View Full Version : KPSA: How "On Point" are you with checking your finances?

10-05-2009, 10:22 AM
Kevykev Public Service Announcement.
: Check that shit DAILY

How much do you screen your bank statements, credit card statements bill billz bills etc. etc.

I swear man, if I didn't pay attention to the garbage companies try to pull, I'd be out of at least $500-41000 of my hard earned cash each year.

Just 1 example amongst 5 for the month.

AMERICAN EXPRESS sent me a free appt. book and planner (nice quality stuff) FOR FREEEEE.

Why'd my bill just show a 2 separate charges for over $50???

They had stipulations with it that's why.

Had I just payed my bill without checking......yeah you get the pic.


10-05-2009, 10:30 AM
I get text message alerts every morning with the balance of my accounts. I also get a text message every time there is a charge to my account. That way I can make sure what they take out of my account for things is what the bill says.

10-05-2009, 10:31 AM
That be off the chain!

10-05-2009, 10:34 AM
Every other month (literally) I get an added "bonus" to my phone bill. It's only about $10, but that shit pisses me off. It's from a 3rd party billing company for voice mail feature. If I never looked, they'd be getting that shit every time. Later,QD.