View Full Version : Suwanee police are cheating!

10-03-2009, 01:02 AM
I just saw a police checkpoint outside of a tacobell in suwanee... I feel like that's cheating... Discuss

10-03-2009, 01:07 AM
I personally dont like those nor most of anything a cop does. They arent like they used to be. A checkpoint is cheating. Just as sitting behind a divider, on the freeway, with the headlights off and his arm out the window AROUND the side of the divider to catch u in the fastlane at X speed.

10-03-2009, 01:08 AM
The word you're looking for is Profiling.

10-03-2009, 01:10 AM
The word you're looking for is Profiling.

10-03-2009, 01:22 AM
Personally I think majority of cops key word majority are assholes for no reason. They always have an attitude that pisses me off. I'm a big believer on treat others as you would like to be treated. Have an attitude you'll get one right back. Be corgial it will be yes sir no sir from me. But some cops are really cool too. I've met quite a few officers that were cool. But I've met way more asshole cops. When I was still living in LA they pulled me over and did a felony stop on me for not having a tag on new car. I had the dealer paper plate. Cop was an asshole the whole time so I gave him attitude back.
But back to topic i don't condone drunk driving in any way. But I feel like putting a police checkpoint before taco bell Is cheating. Everytime I get drunk at the house we always have someone sober to drive us to taco bell. And I know alot of people just get drunk and drive to taco bell. I also think sitting behind the median without your lights on running radar is cheating. In Cali an officer cannot sit on the side of the road running radar. They have to be moving to radar you and write you a ticket.

10-03-2009, 01:32 AM
I'm speaking on the south. Though in Ohio that occured, but he had his headlights on. I was in Jacksonville, NC and saw alot of that. From the officer sitting headlong into traffic with no lights on the median at the blindspot of a right hand corner. And also during the holiday weekend (for those military folks) how the ENTIRE force would be out for the travelers heading from Jacksonville, NC to the many places they call home. Just waiting, everywhere, just to write a ticket to those anxious to get home after working on a military post.

Now i was not one of those to be written a ticket, but I hate it. Just knowing that ur minding your business and traffic speed increases (not due to the sign but the drivers in the local group) and u get written up for doing nothing but wanting to get home.

10-03-2009, 04:33 AM
Suwanee police are dicks, I went to high school up there. I remember one time they were camping outside the McDonalds on Peachtree Industrial, that was a close night for me and my friends.

10-03-2009, 06:58 AM
What's funny is all the people that think it's "cool" to hate cops are the people that have reason to hate cops. It's really quite simple. Don't do illegal shit. you'll have nothing to worry about. There's a reason why I've never been arrested. I simply don't break the law. People think it's cool to run around like little gangsters with a "fuck the police" attitude because they're doing something against the law and get caught for it. That's what I get a laugh at. Later, QD.

Here is a disclaimer in case someone tried to twist my words around: I'm not saying there is no such thing as a rogue, asshole cop. Just a minority number are.

10-03-2009, 07:09 AM
Roadblocks FTL, not because I drink and drive, cause I dont but because of the delay in traffic they cause

10-03-2009, 07:26 AM
Roadblocks FTL, not because I drink and drive, cause I dont but because of the delay in traffic they cause


10-03-2009, 08:00 AM
What's funny is all the people that think it's "cool" to hate cops are the people that have reason to hate cops. It's really quite simple. Don't do illegal shit. you'll have nothing to worry about. There's a reason why I've never been arrested. I simply don't break the law. People think it's cool to run around like little gangsters with a "fuck the police" attitude because they're doing something against the law and get caught for it. That's what I get a laugh at. Later, QD.

Here is a disclaimer in case someone tried to twist my words around: I'm not saying there is no such thing as a rogue, asshole cop. Just a minority number are.

Wow one of the few times I agree with your post. :taun:
I love reading post on how someone breaking the law was treated so bad. It is the oh I am such a victim fell sorry for me mentality. The officer has no right to treat me bad and give me a ticket for something I know is unlawful.

Okay people listen up. This is a secret to dealing with cops. I use it and it works 99% of the time. At least for me cause i rarely get pulled over. Treat the officer with a little respect(yes sir/mam, no sir/mam) and use eye contact. Put yourself in the officers shoes. Imagine getting railed for doing your job all day by people that know they are in the wrong. You would get to the point where you are on the defense the moment you noticed a volition happen.

Now I am not saying to admit guilt at the time of getting a ticket. You do not have to say anything to the officer. A good morning/afternoon/evening sir/mam will go a long way. This usually works with the D.O.T people to. If you know anything about them they write tickets like crazy.

There are however some officers that will write a ticket and will be an ass no matter how respectful your are. But this I fell is because they are tired of being treated like an ass and have disconnected themselves from something that they once loved.

I know this is a little off the topic of officers setting up a road block but it still kind of relates.

10-03-2009, 08:05 AM
Roadblocks FTL, not because I drink and drive, cause I dont but because of the delay in traffic they cause

I actually love it when I come up on a roadblock. With all the drunk drivers out there, it makes feel a little better when they do this.

10-03-2009, 08:07 AM
Wow one of the few times I agree with your post.

You'd have to have common sense and a bit of education to agree with me on a more daily basis.

I actually love it when I come up on a roadblock. With all the drunk drivers out there, it makes feel a little better when they do this.

Agreed. Later, QD.

10-03-2009, 10:50 AM
Don't get me wrong when I mess up I admit I messed up and will take the ticket. But I've been pulled over for alot of stupid shit that wasent justified. In Cali they don't put the date the temp tag expires due to high volume of people getting tags it may be 1-2 months for the dealer to get your tag like the previous statement above about getting pulled over. I've Been pulled over for a break light out that wasent out. The cop said it was. Asked my buddy to press the break while I was standing outside with the cop and it worked perfectly. And I seriously doubt an 09 cts has a problem with one break light working then not working. He then asked to search my car.

And like Vinayak said being corgial does go a long way. I'm going to be respectful and if he still has a shit attitude, well for me then it goes out the window.

And Like qd stated Some cops are genuinely nice guys and there are a few ass holes. Personally I don't hate cops in any way. When I get a ticket it's not their fault I was breaking the law. And they have the right to write me a ticket. I'll take it like a man because I know I was doing wrong. I personally do not hate the police.

But on topic I do not condone drunk driving. But I feel that a road block especially infront of a place that many drunks go to because many places are closed late at night is cheating. Same with hiding with their lights off to give tickets. What happened to good old fasioned police work. Actually working to find the suspects/ criminals instead of them falling into your arms so to speak. I could understand if they stepped up patrol instead of sitting in parking lots talking to eachother.

10-03-2009, 10:59 AM
Some rules are just meant to be broken. They arrested a friend of my for shit that he didn't do.

10-03-2009, 11:20 AM
I would think a checkpoint outside a strip club would be worse.

10-03-2009, 11:26 AM
It's really quite simple. Don't do illegal shit. you'll have nothing to worry about.

Too bad that's not always the case.

10-03-2009, 11:37 AM
How is it cheating? The cops SHOULD be at places where ppl frequently drive drunk...to get them off the road.

10-03-2009, 11:39 AM
What's funny is all the people that think it's "cool" to hate cops are the people that have reason to hate cops. It's really quite simple. Don't do illegal shit. you'll have nothing to worry about. There's a reason why I've never been arrested. I simply don't break the law. People think it's cool to run around like little gangsters with a "fuck the police" attitude because they're doing something against the law and get caught for it. That's what I get a laugh at. Later, QD.

Here is a disclaimer in case someone tried to twist my words around: I'm not saying there is no such thing as a rogue, asshole cop. Just a minority number are.you havent been out drinkin with me ,lol

10-03-2009, 01:04 PM
I've been in only 2 roadblocks. Once I was waived for having a serious toothache, the second, I was waived for (what I believe) to many people being serviced by the officers.

10-03-2009, 01:36 PM
Don't get me wrong when I mess up I admit I messed up and will take the ticket. But I've been pulled over for alot of stupid shit that wasent justified. In Cali they don't put the date the temp tag expires due to high volume of people getting tags it may be 1-2 months for the dealer to get your tag like the previous statement above about getting pulled over. I've Been pulled over for a break light out that wasent out. The cop said it was. Asked my buddy to press the break while I was standing outside with the cop and it worked perfectly. And I seriously doubt an 09 cts has a problem with one break light working then not working. He then asked to search my car.

And like Vinayak said being corgial does go a long way. I'm going to be respectful and if he still has a shit attitude, well for me then it goes out the window.

And Like qd stated Some cops are genuinely nice guys and there are a few ass holes. Personally I don't hate cops in any way. When I get a ticket it's not their fault I was breaking the law. And they have the right to write me a ticket. I'll take it like a man because I know I was doing wrong. I personally do not hate the police.

But on topic I do not condone drunk driving. But I feel that a road block especially infront of a place that many drunks go to because many places are closed late at night is cheating. Same with hiding with their lights off to give tickets. What happened to good old fasioned police work. Actually working to find the suspects/ criminals instead of them falling into your arms so to speak. I could understand if they stepped up patrol instead of sitting in parking lots talking to eachother.

They do not have the right to write you a ticket. It is a privilege. Just clearing that up.

10-03-2009, 01:38 PM
*team america voice*


10-03-2009, 01:59 PM
How is it cheating? The cops SHOULD be at places where ppl frequently drive drunk...to get them off the road.

BAM! Later, QD.

10-03-2009, 02:05 PM
BAM! Later, QD.

10-03-2009, 04:38 PM
cops have to keep a certain distance from bars and clubs when setting up check points. seriously, its a law they have to abide by. just saying.

Evil Goat
10-04-2009, 10:55 AM
profiling for what? illegals? mexicans don't eat taco bell.....

10-05-2009, 02:31 AM
Some rules are just meant to be broken. They arrested a friend of my for shit that he didn't do.

i love the whole "i got locked up for no reason bruh, i didn't do shit" stories, typically told by someone 150% in the wrong.

i get fucked with by cops all the time, i don't piss and moan over it because im clearly in the wrong. case in point, i feel marijuana should in no way whatsoever be illegal, i make a clear decision not to follow that law, do i get my panties in a wad when the cops tear my car apart looking for weed? NO! it clearly reeks of weed and there just doing there job. they could be nicer about it, but im no ray of sunshine at work either. the problem is certain people should not hold that much power over other people, the whole "justice sysem" is fucked, and until we do something about it there's always gonna be dickhead cops.

sorry for the rant

10-05-2009, 08:21 AM
i that pot should be legal as well.

10-05-2009, 08:27 AM
I've been through quite a few. Mostly they do roll-throughs to see if your seat belt is on. I get paranoid with my bike b/c I'm not supposed to be out at night, but I pull up slowly without high revving down shifts and they check my ID and I'm good. It's annoying but it's whatever. Have all your documents in order and up to date and you're good.


10-05-2009, 07:11 PM
i love the whole "i got locked up for no reason bruh, i didn't do shit" stories, typically told by someone 150% in the wrong.

i get fucked with by cops all the time, i don't piss and moan over it because im clearly in the wrong. case in point, i feel marijuana should in no way whatsoever be illegal, i make a clear decision not to follow that law, do i get my panties in a wad when the cops tear my car apart looking for weed? NO! it clearly reeks of weed and there just doing there job. they could be nicer about it, but im no ray of sunshine at work either. the problem is certain people should not hold that much power over other people, the whole "justice sysem" is fucked, and until we do something about it there's always gonna be dickhead cops.

sorry for the rant

You still talk shit about that cop that took you to jail over a stem.

10-05-2009, 08:22 PM
Legalize it!

10-06-2009, 12:26 AM
You still talk shit about that cop that took you to jail over a stem.

i never said my reasoning was fool proof! that guy was a fucking douche:2up:

10-06-2009, 01:03 AM
lol you were whining about that check point? Please - they're just profiling and checking for drunks and what not.

As for the delay - you think that was bad? They've had one on 20 before after Old Peachtree - I got a fix it ticket for a tail light being out - didn't even know honestly.

Oh, and they had one on the 85/SR20 access road. TONS of drunks were being booked and or doing the test.

As for a majority of cops being assholes? Are you fucking serious? :lmao: I've yet to encounter an asshole cop - let me take that back, there was one cop, where I was riding shotgun with a guy in an Evo8, who his dumbass leaves the Sonic Meet and LAUNCHES the car on 120 up to 80mph. In traffic. Cop wasn't too happy about that, nor the bullshit story - he just cut through it all and called him out on it. Did he have every right? You damn right :lmao: He was still courteous though, if a bit short and terse.

Seriously, some of you people need to just grow the fuck up

10-06-2009, 08:12 AM
^ I'm just wondering. Do you live under a rock? IF you have never met a dick cop, you would just about have too.

10-06-2009, 08:13 AM
^ I'm just wondering. Do you live under a rock? IF you have never met a dick cop, you would just about have too.

I've never lived under a rock. Later, QD.

10-06-2009, 08:34 AM
I've never lived under a rock. Later, QD. I'm not saying all cops are bad. I have met a few cool as fuck ones before. But from what my experiences the majority are dicks.

10-06-2009, 08:46 AM
I'm not saying all cops are bad. I have met a few cool as fuck ones before. But from what my experiences the majority are dicks.

Well you insinuated that someone must live under a rock to not have encountered a "mean" cop. I've had a driver's license for 25 years. I couldn't count on at least 100 fingers and toes how many times I've been pulled over. Not once have I ever been disrespected by an officer. Not once. Every time I've been pulled over, it's been because I've done something wrong. Most of the people that chant "i hate police" or have the attitude you have are part of one or more groups: 1. just jumping on the bandwagon, 2. got mad because they got caught so it's the policeman's fault or 3. aren't telling the full story and trying to validate why they hate cops. Later, QD.

10-06-2009, 08:55 AM
Well you insinuated that someone must live under a rock to not have encountered a "mean" cop. I've had a driver's license for 25 years. I couldn't count on at least 100 fingers and toes how many times I've been pulled over. Not once have I ever been disrespected by an officer. Not once. Every time I've been pulled over, it's been because I've done something wrong. Most of the people that chant "i hate police" or have the attitude you have are part of one or more groups: 1. just jumping on the bandwagon, 2. got mad because they got caught so it's the policeman's fault or 3. aren't telling the full story and trying to validate why they hate cops. Later, QD. lol have you ever been in your garage working on a car or bike and have a cop stop because he sees you drinking a beer? I have in my subdivision. He gave me shit about it. Hell the keys where up stairs in my room. Once in gainesville, my friend i was riding with was pulled over by forsyth county drug task force because i called my friends little cousin that was sitting beside me in the back seat a penis muncher. the cops said "they thought i was reffering to them" when i wasn't even looking towards them. Btw these guys were giving out tickets to people, when they are from forsyth.

10-06-2009, 08:57 AM
since i got a bike and this pos truck since i sold my bike, i have yet to get pulled over. but when i had a nice car i was getting pulled over and searched at least once a week, even though i have had a legal job since i was 15.

10-06-2009, 08:58 AM
O and I don't do drugs, tried a few when i was 13 -15 but none since then. well i take that back. I've smoked pot maybe 6 times since then. But me personally i have never carried any on me since i was 15.