View Full Version : Outdoors 2 Questions

10-22-2009, 01:13 PM
First, I have a tri-pod in a clear cut that i saw 2 does in last weekend, but its kinda close to houses(safe to hun there, have permission, rural area), and I have a climber about 200 yards further in the woods on the property line where I can tell they are jumping the fence into the propery. Where should I hunt saturday?

Second, Anyone else playing if its brown its down this weekend?lol

10-22-2009, 11:42 PM
Haha. I'm playing if it's brown, it's down. In my opinion, I would never hunt near a house, but if I had to, my back would always to to them. It's just not worth the risk. Plus, if your stand is in a good spot, you should be able to see further anyway.