View Full Version : So now I see why.

11-16-2009, 09:14 AM
People don't report Illegal Immigrants anymore really. It cost you a processing fee just to send the form in for review. Which in turn could take a week or more to get reviewed and passed or denied. Then in either case whether they find the illegals or not, your still out money. Jesus what a great country we live in. Sorry just sorta pissed off from something with health care that happened to me again today.

11-16-2009, 09:15 AM

11-16-2009, 09:23 AM
I just let roadblocks and INS take care of it.

11-16-2009, 09:40 AM
Yeah instead of getting this country back on track and giveing jobs to true americans we just let the illegals take them cause there "cheap labor". It truly id some dumb shit. INS is a joke. they dont care that there in this country illegally. when illegals can hold an organized public rally and INS is no where to be found, ya know there just there to collect paychecks.. plus they wanna legalize every ilegal here just because.

11-16-2009, 09:56 AM
Yeah instead of getting this country back on track and giveing jobs to true americans we just let the illegals take them cause there "cheap labor". It truly id some dumb shit. INS is a joke. they dont care that there in this country illegally. when illegals can hold an organized public rally and INS is no where to be found, ya know there just there to collect paychecks.. plus they wanna legalize every ilegal here just because.

Yeah instead of getting this country back on track and giving jobs to true americans, we just let the illegals take them cause of their "cheap labor". It truly is some dumb shit. INS is a joke. they don't care that they're in this country illegally. When illegals can hold an organized public rally and INS is no where to be found, you know they're just there to collect paychecks.. plus they wanna legalize every illegal here just because.

Look "kasper". If you're going to try and look like you know what you're talking about, at least spell things properly and use the right words, you imbecile. Everything you just said is a bunch of nonsense.

b@d @pple
11-16-2009, 10:00 AM
Look "kasper". If you're going to try and look like you know what you're talking about, at least spell things properly and use the right words, you imbecile. Everything you just said is a bunch of nonsense.


11-16-2009, 10:57 AM
I'm happy no one has tried throwing the racist card yet.

11-16-2009, 11:06 AM
I'm happy no one has tried throwing the racist card yet.


11-16-2009, 11:07 AM
Look "kasper". If you're going to try and look like you know what you're talking about, at least spell things properly and use the right words, you imbecile. Everything you just said is a bunch of nonsense.Wow, are we editing peoples sentences. Pretty lame considering this is the internet, and not english 101.

11-16-2009, 11:17 AM
I also think that we shouldn't have to adapt to them. Anyone who comes here from a foreign country should have to adapt to our ways and customs. Learn our language, and not the other way around like it is now. I honestly get tired of seeing more things in Spanish and not getting service at some place because I'm white. When it should go in order of who was in line at the place first. Like what happened today when I went to go to the doctor.

11-16-2009, 11:35 AM
Wow, are we editing peoples sentences. Pretty lame considering this is the internet, and not english 101.

Don't you think it's a bit ironic that someone wants to look like they know what they're talking about, and then look like complete imbeciles while doing it? It's like reading a news paper article on an important issues with spelling/grammar errors. Wouldn't take it seriously would you? In a serious discussion such as this, I'd say it's prominent that you don't look like a fool when trying to make a point.

11-16-2009, 11:57 AM
lol at this thread...

Ps. reporting illegal immigrants? Are you serious? Come on man I never would have thought you were a snitch... Especially, on something so insignificant... I mean its one thing if they’re committing actual crimes... But are you going to start following cars to make sure they’re not going over the speed limit either.... So u got some shitty service somewhere.. It happens everywhere and from all different races....


11-16-2009, 12:01 PM
lol at this thread...

Ps. reporting illegal immigrants? Are you serious? Come on man I never would have thought you were a snitch... Especially, on something so insignificant... I mean its one thing if they’re committing actual crimes... But are you going to start following cars to make sure they’re not going over the speed limit either.... So u got some shitty service somewhere.. It happens everywhere and from all different races....

Lol it's nothing like. It's a lot more than meets the eye. Actually, they are committing serious crimes. Like IE: The wasting of MILLIONS OF TAX PAYER DOLLARS so they can sit on there ass and live better than most people who work like bitches all week live.

11-16-2009, 12:06 PM
Lol it's nothing like. It's a lot more than meets the eye. Actually, they are committing serious crimes. Like IE: The wasting of MILLIONS OF TAX PAYER DOLLARS so they can sit on there ass and live better than most people who work like bitches all week live.

What about the billions of tax dollars that are collected every year from these same illegal aliens paychecks at major companies... who never do their taxes at the end of the year because they used a fake tax id number.. where do those loads of money go... and im sorry to say so but ive seen plenty of whites, blacks, blues, yellows, greens, whatever you want to call them all using WIC, and food stamps... so it goes both ways

11-16-2009, 12:08 PM
cat got your keyboard?

11-16-2009, 12:10 PM
What about the billions of tax dollars that are collected every year from these same illegal aliens paychecks at major companies... who never do their taxes at the end of the year because they used a fake tax id number.. where do those loads of money go... and im sorry to say so but ive seen plenty of whites, blacks, blues, yellows, greens, whatever you want to call them all using WIC, and food stamps... so it goes both waysNever said it did. Btw, did you read my post entirely? I never once singled out any race in that post. But, since you insisted I was referring to Hispanics by posting about this. Then obviously you see a problem with that particular race yourself.

11-16-2009, 12:21 PM
Never said it did. Btw, did you read my post entirely? I never once singled out any race in that post. But, since you insisted I was referring to Hispanics by posting about this. Then obviously you see a problem with that particular race yourself.

you confuse me with the last sentence of your post..its just not making any sense to me...

Either way this really isnt a big issue to me... I'm an illegal alien to this country.... but ive also live here over 20 years of my life as well as have served in the military here so maybe im a different type of "illegal immigrant".lol.not your typical sit on the couch and live of the gov't type......

since i really dont understand where you are going with this ill simply end the discussion...

enjoy your crusade towards getting rid of all those pesky immigrants who sit on the couch once theyre done with their 90hour work week...lol...

11-16-2009, 12:30 PM
you confuse me with the last sentence of your post..its just not making any sense to me...

Either way this really isnt a big issue to me... I'm an illegal alien to this country.... but ive also live here over 20 years of my life as well as have served in the military here so maybe im a different type of "illegal immigrant".lol.not your typical sit on the couch and live of the gov't type......

since i really dont understand where you are going with this ill simply end the discussion...

enjoy your crusade towards getting rid of all those pesky immigrants who sit on the couch once theyre done with their 90hour work week...lol...Lol I've known you for a while now on here and never knew you were illegal lol. I'm not talking about those that come here for wherever to make a better life for themselves. I'm all for a person making their life better. That's good and all but I do hate the ones the mooch off the rest of us who bust ass just to make ends meet. That's where I was intending to go with this thread.

11-16-2009, 01:05 PM
you confuse me with the last sentence of your post..its just not making any sense to me...

Either way this really isnt a big issue to me... I'm an illegal alien to this country.... but ive also live here over 20 years of my life as well as have served in the military here so maybe im a different type of "illegal immigrant".lol.not your typical sit on the couch and live of the gov't type......

since i really dont understand where you are going with this ill simply end the discussion...

enjoy your crusade towards getting rid of all those pesky immigrants who sit on the couch once theyre done with their 90hour work week...lol...

..... if you came into this country with permission you're not illegal. If you served in the US military that means your a citizen. YOU'RE NOT ILLEGAL. Also 95% of illegal immigrants get paid under the table. They don't use a tax ID and they don't pay any taxes. THAT'S the problem. Now, if you're illegal, but you work a job, pay your taxes, and live your life like an american, working towards citizenship that's fine. However, most of the illegals i've met come here to get some money to send back home to their family. They have no intentions of contributing to america. They just want to take the money they make back home.

11-16-2009, 01:10 PM
Well if you look, you can live pretty well off for a good while in Mexico with a few thousand American dollars.

11-16-2009, 01:24 PM
Look "kasper". If you're going to try and look like you know what you're talking about, at least spell things properly and use the right words, you imbecile. Everything you just said is a bunch of nonsense.

Thanks for correcting everything.. sorry im not a natural speller.. as i recall ive actaully said i cant spell work a fuck. But ya know.. since ya wanna be all high and mighty.. can ya follow me around and fix all the rest of the spelling i do wrong? just so ya know everyone knows what im saying cause i guess your calling everyone to stupid to relize what im saying. so if a could just correct the rest of my spelling.. k thanks mam.

11-16-2009, 01:31 PM
..... if you came into this country with permission you're not illegal. If you served in the US military that means your a citizen. YOU'RE NOT ILLEGAL. Also 95% of illegal immigrants get paid under the table. They don't use a tax ID and they don't pay any taxes. THAT'S the problem. Now, if you're illegal, but you work a job, pay your taxes, and live your life like an american, working towards citizenship that's fine. However, most of the illegals i've met come here to get some money to send back home to their family. They have no intentions of contributing to america. They just want to take the money they make back home.

We didn't come with permission to this country. Our parents brought us over as illegals. We did obtain citizenship, allowing Hektik to join the military

Can you show me your statistic where your concrete 95% is a fact, instead of just a random number you feel is correct? Actually, a lot of the immigrants do get Tax ID's so that they can get a better paying job instead of the typical "standing at home depot" that they're known for. Plus, you need at least a Tax ID to be able to open up a bank account, get a cell phone, or do just about anything here. It's pretty clear your "95%" is just a tad bit off :rolleyes:

Now, not contributing to this country? How so? Because the illegal immigrants here are doing the jobs that the lazy citizens here don't want to do? They're doing the jobs the lazy citizens here feel they're too "good" to do? Or are they "not contributing" by allowing these lazy ass people to sit at home, and I quote from the OP, "drink my problems away," and live off the government because, well afterall, that's what "their" government is here for? :rolleyes: Get outta here with that man. Don't be upset that these people are here and want to work and make way below minimum wage to support their families and attempt to put their kids through school. Money makes the world go round. You think they'd rather pay a citizen who demands healthcare, vacation pay, holiday pay, sick days off, and a bonus every 6 months, only to turn around and claim workers comp on them because he dropped a plank on his toe? Or an illegal who takes orders, does what he has to without questioning out of fear, works for under minimum wage, and allows the company to report a lower earning so that THEY can file lower taxes and cheat out THEIR own government? Come on man....

11-16-2009, 01:32 PM
Thanks for correcting everything.. sorry im not a natural speller.. as i recall ive actaully said i cant spell work a fuck. But ya know.. since ya wanna be all high and mighty.. can ya follow me around and fix all the rest of the spelling i do wrong? just so ya know everyone knows what im saying cause i guess your calling everyone to stupid to relize what im saying. so if a could just correct the rest of my spelling.. k thanks mam.

If you didn't bother to take the time to learn how to spell and write, why should we believe you took the time to actually research and read and inform yourself on any of the bs you just wrote?

11-16-2009, 01:38 PM
Yeah I have a real Tax ID (I should really start using the fucking thing). Funny thing happened today folks. According to the news last night, Gwinnett County - starting today will be inforcing some "send all the illegal fucks back to mexico" act. Apparently they want to be like Cobb country now. Ghey...

November 16th, 2009. I will remember this day.

11-16-2009, 01:40 PM
Yes I was drinking my problems away at the time VIA UNEMPLOYMENT. Also its not that hard to get phony I.D.'s these days. You don't need shit to get a cell phone either, just get a Metro PCS phone. They do mooch off the system with health care and food stamps. Like I also said, but somehow it doesn't count, that I am all for some one trying to better their life. I don't about where you live, but where I'm from, I see the illegals every day. Not just Hispanics either. I know quiet a few myself, but I respect them for the most part because they are trying to make their life better. Besides it doesn't take much to find loop holes in our great gov.'t that will allow you legal or not to get what you want for the most part.

11-16-2009, 01:41 PM
Yes I was drinking my problems away at the time VIA UNEMPLOYMENT.

This is why The United States of America is soo fucked up. White people "drinking" their problems away!!


11-16-2009, 01:44 PM
They do mooch off the system with health care and food stamps..

And you think blacks or whites don't fucking cheat the system too? GTFOUTTA HERE!!! Illegals aren't allowed to have health care - which is why the majority of them rely on nyquil and tylenol to cure their sickness.

11-16-2009, 01:44 PM
This is why The United States of America is soo fucked up. White people "drinking" their problems away!!

Hey man I have the right to spend my set aside for fun money the way I want. My unemployment expires this week btw which blows but o well shit happens. I've been to probably 20 interviews in the past month but no luck. No luck what so ever or how good the interview goes and how interested the person(s), that is interviewing me, is in me

11-16-2009, 01:47 PM
And you think Blacks or whites don't fucking cheat the system too? GTFOUTTA HERE!!! Illegals aren't allowed to have health care - which is why the majority of them rely on nyquil and tylenol to cure their sickness.Yet again, did I say that it's just one race? NO I DID NOT. Read my statements and you will see that Alex. Also, not true. They use free clinics. Doesn't take much to forge documents and when you take in the fact that free clinics don't really thoroughly check most of them. Even if they did, they could simply just go to another one in a different county or town under a new name and keep it going.

11-16-2009, 01:47 PM
Hey man I have the right to spend my set aside for fun money the way I want. My unemployment expires this week btw which blows but o well shit happens. I've been to probably 20 interviews in the past month but no luck. No luck what so ever or how good the interview goes and how interested the person(s), that is interviewing me, is in me

No jobs? Then move away from that hicksville of yours, and move to buford hwy. I'm sure that you could work at some place down there and become an illegal mexican's bitch. If money is what you seek then being someone's bitch shouldn't be a problem.

11-16-2009, 01:48 PM
Yet again, did I say that it's just one race? NO I DID NOT. Read my statements and you will see that Alex. Also, not true. They use free clinics. Doesn't take much to forge documents and when you take in the fact that free clinics don't really thoroughly check most of them. Even if they did, they could simply just go to another one in a different county or town under a new name and keep it going.

Haha, who blessed you with such great knowledge?

11-16-2009, 01:52 PM
No jobs? Then move away from that hicksville of yours, and move to buford hwy. I'm sure that you could work at some place down there and become an illegal mexican's bitch. If money is what you seek then being someone's bitch shouldn't be a problem.Gainesville is far from a hick town per say. Now when you talk about Lula and such, yeah then your striking it with hick towns.

11-16-2009, 01:52 PM
We didn't come with permission to this country. Our parents brought us over as illegals. We did obtain citizenship, allowing Hektik to join the military

Can you show me your statistic where your concrete 95% is a fact, instead of just a random number you feel is correct? Actually, a lot of the immigrants do get Tax ID's so that they can get a better paying job instead of the typical "standing at home depot" that they're known for. Plus, you need at least a Tax ID to be able to open up a bank account, get a cell phone, or do just about anything here. It's pretty clear your "95%" is just a tad bit off :rolleyes:

Now, not contributing to this country? How so? Because the illegal immigrants here are doing the jobs that the lazy citizens here don't want to do? They're doing the jobs the lazy citizens here feel they're too "good" to do? Or are they "not contributing" by allowing these lazy ass people to sit at home, and I quote from the OP, "drink my problems away," and live off the government because, well afterall, that's what "their" government is here for? :rolleyes: Get outta here with that man. Don't be upset that these people are here and want to work and make way below minimum wage to support their families and attempt to put their kids through school. Money makes the world go round. You think they'd rather pay a citizen who demands healthcare, vacation pay, holiday pay, sick days off, and a bonus every 6 months, only to turn around and claim workers comp on them because he dropped a plank on his toe? Or an illegal who takes orders, does what he has to without questioning out of fear, works for under minimum wage, and allows the company to report a lower earning so that THEY can file lower taxes and cheat out THEIR own government? Come on man....

Coming here illegally i could care less about. It's not contributing to the US and just getting money i do care about. ALSO FYI, bank of america will allow illegal immigrants to open an account with no Tax ID or anything. Just gotta show up and give a name. Boost mobile or any pay as you go plan that you can pick up from just about any store will allow you to get a cell phone without a tax id or any form of ID. Cash is king. Based off the fact that you didn't know either of these things ill file your statement under "doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about" and disregard the rest of it. You seem like an enlightened chap, but you clearly have not done your research on this subject.

11-16-2009, 01:52 PM
Yes I was drinking my problems away at the time VIA UNEMPLOYMENT. Also its not that hard to get phony I.D.'s these days. You don't need shit to get a cell phone either, just get a Metro PCS phone. They do mooch off the system with health care and food stamps. Like I also said, but somehow it doesn't count, that I am all for some one trying to better their life. I don't about where you live, but where I'm from, I see the illegals every day. Not just Hispanics either. I know quiet a few myself, but I respect them for the most part because they are trying to make their life better. Besides it doesn't take much to find loop holes in our great gov.'t that will allow you legal or not to get what you want for the most part.

I'm in Gwinnett!! I'm in the heart of the illegal immigrants in Atlanta! I actually see a couple from time to time at family events.

And during your time of unemployment, you weren't leeching off the system? You didn't claim unemployment? Tax ID's are the easiest things to come across, whether fake or real. But when that factory down the street accepts that Tax ID, guess what, that employee is now paying those taxes you say he isn't. And then guess what, he doesn't bother claiming them back at the end of the year. Ouch, really hurting the IRS isn't it? :rolleyes: Then they go and get those cellphones and support these big American corporations, making the economy a tad bit better. I mean, these companies don't want more customers and don't want to make more money right? And the government doesn't want them getting more business and paying more taxes either right? Come on man, you can't dig yourself out of this one. I got sick when I was a kid, i'd get a home remedy. One of my "citizen" friends got sick, they were in the hospital in 2 minutes. Don't go around complaining and judging on topics you DON'T know much about

11-16-2009, 01:53 PM
Haha, who blessed you with such great knowledge?On which part? The part where I am able to remember what I type and read it if I need too? Or my proof?

11-16-2009, 01:53 PM
Coming here illegally i could care less about. It's not contributing to the US and just getting money i do care about. ALSO FYI, bank of america will allow illegal immigrants to open an account with no Tax ID or anything. Just gotta show up and give a name. Boost mobile or any pay as you go plan that you can pick up from just about any store will allow you to get a cell phone without a tax id or any form of ID. Cash is king. Based off the fact that you didn't know either of these things ill file your statement under "doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about" and disregard the rest of it.

Thanks, read the post below yours :goodjob:

11-16-2009, 01:54 PM
Hey man I have the right to spend my set aside for fun money the way I want. My unemployment expires this week btw which blows but o well shit happens. I've been to probably 20 interviews in the past month but no luck. No luck what so ever or how good the interview goes and how interested the person(s), that is interviewing me, is in me

Look at the pot calling the kettle black. And YOU'RE mad that illegals mooch off the sytem :lmfao:

11-16-2009, 01:54 PM
Coming here illegally i could care less about. It's not contributing to the US and just getting money i do care about. ALSO FYI, bank of america will allow illegal immigrants to open an account with no Tax ID or anything. Just gotta show up and give a name. Boost mobile or any pay as you go plan that you can pick up from just about any store will allow you to get a cell phone without a tax id or any form of ID. Cash is king. Based off the fact that you didn't know either of these things ill file your statement under "doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about" and disregard the rest of it.

I used an ID and my Tax ID number to get my Wachovia account.

I don't like bank of america. :p

11-16-2009, 01:56 PM
I need someone smarter than Matt to post in here. That way I can really start using my brain.

11-16-2009, 01:56 PM
Coming here illegally i could care less about. It's not contributing to the US and just getting money i do care about. ALSO FYI, bank of america will allow illegal immigrants to open an account with no Tax ID or anything. Just gotta show up and give a name. Boost mobile or any pay as you go plan that you can pick up from just about any store will allow you to get a cell phone without a tax id or any form of ID. Cash is king. Based off the fact that you didn't know either of these things ill file your statement under "doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about" and disregard the rest of it. You seem like an enlightened chap, but you clearly have not done your research on this subject.

Research has been done and experience has been lived

11-16-2009, 01:57 PM
I'm in Gwinnett!! I'm in the heart of the illegal immigrants in Atlanta! I actually see a couple from time to time at family events.

And during your time of unemployment, you weren't leeching off the system? You didn't claim unemployment? Tax ID's are the easiest things to come across, whether fake or real. But when that factory down the street accepts that Tax ID, guess what, that employee is now paying those taxes you say he isn't. And then guess what, he doesn't bother claiming them back at the end of the year. Ouch, really hurting the IRS isn't it? :rolleyes: Then they go and get those cellphones and support these big American corporations, making the economy a tad bit better. I mean, these companies don't want more customers and don't want to make more money right? And the government doesn't want them getting more business and paying more taxes either right? Come on man, you can't dig yourself out of this one. I got sick when I was a kid, i'd get a home remedy. One of my "citizen" friends got sick, they were in the hospital in 2 minutes. Don't go around complaining and judging on topics you DON'T know much about
LOL if you say so chief. This is a problem I deal with on a daily basis. I'm not to proud to work anywhere. I've tried applying at chicken plants, gas stations, fast food restaurants with no luck. Also, I have bills to pay so don't give me any shit about drawing unemployment when you would do the same fucking thing. I don't have health insurance right now and I have been deaf in one ear with a little bleeding every now and again for over a month. Tell me what home remedy will cure that? Hell I hate going to a doctor and I very rarely get sick. But it's bad when you try going somewhere that helps people in need of medical attention that can't afford and you can't be seen because you are white.

11-16-2009, 01:58 PM
So before you go off on that, your just another white racist mother fucker, bull shit trip. Don't act like you know my reasons for seeing the things the way I do when you don't live my life.

11-16-2009, 02:00 PM


11-16-2009, 02:01 PM
Look at the pot calling the kettle black. And YOU'RE mad that illegals mooch off the sytem :lmfao:Um lets see, I have car insurance to pay to keep my transportation available for when i do get reemployed. I have a cell phone bill to pay since that is my only source of communication if I do get a job. I have a house payment to pay, along with utilities. So don't start giving me that shit.

11-16-2009, 02:02 PM

CAN THE REAL SLIM SHADY PLEASE STAND UP. MATT, I REPEAT, STAND UP YA CRACKER FACE.Me to, thank god I'm half Cheerokee Indian, Part Scottish, and part European.

11-16-2009, 02:14 PM
Then save your money bro. Don't go on spending it on alcohol thinking it will make things better temporarily. You don't even have a job yet and you're already making plans on what bike you're going to buy and where you're going to spend the money you haven't even made.

11-16-2009, 02:21 PM
Then save your money bro. Don't go on spending it on alcohol thinking it will make things better temporarily. You don't even have a job yet and you're already making plans on what bike you're going to buy and where you're going to spend the money you haven't even made.Like I said in that thread about when I get another bike, I was only stating what bike I would be getting when that time comes. If things do balance out for me like I'm hoping they will, I should be back on my feet in a couple of months. I was only drinking at the time because I had some liquor left.

11-16-2009, 02:21 PM
Then save your money bro. Don't go on spending it on alcohol thinking it will make things better temporarily. You don't even have a job yet and you're already making plans on what bike you're going to buy and where you're going to spend the money you haven't even made.

Haha, he did make some "I'm gonna buy a bike when I make this much money" thread. Asking what kind of bikes IA recommended lol

11-16-2009, 02:24 PM
Haha, he did make some "I'm gonna buy a bike when I make this much money" thread. Asking what kind of bikes IA recommended lolActually you're wrong. I said what bike I am am debating on getting when I am able too. Big difference.

11-16-2009, 02:26 PM
Concentrate on finding a job first.

11-16-2009, 02:29 PM
Yeah instead of getting this country back on track and giveing jobs to true americans we just let the illegals take them cause there "cheap labor". It truly id some dumb shit. INS is a joke. they dont care that there in this country illegally. when illegals can hold an organized public rally and INS is no where to be found, ya know there just there to collect paychecks.. plus they wanna legalize every ilegal here just because.

but my brown lawnboy can cut the hell out of some grass. I dont want him to leave! and all my hedges are squared off just the way I like em and he edges my driveway....

* sigh * ill miss the little guy

11-16-2009, 02:29 PM
^Trust me I am. You have never rode a bike have you? It's as addicting as crack or heroin for some. I only had a bike as my main mode of transportation for a very long time until I had to sell it to keep my bills paid. I loved that bike more than my drumset. If you are a muscian, you would understand what I meant by that.

11-16-2009, 02:31 PM
^Trust me I am. You have never rode a bike have you? It's as addicting as crack or heroin for some. I only had a bike as my main mode of transportation for a very long time until I had to sell it to keep my bills paid. I loved that bike more than my drumset. If you are a muscian, you would understand what I meant by that.

Crack or heroin? Sorry dude, but I've never tried either of those drugs. I'm not hardcore enough. Also, I know what you mean - about your drumset. I once had a flute that I enjoyed playing so fucking much. It's sad to see something like that go.

11-16-2009, 02:35 PM
Crack or heroin? Sorry dude, but I've never tried either of those drugs. I'm not hardcore enough.Neither am I, but it's an example or figure of speech if you will about how addicting something can be. I mean if you consider how addicting those two things are supposed to be. The most I have done is smoke pot when I was younger, take a few pills like tabs, percs, zannies, methadone, special k, and drink alcoholic beverages. Which now days all I do is drink a beer or mixed drink on occasions.

11-16-2009, 02:36 PM
Yea I'm sure your quiet the musician Alex.

11-16-2009, 02:37 PM
Which now days all I do is drink a beer or mixed drink on occasions.

Yeah, I'm sure you enjoy those apple martinis.

11-16-2009, 02:45 PM
I really don't like Vodka.

11-16-2009, 04:41 PM
Yeah instead of getting this country back on track and giveing jobs to true americans we just let the illegals take them cause there "cheap labor". It truly id some dumb shit. INS is a joke. they dont care that there in this country illegally. when illegals can hold an organized public rally and INS is no where to be found, ya know there just there to collect paychecks.. plus they wanna legalize every ilegal here just because.

Spelling and Grammatical errors aside, when you want to pick fruit, or build houses for under minimum wage, then bitch about them getting jobs. The mindset of "these illegal immigrants" is the right one, do what you can, and make what you can from it because a little bit of money is better than no money. People were so excited when minimum wage was raised to $7.25, but didn't think about the consequences of the things we buy going up in price and companies having to lay off workers because they couldn't afford to pay the same number of employees at a higher rate.

11-16-2009, 06:51 PM
I repeat
lol at this thread...

I'm in Gwinnett!! I'm in the heart of the illegal immigrants in Atlanta! I actually see a couple from time to time at family events.
and aint that the truth...:lmfao:

11-16-2009, 07:46 PM
If you didn't bother to take the time to learn how to spell and write, why should we believe you took the time to actually research and read and inform yourself on any of the bs you just wrote?

Actually i did take the time to learn how to read, write, and spell.. But just because its not a strong suit of mine. doesnt mean that i dont take the time to do things. Just because someone doesnt excel at one thing means there bad at everything? Im glad that your great at everything.

11-16-2009, 08:14 PM
Hey man I have the right to spend my set aside for fun money the way I want. My unemployment expires this week btw which blows but o well shit happens.

You're the last person that should be making a thread about illegal immigrants mooching off the system.

I've been to probably 20 interviews in the past month but no luck. No luck what so ever or how good the interview goes and how interested the person(s), that is interviewing me, is in me

Maybe if you stopped blaming illegal immigrants, your luck, the person that interviewed you, or any other external factor and focused on improving yourself your life wouldn't be so shitty.

11-16-2009, 10:43 PM
^ How about you go suck a dick lol. How is having unemployment mooching off the system? When, you were laid off from your job and you still have bills coming in. You are trying to get another job but no luck and you still need money coming in. Unemployment is one of the many taxes you pay. So if you ever need it, it should be there. But I do not like it when a person that hasn't paid in takes from it. Now that is what you call mooching. Big fucking difference from what I done.

11-17-2009, 09:48 AM
^ How about you go suck a dick lol. How is having unemployment mooching off the system? When, you were laid off from your job and you still have bills coming in. You are trying to get another job but no luck and you still need money coming in. Unemployment is one of the many taxes you pay. So if you ever need it, it should be there. But I do not like it when a person that hasn't paid in takes from it. Now that is what you call mooching. Big fucking difference from what I done.

Why not go work at McDonalds, or call a Garbage removal service and go work for them....

11-17-2009, 10:08 AM
Me to, thank god I'm half Cheerokee Indian, Part Scottish, and part European.

and full retard.

you said you qualified for the marines so go do that. You have a new plan every month. you're gonna join the marines, then you're gonna join a band, then you're gonna do nothing. wtf dude, DO SOMETHING.

11-17-2009, 10:50 AM
Why not go work at McDonalds, or call a Garbage removal service and go work for them....
Construction. That shit sucks ass for what you get paid.
Trust me I know.

11-17-2009, 10:59 AM
and full retard.

you said you qualified for the marines so go do that. You have a new plan every month. you're gonna join the marines, then you're gonna join a band, then you're gonna do nothing. wtf dude, DO SOMETHING.I was gonna join a Marine but I only have one thing stopping me. A simple traffic ticket from eairlier this year that my lawyer is waiting out for it to be dismissed. Right now I do have a band and we are working towards getting about 30 songs down before trying to get a actual show.

11-17-2009, 10:59 AM
Construction. That shit sucks ass for what you get paid.
Trust me I know.

Its a job, which is more than what he has right now.

11-17-2009, 11:01 AM
I was gonna join a Marine but I only have one thing stopping me. A simple traffic ticket from eairlier this year that my lawyer is waiting out for it to be dismissed. Right now I do have a band and we are working towards getting about 30 songs down before trying to get a actual show.

What kind of "band" needs 30 songs before getting a show? No one is wanting to listen to 30 songs of you crying about how you slit your wrists.

Trust me, it's been done. The type of music is Emo. You can stop now.

11-17-2009, 11:03 AM
What kind of "band" needs 30 songs before getting a show? No one is wanting to listen to 30 songs of you crying about how you slit your wrists.

Trust me, it's been done. The type of music is Emo. You can stop now.

Probably the only thing Autumn has said that has made me lirl.

Seriously. Why suck at 30 songs when you can suck at 15 and actually have a set?

11-17-2009, 11:04 AM
Why not go work at McDonalds, or call a Garbage removal service and go work for them.... I've tried applying at McDonald's. But every one of the three times I applied, I got a phone call after about a week saying that I'm over qualified for the positions they currently have open. Bad luck I guess.

11-17-2009, 11:05 AM
Its a job, which is more than what he has right now.
Yeah that's what I'm trying to get at.

11-17-2009, 11:06 AM
What kind of "band" needs 30 songs before getting a show? No one is wanting to listen to 30 songs of you crying about how you slit your wrists.

Trust me, it's been done. The type of music is Emo. You can stop now.Autumn. Your a fucking retard so pleas go back to doing the only talent you have which is sucking dick. You don't just start out playing your songs. When you get a show you need cover songs to get attention to your band. Even if you played a show you still need enough songs to cover about a 2-3 period at least. Now really the only shows you are gonna get is being a cover band. So you need as many songs as possible.

11-17-2009, 11:08 AM
Probably the only thing Autumn has said that has made me lirl.

Seriously. Why suck at 30 songs when you can suck at 15 and actually have a set?LOL if you say so. But I can actually play. Believe me or not it's whatever. You guys really have no idea about getting your name out there or and kind of band stuff.

11-17-2009, 11:09 AM
Autumn. Your a fucking retard so pleas go back to doing the only talent you have which is sucking dick. You don't just start out playing your songs. When you get a show you need cover songs to get attention to your band. Even if you played a show you still need enough songs to cover about a 2-3 period at least. Now really the only shows you are gonna get is being a cover band. So you need as many songs as possible.

really? that's all you got. by the way, i honestly don't care. you'll never be famous.

11-17-2009, 11:12 AM

DAmn, Are you telling him to set himself on fire? WOWWEEE :lmfao::lmfao:

11-17-2009, 11:14 AM
really? that's all you got. by the way, i honestly don't care. you'll never be famous.Who said that I want to be famous? I play music because I enjoy music. Besides you have a one in about two million shot of making it anyways.

11-17-2009, 11:17 AM
I was gonna join a Marine but I only have one thing stopping me. A simple traffic ticket from eairlier this year that my lawyer is waiting out for it to be dismissed. Right now I do have a band and we are working towards getting about 30 songs down before trying to get a actual show.

If that's all that's stopping you i say you pay the ticket and join the corps and get on with your life. Best decision you'll ever make at this point. You can't find a job, you're not going anywhere in life ( no offense ) and the corps is a guaranteed paycheck . Better cowboy the fuck up and start living.

11-17-2009, 11:19 AM
If that's all that's stopping you i say you pay the ticket and join the corps and get on with your life. Best decision you'll ever make at this point. You can't find a job, you're not going anywhere in life ( no offense ) and the corps is a guaranteed paycheck . Better cowboy the fuck up and start living.Nah if I don't fight this ticket I'll loose my job. And how am I supposed to pay it with no money? I was also told by three different recruiting officers that because I have a few other tickets on my record over the last seven years they would have to do a lot of shit to get me on. So I dunno if I could even join because I have a few speeding tickets on my record.

11-17-2009, 11:20 AM
Fortune and fame are only $10 away...


11-17-2009, 11:21 AM
Nah if I don't fight this ticket I'll loose my job. And how am I supposed to pay it with no money? I was also told by three different recruiting officers that because I have a few other tickets on my record over the last seven years they would have to do a lot of shit to get me on. So I dunno if I could even join because I have a few speeding tickets on my record.

... Thought you didn't have a job? You can't loose a job, but you can lose one.

11-17-2009, 11:32 AM
... Thought you didn't have a job? You can't loose a job, but you can lose one.That came out wrong. I meant for it to say if I don't fight it I'll loose my chance at a few jobs. Wow I misspelled or misused a word now the worlds gonna end. Grow up.

11-17-2009, 11:34 AM
Fortune and fame are only $10 away...

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii64/TIKESHABOYD/MURDERDOGADcopy.jpgYea if you wanna give your money away then sure. I already have a place that we can record our stuff with when we get it ready. It's at a friend of mines house in is home made studio that actually sounds like your in a professional studio. But for real tho, they are charging you for free information you can find if you aren't to lazy to do some research for yourself.

11-17-2009, 11:35 AM
That came out wrong. I meant for it to say if I don't fight it I'll loose my chance at a few jobs. Wow I misspelled or misused a word now the worlds gonna end. Grow up.If eye reed ur resume wit spelling airors eye wood not higher U

11-17-2009, 11:40 AM
LOL if you say so. But I can actually play. Believe me or not it's whatever. You guys really have no idea about getting your name out there or and kind of band stuff.

I did the band thing. Then I grew up. I played shows and all that good stuff. Used to be big into the scene. Then I realized that the bills wouldn't get paid by dreaming about shit. Maybe you should realize it too

11-17-2009, 11:40 AM
If eye reed ur resume wit spelling airors eye wood not higher UDo you think I would really go back and proof read what I say in the Whoreslounge to make sure it's perfect? Hell no. Now with my cover letter, resume, and reference list, I have gotten a shit load of complements for the people that have interviewed me.

11-17-2009, 11:41 AM
I did the band thing. Then I grew up. I played shows and all that good stuff. Used to be big into the scene. Then I realized that the bills wouldn't get paid by dreaming about shit. Maybe you should realize it tooDo you think that I would just rely on a band to pay my bills? I do it in my spare time as fun be cause I enjoy playing music. Dude your like a few months older than me and your trying to act like a dad. Maybe you should get that corn cob out of your ass so you want think so high and mighty of yourself.

11-17-2009, 11:47 AM
Do you think that I would just rely on a band to pay my bills? I do it in my spare time as fun be cause I enjoy playing music. Dude your like a few months older than me and your trying to act like a dad. Maybe you should get that corn cob out of your ass so you want think so high and mighty of yourself.

Lets talk about you insignificant dweeb. I have a job, I pay my own bills and don't sit on an online forum bitching about how pitiful my life is. Maybe you should use as much effort trying to find a job as you do bitching about someone else not fixing your fucking life for you.

Every dumbass comment you post, is another page of another application you could have put in at a prospective employer...

And Age, is just a number. Maturity is something else. A mature person wouldn't be posting this useless dribble all over the internet. Especially considering that any number of prospective employers could see this.

11-17-2009, 11:47 AM
That came out wrong. I meant for it to say if I don't fight it I'll loose my chance at a few jobs. Wow I misspelled or misused a word now the worlds gonna end. Grow up.

well matt, if you fill out an application and put that you loosed your other job, they may not hire you.. food for thought.

Again, if you were serious about marines you wouldn't give a fuck about other jobs. Stop dilly dallying and use your welfare money to pay the god damn ticket or sell your god damn drumb set and get in the corps. Clearly you're not serious and you really don't give too much of a fuck.

11-17-2009, 11:51 AM
Lets talk about you insignificant dweeb. I have a job, I pay my own bills and don't sit on an online forum bitching about how pitiful my life is. Maybe you should use as much effort trying to find a job as you do bitching about someone else not fixing your fucking life for you.

Every dumbass comment you post, is another page of another application you could have put in at a prospective employer...You are a moron. How are you gonna tell me what I do every day? How do you know I don't go out during the morning and look for a job? That's usually what most common people do. I use monster and careerbuilder to spread my resume out. Lets see I pay my own bills too with or without a job. That's why I'm worried because I might loose my place to live if something doesn't happen very soon.

11-17-2009, 11:52 AM
You are a moron. How are you gonna tell me what I do every day? How do you know I don't go out during the morning and look for a job? That's usually what most common people do. I use monster and careerbuilder to spread my resume out. Lets see I pay my own bills too with or without a job. That's why I'm worried because I might loose my place to live if something doesn't happen very soon.


11-17-2009, 11:53 AM
well matt, if you fill out an application and put that you loosed your other job, they may not hire you.. food for thought.

Again, if you were serious about marines you wouldn't give a fuck about other jobs. Stop dilly dallying and use your welfare money to pay the god damn ticket or sell your god damn drumb set and get in the corps. Clearly you're not serious and you really don't give too much of a fuck.Lol welfare money? I wad drawing unemployment. Also the unemployment, for the most part, is pad by the previous employer. I tried selling my drums set, but no luck except for low ballers that didn't wanna pay more than $500 bucks for a $3000 dollar setup. I do care but I also need as less tickets on my record as possible too.

11-17-2009, 11:54 AM

11-17-2009, 11:54 AM
you've misspelled LOSE five fucking hundred times in this thread matt. That means your an imbecile, not making a "mistake".

11-17-2009, 11:55 AM
Lol welfare money? I wad drawing unemployment. Also the unemployment, for the most part, is pad by the previous employer. I tried selling my drums set, but no luck except for low ballers that didn't wanna pay more than $500 bucks for a $3000 dollar setup. I do care but I also need as less tickets on my record as possible too.

If that $500 pays off your ticket and gets you in the corps then that's all you need sweetcheeks. Again, stop dilly dallying, sell what you need to sell, pay off the stupid fucking ticket and get in the corps, IF YOU'RE ACTUALLY SERIOUS ABOUT IT. If not stop whining.

11-17-2009, 11:55 AM
you've misspelled LOSE five fucking hundred times in this thread matt. That means your an imbecile, not making a "mistake".One word I misused a few times. Wow strike me dead. If everyone on here had all of their post examined, my god at the errors you would find.

11-17-2009, 11:57 AM
If that $500 pays off your ticket and gets you in the corps then that's all you need sweetcheeks. Again, stop dilly dallying, sell what you need to sell, pay off the stupid fucking ticket and get in the corps, IF YOU'RE ACTUALLY SERIOUS ABOUT IT. If not stop whining.I just wanna know where you people got I am whining about not having a job? Hell this thread wasn't even started about be not having a job. But yet somehow, I confront a problem in the U.S. and get jumped for it? Jesus Christ didn't even get jumped this bad.

11-17-2009, 11:57 AM
If that $500 pays off your ticket and gets you in the corps then that's all you need sweetcheeks. Again, stop dilly dallying, sell what you need to sell, pay off the stupid fucking ticket and get in the corps, IF YOU'RE ACTUALLY SERIOUS ABOUT IT. If not stop whining.

Kris, you might as well give up.. You've said the same thing about 7 times in this thread. He would rather bitch about not having a job than do anything to get one.

Matt, the Marine Corp. has recruiters. These people get paid to get you in. In turn, that means, it behooves them, to get you a job. Why not pay your ticket off, and let them do the leg work and red tape bullshit...

11-17-2009, 11:58 AM
I just wanna know where you people got I am whining about not having a job? Hell this thread wasn't even started about be not having a job. But yet somehow, I confront a problem in the U.S. and get jumped for it? Jesus Christ didn't even get jumped this bad.

I would be more than happy to nail you to a cross if I thought you would shut the fuck up.

11-17-2009, 12:14 PM
Kris, you might as well give up.. You've said the same thing about 7 times in this thread. He would rather bitch about not having a job than do anything to get one.

Matt, the Marine Corp. has recruiters. These people get paid to get you in. In turn, that means, it behooves them, to get you a job. Why not pay your ticket off, and let them do the leg work and red tape bullshit...

truth :\

11-17-2009, 12:25 PM
he has an excuse for everything. Matt, if you really wanted to join the corps, you sell your drumbs and whatever else you had to, pay off your ticket and get in! period. clearly you are not very serious.

11-17-2009, 03:30 PM
Who said that I want to be famous? I play music because I enjoy music. Besides you have a one in about two million shot of making it anyways.

Why exactly do you want to be on stage again?

11-17-2009, 03:30 PM
I was told by them it would be better to wait until my lawyer gets it throw-d out. Reason being, they said it would look better for me when I do join.

11-17-2009, 03:30 PM
Why exactly do you want to be on stage again?LOL you must not be able to read.....

11-17-2009, 06:21 PM
LOL you must not be able to read.....

Nothing wrong with my reading abilities. However, your inability to actually put out a coherent thought is something to wonder about.

11-18-2009, 12:06 PM
I would be more than happy to nail you to a cross if I thought you would shut the fuck up.

buahahahhahahahahahahahah funniest shit in this thread.....

11-18-2009, 12:55 PM
Nothing wrong with my reading abilities. However, your inability to actually put out a coherent thought is something to wonder about.You said what I wanted to be on stage. I sad many times in this thread that I play the drums.

Also how the fuck did this thread turn into about me, instead of the issue that needs to be addressed instead of constantly being swept under the rug.

11-18-2009, 03:31 PM
You said what I wanted to be on stage. I sad many times in this thread that I play the drums.

Also how the fuck did this thread turn into about me, instead of the issue that needs to be addressed instead of constantly being swept under the rug.

Why focus on something like illegal immigration. We send someone back and they will cross the border again. You bitched that "they" were taking jobs. But yet I find that the jobs they take, are the ones that no one else will. And they work a lot cheaper. You want to do something about it, get minimum wage lowered. Then it wont be more appealing for an employer to hire someone illegally...