View Full Version : In before "cool story bro"

10-06-2009, 08:46 AM
Just got out of court and the judge graced me with a clean driving record!...my advice if you are charged with a crime.

always get a lawyer.

I was cited for 90mph in a 35mph zone

so the charges were speeding and wreckless driving, my lawyer got the speeding completely dismissed and plead NOLO to the wreckless.

I went in thinking I was looking at a suspended licence and community service, I went down to only a $300 fine.

Im feeling pretty good

10-06-2009, 08:48 AM
cool story bro.

10-06-2009, 08:49 AM
cool story bro.

10-06-2009, 08:50 AM
ed you should edit his post and put "cool story bro." before anything he says. That way he wasn't "in before;cool story bro". Do it.

10-06-2009, 09:08 AM
30+ years old and driving like a child in what was either a School Zone or Residential area?

How about you change the Moral of this thread to: "DON'T BREAK THE LAW."


10-06-2009, 09:09 AM
30+ years old and driving like a child in what was either a School Zone or Residential area?

How about you change the Moral of this thread to: "DON'T BREAK THE LAW."



10-06-2009, 09:10 AM
You dodged a proverbial bullet.
Gotta be more careful, dude.

10-06-2009, 09:14 AM

Go fuck yourself. I don't search my god damn name. Nor do I even pay attention to anything said by me. Choke on my cum cock gobbler.


10-06-2009, 09:16 AM
30+ years old and driving like a child in what was either a School Zone or Residential area?

How about you change the Moral of this thread to: "DON'T BREAK THE LAW."


you sound like my girlfriend, you two should go shopping together

10-06-2009, 09:23 AM

I went in thinking I was looking at a suspended licence and community service, I went down to only a $300 fine.

Im feeling pretty good

Nah man if you got convicted you probably would have got some jail time also lol. 55 mph over speedlimit would have f..ked u. Congrats on clean swipe but dont do it again, they wont slap you w/ a stick next time.

10-06-2009, 10:02 AM
Go fuck yourself. I don't search my god damn name. Nor do I even pay attention to anything said by me. Choke on my cum cock gobbler.


10-06-2009, 10:16 AM
Just means you will get fucked twice as hard next time you get caught.

10-06-2009, 10:17 AM
I really need to take a shit..... can I use this thread?

10-06-2009, 10:21 AM
:D back on the streets to reak havoc once more!!!! i honestly wouldn't expect anything less from someone calling them self STREET HAZARD. jus don't go doing no Nick Hogan shit and you're good.

10-06-2009, 10:31 AM
i beat a reckless driving ticket when i was 19 without a lawyer. I had already gotten my dl reinstated in new york and was ready to move back and the solicitor reduced the charge to "too fast for conditions"! 80 dollars and no points when i was gonna lose my lisence!!

10-06-2009, 11:37 AM
I really need to take a shit..... can I use this thread?

by all means

10-06-2009, 11:48 AM
you sound like my girlfriend, you two should go shopping together

If she picked you, she has horrible taste... but she is smarter than you by saying the same things as me.


10-06-2009, 12:04 PM
If she picked you, she has horrible taste... but she is smarter than you by saying the same things as me.


I do not disagree with any of this

gimme your truck Anthony, ill give you my car and $4K for your truck

10-06-2009, 12:21 PM
Should have lost your license!! I hope you had to pay alot for that lawyer an loose your license or wreck next time moron!

10-06-2009, 12:23 PM
Should have lost your license!! I hope you had to pay alot for that lawyer an loose your license or wreck next time moron!

I hope you find a place where people actually give a fuck about what you have too say

10-06-2009, 12:28 PM
You will when you are walking or in jail or maybe dead :) for your stupid driving!! Who the fuck goes 90 in a 35? They put that sign there for a reason!

10-06-2009, 12:34 PM
Should have lost your license!! I hope you had to pay alot for that lawyer an loose your license or wreck next time moron!
wow, you want someone to wreck. thats real mature:rolleyes: everyone breaks the speed limit or does something stupid at one point or another. at least he stopped and didnt run.

10-06-2009, 12:39 PM
You will when you are walking or in jail or maybe dead :) for your stupid driving!! Who the fuck goes 90 in a 35? They put that sign there for a reason!

You really think so genius? So that is what the sign is for and those little 2-3 digit numbers on my dash.

but yes...the lawyer was expensive but the slate is wiped clean so :2up:

10-06-2009, 12:41 PM
wow, you want someone to wreck. thats real mature:rolleyes: everyone breaks the speed limit or does something stupid at one point or another. at least he stopped and didnt run.

he does kind of have that "virgin choir boy" kind of vibe doesn't he?

10-06-2009, 12:43 PM
wow, you want someone to wreck. thats real mature:rolleyes: everyone breaks the speed limit or does something stupid at one point or another. at least he stopped and didnt run.

And he got away with it?? My point is its a 35zone so that means its a road were caution needs to be taken prob due to a school or multiple neighborhoods or things of that nature! Basically getting out of trouble didn't teach him a lesson.

10-06-2009, 12:45 PM
And he got away with it?? My point is its a 35zone so that means its a road were caution needs to be taken prob due to a school or multiple neighborhoods or things of that nature! Basically getting out of trouble didn't teach him a lesson.

and how the fuck do you know this? are you more qualified to make this assessment than a Gwinnett county judge?

10-06-2009, 12:46 PM
he does kind of have that "virgin choir boy" kind of vibe doesn't he?

Not really i just cant stand dumbfucks like you that get tickets and hire a lawyer and get out of trouble then brag about it... Man up you speed you pay the price! Ive gotten a few speeding tickets and a shit ton of non moving violations but i didnt get out of them i payed the price and it was over with.

10-06-2009, 12:47 PM
and how the fuck do you know this?

Google and next time your going down a 35 take a look around, They want you to go that speed for a reason!

10-06-2009, 12:53 PM
Not really i just cant stand dumbfucks like you that get tickets and hire a lawyer and get out of trouble then brag about it... Man up you speed you pay the price! Ive gotten a few speeding tickets and a shit ton of non moving violations but i didnt get out of them i payed the price and it was over with.

I did the exact same thing...I was just smarter than you and got a lawyer and literally paid for it, its like legally paying off the police. There is no bragging involved Im just happy.

don't hate me because I can afford to do that....If I was broke I would be picking up trash on the side of a highway, since im not...I am here typing in THE WHORESLOUNGE with your dumbass.

Don't sit there and try to pretend any community service or jail time you had to serve, you did it out of guilt or any sense of your "noble duty" shut the fuck up right now with that shit! If there was any way to avoid an orange jumpsuit ANYONE would have taken that option, and if they don't...then they are the ones that truly belong in jail.

seriously go fuck yourself

10-06-2009, 01:04 PM
Not really i just cant stand dumbfucks like you that get tickets and hire a lawyer and get out of trouble then brag about it... Man up you speed you pay the price! Ive gotten a few speeding tickets and a shit ton of non moving violations but i didnt get out of them i payed the price and it was over with.
he did pay the price. its called lawyer fee's. those fukkers arent cheap! if you were faced with losing your license and didnt even attempt to fight it or lawyer up,that is your problem. seriously tho....dont be a hater:D

Master Shake
10-06-2009, 01:10 PM
Just got out of court and the judge graced me with a clean driving record!...my advice if you are charged with a crime.

always get a lawyer.

I was cited for 90mph in a 35mph zone

so the charges were speeding and wreckless driving, my lawyer got the speeding completely dismissed and plead NOLO to the wreckless.

I went in thinking I was looking at a suspended licence and community service, I went down to only a $300 fine.

Im feeling pretty good
oh you got lucky as fuck man. i got a 90 in a 40 and lost my shit for 6 months. along with a fine and probation.

10-06-2009, 01:22 PM
i lost my shit for 92 in a 65, WTF

10-06-2009, 01:26 PM
i lost my shit for 92 in a 65, WTF

you needed a lawyer

10-06-2009, 02:45 PM
I do not disagree with any of this

gimme your truck Anthony, ill give you my car and $4K for your truck

Although your lude is my favorite gen..and it's clean as fuck...I have to pass. :( I have to pay off the truck note first. Damn it.

BTW-u really should put it in your sig.

i lost my shit for 92 in a 65, WTF
I got caught doing 106 in a 55 (85/75 connector) and I got wreckless driving and no points with a lawyer.

10-06-2009, 03:13 PM
only a complete fucking retard would do 90+ mph in a 35 zone, yoi're either lieing, or the luckiest jackass on urff...

10-06-2009, 04:02 PM
Although your lude is my favorite gen..and it's clean as fuck...I have to pass. :( I have to pay off the truck note first. Damn it.

BTW-u really should put it in your sig.

I got caught doing 106 in a 55 (85/75 connector) and I got wreckless driving and no points with a lawyer.

dammit! im not willing to take a car payment. Im about done with the "tuning" thing. I want to build motorcycles and do some stuff to my house and I need a truck. I heard tacoma's are really good trucks.

sadly I dont even care much for my prelude anymore, im still keeping it in really good shape but I just don't take much pride in it like I used too....I just drive it

10-06-2009, 05:09 PM
Lucky bastard.

One question, I want an answer: Why were you doing fucking 90MPH in 35 zone? WTF

10-06-2009, 05:19 PM
Lucky bastard.

One question, I want an answer: Why were you doing fucking 90MPH in 35 zone? WTF

I really have no excuse....but ill tell you

there was a long stretch of road with great visibility, I swear you could see a full mile down the road, it was like 9:30am and barely a car on the road (except for the cop I passed) and I just hit the gas.

10-06-2009, 05:19 PM
Just got out of court and the judge graced me with a clean driving record!...my advice if you are charged with a crime.

always get a lawyer.

I was cited for 90mph in a 35mph zone

so the charges were speeding and wreckless driving, my lawyer got the speeding completely dismissed and plead NOLO to the wreckless.

I went in thinking I was looking at a suspended licence and community service, I went down to only a $300 fine.

Im feeling pretty good
u didnt need a lawyer to plead NOLO...

10-06-2009, 05:21 PM
u didnt need a lawyer to plead NOLO...

But I needed one to get the speeding ticket completely dismissed!, without the lawyer I would have had to pay a monster ticket and have it go on my driving record...that means insane insurance rates for 3 years! so even after court I would have still been "paying" for it over and over again

10-06-2009, 05:43 PM
I really have no excuse....but ill tell you

there was a long stretch of road with great visibility, I swear you could see a full mile down the road, it was like 9:30am and barely a car on the road (except for the cop I passed) and I just hit the gas.

I see.