View Full Version : A conversation with my roommate...

10-02-2009, 11:48 AM
Holy FUCKING CHRIST. dumbest/laziest kid ever.

I have put his "performance" in bold, so you can see his stupidity easier.

Okie: u called me and told me about the bil
Okie: not him
Okie: if he wanted the money he coulda made a phone call
Okie: or even texted
Okie: its not a hard concept
Okie: but thats him being hard headed
TRYMYFORTY: look at you, tlakin abou tnot hard concepts!
TRYMYFORTY: you should take your own advice :-D
Okie: so should u
Okie: like calling me when ur gonna touch my shit
TRYMYFORTY: i do as i say
TRYMYFORTY: that wasn't my advice to you
TRYMYFORTY: i didnt ask for a phone call when you touch my shit
TRYMYFORTY: that's YOUR advice to me
Okie: no i'm talking about simple concepts
TRYMYFORTY: which you know nothing about
TRYMYFORTY: like cleaning up after yourself to avoid fights
TRYMYFORTY: or taking out the trash
TRYMYFORTY: or not sleeping on the floor in the living room
Okie: lol takeing out the trash to avoid fights
Okie: thats a retarded concept
Okie: not a simple concept
TRYMYFORTY: that normal male grown human beings do
TRYMYFORTY: every day
Okie: no they don't
TRYMYFORTY: lmao holy fucking christ
TRYMYFORTY: "if i clean up after myself, like a grown ass man, people will not get mad at me"
Okie: dude, i'm not gonna be perfect every time
Okie: and not forget to throw something out
Okie: that concept seems to fail both of ur minds
TRYMYFORTY: it's unbelievable the excuses you have
Okie: its not an excuse
Okie: its the truth
Okie: i'm not gonna remember every single time
Okie: its just fact
TRYMYFORTY: "im not gonna be perfect everytime, there's no way i can walk all the way to the trash can, every time, and throw out my trash, and when the trash gets full, take it out, that's asking too much"
Okie: its not asking too much
Okie: but i'm human
Okie: idiot
Okie: great
TRYMYFORTY: i dont see how it's hard
Okie: ur awesome
TRYMYFORTY: it's not hard
Okie: it isn't
TRYMYFORTY: it's fucking common sense
Okie: but i'm not you
TRYMYFORTY: how can you not do that
Okie: because i'm not you anthony
TRYMYFORTY: you finish withs omething
TRYMYFORTY: it becomes trash
Okie: i do my own thing
Okie: u do urs
TRYMYFORTY: you walk it to the trash can
TRYMYFORTY: you throw it away
Okie: don't expect me to be you
Okie: its not hard
Okie: i'm me
Okie: you're you
Okie: its a very minor fucking issue
Okie: we live differently
Okie: but u morons
TRYMYFORTY: you just said i left sh it everywhere
Okie: don't know how to approach me properly
TRYMYFORTY: yea, us morons, clean up after ourselves, like a normal grown man
Okie: u act like childs
Okie: u clean up after urselves
Okie: thats not the sign of a man
TRYMYFORTY: it's not hard
Okie: don't think that it is
Okie: get that outta ur head
Okie: just means ur clean
Okie: weeee
Okie: good job!
TRYMYFORTY: someone who doesn't clean up after themselves is sign of a child
TRYMYFORTY: someone who's not fit to take care of themselves
Okie: right
Okie: thats why we have a cleaning business right?
TRYMYFORTY: because they decide to live in filth
Okie: u fucking idiot
TRYMYFORTY: you dont clean
Okieant: they make enough money for a cleaning service but they're all children?
TRYMYFORTY: im sure the parents clean upa fter themselves
TRYMYFORTY: but they have 5 kids who make messes
Okie: no! they don't
Okie: thats why they pay for it
Okie: i've been to the houses
TRYMYFORTY: whats your compromise elvis?
Okie: not hey "well, since u wanna do this, can u at least every certain day clean up?"
Okie: "sure no problem"
TRYMYFORTY: let me be filthy and leave shit everywhere i want and you two shut up?
Okie: thats not what i said
Okie: read
TRYMYFORTY: you said, let me leave stuff everywhere for 6 days
TRYMYFORTY: and clean it up one day
TRYMYFORTY: when i have the capacity to clean it up right after i use it
Okie: thats not the exact compromise we had to come to
Okie: it was an example ant
TRYMYFORTY: worst example ever
Okie: but shit like that never took place
Okie: great
Okie: "look, since u have trouble cleaning up after urself everytime, set a time every day or every week, and get it cleaned so it doesn't pile up"
Okie: not hard
Okie: thats why people have "cleaning day"!
Okie: yay!
TRYMYFORTY: NOT TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Okieant: doesn't matter what it is ant
Okieant: it all has to get cleaned
Okieant: no, u two idiots don't want that
Okieant: i personally don't care, i'll get it out the way when i get it out the way
TRYMYFORTY: and why do WE have to come to you and have YOU set a time for yourself everyday to CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF? why can't you go, well clearly i need to throw out my trash, at 6pm everyday, iwill make sure i have no trash laying around, and my dishes in the sink are done. but you don't know what being responsible is
Okie: "well, its what we want so u have to do what we want"
TRYMYFORTY: i dont know why you insist, that cleaning up after yourself isn't a habit you'd like to do, and it's asking too much
TRYMYFORTY: i just don't get it
Okieant: doesn't work like that moron
TRYMYFORTY: i dont know what raised you
Okie: ant
TRYMYFORTY: monkeys?
Okie: i am not perfect
TRYMYFORTY: gorillas?
Okie: i am not perfecrt
Okie: i am not perfect
Okie: i am not perfect
Okie: i will get side tracked
TRYMYFORTY: one time a week
Okie: some days
TRYMYFORTY: one time a month
TRYMYFORTY: OK that's fine
Okie: i won't care
TRYMYFORTY: EVERYDAY isn't "not being perfect" it's just not giving a fuck about anybody else and doing what you want to do
Okie: no
TRYMYFORTY: yo usay compromise, but you're just wanting to live how YOU WANT TO LIVE
Okie: thats ur perception
Okie: NO
TRYMYFORTY: that was your suggestion
TRYMYFORTY: "set a cleaning day"
Okie: make a time, or something like that
Okie: or
Okie: we all have certain responsibilities
Okie: i clean up trash
Okie: someone cleans dishes
Okie: someone vacuums
Okie: there's many routes to go
TRYMYFORTY: no, it's stupid to clean up after everyone elses mess, just be responsible enought o clean up after yourself
TRYMYFORTY: if you wanna vacuum your area, you do it
TRYMYFORTY: you clean up your own trash
TRYMYFORTY: you wash your own dishes
TRYMYFORTY: don't let shit pile up
Okie: well, see right there is why we have a discussion
Okie: cuz i don't agree with u
Okie: so we can go in circles all day
TRYMYFORTY: yea cuz you just wanna do one thing, and have everyone else do shit for you!
Okie: No
Okie: cuz i'm saying right there
TRYMYFORTY: that's what you're suggesting!

SERIOUSLY. HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN YOU BE.. REALLY?! I feel like i've adopted a child, that i want to kill.

10-02-2009, 11:53 AM
im not reading all this

10-02-2009, 11:53 AM
You should. It's unbelievable. I just dont know how any one human being can actually have these views.

10-02-2009, 11:55 AM
You should. It's unbelievable. I just dont know how any one human being can actually have these views.
Me either his roomie must be a duche

10-02-2009, 11:55 AM
Me either his roomie must be a duche

he says "grown males do not clean up after themselves, that's why there's cleaning services."

the kid works as an assistant of a lady who owns a cleaning service. He thinks that since such a thing exists, everyone is just as filthy as he is.

10-02-2009, 11:56 AM
im not reading all this

10-02-2009, 11:57 AM
he says "grown males do not clean up after themselves, that's why there's cleaning services."

the kid works as an assistant of a lady who owns a cleaning service. He thinks that since such a thing exists, everyone is just as filthy as he is.
What a pussy

10-02-2009, 11:59 AM
Just whoa! I am sooooo glad I live on my own! Roomates = fail

10-02-2009, 12:00 PM
for those of you saying "too much to read" ,you should really read it. My jaw was on the floor the entire time. i would like to see this kid go into the military and try saying just one of those things to his sergeant. he'd kill himself within a week.

10-02-2009, 12:00 PM

10-02-2009, 12:01 PM
for those of you saying "too much to read" ,you should really read it. My jaw was on the floor the entire time. i would like to see this kid go into the military and try saying just one of those things to his sergeant. he'd kill himself within a week.
it's not in commi language so i can't read it lolol

10-02-2009, 12:02 PM
reading that made me feel like you were talking to a log.

10-02-2009, 12:04 PM
it's not in commi language so i can't read it lolol

LOL. fucking communist bastard. should've translated it to zu brecken ze doich.

10-02-2009, 12:05 PM

Look what i did in this thread

10-02-2009, 12:08 PM
LOL. fucking communist bastard. should've translated it to zu brecken ze doich.
was is das lol

10-02-2009, 12:09 PM

10-02-2009, 12:13 PM

10-02-2009, 12:13 PM
reading that made me feel like you were talking to a log.

+1.. i would have killed him by now.

10-02-2009, 12:14 PM
pic has an X... :ninja:
ist es eine abbildung von Hitler

10-02-2009, 12:14 PM
it wasn't going anywhere.

10-02-2009, 12:15 PM
LOL... Elvis!!!

Sounds like he needs to step back up North (buncha dirty fawks up there)

10-02-2009, 12:16 PM
LOL... Elvis!!!

Sounds like he needs to step back up North (buncha dirty fawks up there)

jesus christ no kidding. i mean honestly. i dont think anyone see's eye to eye with this idiot. the most unbelievable concept on planet earth. take out the trash? clean up after myself? that's not grown man stuff, i don't do that.

10-02-2009, 12:16 PM
LOL... Elvis!!!

Sounds like he needs to step back up North (buncha dirty fawks up there)

That isn't nice. I am from up North, and I clean my apartment like everyday.

10-02-2009, 12:17 PM

Look what i did in this thread
look click comment

10-02-2009, 12:18 PM
It got REAL right here:

TRYMYFORTY: how can you not do that
Okie: because i'm not you anthony

I thought it was almost over at that point then there were 90 pages left so I stopped reading.

This is obviously the guy that sleeps in bed with his shoes on sometimes... LOLOLOL

10-02-2009, 12:22 PM
It got REAL right here:

TRYMYFORTY: how can you not do that
Okie: because i'm not you anthony

I thought it was almost over at that point then there were 90 pages left so I stopped reading.

This is obviously the guy that sleeps in bed with his shoes on sometimes... LOLOLOL

SOMTEIMES?! ant has told me he doesn't take his shoes off. LOL. he sleeps on the FLOOR IN THE LIVING ROOM. when he's forced to sleep in his bed, his shoes stay on. LOL.

10-02-2009, 12:23 PM
ughhh i cant even sleep with socks on.

10-02-2009, 12:23 PM
why not kick the guy out?

10-02-2009, 12:27 PM
why not kick the guy out?


maybe he's on the lease. there's also finding another roommate to cover his part of the rent.. lots of things to consider.. i really wonder why he hasn't yet, lol.

10-02-2009, 12:29 PM

maybe he's on the lease. there's also finding another roommate to cover his part of the rent.. lots of things to consider.. i really wonder why he hasn't yet, lol.

das ist zutreffend

10-02-2009, 12:31 PM
That isn't nice. I am from up North, and I clean my apartment like everyday.

but you have a vagin... so you better clean :police:

10-02-2009, 12:33 PM
lol well i can't stand having a messy apt.. drives me bananas..the only messy thing is my closet/bedroom because i hate putting clothes up the right way..but it isnt dirty.

10-02-2009, 12:35 PM
das ist zutreffend


10-02-2009, 12:35 PM
das ist schmutzig

10-02-2009, 12:36 PM
lmfao. So I'm guessing this kid has a few screws loose.... ??

He sounds like a real winner.

twiztid cc
10-02-2009, 01:29 PM

maybe he's on the lease. there's also finding another roommate to cover his part of the rent.. lots of things to consider..

ant grow some balls and kick his ass out if it bothers you that much...or stfu:yes:

10-02-2009, 01:33 PM
ant grow some balls and kick his ass out if it bothers you that much...or stfu:yes:

im not anthony. idiot. im sure it's more than just "not having balls" he may not want to cover someones $500 half of the rent/bills. Ever think of that genius?

twiztid cc
10-02-2009, 01:38 PM
im not anthony. idiot. im sure it's more than just "not having balls" he may not want to cover someones $500 half of the rent/bills. Ever think of that genius?

\stfu i know who the fuk he is....well make more money or find someone to take his place if not shut the fuk up...

VQ35 Star
10-02-2009, 01:44 PM
Do you still live with this dude?

10-02-2009, 01:46 PM
cliff notes: that mother fucker cant clean up after himself and is trying to argue why he should be able to leave his shit all over the place and expect other people to be ok with it.

What an idiot he is. I dont see how you can live with that shit....

10-02-2009, 01:50 PM
cliff notes: that mother fucker cant clean up after himself and is trying to argue why he should be able to leave his shit all over the place and expect other people to be ok with it.

What an idiot he is. I dont see how you can live with that shit....

LOL exactly.

10-02-2009, 04:17 PM
I'm sorry but I refuse to use AIM anymore since my balls have dropped. Just saying.

10-12-2009, 11:27 AM
lmao this conversation still cracks me up.

10-12-2009, 11:29 AM

Are you wanting to attract homeless people to your aim account?

x Resilience
10-12-2009, 11:37 AM

Are you wanting to attract homeless people to your aim account?

Hahahahaha, LIRL!!!! :lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:

10-12-2009, 11:39 AM
I have that same problem with my roommates. I don't care at all if their rooms are wall to wall with trash, but the common areas that we all use should be pretty clean. I don't want to see your fast food leftovers on the coffee table for 3 days. There is a trash can about 15 feet away. USE IT!

10-12-2009, 11:40 AM
I have that same problem with my roommates. I don't care at all if their rooms are wall to wall with trash, but the common areas that we all use should be pretty clean. I don't want to see your fast food leftovers on the coffee table for 3 days. There is a trash can about 15 feet away. USE IT!

praise allah. :lmfao:

10-12-2009, 01:13 PM
thats one lazy MoFo

10-12-2009, 01:41 PM
lol @ who raised you...

10-12-2009, 02:05 PM
Your roommate is funny...lol I dont know whats worse, his phrases, or the fact that you held a conversation with him for that long.

10-12-2009, 02:10 PM
What a fucking idiot....Just take all his "trash" and throw it in his room....

can u post a picture of this slob so if by chance i ever run across him in public, i DONT shake his hand

10-12-2009, 02:45 PM
is this guy on here?

10-12-2009, 03:15 PM
Yes he is on here... goes by the name "greed" I believe

10-12-2009, 03:20 PM
sweet jeebus I want my 5 minutes back mate...your roomy is a child... get rid of them.

87 Turbo II
10-12-2009, 08:54 PM
Collaborate with all the other room mates to start putting all the trash in his room. Your trash, his trash, the general kitchen trash can't trash. Basically redirect all trash flow into his room.