View Full Version : Misc In Her Shoes

10-15-2005, 12:28 AM
Let me start off by saying it wasn't my choice to see this worthless piece of crap, i was dragged by the girlfriend and her friend. Anyway this movie is without a doubt the absolute worst movie I have ever come across. It's just so damn boring, has no point whatsoever, goes off on random tangents occasionally, and is just downright ugh. I can't say im a big fan of chick flicks, but i'll admit one is good when i see one, and this one was not it. Even the chicks didn't like it, so you know thats got to be saying something. This gets 2 thumbs way way way way way down, with a big turd on top. Good night.

P.S. Cameron Diaz looked mighty delectable in the movie, however her looks alone don't have any chance in saving it.

10-15-2005, 03:03 PM
Damn thats disappointing, it looked like it would be a good movie... :(

10-18-2005, 02:23 AM
It looked like a submerging turd.