View Full Version : GSRtegŪ= Great Seller Honest man!!!!

11-22-2009, 08:44 PM
GotMilk got one of his dogs and had some problems , so I took him and I have to say this is a SUPER dog, eyes are super clean and his coat is super clean , great color , looks very well taken care of,,,,

My wife and son are sooooooo Happy to have him in our family.... Thanks JR for your info , and I hope you get your dogs sold to other good familys!!

BTW we named him chance, he looks like chance off homeward bound and and he has a 2nd chance with a new family so Chance is his name!

11-23-2009, 03:54 PM
No problem man glad to see that the dog is in good hands and is doing well. Thanks for taking him in and giving a warm loving home with your family.