View Full Version : photo, video, & music editing people...v. GETURASSESINHERE

11-13-2009, 08:46 PM
I've been on the fence about what kinda laptop (Jobs vs. Gates) I am gonna get. I have done research and people basically ask "what will be its intended use", etc. SO I am asking YOU to help decide based on this new knowledge...

What do "cool" people use for web surfing, music, video, and photo editing, multi-tasking, email, etc...?

I really wanna know what quasi-professionals (recreational users) like myself are doing their best work with...

I don't wanna make this a pc vs mac thing cuz goD knows we have enough of those arguments...just gimme some decent input. You can just assume that my budget is $1500 or so...


11-14-2009, 05:30 AM
You can use anything for web surfing, listening to music or sending your email. You don't even need a computer for that anymore... most cell phones will do all 3 of those things by themselves.

Photo editing - photoshop is the most popular, GIMP is free and almost as good (though trickier to use)

Unless you are working on huge photos, the monitor will be more important than the clock speed you get. Make sure to get an LCD monitor that uses IPS or VA technology. Most LCD monitors are TN panels which suck for viewing angle and color reproduction.

As for whether you should get a Mac or Win laptop... it depends on what you want to spend. Macbook prices are almost ridiculous.... even used ones. PC will get you more bang for your buck, but a Macbook Pro will get you more cred when you plug in at the coffee shop (lol)

11-14-2009, 06:06 PM
go mac if you want reliability,performance,and support that isn't from somewhere else and doesn't really give a shit about you or your problem.the only advantage a pc has over a mac is the third-party applications support.other than that,the mac beats and surpasses a pc in every way including pricing unfortunately,lol.

11-14-2009, 07:39 PM
sorry I didn't clarify...I wanna have the ability to MAKE music in my spare time...lol

thanx for the responses so far

11-14-2009, 11:41 PM
i biased towards PC b/c that was the first pc i ever had. I love the 3rd party apps available for it and i'm familiar with it. I also use PC at work and that def is a plus not having to work with 2 platforms back and forth.

What do "cool" people use for web surfing, music, video, and photo editing, multi-tasking, email, etc...? - Prob both. Look at market share and you'll see PC has the advantage. Both platforms can do everything above well.

On the other hand my boss switched to Mac for his home pc b/c he didn't want to have to worry about viruses etc. It got to a point where his PC locked up / slowed down. Keep in mind he is just a user he couldn't fix any pc problems on his own. Told him about the dual boot for Mac and he was sold on it. He loves it and boots into Windows for work when he needs to. I'm thinking you could dual boot on the Mac Book, but IDK. GL...