View Full Version : Are There Cures for Diseases?

10-01-2009, 02:11 PM
At work we were discussing the other day whether the government really does have a cure for deadly diseases like AIDS, cancer, etc.

I was focused mainly on cancer, the big killer in many different ways.

Now I'm not one to believe conspiracy theories ever, this is something I just can't not think about. With the level of greed and corruption in politics, and the medical industry being very close with them, is it feasible that a cancer cure exists and they just aren't giving it to us?

If you think about it, the average life expectancy used to be in the 40s over a hundred years ago, now with people living longer in general, allowing them to live longer with cancer is putting more money in peoples pockets. If there was a shot or a cure all for cancer, how would all these people make money off of people for years? They stand to make more money by people staying sick. Where is all the money going to cancer research?

Another part to it is a form of population control. So people are dying eventually after sucking the money from them, then killing them so they no longer suck up resources and someone else old or sick takes their place.

Am I alone in this thinking? Or does anyone have something they know or can add that I don't? I'm curious to see what others think, only one coworker agreed with me.


10-01-2009, 02:15 PM
i think there are

10-01-2009, 02:23 PM

10-01-2009, 02:25 PM
There is no money to be made with cures.

There is lots of money to be made with treatments.

I don't claim to know everything, and certainly don't have enough medical knowledge to even want to start making claims as to what is and isn't available/possible out there......but I do know that my above statement is true.

10-01-2009, 03:27 PM
I've thought about this a lot. Is there a possibility that it's true?? Of course, but there's still people out there who plan on finding the cure by themselves. I know of many college professors who are trying to find a cure for whatever disease. So, I think that even if the government would try to keep it a secret. If one person has found the cure and hasn't let it out, then someone else will surely figure it out too.

A lot of the people who start their own cancer research facilities do it because they were either diagnosed with cancer, or someone they know was diagnosed or died from it. So, they would never keep their cure a secret because it was never about money to them. Is it a possibility that there's a cure and it won't get out?? Yes. Will it always be like that?? No. There's gonna be someone somewhere that'll find the cure for the right reasons and won't let money or the government get in the way.

10-01-2009, 03:35 PM
To my knowledge, cancer isn't really a disease that you can just "maintain" in order to make money from it. Either you get treatment that kills the cancer, or the cancer kills you.

I interned in a cutting edge cancer research lab two summers ago, and the details about each different type of cancer are so intricate that I don't think that there will be a single treatment that cures all kinds of cancer. The treatments will get better and more effective, but there is still so much unknown about the different kinds of cancer that it will be a while.

10-01-2009, 03:36 PM
roxie, money can buy temp. happiness, and the gov. can/will kill people who plan on opening their mouths about certain things.

10-01-2009, 04:02 PM
roxie, money can buy temp. happiness, and the gov. can/will kill people who plan on opening their mouths about certain things.



10-01-2009, 04:19 PM
If you think about it, the average life expectancy used to be in the 40s over a hundred years ago, now with people living longer in general, allowing them to live longer with cancer is putting more money in peoples pockets.

I'll reply with a serious answer.

The life expectancy of United States citizens has increased not only because of the advances in medical research, that has led to stronger medicine that has become more effective over the years at doing different things, namely helping to fight off or cure diseases; but, also because of the safety risk of people's jobs. I do not know where you stumbled upon the life expectancy ever being 40, even in the colonial period the life expectancy was higher than that, except for slaves.

Now with diseases such as polio and the measles being just about all but eradicated in most developed countries of the world, why would the government have any motive in hiding a cure for deadly diseases like cancer or AIDS? If the U.S. Government discovers a cure for these diseases, which they cannot because there are an array of different cancers to consider, it would be preposterous for them to keep it a secret because the amount of power they could yield and the untold amount of money they could earn, which would be enough for any Washington dimwit to go blabbering that we have found a cure. The U.S. would be viewed in a different light by helping to fight diseases that claim hundreds of millions of people worldwide every year.

So in conclusion, I find your direction of thinking to be misguided and obtusely vacuous. Thanks and have a great day.

10-01-2009, 04:24 PM
roxie, money can buy temp. happiness, and the gov. can/will kill people who plan on opening their mouths about certain things.
i agree

10-01-2009, 04:33 PM
There is no money to be made with cures.

There is lots of money to be made with treatments.

I don't claim to know everything, and certainly don't have enough medical knowledge to even want to start making claims as to what is and isn't available/possible out there......but I do know that my above statement is true.


HeLLo iM iZzY
10-01-2009, 04:49 PM
All the cures are out there.

We have all this technology and other bs but "no cure?"

Really? C'mon.

The government is obviously hiding it so all the people can keep "donating" for other stuff and not the main purpose of the donation.

Master Shake
10-01-2009, 05:06 PM
All the cures are out there.

We have all this technology and other bs but "no cure?"

Really? C'mon.

The government is obviously hiding it so all the people can keep "donating" for other stuff and not the main purpose of the donation.
in a way, its called population control. we are getting over populated as it is. gov't is tryin to keep it down.

just what i think. but i agree with lankhoss.

10-01-2009, 05:17 PM
There is no money to be made with cures.

There is lots of money to be made with treatments.

I don't claim to know everything, and certainly don't have enough medical knowledge to even want to start making claims as to what is and isn't available/possible out there......but I do know that my above statement is true.

100% truth. unless of course you're rich enough to afford the cure, then there's money to be made :o

10-01-2009, 05:25 PM
Magic Johnson....

10-01-2009, 05:31 PM
roxie, money can buy temp. happiness, and the gov. can/will kill people who plan on opening their mouths about certain things.

Really?? You think someone who goes to press with a groundbreaking discovery is gonna wind up dead? Really?? You think that after they let it be known that they've found it that the government will find someway to kill them?? I don't think so because that'll spark up a lot of questioning. The government isn't that stupid.

I'm not talking about the research centers. I'm talking about past doctor's or anyone with medical experience that has experienced cancer in their lives (whether through a family member or they themselves). The ones that want to figure it out themselves not for the money, but so they can actually help people. It's not about money for them. They just don't wanna see anyone suffer like what they had to go through or what their family members had to go through.

10-01-2009, 07:55 PM
There's a cure for anything if you have money.

10-01-2009, 07:56 PM
magic johnson is living proof

10-01-2009, 08:07 PM
^Hahaha X2

10-01-2009, 08:29 PM
There's a cure for anything if you have money.
Tell that to Swayze.

10-01-2009, 08:31 PM
Tell that to Swayze.

lol speaking of Swayze im watching Dirty Dancing for the first time right now lol

10-01-2009, 08:55 PM
There's no way in hell this could be true at least for aids/cancer. There are thousands of PhD scientists getting paid a shit ton of money to research this 24/7 across the world. There have been many diseases that have been completely exterminated. I interned at a biotech company that rented space at Germany's version of the CDC.

There is definitely a lot of bureaucratic bullshit involving intellectual property/profitability in drug development that impedes healthcare progress which should be reformed, but none of it is done on purpose. The world is not that shitty yet lol.

10-01-2009, 09:57 PM
I wish there was a cure for stupidity, and Napoleon disorder. Midgets piss me off.

10-01-2009, 10:04 PM
:boob ies:: boobies::boobi es::b oobies::boobie s::bo obies::boobies ::boo bies: :boob ies:: boobies::boobi es::b oobies::boobie s::bo obies::boobies ::boo bies: :boob ies:: boobies::boobi es::b oobies::boobie s::bo obies::boobies ::boo bies: :boob ies:: boobies::boobi es::b oobies::boobie s::bo obies::boobies ::boo bies: :boob ies:: boobies::boobi es::b oobies::boobie s::bo obies::boobies ::boo bies: :boob ies:

10-01-2009, 10:48 PM
i mean i think there is possibly if there wasnt think of how many people would be outta jobs and such

10-02-2009, 12:07 AM
There will never be a "cure" for cancer. No vaccine, no instant treatment. Do you not understand what cancer is and how cancer works?

In the future the only possible thing that could offer an instant and cure like solution to cancer is believe it or not nano technology. If there is any way to put small machines into a persons body that would seek out and destroy only cancerous cells, that is when cancer is cured.

As of right now, Chemo, Radiation, and Surgery are the only things that offer any hope.

You do understand what makes cancer, or certain types of cancers so dangerous right?

Its a process called metastasis, its a process where a cancerous cell from a tumor will travel through the blood stream and land on a vital organ and then begin to reproduce causing a cancerous tumor to form on that vital organ.

This is why Melonoma is so freaking dangerous. Think about it, you get a tiny little misshaped tumor on your skin, somewhere on your back, next thing you know you are dying a year later because your liver failed. Why did you liver fail, because as soon as that skin tumor grows into your dermis tissue the cancer cells travel and latch on to other vital organs in your body, most notably the liver, because the liver for some reason has a cellular make somewhat similar to skin cells.

10-02-2009, 01:27 AM
Really?? You think someone who goes to press with a groundbreaking discovery is gonna wind up dead? Really?? You think that after they let it be known that they've found it that the government will find someway to kill them?? I don't think so because that'll spark up a lot of questioning. The government isn't that stupid.

I'm not talking about the research centers. I'm talking about past doctor's or anyone with medical experience that has experienced cancer in their lives (whether through a family member or they themselves). The ones that want to figure it out themselves not for the money, but so they can actually help people. It's not about money for them. They just don't wanna see anyone suffer like what they had to go through or what their family members had to go through.

I wouldn't be surprised. Very strange things happen when you mess with a power-hungry person/group. But even so with all the independent research going on why doesnt everyone just pull together and work for a year straight in the same building or something and get shit done?? :thinking:

There will never be a "cure" for cancer. No vaccine, no instant treatment. Do you not understand what cancer is and how cancer works?

In the future the only possible thing that could offer an instant and cure like solution to cancer is believe it or not nano technology. If there is any way to put small machines into a persons body that would seek out and destroy only cancerous cells, that is when cancer is cured.

As of right now, Chemo, Radiation, and Surgery are the only things that offer any hope.

You do understand what makes cancer, or certain types of cancers so dangerous right?

Its a process called metastasis, its a process where a cancerous cell from a tumor will travel through the blood stream and land on a vital organ and then begin to reproduce causing a cancerous tumor to form on that vital organ.

This is why Melonoma is so freaking dangerous. Think about it, you get a tiny little misshaped tumor on your skin, somewhere on your back, next thing you know you are dying a year later because your liver failed. Why did you liver fail, because as soon as that skin tumor grows into your dermis tissue the cancer cells travel and latch on to other vital organs in your body, most notably the liver, because the liver for some reason has a cellular make somewhat similar to skin cells.

I agree with no, one cure for all cancer. I can something coming out that can cure/retain/prevent certain types of it.

But sadly I'm one who is all for natural selection. I mean, as wrong as it seems morally, realistically if we just let people die we would end up not having so many cancer cases, and not as many birth defects, and genetic disorders, ect.
Hell one of my best friends has cystic fybrosis(sp) and if medicians didnt keep advancing at a rapid pace he would be dead by now. In the 4th grade doctors didnt expect him to live past 18. he is a freshmen in college now and is doing great. He has been through alot and i feel for him, but.. ugg.. :cry: i hate thinking about this shit.

10-02-2009, 04:36 AM
There will never be a "cure" for cancer. No vaccine, no instant treatment. Do you not understand what cancer is and how cancer works?

In the future the only possible thing that could offer an instant and cure like solution to cancer is believe it or not nano technology. If there is any way to put small machines into a persons body that would seek out and destroy only cancerous cells, that is when cancer is cured.

As of right now, Chemo, Radiation, and Surgery are the only things that offer any hope.

You do understand what makes cancer, or certain types of cancers so dangerous right?

Its a process called metastasis, its a process where a cancerous cell from a tumor will travel through the blood stream and land on a vital organ and then begin to reproduce causing a cancerous tumor to form on that vital organ.

This is why Melonoma is so freaking dangerous. Think about it, you get a tiny little misshaped tumor on your skin, somewhere on your back, next thing you know you are dying a year later because your liver failed. Why did you liver fail, because as soon as that skin tumor grows into your dermis tissue the cancer cells travel and latch on to other vital organs in your body, most notably the liver, because the liver for some reason has a cellular make somewhat similar to skin cells.

Of course there's no vaccine, its not a virus. We could possibly make a protein that binds to the cancerous cells changing their property and therefore "disabling" it. Not as easy as it sounds though.

10-02-2009, 11:51 AM
Of course there's no vaccine, its not a virus. We could possibly make a protein that binds to the cancerous cells changing their property and therefore "disabling" it. Not as easy as it sounds though.

proteins can fold into an almost infinite amount of combinations. Finding a protein that would disable a cancer cell would be impossible because a protein alone would not be able to actively seek and out and find the cancerous cells.

Maybe a viral pathogen that can only bind to cancer cells, that would work. But thats concept has been explored in science, movies, books, and even porno for like the last 30 years.

10-02-2009, 11:52 AM
No, but they have plastic surgery. Ugly ass troll lookin' ass.


10-02-2009, 12:57 PM
There is no money to be made with cures.

There is lots of money to be made with treatments.

I don't claim to know everything, and certainly don't have enough medical knowledge to even want to start making claims as to what is and isn't available/possible out there......but I do know that my above statement is true.

You've actually said something I agree with.