'm not for something that most cops do on a regular basis because they are cops and can get away with it.

File a complaint with their car number if it really grinds your gears.

12-09-2009, 03:14 PM
yeah i plan on it i just forget to look for the number. by the time i think on getting the number there too far away

12-09-2009, 03:15 PM
why would you go over 75 on a 2 lane road anyways? and 85 on any road, even I85 is no big deal, i stay under that anyways.

12-09-2009, 03:58 PM
didn't say it was. just saying i'm not for something that most cops do on a regular basis because they are cops and can get away with it.

That's fine. I'll be happy to see you wasting all your money just because YOU feel that YOU shouldn't have to bey someone else rules.

government in america is one reason why i am going to move out of america.

I'll help you pack if you think you can have it made somewhere else. Remember the phrase "the grass ain't always...." Later, QD.

12-17-2009, 08:46 AM
Found this piece and thought I'd add it in here, see what everyone's thoughts were on it. Does he have valid points?


12-17-2009, 08:58 AM
I've been saything this since talk of the SS law hit the media. Perdue is full of shit and now he's being called out on it.

quoted and posted for the lazy.

For a few months now I’ve been asking Gov. Sonny Perdue if he would like to take a little ride with me on I-75. Just a quick trip down to Macon and back to Atlanta.

Here’s why:

On May 5, Perdue signed the so-called “super speeder law.” The law provides for an extra $200 fine on drivers who get caught doing 85 mph or more on expressways; 75 mph or more on two-lane roads. Purdue said that the law was an “attempt to slow high-speed drivers and reduce high-speed crashes and trauma injuries.”


The governor was simply trying to raise revenue. Why else the excited announcement that the new law would raise $23 million in fiscal year 2010?

If speeding killed, the countryside would be littered with dead jet pilots.

I could spend the rest of my allotted space here citing some of the studies that have shown that speeders aren’t a major cause of traffic accidents. What a yawner. The studies are out there, though. Perhaps you would like to take the time to read the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey released by the U.S. Department of Transportation on July 15, 2008.

Then again, maybe not.

If you were so inclined, you would read that speeding accounted for only 5 percent of “pre-crash events.” A Virginia DMV report said that speeding caused about 2.9 percent of crashes in 2007.

Yeah, we really need that super-speeder law.

Actually, it’s more like we need the money.

So what if Gov. Perdue does decide to take that little jaunt down to Macon and back with me?

First, I’d ask for immunity. We’re going to speed on the way down. On the way back, we’ll stick to the speed limit. Maybe I’ll get him to drive.

On the way to Macon, my goal will be to drive up to 20 mph above the posted limit. Yup — that means 90 mph, well above the super-speeder 85 mph threshold.

Here’s what the governor will see: When I encounter traffic, I’ll slow down. No tailgating. Give me an open lane, and I’ll flip on the winkers (Brit term, I love it), move over and let ’er rip.

All the way to Macon not one single driver will have to change what he or she is doing because of my driving. Not one driver will have to change lanes or slow down to avoid me. I’ll open it up when I can, go with the flow when I must.

The governor will enjoy the ride. After all, he’s a pilot and we’ll be flying low.

In Macon we’ll hit a Waffle House and fuel up. A bowl of chili and a grilled cheese ought to do it. Then, on the way back to Atlanta, we’ll crack a window and it will be speed limit all the way. I’ll hang in the second lane from the right so I don’t have to mess with merging or exiting traffic. Since I won’t be driving a Buick or a minivan, we’ll stay out of the left lane. We’ll put the governor’s head on a swivel so he can see what’s happening to the traffic around me. He’ll see other motorists having to constantly change lanes to get around me. Sometimes they’ll use signals; sometimes not. Several times he’ll see some other motorist take evasive action to get out of the way of another driver trying to get around me. By the time we get back to Atlanta we’ll both be nervous wrecks.

Speeding tickets are easy for law enforcement. Aim your radar gun, pull ’em over and write the ticket. Targeting people who change lanes without signaling, follow too close, fail to yield the right of way and who generally can’t control a car presents greater challenges in traffic court.

Look — love the cops; really do. That guy writing me a speeding ticket (haven’t had one in 15 years) would stand between me and a bullet if need be. But when he’s sitting there writing me a ticket for speeding he’s a tax collector, not a law enforcement officer.

You want to save lives, governor? Ban the use of hand-held cellphones. Not all that flashy, but it would work.

Neal Boortz’s column will appear every Saturday. For more Boortz, go to

12-17-2009, 09:18 AM
Cops can also show up to court late, or not at all.... and we do that and we've got a bench warrant out for us...

12-17-2009, 09:21 AM
Cops can also show up to court late, or not at all.... and we do that and we've got a bench warrant out for us...

Don't show up late. Simple solution to a not-so-hard "problem. Later, QD.

12-17-2009, 09:34 AM
I don't usually do more than 10 over, but I do like to gas it to get to the speed limit.


12-17-2009, 09:35 AM
Folks, this is not a "cop is a bad guy" issue. This is a "the state needs the money so we're going to come up with a useless and worthless excuse to get some" issue. Speeding by itself is NOT the major cause of accidents, not in GA, not anywhere. It's been proven, researched, re-researched, studied, and re-studied. Far more people are hurt or worse yet killed every year on our roads from drunk drivers or elderly people going th opposite way down the Interstate or teenage/inexperienced/bad drivers than "speeding" EVER would. It's not speculation, it's a FACT. A fact that is NOT very popular because it causes each of us to look at ourselves and OUR capabilites, or lack thereof, which we all know is NEVER a good thing because people would have to admit their OWN faults.

Police are doing what they are mandated to do. Can't fault them for that. Fault the stupid politicians that put "laws" into place using false information and false pretences. That's who's really at fault here, not the guy/gal that would lose their job if they didn't do what they're TOLD to do.


12-17-2009, 09:36 AM
I've been saything this since talk of the SS law hit the media. Perdue is full of shit and now he's being called out on it.

quoted and posted for the lazy.

Oh shit. I just noticed this post after I posted mine.

Good job. Neal tells it like it is most of the time. :goodjob:

12-17-2009, 11:49 AM
LOL @ Purdue. He's a dumbass. I saw a sign last night off 675 "speeding will cost you" 285/75 is a free for all lol. You are going slow if you're going the speed limit.

Hopefully with this ticket increase he will think to add more po po to the force to pull over these so called super speeders. If not I doubt anything will change.

metro larev
12-17-2009, 11:53 AM
i cant afford any more tickets much less if there even more

12-17-2009, 12:04 PM
i cant afford any more tickets much less if there even more

Exactly... just more incentive for you to drive right. :goodjob:

I will agree with you guys that Perdue is full of shit (just on general principle) but Super Speeder is one of the very few things going on in our general assembly that I approve of.

12-17-2009, 02:56 PM
lol i wanna see someone fight a super speeder ticket and win.

12-18-2009, 12:11 AM
i was popped back in october or november for this super speeder deal...lame! cruise set on 75mph for 30 minutes, went to pass some ppl to get up to my exit and right as i eclipsed a slight hill there was a sherriff dep. clocked me at 85mph. i pulled right over and he gave me exactly 85 in a 70 on the ticket..im a super speeder now becuase i went 85mph for approx 5 seconds. now, im not saying i dont deserve a speeding ticket as i def. broke the law...but damn...i have not had a ticket in 5 years, i was not still accelerating and he would have known (i have longtube headers, no cats, and a catback on a mustang), and i pulled over as quick as i could. would it have killed the guy to drop it down 1mph and save me the $200 and the points that im sure come along with the superspeeder charge? im pissed about the whole thing really....i could go on for days about iti was thinking about this on the way to NJ this past week. how much faster was i going to get there by going 75-80 vs the 70-75 i was cruising at. and i did some simple quick little math in my head... and for the safty of that 5ish mph the extra 30mins... was worth it. driving from atl to just north of baltimore in full rain sometimes straight down pouring. so yeah... well worth the extra 30mins or so. rained the whole way to NJ too... great timing i know.

Not everyone on the road drives a brand new vehicle. There are plenty of 1960's/1970's vehicles on the roads with bad tires and 4 wheel drum brakes. Also, aside from emissions in the Metro counties, vehicle inspections are not required. If it has 4 wheels and all the lights work, then whatever POS you find at the junkyard is probably street legal in most of the counties. :lmfao: umm where are you seeing all these 60s and 70s cars around... i barely see any 80s cars around. 90s a lot even then its getting less and less. but 60s and 70s cars lol i think i would notice those cars.

I've been saything this since talk of the SS law hit the media. Perdue is full of shit and now he's being called out on it.

quoted and posted for the lazy.
yeah i heard Neal Boortz talk about this on the radio when the super speeder thing first go announced way back when. reps+ for finding it.:goodjob:

12-18-2009, 07:53 AM
I found it, but was lazy and just posted the link instead of pasting the whole article. ;) Thank you dopple for putting in the extra effort of actually posting the whole article. :goodjob: (No sarcasm, I actually mean that).

12-18-2009, 08:01 AM


12-18-2009, 10:46 AM
umm where are you seeing all these 60s and 70s cars around.

My driveway :bump:

Also, I see a good bit of them out on the roads, especially '70s trucks. Particularly on the 4 lanes around Cartersville, Rome, Calhoun, etc.

12-18-2009, 11:28 AM
My driveway :bump:

Also, I see a good bit of them out on the roads, especially '70s trucks. Particularly on the 4 lanes around Cartersville, Rome, Calhoun, etc.
if you see some around the metro area let me know lol

p.s. this so called law is garbage.

12-18-2009, 11:38 AM
if you see some around the metro area let me know lol

I see them all the time around metro area.

p.s. this so called law is garbage.

Why? Any real reason? Later, QD.

12-18-2009, 11:44 AM
I see them all the time around metro area.
well damn, take some pics, yes?

Why? Any real reason? Later, QD.
as stated in that article, by that dude.

12-18-2009, 11:46 AM
well damn, take some pics, yes?

I take pics all the time of old cars I see on the roads.

as stated in that article, by that dude.

No. How about you tell me your reason. Is this going to affect you and your wallet? Seriously, why do YOU think it's stupid? Later, QD.

12-18-2009, 12:00 PM
How often do you come through Hall Co\ounty Mike? Or go through smaller towns?

12-18-2009, 12:01 PM
I take pics all the time of old cars I see on the roads.
post them up?

No. How about you tell me your reason. Is this going to affect you and your wallet? Seriously, why do YOU think it's stupid? Later, QD.
because, if you stay the speed limit you will constantly keep getting passed by traffic. my biggest reason is most truckers speed. i have a fear of trucks running me over. so everytime i see a truck i either try to move away or speed up. in that sense, i know that one of those times i speed up a cop will be somewhere and get me. that's my main reason, other then that i know where i can go a little bit faster and where i can't.

12-18-2009, 12:07 PM
How often do you come through Hall Co\ounty Mike? Or go through smaller towns?

I don't go to Hall County a lot. I did when I was on the Wal-Mart account. I even went to several Gainesville Meets behind the Sonic when in that area on delivery. But on the account I'm on now, I don't go there very often at all.

post them up?

I have before. I have a folder that has nothing but old school Japanese cars that I actually see on the roads.

because, if you stay the speed limit you will constantly keep getting passed by traffic. my biggest reason is most truckers speed. i have a fear of trucks running me over. so everytime i see a truck i either try to move away or speed up. in that sense, i know that one of those times i speed up a cop will be somewhere and get me. that's my main reason, other then that i know where i can go a little bit faster and where i can't.

Lolol. Ok. So your fear is the reason behind this stupid law? Doesn't really make sense. This law is designed to at least keep speeders high speeds down some if they don't want to pay the excessively high fines. So if you're afraid of speeding truckers, wouldn't you want something in effect to try and slow those people? And alleviate these fears? Not to mention that I know FOR A FACT that most truckers don't go fast enough to be caught as a "super speeder" so it still wouldn't have any affect on you whether or not the law was here or not.

Bottom line is it doesn't make sense that you would be against something that is to slow down speeders if you're afraid of speeders. Later, QD.

12-18-2009, 12:13 PM
I have before. I have a folder that has nothing but old school Japanese cars that I actually see on the roads.
send it my way.

Lolol. Ok. So your fear is the reason behind this stupid law? Doesn't really make sense. This law is designed to at least keep speeders high speeds down some if they don't want to pay the excessively high fines. So if you're afraid of speeding truckers, wouldn't you want something in effect to try and slow those people? And alleviate these fears? Not to mention that I know FOR A FACT that most truckers don't go fast enough to be caught as a "super speeder" so it still wouldn't have any affect on you whether or not the law was here or not.

Bottom line is it doesn't make sense that you would be against something that is to slow down speeders if you're afraid of speeders. Later, QD.
most truckers that i see on 85 or 285 go 75-85 mph and they wont get caught because of their communication with each other. so it really wont slow them down. i highlt doubt that it will slow anyone down. people will just try to invest in better radar/laser detectors and try to be more careful.

12-18-2009, 12:18 PM
most truckers that i see on 85 or 285 go 75-85 mph and they wont get caught because of their communication with each other. so it really wont slow them down. i highlt doubt that it will slow anyone down. people will just try to invest in better radar/laser detectors and try to be more careful.

You will very rarely find a speeder on 285 (trucker). You will even more rarely find one exceeding 65 mph on 285. SO you don't see anyone going 75-85 on that freeway.

As far as I-85, you will also rarely see one in excess of 75mph. It just doesn't happen that often.

But again, my question stands....why would you think a law that has the potential to help you and your fears is stupid and be against it? Why would you NOT welcome anything that could possibly help you feel safer on the street? Is it because everyone else says it's stupid and you don't want to be chastised? I'm all for the law and no one is harping on me about it. Just good discussion. And I'm glad you're not thinking I'm clowning on you. Later, QD.

12-18-2009, 12:23 PM
You will very rarely find a speeder on 285 (trucker). You will even more rarely find one exceeding 65 mph on 285. SO you don't see anyone going 75-85 on that freeway.

As far as I-85, you will also rarely see one in excess of 75mph. It just doesn't happen that often.

But again, my question stands....why would you think a law that has the potential to help you and your fears is stupid and be against it? Why would you NOT welcome anything that could possibly help you feel safer on the street? Is it because everyone else says it's stupid and you don't want to be chastised? I'm all for the law and no one is harping on me about it. Just good discussion. And I'm glad you're not thinking I'm clowning on you. Later, QD.
i have seen countless truckers passing me while i'm going 70mph. some i didn't start to pass until i came to 85mph. not saying that all do it, but there is a good sum that do. no, i could care less what someone else has to say. i don't like it cause i know one of those times that i'm late somewhere or something goes worng and i speed ill get that extra $200 fine. when i got my first ticket 3 years ago there was some older man at court that said he had not got a ticket in 29 years! i don't see why the cop couldn't let him go if had not had one in such a long time. does that mean that he doesn't speed, not really. however, it could also mean that he doesn't. my point with that is, that you can speed that one time and get pulled over and have to pay the extra $200. nah, no clowning.

12-18-2009, 12:29 PM
i have seen countless truckers passing me while i'm going 70mph. some i didn't start to pass until i came to 85mph. not saying that all do it, but there is a good sum that do.

On 285? I can almost guarantee that you haven't seen a truck going over 75. I drive a truck. I have a CB. Everyone that goes on any part of that loop knows not to go that fast on there. As far as I-85, I'm not saying you've never seen one going that fast, but again, I'll guarantee you that you that there is not a good "sum" that do. It is not a countless number. Maybe, and I stress maybe, 1 out of every 25-30 trucks might hit 80.

my point with that is, that you can speed that one time and get pulled over and have to pay the extra $200. nah, no clowning.

As with anything in else in life, it only takes one time. As shitty as it is, it's the truth, lolol.

But you still haven't answered my question, lolol. I feel with what you've told me, that I've put a pretty big dent in your reasoning. Later, QD.

12-18-2009, 12:34 PM
On 285? I can almost guarantee that you haven't seen a truck going over 75. I drive a truck. I have a CB. Everyone that goes on any part of that loop knows not to go that fast on there. As far as I-85, I'm not saying you've never seen one going that fast, but again, I'll guarantee you that you that there is not a good "sum" that do. It is not a countless number. Maybe, and I stress maybe, 1 out of every 25-30 trucks might hit 80.
next time i will start taking little videos lol.

As with anything in else in life, it only takes one time. As shitty as it is, it's the truth, lolol.

But you still haven't answered my question, lolol. I feel with what you've told me, that I've put a pretty big dent in your reasoning. Later, QD.
yes that is the truth. so because of that one time i don't want to pay extra. i think tickets are fine the way they are now. we pay taxes, no? some of our tax money goes to the police departments and other things. so why should we have to pay an extra $200 for a ticket. if it's like that, then i don't want to pay all the taxes. i mean shit, i've been working for 6 months and they already took over $3,000 in taxes from me. i just see this law as the government taking more money from people.

12-18-2009, 12:37 PM
next time i will start taking little videos lol.

Sure thing.

yes that is the truth. so because of that one time i don't want to pay extra. i think tickets are fine the way they are now. we pay taxes, no? some of our tax money goes to the police departments and other things. so why should we have to pay an extra $200 for a ticket. if it's like that, then i don't want to pay all the taxes. i mean shit, i've been working for 6 months and they already took over $3,000 in taxes from me. i just see this law as the government taking more money from people.

Well, I love it. It doesn't hurt me in the least so I don't worry about it and have no valid reason to not like it. Later, QD.

12-18-2009, 12:43 PM
Well, I love it. It doesn't hurt me in the least so I don't worry about it and have no valid reason to not like it. Later, QD.
I mean, i do understand your reasoning behind it as to why you have nothing against it. it can always go either way.

12-18-2009, 02:20 PM
I don't go to Hall County a lot. I did when I was on the Wal-Mart account. I even went to several Gainesville Meets behind the Sonic when in that area on delivery. But on the account I'm on now, I don't go there very often at all. Later, QD.
I remember you coming to the Sonic meets. Only reason I was using Hall County as an example of saying small towns. Is because who's to say that a cop won't twist the law a little. You know, say you were going just a little faster so they can charge you with this to make a little extra off of you. I know Hall county and places like Mayesville, Gillsville, Pendergrass, and such will stretch the truth if they feel like it.

12-18-2009, 03:02 PM
I remember you coming to the Sonic meets. Only reason I was using Hall County as an example of saying small towns. Is because who's to say that a cop won't twist the law a little. You know, say you were going just a little faster so they can charge you with this to make a little extra off of you. I know Hall county and places like Mayesville, Gillsville, Pendergrass, and such will stretch the truth if they feel like it.

Ahhh. Well, you know me. I don't too much buy into the whole "all the police are out to get me" and conspiracy theory shit, so I can't really comment. Later, QD.

12-18-2009, 05:33 PM
I remember you coming to the Sonic meets. Only reason I was using Hall County as an example of saying small towns. Is because who's to say that a cop won't twist the law a little. You know, say you were going just a little faster so they can charge you with this to make a little extra off of you. I know Hall county and places like Mayesville, Gillsville, Pendergrass, and such will stretch the truth if they feel like it.

i just have to say your fucking stupid. do you really think they are going to up your speed to have you fined a extra $200.. please. if you are really that close to being that super speeder. why dont you ask to see the radar/laser gun... when it still says something different, ask to see their supervisor... shit gets serious then. they get brought up to the ethics board. cops really really dont like going up to the ethics board.

12-18-2009, 05:54 PM
i just have to say your fucking stupid. do you really think they are going to up your speed to have you fined a extra $200.. please. if you are really that close to being that super speeder. why dont you ask to see the radar/laser gun... when it still says something different, ask to see their supervisor... shit gets serious then. they get brought up to the ethics board. cops really really dont like going up to the ethics board.You haven't been to far into North Georgia have you?

12-18-2009, 05:55 PM
Ahhh. Well, you know me. I don't too much buy into the whole "all the police are out to get me" and conspiracy theory shit, so I can't really comment. Later, QD.I wasn't saying cops are out to get me, but you know there are those few ass hole cops around in every town.

12-18-2009, 11:50 PM
You haven't been to far into North Georgia have you?
but your still fucking stupid for thinking they are going to change the ticket to something higher. when you get pulled over how about it you make it the norm and ask to see the radar/laser gun. that way if your ticket comes up different then ask to see a higher up. file a complaint.... yeah your smart.:no:

01-01-2010, 10:15 AM
i just have to say your fucking stupid. do you really think they are going to up your speed to have you fined a extra $200.. please. if you are really that close to being that super speeder. why dont you ask to see the radar/laser gun... when it still says something different, ask to see their supervisor... shit gets serious then. they get brought up to the ethics board. cops really really dont like going up to the ethics board.

I tried that once. Cop simply changed the ticket from speeding to reckless and the speed never even entered into the argument. Then claimed he saw me "weaving" on a one lane road. Such BS. Truth is, law enforcement is not out to get you, but they are out to get your money. This law is nothing more than a revenue generator, by charging higher fines. If they were concerned about people's safety, they would start first by making it tougher to get your license in the first place, and making it more difficult to re-obtain your license after suspension. They're simply increasing the fines, because an unsafe driver who gets fined will simply pay the fine to drive again only to be be continually fined and pay more. A poor driver who must go to driving school and must have his license reinstated becomes a more safe driver, does not make the state any money for these so-called infractions. Its as simple as that.

Besides, it has been statistically shown that 2.9% of all crashes are caused by excessive speed. Riiiight. Looks like someone simply didn't balance the budget


So who wants to organize the protest?

01-01-2010, 12:09 PM
time to sell the Z06...

01-01-2010, 02:50 PM
So who wants to organize the protest?

Protest for what? Here's how you protest this and make it backfire. Don't "super speed." There. See how easy that is? You don't have to take time to write/type a letter. You don't have to take the time to stand in possible bad weather in front of the capitol. You don't have to see or talk to anyone. Just keep your right foot a little bit higher off the gas pedal. Later, QD.

01-01-2010, 03:16 PM
Protest for what? Here's how you protest this and make it backfire. Don't "super speed." There. See how easy that is? You don't have to take time to write/type a letter. You don't have to take the time to stand in possible bad weather in front of the capitol. You don't have to see or talk to anyone. Just keep your right foot a little bit higher off the gas pedal. Later, QD.

The Dalai Lama has spoken.

01-01-2010, 03:43 PM
i love how people think this affects everyone. and it will affect them, it only is going to affect the people that speed. if you dont want it to affect you... dont speed.... geez you people are soooo stupid.

01-01-2010, 03:45 PM
i love how people think this affects everyone. and it will affect them, it only is going to affect the people that speed. if you dont want it to affect you... dont speed.... geez you people are soooo stupid.


01-02-2010, 01:06 PM
I tried that once. Cop simply changed the ticket from speeding to reckless and the speed never even entered into the argument. Then claimed he saw me "weaving" on a one lane road. Such BS. Truth is, law enforcement is not out to get you, but they are out to get your money. This law is nothing more than a revenue generator, by charging higher fines. If they were concerned about people's safety, they would start first by making it tougher to get your license in the first place, and making it more difficult to re-obtain your license after suspension. They're simply increasing the fines, because an unsafe driver who gets fined will simply pay the fine to drive again only to be be continually fined and pay more. A poor driver who must go to driving school and must have his license reinstated becomes a more safe driver, does not make the state any money for these so-called infractions. Its as simple as that.

Besides, it has been statistically shown that 2.9% of all crashes are caused by excessive speed. Riiiight. Looks like someone simply didn't balance the budget


So who wants to organize the protest?

This is pretty much what I wanted to say. If you don't think that cops can...almost literally...get away with ANYTHING they want to, you have a lot to learn.

And it does happen far more often in small cities than it does urban areas. People claim it's a great source of income for the city, and that may or may not be true. I grew up in Maryville, TN....which had a population of about 13,000 - 16,000 people in it when I lived there. After moving to Atlanta, I was so amazed at how "relaxed" things were as far as law enforcement and management at businesses. The fact of the matter is, people that grow up in small towns are often times far less informed than people around big cities, and can be easily jerked about by people with authority, because they literally don't know any better. I was in my friend's Mustang one time when I was younger when he got pulled over while driving at 35mph. The cop came up, yelling at him, told him he was doing 50mph, and my friend said "No I wasn't, can I see your radar gun?" The cop LITERALLY said "It's not on my gun, I didn't need it...I could tell you were doing 45 - 50." My jaw dropped. After asking around about this situation, I found out that cops actually CAN legally do that....because they are "trained" to judge speed, so they can convict people WITHOUT having any type of speed documented on their laser or radar gun.

For the people saying "Oh, it's simple....just don't be a super speeder, duh!!" Well that DOES NOT make this change of law something that should be acceptable. If you only care about the changes to politics and law enforcement that ONLY pertain to you, then you are a pretty selfish person.

Would you be ok if they started fining Muslims, if you are Christian? Do you think it's ok for gay people to not get married, because you are straight and the law will never affect you? I could go on and on about certain things that are "issues" in our society that have no bearing on my personal life (and probably most of you guys as well), but that doesn't mean it's "ok" to make and enforce these laws....just because I personally will never be affected by it.

If you do the research to find what are ACTUALLY the highest risk for traffic fatalities, and compare that list to the amount of money, time, and new laws that are created to alleviate these problems, you'll understand that nobody gives a SHIT about safety, but speeding is by far the easiest way to suck money out of commuters.

01-02-2010, 01:18 PM
For the people saying "Oh, it's simple....just don't be a super speeder, duh!!" Well that DOES NOT make this change of law something that should be acceptable. If you only care about the changes to politics and law enforcement that ONLY pertain to you, then you are a pretty selfish person.

Would you be ok if they started fining Muslims, if you are Christian? Do you think it's ok for gay people to not get married, because you are straight and the law will never affect you? I could go on and on about certain things that are "issues" in our society that have no bearing on my personal life (and probably most of you guys as well), but that doesn't mean it's "ok" to make and enforce these laws....just because I personally will never be affected by it.

One big difference, dude, in your theory. This new add on is for a an already established criminal offense. So making an already criminal offense a little more sever is cool to me. The two examples you gave are not even remotely laws, let alone criminal offenses. Gay couples can either get married or they can't. The first example I really didn't get, lolol, so I can't comment. But you see what I'm saying? Just like burglary. If they decided this year to make it a mandatory 50 years for third offender burglars, I wouldn't care. I'm not a burglar. It's already a crime that they are just stiffening penalties for. Later, QD.

01-02-2010, 01:26 PM
this should be posted for all them guys doin hwy runs after moreland avenue goin more than 100 mph and stopin at 20 mph in the middle of the fukin hwy

Slow Motion
01-02-2010, 01:33 PM
One big difference, dude, in your theory. This new add on is for a an already established criminal offense. So making an already criminal offense a little more sever is cool to me. The two examples you gave are not even remotely laws, let alone criminal offenses. Gay couples can either get married or they can't. The first example I really didn't get, lolol, so I can't comment. But you see what I'm saying? Just like burglary. If they decided this year to make it a mandatory 50 years for third offender burglars, I wouldn't care. I'm not a burglar. It's already a crime that they are just stiffening penalties for. Later, QD.

Making an already criminal infraction more severe is cool. Till, you are wrongfully acussed. It does happen.

01-02-2010, 01:35 PM
Making an already criminal infraction more severe is cool. Till, you are wrongfully acussed. It does happen.

Ok. I guess you were aiming for a point? You're either wrongfully accused or your not. It doesn't matter the severity of the crime. Later, QD.

Slow Motion
01-02-2010, 02:08 PM
Ok. I guess you were aiming for a point? You're either wrongfully accused or your not. It doesn't matter the severity of the crime. Later, QD.

I thought I made my point. But, just in case I need to be clear. Here is an example. You are the safest driver in the world. You follow all traffic laws and rules of safe driving. One evening on your way home a minivan with a family is speeding down the road. They run a four way stop sign hit you and everyone in the minivan is killed. Now, a law that doesn't affect you because you are a safe driver was passed. And you are OK with this law because it is already criminal and you don't break the law ever. This new law states that if you are found guilty of vehicular homicide you will get the death penalty. Well, it just so happens that you are found to be the guilty party in the accident which kills an entire family. You are sentenced the death penalty. Your sentence is OK because you shouldn't have broken the law and when you break the law you pay the price. Whether it's the death penalty or $200. Right?

01-02-2010, 02:15 PM
I thought I made my point. But, just in case I need to be clear. Here is an example. You are the safest driver in the world. You follow all traffic laws and rules of safe driving. One evening on your way home a minivan with a family is speeding down the road. They run a four way stop sign hit you and everyone in the minivan is killed. Now, a law that doesn't affect you because you are a safe driver was passed. And you are OK with this law because it is already criminal and you don't break the law ever. This new law states that if you are found guilty of vehicular homicide you will get the death penalty. Well, it just so happens that you are found to be the guilty party in the accident which kills an entire family. You are sentenced the death penalty. Your sentence is OK because you shouldn't have broken the law and when you break the law you pay the price. Whether it's the death penalty or $200. Right?

Thank you for making it more clear, but in this instance, I believe that an investigation into the accident will prove that I wouldn't not be the guilty party. That's kind of stretching it a bit. But I see what you're getting at. That could be said for my burglary suspect. What if I'm the one that gets found guilty and I had nothing to do with it? My example wasn't very good, but it was a much better example the ones given by MY MAN LANKHOSS (lolol). I guess I can look the criminal act of speeding as a "cut and dry" case. You either are or you aren't. This is an act observed by police. So there is no mistaken identity. Later, QD.

Slow Motion
01-02-2010, 02:26 PM
Thank you for making it more clear, but in this instance, I believe that an investigation into the accident will prove that I wouldn't not be the guilty party. That's kind of stretching it a bit. But I see what you're getting at. That could be said for my burglary suspect. What if I'm the one that gets found guilty and I had nothing to do with it? My example wasn't very good, but it was a much better example the ones given by MY MAN LANKHOSS (lolol). I guess I can look the criminal act of speeding as a "cut and dry" case. You either are or you aren't. This is an act observed by police. So there is no mistaken identity. Later, QD.

Probably right, but I was just trying to give a for instance and conclusion that wasn't favorable and was after an investigation.

And yes speeding is cut dry, but I hate that someone can tell you that they just know you were speeding instead of having to have the device to read your speed. I know that in most cases though that they do have a laser to read a person's speed.
Good points QD..+10

01-02-2010, 02:29 PM
I thought I made my point. But, just in case I need to be clear. Here is an example. You are the safest driver in the world. You follow all traffic laws and rules of safe driving. One evening on your way home a minivan with a family is speeding down the road. They run a four way stop sign hit you and everyone in the minivan is killed. Now, a law that doesn't affect you because you are a safe driver was passed. And you are OK with this law because it is already criminal and you don't break the law ever. This new law states that if you are found guilty of vehicular homicide you will get the death penalty. Well, it just so happens that you are found to be the guilty party in the accident which kills an entire family. You are sentenced the death penalty. Your sentence is OK because you shouldn't have broken the law and when you break the law you pay the price. Whether it's the death penalty or $200. Right?
ever heard of the bill of rights. specifically the eight amendment. you know cruel and unusual punishment. geez you people are stupid.

Slow Motion
01-02-2010, 02:30 PM
ever heard of the bill of rights. specifically the eight amendment. you know cruel and unusual punishment. geez you people are stupid.

Making a point which was understood. May have been a little extreme but QD did understand. Thank you sir for your comment this new year. Also, did you read everything? I even clearified after the fact.

01-02-2010, 02:41 PM
I thought I made my point. But, just in case I need to be clear. Here is an example. You are the safest driver in the world. You follow all traffic laws and rules of safe driving. One evening on your way home a minivan with a family is speeding down the road. They run a four way stop sign hit you and everyone in the minivan is killed. Now, a law that doesn't affect you because you are a safe driver was passed. And you are OK with this law because it is already criminal and you don't break the law ever. This new law states that if you are found guilty of vehicular homicide you will get the death penalty. Well, it just so happens that you are found to be the guilty party in the accident which kills an entire family. You are sentenced the death penalty. Your sentence is OK because you shouldn't have broken the law and when you break the law you pay the price. Whether it's the death penalty or $200. Right?

This is a horrid example. What does the sentence have to be with being wrongfully convicted? You dont automaticly become not guilty if the sentence is reduced.

01-02-2010, 04:56 PM
One big difference, dude, in your theory. This new add on is for a an already established criminal offense. So making an already criminal offense a little more sever is cool to me. The two examples you gave are not even remotely laws, let alone criminal offenses. Gay couples can either get married or they can't. The first example I really didn't get, lolol, so I can't comment. But you see what I'm saying? Just like burglary. If they decided this year to make it a mandatory 50 years for third offender burglars, I wouldn't care. I'm not a burglar. It's already a crime that they are just stiffening penalties for. Later, QD.

I usually try to use a very extreme example to get my point across.

I find that speeding is such a gray area, because it's only a "crime" SIMPLY because a law states you're not supposed to be doing it. There really isn't any FACTUAL evidence that backs up the need for speed limits. American highways have always suffered higher fatalities per year than the Autobahn does, and people are doing over 150mph on that highway on a daily basis. If I steal, there's no argument...the crime was committed. There was something that somebody else owned, and now I own it without there being a legal transaction. If I kill someone, they are dead...period. Speeding, on the other hand.......isn't actually "criminal" until it becomes the cause of an accident. If I am doing 100mph on I-285 with no other traffic around, I'm not ACTUALLY committing a crime....other than the fact that there's a rule that says I shouldn't do that. You take into account that traffic violations can be so easily jacked up depending on who your judge, cop, prosecutor, etc are.......that it does infuriate me to see a statewide un-constitutional ammendment that will simply make more money for those who pocket the fines.

It's such a crooked and inconsistent system to begin with, and it does make me mad to see it become even MORE corrupt.

01-02-2010, 05:03 PM
I usually try to use a very extreme example to get my point across.

I find that speeding is such a gray area, because it's only a "crime" SIMPLY because a law states you're not supposed to be doing it. There really isn't any FACTUAL evidence that backs up the need for speed limits. American highways have always suffered higher fatalities per year than the Autobahn does, and people are doing over 150mph on that highway on a daily basis. If I steal, there's no argument...the crime was committed. There was something that somebody else owned, and now I own it without there being a legal transaction. If I kill someone, they are dead...period. Speeding, on the other hand.......isn't actually "criminal" until it becomes the cause of an accident. If I am doing 100mph on I-285 with no other traffic around, I'm not ACTUALLY committing a crime....other than the fact that there's a rule that says I shouldn't do that. You take into account that traffic violations can be so easily jacked up depending on who your judge, cop, prosecutor, etc are.......that it does infuriate me to see a statewide un-constitutional ammendment that will simply make more money for those who pocket the fines.

It's such a crooked and inconsistent system to begin with, and it does make me mad to see it become even MORE corrupt.

Being that you can be arrested for speeding, I believe it is considered a criminal act. I would think so anyway, but...... lolol.

I see what you mean and understand what you're saying completely. I can't argue your points. But as crooked as the system is (using your words because I don't know), it's one we have to live in until it is changed by whomever. So that's what I do. I abide by the rules that are given out to me. This isn't a law that is a personal invasion of privacy, so I don't worry about it. Therefore I don't worry about the higher fines associated with it.

I will agree with you, though, that I hate to see the country in about 10-20 years. It almost makes me sad to have brought children into this world with the way it shaping up. I hate to think of what they will be inheriting from us. Later, QD.

01-02-2010, 05:03 PM
Thank you for making it more clear, but in this instance, I believe that an investigation into the accident will prove that I wouldn't not be the guilty party. That's kind of stretching it a bit. But I see what you're getting at. That could be said for my burglary suspect. What if I'm the one that gets found guilty and I had nothing to do with it? My example wasn't very good, but it was a much better example the ones given by MY MAN LANKHOSS (lolol). I guess I can look the criminal act of speeding as a "cut and dry" case. You either are or you aren't. This is an act observed by police. So there is no mistaken identity. Later, QD.

I think this is why you and I disagree on subjects like this. You trust that the system is just, and.....I just don't believe it is. It's all up to interpretation, and the mood of the prosecuting side. If it was much more consistant, I might lean more towards your side. When I start hearing on a normal basis, that when "A Person broke B law and got C punishment" no questions, deviations, or anything else.......then I'll have more faith in the system. But it doesn't work that way, and adding harsher punishments to crimes only adds more possible corrupt actions for the enforcement side.

The fact that I have yet to see any conclusive evidence that proves we need a speed limit in the first place, makes me even more frustrated with the political side of this specific subject.

01-02-2010, 05:14 PM
I think this is why you and I disagree on subjects like this. You trust that the system is just, and.....I just don't believe it is.

I won't necessarily say (and I never have said) that the system is just and fair. I know it's not. I just didn't grow up questioning things and rebellious. I learned to obey the laws I was given and did/do so. In return, I've never had run ins with the law (other than traffic stops), nor have a I ever had a bad experience with any LEOs. And because of all that is why I say "I don't know" from a personal level. I've gown up a happy person. Happy with what I have and what I do. Never had a government induced reason not to be. I guess that's why I feel the way I do.

But I do agree that there are lots of issues that could really be worked on. We can agree there, buddy.

The fact that I have yet to see any conclusive evidence that proves we need a speed limit in the first place, makes me even more frustrated with the political side of this specific subject.

I do think that without a speed limit AT ALL, there would be complete chaos on the road. I could see certain interstates not having speed limits in certain parts, but abolishing all speed limits everywhere would be a disaster.

BTW, +94 for the good discussion. Later, QD.

01-02-2010, 05:48 PM
I did 105 on a 35 to celebrate the super speeder law yesterday.

FUCK THAT SHIT, its all about money. Safety my ass!

01-02-2010, 06:41 PM
I won't necessarily say (and I never have said) that the system is just and fair. I know it's not. I just didn't grow up questioning things and rebellious. I learned to obey the laws I was given and did/do so. In return, I've never had run ins with the law (other than traffic stops), nor have a I ever had a bad experience with any LEOs. And because of all that is why I say "I don't know" from a personal level. I've gown up a happy person. Happy with what I have and what I do. Never had a government induced reason not to be. I guess that's why I feel the way I do.

But I do agree that there are lots of issues that could really be worked on. We can agree there, buddy.

I do think that without a speed limit AT ALL, there would be complete chaos on the road. I could see certain interstates not having speed limits in certain parts, but abolishing all speed limits everywhere would be a disaster.

BTW, +94 for the good discussion. Later, QD.

I can see how you view things like these, as if you've been able to live your life happily while never having run ins with law enforcement, that unless there was some sort of blatant abuse law enforcement was getting away with, it wouldn't really be much of an issue to you. I used to actually feel the same way when I was younger. Believe it or not, aside from traffic tickets I've never had problems with the law. So I used to get annoyed by people I knew who hated cops and complained about them all the time. Ironically enough, it always seemed liked the bigger the trouble makers they were, the worse they hated law enforcement.....go figure.

I still don't have problems with cops, and actually have more good stories about personal interactions with cops than bad ones. My issue isn't really the cops themselves though, but the system. Even when cops do behave inappropriately....I often times rarely blame them personally, as when you take a corrupt system and give people a lot of power within it....it is designed to be abused, and most certainly will be.

So in situations like this, I get more angry at the system, rather than the people involved with it. If there was a big story about a cop who badly mistreated a civilian.....I probably wouldn't be to upset about that, as that is a reaction to something. But when I see a big change to the system itself (which allows, and in ways motivates this kind of behavior) which only damages civilians while giving them MORE power to abuse, I get upset.

I know it does me no good to get worked up over things I can't control, but I can't help that I feel the way I do. At some point, this WILL affect me...one way or another (I do BELIEVE that, although I may not be able to prove it). I know you don't feel the same way, and in this discussion where we disagree, I actually envy your stance on it. ha ha

Thanks for the reps, I enjoy being able to have a civil discussion with someone that has opposing views. :goodjob:

01-02-2010, 08:40 PM
I can see how you view things like these, as if you've been able to live your life happily while never having run ins with law enforcement, that unless there was some sort of blatant abuse law enforcement was getting away with,

No, lolol, I never got away with anything before. I have literally never stolen anything, done any form of drug or done anything (aside from minor traffic violations) to be accosted by police.

I used to actually feel the same way when I was younger.

Lolol. You say that like I'm the young one here. I have 8 years on you, Son, lolol.

I actually envy your stance on it. ha ha

Thanks for the reps, I enjoy being able to have a civil discussion with someone that has opposing views. :goodjob:

Lolol, cool. And yes. See I used to get all bull-headed with name calling and all that shit. It's easier to just have rational discussions about things. That way we can both understand the other's point of view. Later, QD.

Crazy Asian
01-03-2010, 02:31 AM
Let me rephrase...I like this law because Im sick and tired of hearing people being killed of someone else's stupidity. Though I gripe more about people who go below 5-10 below the speed limit. Even when the conditions are fine meaning no rain no nothing. Peachtree Industrial at 8 AM, 2 lanes blocked because two people thought it would be wonderful to go 45 in a 55.

01-03-2010, 04:25 PM
Protest for what? Here's how you protest this and make it backfire. Don't "super speed." There. See how easy that is? You don't have to take time to write/type a letter. You don't have to take the time to stand in possible bad weather in front of the capitol. You don't have to see or talk to anyone. Just keep your right foot a little bit higher off the gas pedal. Later, QD.

Yes, but I'd rather see the law repealed. Virginia did something similar to its citizens and after 3 months, they sued the state for unfair treatment of its citizens, which caused the law to be repealed. The super speeder law is simply to make money in the supposed name of safety, and it probably will save a few lives, but the law is misplaced justice to simply make a politician look good.

Louisiana passed similar legislation back in 07, which will probably do a bit more for safety. The rolling roadblock law. Those who are caught lingering in the left lane, impeding traffic will receive a $175 ticket. This will generate the money needed AND improve traffic for citizens as well as safety.

Having a potential $400 fine for being 15mph over the limit in some areas is crazy. Maybe 90mph+ would make sense, and certainly in residential areas it is understandable as others have said, but it is unnecessarily heavy handed and purely written to make money. Police officers are enforcers of the law; not armed tax collectors.

01-03-2010, 04:55 PM
Yes, but I'd rather see the law repealed. Virginia did something similar to its citizens and after 3 months, they sued the state for unfair treatment of its citizens, which caused the law to be repealed. The super speeder law is simply to make money in the supposed name of safety, and it probably will save a few lives, but the law is misplaced justice to simply make a politician look good.

Louisiana passed similar legislation back in 07, which will probably do a bit more for safety. The rolling roadblock law. Those who are caught lingering in the left lane, impeding traffic will receive a $175 ticket. This will generate the money needed AND improve traffic for citizens as well as safety.

Having a potential $400 fine for being 15mph over the limit in some areas is crazy. Maybe 90mph+ would make sense, and certainly in residential areas it is understandable as others have said, but it is unnecessarily heavy handed and purely written to make money. Police officers are enforcers of the law; not armed tax collectors.

Again. Don't speed. Problem solved. Government isn't making that extra money you say they are after. To me it just seems easier to not speed than to complain about it. Later, QD.

01-03-2010, 07:22 PM
Again. Don't speed. Problem solved. Government isn't making that extra money you say they are after. To me it just seems easier to not speed than to complain about it. Later, QD.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm forming a petition.

01-03-2010, 08:45 PM
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm forming a petition.

As long as you do something, I see nothing wrong with your complaining. It's complainers who don't do shit that suck. Props to you. Later, QD.

01-12-2010, 07:08 PM
No, lolol, I never got away with anything before. I have literally never stolen anything, done any form of drug or done anything (aside from minor traffic violations) to be accosted by police.

Lolol. You say that like I'm the young one here. I have 8 years on you, Son, lolol.

Lolol, cool. And yes. See I used to get all bull-headed with name calling and all that shit. It's easier to just have rational discussions about things. That way we can both understand the other's point of view. Later, QD.

Sorry for the late response, I haven't been on here for a bit.

I think you misunderstood my statement, and after reading that horrible run-on sentence I understand why ;-) What I meant was, I can see how law enforcement wouldn't "bother" you unless THEY got away with blatant abuse that would personally affect you.

And I know you are older than me, I was just saying that at a different point in my life I completely agreed with you, but I do see things differently now.

01-12-2010, 09:37 PM
Sorry for the late response, I haven't been on here for a bit.

I understand that, man.

I think you misunderstood my statement, and after reading that horrible run-on sentence I understand why ;-) What I meant was, I can see how law enforcement wouldn't "bother" you unless THEY got away with blatant abuse that would personally affect you.

And I know you are older than me, I was just saying that at a different point in my life I completely agreed with you, but I do see things differently now.

Lolol. And I understand this as well, now. We'll just see how it goes down the road.

Later, QD.