View Full Version : "I'll be a high school drop out before I change the way I dress"...

10-09-2009, 07:57 AM
Should students be able to cross-dress at school if they want to?

That’s the question for a public school in Kennesaw, Ga., which is demanding one of its male students dress in a more “manly” fashion for class.

As the Atlanta Constitution reports, 16-year-old transfer student Jonathan Escobar began attending North Cobb High School wearing wigs, make-up, skinny jeans, vintage tops and women’s flats.

Packs of kids gathered around him in the cafeteria, and the school's assistant principal even blamed a fight on Escobar's theatrical attire.

On his third day at the school, Escobar showed up wearing a pink wig. He was approached by a school official who told him he could either stop dressing in this typically feminine manner or consider home-schooling.

Citing a school dress code that prohibits students from wearing clothing that may "contribute to a disruption of school functions," the school stands by its decision to confront Escobar on his outfits.

But a student group on Facebook called "Support Jonathan" has over 1,000 members protesting the decision. Organizers have printed bright pink T-shirts emblazoned with that slogan, which many students plan to wear to school to show their displeasure, the Atlanta paper reports.

Escobar sees the school's edict as an infringement on his creative expression. "If I can't express myself, I won't go to school," he told the paper. "I want to get the message out there that because this is who I am, I can't get an education."


Later, QD.

10-09-2009, 08:03 AM
i head about the jonathan guy today on the radio while driving in to work. i don't get people like him nor do i want to understand them. he shouldn't be allowed to go to school like that. when i was in high school we had a far worse case of a cross dresser then he is. he would get picked on and got an ass whooping from the girls when he/she went into the girls bathroom. i just don't see how someone could be so fucked up in the head to be dressing that way.

10-09-2009, 08:04 AM
beat the gay out of the child.

problem solved.

mocha latte cupcake
10-09-2009, 08:17 AM
beat the gay out of the child.

problem solved.

i second that.

10-09-2009, 08:19 AM
beat the gay out of the child.

problem solved.
lmao... is that what happened to you??

i heard about the interview he had with q100 this morning. of all the things to fight for, this is down there on the list. goodjob, girly boy

10-09-2009, 08:32 AM
I see it as it being a distraction in class. what are the parents thinking letting their child take off to school in womens clothes anyway. To each his own and what he does on his own time is his decision but going to school this way should not be accepted.

10-09-2009, 08:34 AM
I see it as it being a distraction in class. what are the parents thinking letting their child take off to school in womens clothes anyway. To each his own and what he does on his own time is his decision but going to school this way should not be accepted.

Apparently the parents didn't like the idea of his gay manners. He's from miami and he moved up to live with his older sister here because of his parents disapproval.

10-09-2009, 08:34 AM
his older sister (his guardian) is the one who had to give him permission to drop out, too, because you can't on your own until you're 18

10-09-2009, 08:37 AM
lmao @ the students in support. they just wanna see this kid keep looking like a fagmo and the faculty deal with it. They wanna do anything that bothers the faculty.

P.S. That kid looks REALLLLLLLY HOMO.

10-09-2009, 08:40 AM
lmao @ the students in support. they just wanna see this kid keep looking like a fagmo and the faculty deal with it. They wanna do anything that bothers the faculty.

P.S. That kid looks REALLLLLLLY HOMO.

he really looks like you.

10-09-2009, 08:41 AM
Great. So he will be uneducated and gay. I say duct tape him naked and throw him in the girls locker room right before a softball game.

10-09-2009, 08:42 AM
I personally say let him wear what he wants. If he defines himself as a female, let him do it. Most of the students would get used to it after a couple weeks and then it wouldn't be a big fuss anymore.

10-09-2009, 08:42 AM
It's BS, fuckstick like that just do it for the attention...which is all the more reason to not allow such shenanigans. I agree with the school. Someone needs to kick his little nancy ass....and the asses of his "supporters". Stupid kids these days....out of all the freedoms we have in this country...you're going to "protest" and mage a big deal because some shitstick is crying for attention?

Is there really any question that people are getting dumber and dumber?

10-09-2009, 08:42 AM
lmao @ the students in support. they just wanna see this kid keep looking like a fagmo and the faculty deal with it. They wanna do anything that bothers the faculty.

P.S. That kid looks REALLLLLLLY HOMO.
HAHAHA That's so true.

10-09-2009, 08:43 AM
he really looks like you.

you think so?

http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs220.snc1/8723_1238957617481_1335507199_1145545_3470772_n.jp g%5D http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2009/10/09/alg_jonathan_escobar_vid.jpg


10-09-2009, 08:45 AM
It's BS, fuckstick like that just do it for the attention...which is all the more reason to not allow such shenanigans. I agree with the school. Someone needs to kick his little nancy ass....and the asses of his "supporters". Stupid kids these days....out of all the freedoms we have in this country...you're going to "protest" and mage a big deal because some shitstick is crying for attention?

Is there really any question that people are getting dumber and dumber?

again, they're just protesting to piss off the faculty. they could give a fuck less about this kid. i guarantee it.

10-09-2009, 08:45 AM
you think so?

http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs220.snc1/8723_1238957617481_1335507199_1145545_3470772_n.jp g%5D http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2009/10/09/alg_jonathan_escobar_vid.jpg


actually yeah.:lmfao:

10-09-2009, 08:45 AM
actually yeah.:lmfao:

maybe he's my long lost child... i fucked a whole lotta women in the Army..


wait, he's 16. too hold. whew.

10-09-2009, 08:46 AM
BTW.... +1 for more schools with uniforms.

10-09-2009, 08:47 AM
I kinda see it. Lmao Yeah....send him to Mexico.

10-09-2009, 08:47 AM
you think so?

http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs220.snc1/8723_1238957617481_1335507199_1145545_3470772_n.jp g%5D http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2009/10/09/alg_jonathan_escobar_vid.jpg

i definitely see the similarities :D

10-09-2009, 08:47 AM
BTW.... +1 for more schools with uniforms.

***** can still dress gay in uniform. he could put on the skirt and long socks with the wig and make up.. technically he'd be in uniform.. i think that'd be worse.. i also think you said this just cuz you want to see him in this attire :eek:

10-09-2009, 08:52 AM
shit if they have uniforms and he wears the female one, as long as he wears it correctly, then whatever. but then again, he's the one that didnt' want to be in school anymore. good luck going anywhere with a sophomore education and dressing like a girl

10-09-2009, 08:52 AM
Again, you guys don't get it. I've met people like this before - they don't do it for attention, its because they see themselves as female. This dude is probably on hormones and everything.

If this went on back when I was in high school, I wouldn't have cared. As long as the gay/transgendered people don't hit on me. :lmao:

ITT: Close minded people

10-09-2009, 08:55 AM
shit if they have uniforms and he wears the female one, as long as he wears it correctly, then whatever. but then again, he's the one that didnt' want to be in school anymore. good luck going anywhere with a sophomore education and dressing like a girl

:no::no::no::no: fag.

and he was destined for failure the day he started dressing like a girl.

10-09-2009, 08:55 AM
It doesn't matter why he does it. If you kick him in the balls he will get sick just like the rest of us. Therefore someone should kick him in the balls to remind him that he is a boy.

edit: let it be known that I am against kicking non gays in the balls. That is mean

10-09-2009, 08:57 AM
Again, you guys don't get it. I was like this before - i didn't do it for attention, its because i saw myself as female.

our bad. forgot you did this in highschool. . Tell us, what was it like for you? Did the faculty tell you to go home?

10-09-2009, 08:57 AM

Later, QD.

Witch Outfit.

I honestly feel sorry for the guy. :screwy::no:

You can't come to school dressed like "Barney" so he shouldn't be dressed like a woman.

10-09-2009, 09:05 AM
our bad. forgot you did this in highschool. . Tell us, what was it like for you? Did the faculty tell you to go home?


Seriously though, he isn't bothering anyone and from what I read he asked Cobb County if it was acceptable to wear girls clothes (which they approved) before he even registered to go to the school.

10-09-2009, 09:14 AM
I don't give a shit what he wears or if he's gay but this is school. You go there to learn, not for a fashion show. Dress decent for school and put on your wig as soon as the final bell rings.

I think more schools should have uniforms. Kids are getting so damn stupid these days, they need to learn as much as possible instead of sitting around talking about some dude's dress.

10-09-2009, 09:19 AM
you think so?

http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs220.snc1/8723_1238957617481_1335507199_1145545_3470772_n.jp g%5D http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2009/10/09/alg_jonathan_escobar_vid.jpg


uh no, a better fit:

he looks like this guy

10-09-2009, 09:22 AM
uh no, a better fit:

he looks like this guy

Haha Bckie = "Young Rowe"

That's your rap name bckie.

Hell is bckie anyway? BECKY????

10-09-2009, 09:22 AM
uh no, a better fit:

he looks like this guy

yea true that. except im more manly.

10-09-2009, 09:26 AM
I personally say let him wear what he wants. If he defines himself as a female, let him do it. Most of the students would get used to it after a couple weeks and then it wouldn't be a big fuss anymore.
lol couldn't be more wrong... when we first saw that we had a cross dresser back when i was in high school he would get picked on the whole year... it never died till he graduated

10-09-2009, 09:26 AM
Shit like this is why schools should require uniforms.
Problem solved.

10-09-2009, 09:26 AM
he just needs to have the jocks beat the shit out of him after school one day

10-09-2009, 09:27 AM
Haha Bckie = "Young Rowe"

That's your rap name bckie.

Hell is bckie anyway? BECKY????

b = byron
c = can
k = kill
i = in
e = extremities

i'm byron. i was an army ranger. get it?

10-09-2009, 09:28 AM
Shit like this is why schools should require uniforms.
Problem solved.


10-09-2009, 09:40 AM
What does it even matter? Is this distraction any worse then the obnoxious kids who don't give a shit and are just there because no child left behind doesn't let the teachers kick them out? I mean as long as he/she/it isn't running around screaming LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!! Who cares? Like Jecht said they'd get used to it in a couple of weeks anyway so who cares?

10-09-2009, 09:43 AM
Yes I do think he should be able to dress the way he wants. It's not like he is going to school damn near naked or anything. I mean isn't school supposed to simulate the real world? Well, in the real world, people cross dress. They should suck it up and let him express himself and stop trying to force their beliefs on this young man. People are always too busy passing judgments on others that they forget what's really important in the world!

10-09-2009, 09:44 AM
I don't give a shit what he wears or if he's gay but this is school. You go there to learn, not for a fashion show. Dress decent for school and put on your wig as soon as the final bell rings.

I think more schools should have uniforms. Kids are getting so damn stupid these days, they need to learn as much as possible instead of sitting around talking about some dude's dress.

and seriously, this shit is getting ridiculous where people try to fight rules instead of following them. We've created a society where litigation and or news buzz trumps following regulations...

10-09-2009, 09:59 AM
I think he's cute.

He should have amendment rights that protect him. Just sayin. As long as his ass comes to fucking school, what matters? They could really put their time in to more important matters other than a pink wig.

10-09-2009, 10:00 AM
b = byron
c = can
k = kill
i = in
e = extremities

i'm byron. i was an army ranger. get it?

Fucking shenanigans.:lmfao:

Give it up, dude.

10-09-2009, 10:02 AM
Did I mention that all these little Emo fuktards need a good assbeating? Problem is, they won't/don't fight back..thus no personal gain of knowing that you won a good fight.

10-09-2009, 10:08 AM
Fucking shenanigans.:lmfao:

Give it up, dude.

give what up? im confused.

10-09-2009, 10:09 AM
Did I mention that all these little Emo fuktards need a good assbeating? Problem is, they won't/don't fight back..thus no personal gain of knowing that you won a good fight.

Let's coddle anyone and everyone.
A country full of pussies is what we're becoming.

Black ppl
White ppl
Fags and Lesbians and everyone in between need to grow a proverbial pair and stop the fucking whining and shit.

Jesus Christ.

10-09-2009, 10:15 AM
I think he's cute.

He should have amendment rights that protect him. Just sayin.

He's a minor. Just sayin

10-09-2009, 10:18 AM
BTW.... +1 for more schools with uniforms. Doesn't really bother me now if they have to wear them or not. But when I was in high school I despised the idea of them.

10-09-2009, 10:21 AM
What does it even matter? Is this distraction any worse then the obnoxious kids who don't give a shit and are just there because no child left behind doesn't let the teachers kick them out? I mean as long as he/she/it isn't running around screaming LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!! Who cares? Like Jecht said they'd get used to it in a couple of weeks anyway so who cares?

10-09-2009, 10:26 AM
he is a distraction in school... fuker should be beat up and then kicked out

10-09-2009, 10:26 AM
He might be a minor, but from what i have been reading and seeing illegals have more rights than citizens do. Hell I say let him do what he wants as long as he is passing and not causing a scene. I support real girls licking other real girls pussy btw.

10-09-2009, 10:27 AM
Honestly, I think we have a lot of homophobic people on this forum.

10-09-2009, 10:27 AM
I think he's cute.

He should have amendment rights that protect him. Just sayin. As long as his ass comes to fucking school, what matters? They could really put their time in to more important matters other than a pink wig.

Cute? Any self-respecting male instantly wants to punch babies and burn the rainforest down when being called cute. It's not a compliment. The "males" who do accept cute as a "compliment" end up being chumps and will follow girls around like puppies hoping for some left-overs..weither it be a shoulder to cry on or maybe even the fat chick friend who can't get a date.

Amendment rights for being 15 and dressing up like a girl ?!? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Sorry, but exercising your "right" to cross-dress net zero gain when cast out into the real world. There is damn good reason you don't see people dressing like this to work a nine-to-fiver. I'm sure there are plenty of successful people in the real world that do this kinda crap after-hours/weekends/parties...but they also know better as to when and where. Peckerhead causing all this uproar needs to learn this as well. School is NOT that place for "exercising the right to wear what you want". If it breaks the rules..well... too f-ing bad..save that crap for when you go out to the mall or whatever.

10-09-2009, 10:29 AM
Cute? Any self-respecting male instantly wants to punch babies and burn the rainforest down when being called cute. It's not a compliment. The "males" who do accept cute as a "compliment" end up being chumps and will follow girls around like puppies hoping for some left-overs..weither it be a shoulder to cry on or maybe even the fat chick friend who can't get a date.

Amendment rights for being 15 and dressing up like a girl ?!? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Sorry, but exercising your "right" to cross-dress net zero gain when cast out into the real world. There is damn good reason you don't see people dressing like this to work a nine-to-fiver. I'm sure there are plenty of successful people in the real world that do this kinda crap after-hours/weekends/parties...but they also know better as to when and where. Peckerhead causing all this uproar needs to learn this as well. School is NOT that place for "exercising the right to wear what you want". If it breaks the rules..well... too f-ing bad..save that crap for when you go out to the mall or whatever.


10-09-2009, 10:34 AM
Let's coddle anyone and everyone.
A country full of pussies is what we're becoming.

Black ppl
White ppl
Fags and Lesbians and everyone in between need to grow a proverbial pair and stop the fucking whining and shit.

Jesus Christ.

For the record...they really do need their asses kicked.

10-09-2009, 10:34 AM
b = byron
c = can
k = kill
i = in
e = extremities

i'm byron. i was an army ranger. get it?


10-09-2009, 10:35 AM
For the record...they really do need their asses kicked.

I know...:lmfao:
I was just sayin'

10-09-2009, 10:36 AM
Cute? Any self-respecting male instantly wants to punch babies and burn the rainforest down when being called cute. It's not a compliment. The "males" who do accept cute as a "compliment" end up being chumps and will follow girls around like puppies hoping for some left-overs..weither it be a shoulder to cry on or maybe even the fat chick friend who can't get a date.

Amendment rights for being 15 and dressing up like a girl ?!? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Sorry, but exercising your "right" to cross-dress net zero gain when cast out into the real world. There is damn good reason you don't see people dressing like this to work a nine-to-fiver. I'm sure there are plenty of successful people in the real world that do this kinda crap after-hours/weekends/parties...but they also know better as to when and where. Peckerhead causing all this uproar needs to learn this as well. School is NOT that place for "exercising the right to wear what you want". If it breaks the rules..well... too f-ing bad..save that crap for when you go out to the mall or whatever.

lolol reps for calling him peckerhead. ahahahaha.

10-09-2009, 10:37 AM
This is what you get when you let your 5 year old suck his thumb, breastfeed, and ride his big dumb simple ass in a stroller, with his feet dragging the ground.

A big old flaming homo.

If he'd been punched in the chest or the throat a few times, he wouldn't be such a pussy.

10-09-2009, 10:38 AM
Cute? Any self-respecting male instantly wants to punch babies and burn the rainforest down when being called cute. It's not a compliment. The "males" who do accept cute as a "compliment" end up being chumps and will follow girls around like puppies hoping for some left-overs..weither it be a shoulder to cry on or maybe even the fat chick friend who can't get a date.

Amendment rights for being 15 and dressing up like a girl ?!? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Sorry, but exercising your "right" to cross-dress net zero gain when cast out into the real world. There is damn good reason you don't see people dressing like this to work a nine-to-fiver. I'm sure there are plenty of successful people in the real world that do this kinda crap after-hours/weekends/parties...but they also know better as to when and where. Peckerhead causing all this uproar needs to learn this as well. School is NOT that place for "exercising the right to wear what you want". If it breaks the rules..well... too f-ing bad..save that crap for when you go out to the mall or whatever.
How would you feel if you were told that a nice respectable man doesn't wear pants that are not custom made to fit his body, or wear shirts with writing, or baseball caps, or jewelry that is not a watch or wedding band, or spikes his hair, or wears belt buckles in the shape of other objects? Would you feel offended? Would you feel like you weren't able to express yourself and your taste in clothing? These examples are no different from what they are telling this young man. He is told he can't dress like a female (what he is most comfortable doing) but others are allowed to express themselves however! Whether it be wearing hello kitty clothing because you think it's cute. Like I said earlier, people are too busy judging and worrying about what other people are doing that they fail to see how prejudice they are being! Leave the damn kid alone. Stop being so concerned with what the hell he is doing with HIS life!

10-09-2009, 10:40 AM
How would you feel if you were told that a nice respectable man doesn't wear pants that are customed made to fit his body, or wear shirts with writing, or baseball caps, or jewelry that is not a watch or wedding band, or spikes his hair, or wears belt buckles in the shape of other objects? Would you feel offended? Would you feel like you weren't able to express yourself and your taste in clothing? These examples are no different from what they are telling this young man. He is told he can't dress like a female (what he is most comfortable doing) but others are allowed to express themselves however! Whether it be wearing hello kitty clothing because you think it's cute. Like I said earlier, people are too busy judging and worrying about what other people are doing that they fail to see how prejudice they are being! Leave the damn kid alone. Stop being so concerned with what the hell he is doing with HIS life!

Those first things you mentioned are man qualities.
The shit he's doing is blatant faggotry.
Not acceptable in a school environment.

10-09-2009, 10:41 AM
How would you feel if you were told that a nice respectable man doesn't wear pants that are not custom made to fit his body, or wear shirts with writing, or baseball caps, or jewelry that is not a watch or wedding band, or spikes his hair, or wears belt buckles in the shape of other objects? Would you feel offended? Would you feel like you weren't able to express yourself and your taste in clothing? These examples are no different from what they are telling this young man. He is told he can't dress like a female (what he is most comfortable doing) but others are allowed to express themselves however! Whether it be wearing hello kitty clothing because you think it's cute. Like I said earlier, people are too busy judging and worrying about what other people are doing that they fail to see how prejudice they are being! Leave the damn kid alone. Stop being so concerned with what the hell he is doing with HIS life!

Schools have dress codes and half of the things you mentioned you cant wear in school. Follow the dress code or get the fuck out. It works that way in the real world too.

10-09-2009, 10:42 AM
Those first things you mentioned are man qualities.
The shit he's doing is blatant faggotry.
Not acceptable in a school environment.
Yeah because gay people don't go to school :gay:

10-09-2009, 10:44 AM
Yeah because gay people don't go to school :gay:

Gayfers don't crossdress at school.

10-09-2009, 10:44 AM
Schools have dress codes and half of the things you mentioned you cant wear in school. Follow the dress code or get the fuck out. It works that way in the real world too.
What school says you aren't allowed to spike your hair, wear hello kitty clothes, wear shirts with writing (as long as they are not discriminatory, have curse words, or just rude)? All of these were and are still allowed in schools (at least that I know of)

10-09-2009, 10:45 AM
Gayfers don't crossdress at school.
And so what if they were?
Obviously you are going to see it how you see it, and that's cool. Ignorance is bliss!

10-09-2009, 10:46 AM
Yeah because gay people don't go to school :gay:

I went to school with many gay guys and girls. They knew their place, didn't cause a scene, and no one really had a problem or picked on them.

10-09-2009, 10:46 AM
Damn, there's a lot of gay bashing in this thread.

That's actually sad.

10-09-2009, 10:47 AM
And so what if they were?
Obviously you are going to see it how you see it, and that's cool. Ignorance is bliss!

Ignorance is thinking you have the right to do whatever you want or can do just because you want to.

Rules are rules.
Just because he's gay and he thinks he deserves special rights does not mean he is entitled to any. Period.

10-09-2009, 10:47 AM
I went to school with many gay guys and girls. They knew their place, didn't cause a scene, and no one really had a problem or picked on them.
And what's the place for a gay person?

10-09-2009, 10:48 AM
Damn, there's a lot of gay bashing in this thread.

That's actually sad.
Glad to know I am not the only one who notices that

10-09-2009, 10:50 AM
Glad to know I am not the only one who notices that

I'm not gay bashing...
I just don't condone the sissyfying of America, particularly in schools where kids go to learn and not to express their sense of fashion or sexual orientation.

10-09-2009, 10:51 AM
And what's the place for a gay person?

They knew they were gay, everyone else knew they were gay, and they didn't need to flame it around for everyone to see.

10-09-2009, 10:51 AM
I'm not gay bashing...
I just don't condone the sissyfying of America, particularly in schools where kids go to learn and not to express their sense of fashion or sexual orientation.


10-09-2009, 10:53 AM
Ignorance is thinking you have the right to do whatever you want or can do just because you want to.

Rules are rules.
Just because he's gay and he thinks he deserves special rights does not mean he is entitled to any. Period.
What special rights does he think he has? The right to express himself through clothing without offending others? IT'S FUCKING CLOTHES! Get over it! Let GOD do the judging and stop trying to do his job. Worry about your damn self! I can't stand it when people feel the need to dictate others lives. Who said you were perfect? I'm sure there are things you do that majority of people wouldn't agree on. And I'm sure you wouldn't like it if those people were to make a huge fuss about what you do in your daily life. It just kills me how others are so quick to point the finger at someone else but can never point the finger at themselves when they fuck up. Maybe at the end of the day, you will feel better about yourself because the spot light and bashing has been towards someone else and not yourself. Feel free to rejoice that today you made it through another day without someone bashing you!

10-09-2009, 10:54 AM

10-09-2009, 10:55 AM
What special rights does he think he has? The right to express himself through clothing without offending others? IT'S FUCKING CLOTHES! Get over it! Let GOD do the judging and stop trying to do his job. Worry about your damn self! I can't stand it when people feel the need to dictate others lives. Who said you were perfect? I'm sure there are things you do that majority of people wouldn't agree on. And I'm sure you wouldn't like it if those people were to make a huge fuss about what you do in your daily life. It just kills me how others are so quick to point the finger at someone else but can never point the finger at themselves when they fuck up. Maybe at the end of the day, you will feel better about yourself because the spot light and bashing has been towards someone else and not yourself. Feel free to rejoice that today you made it through another day without someone bashing you!

The rules stated no clothes that caused a disruption... Right?:thinking:

10-09-2009, 10:55 AM
I'm not gay bashing...
I just don't condone the sissyfying of America, particularly in schools where kids go to learn and not to express their sense of fashion or sexual orientation.
Well, this is America sweetheart and no matter how much you want this to happen IT NEVER WILL! That's why others come to America to have the freedom to express themselves. I mean you could always go to another country where the rules are strict and no one is allowed to express themselves outside of the way they are told to express themselves. I'm sure you will feel right at home

10-09-2009, 10:55 AM
I am going to go ahead and call it: Suicide or Sniper, society will choose.

10-09-2009, 10:56 AM
The rules stated no clothes that caused a disruption... Right?:thinking:

She's consumed with defending the faggotry aspect of this situation, clearly missing the main issue.

x Resilience
10-09-2009, 10:57 AM
beat the gay out of the child.

problem solved.


10-09-2009, 10:58 AM
The rules stated no clothes that caused a disruption... Right?:thinking:
And how are they a disruption? Because a guy is wearing them instead of a girl? Is his nut sacks hanging out? Are his skirts too short? Are his shirts cut too low? Does he wear stripper shoes? If no, then I don't see the disruption

10-09-2009, 11:00 AM
And how are they a disruption? Because a guy is wearing them instead of a girl? Is his nut sacks hanging out? Are his skirts too short? Are his shirts cut too low? Does he wear stripper shoes? If no, then I don't see the disruption

If you went to school with him you would be disrupted. Guaranteed. For christ sakes, we are talking about it on IA, you think it hasn't caused disruption. Get real.

10-09-2009, 11:00 AM
I shall continue to say, ignorance is bliss. I've argued my point and that's all I can do. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I respect that. I just hope that when you all do something that everyone else does not agree with, no one will give you as much hell as this young man has received

10-09-2009, 11:01 AM
I shall continue to say, ignorance is bliss. I've argued my point and that's all I can do. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I respect that. I just hope that when you all do something that everyone else does not agree with, no one will give you as much hell as this young man has received

He got exactly what he wanted. Massive attention.

10-09-2009, 11:02 AM
What special rights does he think he has? The right to express himself through clothing without offending others? IT'S FUCKING CLOTHES! Get over it! Let GOD do the judging and stop trying to do his job. Worry about your damn self! I can't stand it when people feel the need to dictate others lives. Who said you were perfect? I'm sure there are things you do that majority of people wouldn't agree on. And I'm sure you wouldn't like it if those people were to make a huge fuss about what you do in your daily life. It just kills me how others are so quick to point the finger at someone else but can never point the finger at themselves when they fuck up. Maybe at the end of the day, you will feel better about yourself because the spot light and bashing has been towards someone else and not yourself. Feel free to rejoice that today you made it through another day without someone bashing you!

Your tangenial posts make no sense whatsoever.
I live a pretty conventional and normal life so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. However, what I do know is I'm not the one going to school, dressing like a female.

His behavior, in regards to his dress, is disruptive to the learning environment, further demonstrated by the fact that it has gotten the unjustified attention it has thus far.

Bottom line is that he can be as gay as he wants...Whatever. That I don't give 2 shits about. What I have an issue with is the fact that he should not be exempt from rules that would apply to any other student.

10-09-2009, 11:02 AM
I vote future sniper drag queen.....any takers?

10-09-2009, 11:03 AM
If you went to school with him you would be disrupted. Guaranteed. For christ sakes, we are talking about it on IA, you think it hasn't caused disruption. Get real.
I personally (and can not speak for everyone else) would not be disrupted. I have seen my fair share of not so "normal" things in life and I have grown to accept and love others no matter how different they are. I was always the way I am now. I believe in fairness for all.
Oh and it has not been a disruption for IA, some people saw it as an opportunity to bash others to make themselves feel manly or whatever for the day

10-09-2009, 11:04 AM
I vote future sniper drag queen.....any takers?


10-09-2009, 11:06 AM
I personally (and can not speak for everyone else) would not be disrupted. I have seen my fair share of not so "normal" things in life and I have grown to accept and love others no matter how different they are. I was always the way I am now. I believe in fairness for all.
Oh and it has not been a disruption for IA, some people saw it as an opportunity to bash others to make themselves feel manly or whatever for the day

Really? You don't think if people all over are talking about it that it is not a disruption in his school?

10-09-2009, 11:08 AM
Your tangenial posts make no sense whatsoever.
I live a pretty conventional and normal life so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. However, what I do know is I'm not the one going to school, dressing like a female.

His behavior, in regards to his dress, is disruptive to the learning environment, further demonstrated by the fact that it has gotten the unjustified attention it has thus far.

Bottom line is that he can be as gay as he wants...Whatever. That I don't give 2 shits about. What I have an issue with is the fact that he should not be exempt from rules that would apply to any other student.
Ok, so let me put it like this. If his clothing style is seen as disruptive, then would a kid who wore bright and shiny clothing with all types of glitter and florescent colors be disruptive too? I mean if I sat behind someone and every time the light hit their clothes it would hurt my eyes, I would be disrupted. Would everyone be in a rush to kick them out of school as well?
Or what about a kid who has bad hygiene (I've been around a few) and everyday they came to school smelling like sweat, dirt, and booty hole, would they be threatened to be kicked out?

10-09-2009, 11:09 AM
Really? You don't think if people all over are talking about it that it is not a disruption in his school?
People talk about all kinds of shit at school, doesn't necessarily make it a disruption. Hell I'm sure people talked about Kayne for about a month, but no one got threatened to be kicked out of school for talking about him.

10-09-2009, 11:10 AM
Ok, so let me put it like this. If his clothing style is seen as disruptive, then would a kid who wore bright and shiny clothing with all types of glitter and florescent colors be disruptive too? I mean if I sat behind someone and every time the light hit their clothes it would hurt my eyes, I would be disrupted. Would everyone be in a rush to kick them out of school as well?
Or what about a kid who has bad hygiene (I've been around a few) and everyday they came to school smelling like sweat, dirt, and booty hole, would they be threatened to be kicked out?

They would at the school my step son goes to. They have this thing called a DRESS CODE and PERSONAL HYGIENE rules.

10-09-2009, 11:10 AM
Oh and it has not been a disruption for IA, some people saw it as an opportunity to bash others to make themselves feel manly or whatever for the day

Or perhaps some of us understand that rules exist for a reason.
However, being that he is presumably gay and all, let's give him a free pass.

I can guarantee you that if the situation was about a White kid wearing something that was the least bit offensive, you'd be on here saying the same shit we are, Ms. Tolerance For All.

I'm also willing to bet that at least some of the kids he attends school with find his dress offensive and that in itself lends the situation to further scrutiny.

10-09-2009, 11:12 AM
People talk about all kinds of shit at school, doesn't necessarily make it a disruption. Hell I'm sure people talked about Kayne for about a month, but no one got threatened to be kicked out of school for talking about him.

Yeah cause the kids have to look at Kanye at his school:rolleyes:. That is a great argument.

10-09-2009, 11:13 AM
I personally (and can not speak for everyone else) would not be disrupted. I have seen my fair share of not so "normal" things in life and I have grown to accept and love others no matter how different they are. I was always the way I am now. I believe in fairness for all.
Oh and it has not been a disruption for IA, some people saw it as an opportunity to bash others to make themselves feel manly or whatever for the day

Honestly, if it were when I was in highschool, I would get my chuckles in but I wouldn't let me lose focus on my studies. Today though, I'd transfer schools if I were a regular student, because he is going to get teased to the point where violence occurs on both ends. He is going to "tear da club up" emo style.

Now, if he were parading around soley for attention, he deserves an ass whooping in the hallway. If he is genuinely a drag fag, he needs to keep his distance and act as normal as possible:gay:

10-09-2009, 11:15 AM
Or perhaps some of us understand that rules exist for a reason.
However, being that he is presumably gay and all, let's give him a free pass.

I can guarantee you that if the situation was about a White kid wearing something that was the least bit offensive, you'd be on here saying the same shit we are, Ms. Tolerance For All.

I'm also willing to bet that at least some of the kids he attends school with find his dress offensive and that in itself lends the situation to further scrutiny.
Then yes!!! That is my point! What about this young man's clothes is offensive? Who is he offending?

I'm done arguing my point. I think I've said as much as I could. We all have our views and like I said, it's cool with me. There is no beef here. It really doesn't matter what any of us on IA think, we can't change the world. I can only voice my opinion and there will be some that agree and some that don't. That's life!
You all have a nice day and thanks for being adults about all of this and not bashing each other :goodjob:

10-09-2009, 11:18 AM
At the end of the day, there is a time and place for everything.
School is NOT the place to champion your so called "rights".
Moreso when rules have been established; Rules that have existed way before any of us even attended school.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Litigation is partly to blame for the pussyfying of this country.
More people need to stand up for what's right and not cower or fall back and concede for fear of being sued.

This attention whore's rights have not been violated in any way whatsoever...

10-09-2009, 11:32 AM
Is he a virgin?

Maybe if he got ahold of some pussy, he'd change. Anyone seen Kayla? I'm sure she'll volunteer.

10-09-2009, 11:57 AM
What special rights does he think he has? The right to express himself through clothing without offending others? IT'S FUCKING CLOTHES! Get over it! Let GOD do the judging and stop trying to do his job. Worry about your damn self! I can't stand it when people feel the need to dictate others lives. Who said you were perfect? I'm sure there are things you do that majority of people wouldn't agree on. And I'm sure you wouldn't like it if those people were to make a huge fuss about what you do in your daily life. It just kills me how others are so quick to point the finger at someone else but can never point the finger at themselves when they fuck up. Maybe at the end of the day, you will feel better about yourself because the spot light and bashing has been towards someone else and not yourself. Feel free to rejoice that today you made it through another day without someone bashing you!

How would you feel if you were told that a nice respectable man doesn't wear pants that are not custom made to fit his body, or wear shirts with writing, or baseball caps, or jewelry that is not a watch or wedding band, or spikes his hair, or wears belt buckles in the shape of other objects? Would you feel offended? Would you feel like you weren't able to express yourself and your taste in clothing? These examples are no different from what they are telling this young man. He is told he can't dress like a female (what he is most comfortable doing) but others are allowed to express themselves however! Whether it be wearing hello kitty clothing because you think it's cute. Like I said earlier, people are too busy judging and worrying about what other people are doing that they fail to see how prejudice they are being! Leave the damn kid alone. Stop being so concerned with what the hell he is doing with HIS life!

I never said that it's just plain wrong to do so... BUT THERE IS A DAMN TIME AND A DAMN PLACE TO DO IT and public school is NOT that place.

BTW God doesn't have any say on the RULES set fourth by the school. There is a median that most people follow on what is acceptable, step outside that and there are consequences...aka rules. So you can't stand when people try to dictate others lives? Do you hate your parents? Do you hate the government? Do you tell cops to fuck off on a regular basis?Well guess what, if we didn't have rules/boundries/laws the world would be total chaos!! There is a margin as to what is acceptable in school and clearly this kid (he is no man) doesn't care and thinks that the world should revolve around what he wants to do. This lead me to the opinion that the kid is a goddamn retard. He knows what he is doing and egging it on. Kinda like the dumbass that rearended someone in traffic and turned around is said "What happened?" Ummm bitch..you just rearened that car because you weren't paying attention and you must be retarded if you can't comprehend such a simple thing.

My arguement here is about this KID and what he is doing in PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Yes, it is that simple. Majority says the kid is causing a disruption..so guess what? Step in line when needed and do whatever the fuck you want later. But no, little high-and-mighty is playing games and using his highschool as a fashion show rather then just sitting down, shutting the fuck up and attending school for its intended purpose. Just because you don't find it a big deal doesn't make you the center of the universe either.

Hell, I used to dress punk...bondage pants, studded belts, knee high Docs, spiked wrist bands, dyed hair etc... Well, there were times in which I was told I couldn't do X-Y-Z at school and I stopped doing so....at school. Once I got home, I did what I wanted. Did I cry about it and go running to the media? No.

So next time someone gets a speeding ticket for doing 60 in a 45, should they argue with the cop that the speedlimit over on the interstate is 65 or that the car has the ability to go 100? No. Why? Because it's call breaking the law. You know that the word "law" is just another term for "rules"? You know what the cop is going to tell me if I say my car can go a lot faster than the speed limit? He'll probably tell me 'thats nice and all, but go do it at the race track'. Same thing this kid needs to learn.

10-09-2009, 11:59 AM
^What he said!

10-09-2009, 12:16 PM
i see shit that irritates me everyday
and if i spoke out on it, or beat someone to death do to it
i wouldnt have time to do anything else

besides the faculty should be happy that this kid is causing the
uproar and they aren't shitting their brains out cuz some asshole
(like the guys i went to school with) spiked their coffee with phillips

10-09-2009, 12:16 PM
I used to hate when they told me to take my nose ring out. I was like um no. How the hell is a little stud in my nose disrupting other people...who the hell looks at other people's nose's?

10-09-2009, 01:15 PM
Same with hair, back in my high school days, there was a rule against dying our hair "colors that do not naturally occur" because it was a distraction. All that came about because some kid dyed his orange, and mine was blue. I didn't go crying to anyone because it infringed on my rights. I didn't like it, but I just waited until I was out of high school to go back to dying it because those were the school rules.

Also, according to the AJC he insisted on using the female restroom as well.

10-09-2009, 01:33 PM
Same with hair, back in my high school days, there was a rule against dying our hair "colors that do not naturally occur" because it was a distraction. All that came about because some kid dyed his orange, and mine was blue. I didn't go crying to anyone because it infringed on my rights. I didn't like it, but I just waited until I was out of high school to go back to dying it because those were the school rules.

Also, according to the AJC he insisted on using the female restroom as well.

But hey, he can express himself that way as well.
To hell with convention and rules n shit....:lmfao:
Jesus Christ.
When did men become ashamed to be men?

10-09-2009, 01:42 PM
WTF! If you was born to be a man be a fucking man. God, people like this guy make me sick.

10-09-2009, 01:45 PM
I have no problem with gay people, or even folks cross dressing for that matter. But like it's already been said, he is a minor and at school, follow the rules or too bad. It's not the place for it.

Nissan Sean
10-09-2009, 01:58 PM
haha i graduated from North Cobb. kids a queer. needs to straiten up! lulz.

10-09-2009, 02:02 PM
My fiance graduated from there as well. After hearing the story, she said had this happened back then he would have had his ass handed to him just about daily.

10-09-2009, 02:06 PM
My fiance graduated from there as well. After hearing the story, she said had this happened back then he would have had his ass handed to him just about daily.

As he should.
I think the people that are rallying behind him are not doing him any favors.

He needs to learn to choose his battles and that EVERYONE has to conform to rules in some way or another, through out the span of our lives.

10-09-2009, 02:16 PM
Should students be able to cross-dress at school if they want to?

That’s the question for a public school in Kennesaw, Ga., which is demanding one of its male students dress in a more “manly” fashion for class.

As the Atlanta Constitution reports, 16-year-old transfer student Jonathan Escobar began attending North Cobb High School wearing wigs, make-up, skinny jeans, vintage tops and women’s flats.

Packs of kids gathered around him in the cafeteria, and the school's assistant principal even blamed a fight on Escobar's theatrical attire.

On his third day at the school, Escobar showed up wearing a pink wig. He was approached by a school official who told him he could either stop dressing in this typically feminine manner or consider home-schooling.

Citing a school dress code that prohibits students from wearing clothing that may "contribute to a disruption of school functions," the school stands by its decision to confront Escobar on his outfits.

But a student group on Facebook called "Support Jonathan" has over 1,000 members protesting the decision. Organizers have printed bright pink T-shirts emblazoned with that slogan, which many students plan to wear to school to show their displeasure, the Atlanta paper reports.

Escobar sees the school's edict as an infringement on his creative expression. "If I can't express myself, I won't go to school," he told the paper. "I want to get the message out there that because this is who I am, I can't get an education."


Later, QD.

OH SH!T wow. Is their a dont support Jonathan (I mean Joahna) in anyway poll, cuz I would vote for that.

10-09-2009, 02:19 PM
fuck that, expell its sorry ass. let it live on the streets cause no one is gonna hire a fucking cross dressing hs drop out. its gonna be doing sucky sucky five dollar pretty soon.

10-09-2009, 02:19 PM
Someone should start a I don't support *insert his/her name* group on FB.

10-09-2009, 02:23 PM
Someone should start a I don't support *insert his/her name* group on FB.
lol like i said earlier if i was not lazy i would do it... but since i am, i'm going to wait for someone to make it so i can click "join group" lol

10-09-2009, 02:24 PM
Someone should start a I don't support *insert his/her name* group on FB.


One member, and his name is michael vick. lulz


I'm joining both of them.

10-09-2009, 02:25 PM
everybody join the second one. do it.

10-09-2009, 02:27 PM
everybody join the second one. do it.

I'm about to.

10-09-2009, 02:28 PM
bobby post on the wall when you do.

10-09-2009, 02:31 PM


10-09-2009, 02:31 PM
Joined both, posted on wall.

10-09-2009, 02:38 PM
beat the gay out of the child.

problem solved.

/thread with the 2nd post.

I concur.

10-09-2009, 02:42 PM

One member, and his name is michael vick. lulz


I'm joining both of them.

Joined both and shared LOL

10-09-2009, 03:24 PM
Honestly, I went to a school that required uniforms and it never bothered me.

I also wasn't a faggoty dressing kid either, so that helps

10-09-2009, 03:33 PM
i dont think we should judge people on how they look or how they see the world thru their eyes. you cant tell someone to dress differently or to dress better. thats "their" problem. not ours. We shouldn't be worrying about other people's lives. We should be worrying about our own lives and our loved one's lives. The world has become so judgemental. We can't live and laugh anymore. Now every where you go u must go knowing that someone is going to start something or going to say something. But jus let the person live. Let's worry about us instead of others. Gud day yall!!!

10-09-2009, 03:35 PM
i dont think we should judge people on how they look or how they see the world thru their eyes. you cant tell someone to dress differently or to dress better. thats "their" problem. not ours. We shouldn't be worrying about other people's lives. We should be worrying about our own lives and our loved one's lives. The world has become so judgemental. We can't live and laugh anymore. Now every where you go u must go knowing that someone is going to start something or going to say something. But jus let the person live. Let's worry about us instead of others. Gud day yall!!!

A male should dress like a fuckin male. /story.

10-09-2009, 03:43 PM
everybody join the second one. do it.


10-09-2009, 05:56 PM
beat the gay out of the child.

problem solved.

Or take him out back and show him what gay is.

10-09-2009, 06:01 PM
Or take him out back and show him what gay is.

LOL WUT? I don't think that will fix him:???:

10-09-2009, 06:57 PM
Where the hell are his parents?

What the hell did his dad raise him up with? A sorority?

Poor parenting IMO

10-09-2009, 07:28 PM
Let the dude and/or girl where what he/she wants to where. Damn can we get off the gay people. Just let them be who they are. Quit trying to contain them. It's a new day, time for discrimination of all kind to STFU.

10-09-2009, 09:37 PM
Let the dude and/or girl where what he/she wants to where. Damn can we get off the gay people. Just let them be who they are. Quit trying to contain them. It's a new day, time for discrimination of all kind to STFU.

If the school were to concede to this "guy", it would open the floodgates for other shit.

People would argue for wearing gang colors in school.
People would argue for wearing short skirts, booty shorts, thongs hanging out as well as tits.
People would argue for wearing clothing that exercised their free speech but offends others...

Dress codes apply to everyone and for good reason.

10-10-2009, 05:22 PM
If the school were to concede to this "guy", it would open the floodgates for other shit.

People would argue for wearing gang colors in school.
People would argue for wearing short skirts, booty shorts, thongs hanging out as well as tits.
People would argue for wearing clothing that exercised their free speech but offends others...

Dress codes apply to everyone and for good reason. There are dress codes....but what dress code is he breaking??? Last time I checked there was no clause about "boys can't wear girls clothes" now as far as him going to use the girls bathroom, that's a different story.....he can wear what he wants to wear but legally he's still a male.

Unless they go to uniforms there is nothing they should be able to do about it until they post it up in the handbook. High school is a time in a child's life where they grow and realize who they are as a person. I'm just saying can we stop trying to dictate gay people. Damn, black and white people can barely get along, it's always something.

That's his parents problem, not the school's problem.

Edit: I see what you are saying. My female-ness came out a bit. I just think it's dumb to tell him he can't be who he is.

10-12-2009, 05:20 AM
It's a fucking school!! Kids are supposed 2 go there 2 learn.. And this little fairy is an attention whore that's distracting ppl from learning.

Lizbiz- The rule he's breaking is in their handbook and that was in my handbook when I was in H.S.

You shouldn't be able to wear ANYTHING thats gonna be a distraction like that.

All schools should have uniforms! That way everyone is equal in a sense.

This stool pusher is gonna quit school b/c he can't dress like a chick? Really? What's gonna happen when he goes to get a job at McDonalds, the only job available to him, and they tell him he can't wear a tubetop and stillettos in the drivethru? s/He's gonna have a tough life with logic like that.

and whats up with all this gay shit IA? No offense to any tailpipe tappers on here

10-12-2009, 05:33 AM
So what if he insists on using the females bathroom.

You guys are just hating on the fact that he'll be able to look under the stalls and the girls think its cute. I mean, what female wouldn't laugh when they look down a see a pale little boy with a pink wig looking like Boy George smiling up at them? :rolleyes: I'd high five him and commence with the pissing.

Just Sayin.....

87 Turbo II
10-12-2009, 07:11 AM
attention, that's all the boy wants

10-12-2009, 07:33 AM
As a CCSD teacher here is my 2cents- as long as he conforms to the dress code he is fine- doesn't matter if it is the boys cloths or girls cloths dress code. no where in the dress code does it say which sex can wear which clothes.

Distraction- oh yes it is, but the novelty will wear off.

Bathroom- use the boys or go home. 100% no way to ever going in the girls. the school went above and beyond to even off him a private admin bathroom.

and I agree- all he wants is the attention- drama queen (don't mind the pun)

10-12-2009, 04:11 PM
LOL, what's funny is all these pussies saying he shouldn't be able to dress however the fuck he wants...

You scared of something pussies? Maybe you should start wearing wigs and lipstick too. :lmfao:

I say the more gay guys the merrier, means more women for me.

Big Baller
10-12-2009, 04:44 PM
Honestly, I think we have a lot of homophobic people on this forum.
Sure do, its kind of sad really. Why the fuck do you people care what the hell he wears...Because it gives you something to talk about.

Do you really think Uniforms are the answer, we need less goverment control over our lives not more.

Big Baller
10-12-2009, 04:49 PM
It's a fucking school!! Kids are supposed 2 go there 2 learn.. And this little fairy is an attention whore that's distracting ppl from learning.

Lizbiz- The rule he's breaking is in their handbook and that was in my handbook when I was in H.S.

You shouldn't be able to wear ANYTHING thats gonna be a distraction like that.

All schools should have uniforms! That way everyone is equal in a sense.

This stool pusher is gonna quit school b/c he can't dress like a chick? Really? What's gonna happen when he goes to get a job at McDonalds, the only job available to him, and they tell him he can't wear a tubetop and stillettos in the drivethru? s/He's gonna have a tough life with logic like that.

and whats up with all this gay shit IA? No offense to any tailpipe tappers on here

Did you just use 2 to replace "to' in a statement about education.

You are a stupid fuck....maybe he can stand next to you on the grill line.

10-12-2009, 04:52 PM
Did you just use 2 to replace "to' in a statement about education.

You are a stupid fuck....maybe he can stand next to you on the grill line.

I love you.

76% homo.

I agree with you, man. Who fucking cares what the dude wears? People concern themselves over so much bullshit these days. Later, QD.

Big Baller
10-12-2009, 04:57 PM
I love you.

76% homo.

I agree with you, man. Who fucking cares what the dude wears? People concern themselves over so much bullshit these days. Later, QD.


If the kid wants attention he is sure enough getting it

10-12-2009, 05:02 PM
What bothers me is, He cant wear girls clothes.... BUT! all these little emo's can wear pants that are tight as hell with shirts that are two sizes to small to school? Whats the differencs? That is distracting to me! There pants are so tight you can count the change in there pockets...

My vote: if he wants to be gay, let him be gay. emos are gay and people exept them.... same thing....

11-02-2009, 01:54 AM
Did you just use 2 to replace "to' in a statement about education.

You are a stupid fuck....maybe he can stand next to you on the grill line.

Shut the fuck up douche! I graduated highschool and know how to use proper grammar and punctuation.

Did you just ask me a question without putting a question mark at the end? :yes:You're a fucking moron:lmfao:

:goodjob:Good job Officer Doofy!

11-02-2009, 02:08 AM
cross-dress is the new jdm

11-02-2009, 08:48 AM
cross-dress is the new jdm


11-02-2009, 08:57 AM
Shut the fuck up douche! I graduated highschool and know how to use proper *grammer* and punctuation.

Did you just ask me a question without putting a question mark at the end? :yes:You're a fucking moron:lmfao:

:goodjob:Good job Officer Doofy!*Grammar.

11-02-2009, 09:50 AM

Sue me.:boobies: I know how to spell correctly. It was 3 in the morning.

I like how you capitalized and didn't forget the period either.

Go bother this guy--> JDM POOKY (http://importatlanta.com/forums/showthread.php?t=261269) If you wanna complain about grammar.

Either way nick picking about the small errors or intentional things I do when I type doesn't really bother me.

So leave me alone you 79 year old bastard!! Shouldn't you be taking metamucil or a nap right about now?:ninja:

11-02-2009, 09:56 AM
Shouldn't you be taking metamucil or a nap right about now?:ninja:Maybe.:ninja:

11-02-2009, 10:08 AM

More probable that you're taking your viagra so you can fool around with the girly boy. :lmao:

Plz no be killings me. :ninja:

11-02-2009, 01:05 PM
Sounds to me like the school had a good reason for asking him not to wear the clothes to school. It states he has created quite a scene, and was also suspected to be the cause of a fight. So, per the dress policy, he should change the way he dresses to keep these things from happening.

Then the media sensationalizes the story, making it a whole anti-gay thing.

If he wasn't causing any problems, then I wouldn't see any reason for him not to dress that way. But he IS causing problems, so it's obviously not working at that school.

11-02-2009, 04:35 PM
that is def. NCHS for you...

11-02-2009, 07:05 PM
Wear what the school tells you to wear..On the contrary to what you heard, high school is not the most important time of your life.. Or he should just kill himself.

11-02-2009, 07:14 PM
Sounds to me like the school had a good reason for asking him not to wear the clothes to school. It states he has created quite a scene, and was also suspected to be the cause of a fight. So, per the dress policy, he should change the way he dresses to keep these things from happening.

Then the media sensationalizes the story, making it a whole anti-gay thing.

If he wasn't causing any problems, then I wouldn't see any reason for him not to dress that way. But he IS causing problems, so it's obviously not working at that school.

Reps for being rational about the topic. :goodjob:

11-02-2009, 07:49 PM
Should students be able to cross-dress at school if they want to?

That’s the question for a public school in Kennesaw, Ga., which is demanding one of its male students dress in a more “manly” fashion for class.

As the Atlanta Constitution reports, 16-year-old transfer student Jonathan Escobar began attending North Cobb High School wearing wigs, make-up, skinny jeans, vintage tops and women’s flats.

Packs of kids gathered around him in the cafeteria, and the school's assistant principal even blamed a fight on Escobar's theatrical attire.

On his third day at the school, Escobar showed up wearing a pink wig. He was approached by a school official who told him he could either stop dressing in this typically feminine manner or consider home-schooling.

Citing a school dress code that prohibits students from wearing clothing that may "contribute to a disruption of school functions," the school stands by its decision to confront Escobar on his outfits.

But a student group on Facebook called "Support Jonathan" has over 1,000 members protesting the decision. Organizers have printed bright pink T-shirts emblazoned with that slogan, which many students plan to wear to school to show their displeasure, the Atlanta paper reports.

Escobar sees the school's edict as an infringement on his creative expression. "If I can't express myself, I won't go to school," he told the paper. "I want to get the message out there that because this is who I am, I can't get an education."


Later, QD.

haha this kid lives right down the street from me.

its a friend of mines brotherish in law.