View Full Version : Anyone have a white full-face helmet I can borrow?

87 Turbo II
10-02-2009, 09:32 PM
I want to dress up as the Stig for Halloween but all of the helmets are pretty expensive to wear for just one day. I was invited to a costume party and I decided I'd love to be the Stig.


The more it looks like the actual Stig's helmet the better.(it doesn't even have to be close though, any all-white helmet with a visor will work, I can use a cheap temporary tint to make ti look more Stig-like) I'll just need it for like the last week of October.

Also any suggestions for the racing outfit other than just gonig ot a thrift stor and looking for a long sleeve white jacket, gloves, and pants?

10-02-2009, 09:39 PM
good luck man
awesome costume
the stig is pretty cool idea

87 Turbo II
10-02-2009, 09:42 PM
Thank you, yeah I just figured it probably isn't done a lot and I really LOVe top gear so why not.

LOL I was just Thinking if I get desperate, I can buy a big fish bowl that my head fits in, mask off the visor part, and paint the whole bowl white, then tint the clear visor part to black form the inside, but I'd really perfer an actual racing helmet haha.

10-02-2009, 09:48 PM
yea dood youve got plenty of time...id just make my own
you should keep this a secret from everyone especially if no one is going to this party from ia..
imagine going to the party, not talking, just chilling....
you will blow minds!

10-02-2009, 11:30 PM
Man I've been wanting to do that for a while. Stig's helmet is a Simpson Diamondback to be exact.

10-03-2009, 01:01 AM
i hazzzone

10-03-2009, 01:04 AM
Man I've been wanting to do that for a while. Stig's helmet is a Simpson Diamondback to be exact.

Yepp. I have one, but it's grey.

10-03-2009, 01:07 AM
Yepp. I have one, but it's grey.

87 Turbo II
10-03-2009, 01:50 AM
umm, so anyone cool w/ me borrowing it? PM me contact info?

10-03-2009, 09:22 AM
Just buy one, if you wanna get serious about racing you'll need a full face.

oh and the stig hates RX-7's :lmfao:

10-03-2009, 10:08 AM
but, i herd he loved 240's :tongue1:

never mind... it was a rumor :(

Just make sure you don't talk to anyone at the party... Oh and drive all the cars!

10-03-2009, 11:04 AM
but, i herd he loved 240's :tongue1:

never mind... it was a rumor :(

Just make sure you don't talk to anyone at the party... Oh and drive all the cars!


10-03-2009, 01:27 PM
Just make sure you don't talk to anyone at the party... Oh and drive all the cars!

x2. bring a note pad and write in the 3rd person; "The Stig would like some of that hunch punch over there" :lmfao: