View Full Version : police beating ass in New orleans!

10-13-2005, 10:06 PM
did anyone just see that on the news, those cops are fucked up! supposively a guy around 52 was resisting arrest, didnt look like it that much on the video, but then the cop started to punch him in the back of his head like 5 times and everytime his head bounced off the building

10-13-2005, 10:10 PM
Yeah I saw the video. If you have Comcast internet service the video is in the Fan section.

10-13-2005, 10:11 PM
i dont even know what i have other then just normal cable, I barely ever watch tv, my dad was just watching tv and i seen it.

10-13-2005, 11:19 PM
heard about it on the radio. The guy was drunk and the cops were abusing their "power" as usual.

10-13-2005, 11:28 PM
the black guy wasnt drunk cops lied..

10-14-2005, 08:26 AM
Do you think you could be doing there job? Working non-stop AFTER losing everything too. Yes, Ive been there and its hell down there.

10-14-2005, 08:39 AM
see, I dont know who to believe because the media is all about shock and awe...they dont always protray the full story...you all should know that by now.

just look at the N.O Superdome incident.....100's dead in the superdome.....when there was only 3. All the major networks had plastered that 100's had died in the superdome.

Before all of you try and jump my shit....

Point 1.
I will admitt that the officers used unnessecary force, but if this guy wasnt drunk and uncooperative, dont you think he wouldve easily just let them detain him? dont you think he wouldve just listened to their commands and layed down with his hands on his back? why did it take 3 officers to bring him down? obviously he didnt want to go down.

Point 2.
Where is the rest of the footage? they are saying that there was more footage of the man acting beligerant and spouting off at the cops before they tried to take him down, but it was "lost"....it's because whoever filmed it probably edited it out, or "forgot" to hit record when it was all going down. It's because the media is showing you, what they want to show you.

now, this guy is saying that he didnt drink at all and was completely sober and the cops just jumped him and it was racial profiling. I hope to god those officers were able to give him a blood alcohol test....otherwise, they lose any ground they stand on.

10-14-2005, 09:00 AM
see, I dont know who to believe because the media is all about shock and awe...they dont always protray the full story...you all should know that by now.

i'm with you. Just like when the hurricane hit, all the news wanted to show was the bad reports. Other cities where destroyed, but you didn't see those people being shown on the news coming together helping each other. It's sad that most people WANT to see the bad news, more than the great stories of people helping each other. Now there is news that Spike Lee is planning on making a movie about it, i wonder how bias it will be.

10-14-2005, 09:10 AM
i'm with you. Just like when the hurricane hit, all the news wanted to show was the bad reports. Other cities where destroyed, but you didn't see those people being shown on the news coming together helping each other. It's sad that most people WANT to see the bad news, more than the great stories of people helping each other. Now there is news that Spike Lee is planning on making a movie about it, i wonder how bias it will be.

well...Spike Lee is also about shock and awe.....it's a great marketing tool...but I'm curious on how it will turn out.

People are enticed by drama and suffering, which is why CNN, MSNBC, and FOX news will only show that. Very rarely will you get a feel good story, because they show you what is gonna get you pissed off and what is gonna make you sad. Journalism in America is so jaded now...it's not what information you can get, it's how you report it and how you can add somekind of twist or spicey detail that will make you stay tuned in or tune in.

I use to want to be a onsite reporter for CNN, but after interning for a few months, I lost my taste for it....I'm too honest of a person and I like to tell the story of how it happened right down to the details....but the most successful field journalist are the ones that can manipulate a situation and get more shock and awe value.

a prime example of a leading network....Al Jazzera. As small and po-dunk as they may be...they are getting more hits and more outside viewers than any other network in the whole world. It's odd that they always get the tapes of captures, and how they always get first hand footage of anykind of threatening messages that are meant for the US or Europe. It's because they report what they want to, and show what they want....instead of showing the rebuilding of Iraq, they show roadside bombs, firefights, and people dead on the ground.....

10-14-2005, 09:13 AM
i saw the video when i was at the baber shop wednesday, its was rediculous. the dude that they were interviewing was saying he busted his his when they took him dwn and it happens sometimes. he said he dnt think they acted unappropriately. i wouldve asked him "if u were in the old guys shoes and the cops handled you like that would u say the same thing?" of course he wouldve said yes but still, thats y idnt like some cops.

Boosted S60R
10-14-2005, 09:16 AM
Those cops are crazy as hell.

10-14-2005, 01:30 PM
i saw the video when i was at the baber shop wednesday, its was rediculous. the dude that they were interviewing was saying he busted his his when they took him dwn and it happens sometimes. he said he dnt think they acted unappropriately. i wouldve asked him "if u were in the old guys shoes and the cops handled you like that would u say the same thing?" of course he wouldve said yes but still, thats y idnt like some cops.

the attorney for the police is a little retarded...but I know there's more to the story.....I dont think this guy was "victimized" for no reason.

10-14-2005, 01:37 PM

OJ aint got shit on them :D

10-14-2005, 03:27 PM
wtf damn cops these days

10-14-2005, 03:55 PM
today the AP released 5 more minutes of footage, the footage the first released was just segments of the tape to get the story to lead everywhere. will they release all of the tape? probaly not, why do that and have your story rebutted by your own evidence right?

10-14-2005, 04:04 PM
true true. I already seeing them being acquitted though. no need to get worked up by it.. :(

10-14-2005, 05:19 PM

Point 2.
Where is the rest of the footage? they are saying that there was more footage of the man acting beligerant and spouting off at the cops before they tried to take him down, but it was "lost"....it's because whoever filmed it probably edited it out, or "forgot" to hit record when it was all going down. It's because the media is showing you, what they want to show you.

now, this guy is saying that he didnt drink at all and was completely sober and the cops just jumped him and it was racial profiling. I hope to god those officers were able to give him a blood alcohol test....otherwise, they lose any ground they stand on.

They did not administer a B.A.C. test. They said it is not standard procedure for a public intoxication charge.

10-14-2005, 06:18 PM

10-14-2005, 07:44 PM
Do you think you could be doing there job? Working non-stop AFTER losing everything too. Yes, Ive been there and its hell down there.

if they cant handle their JOB, and have to smash heads into walls, maybe they should move into a different line of work. sure they lost everything, but so did nearly every other person there.

10-14-2005, 07:58 PM
Do you think you could be doing there job? Working non-stop AFTER losing everything too. Yes, Ive been there and its hell down there.
so you would beat up a random person for no reason if u were a cop too? fuck that ..