View Full Version : Sports Georgia Tech v. Miami 9/17

09-14-2009, 09:32 PM
So any Tech fans? Any U of M fans?

Wanna know some predictions? I am personally Miami biased so I am seeing a win for us. I think our boys are looking good this year.

09-14-2009, 09:34 PM
i go to uga so i obviously dont like gt so ill be rooting for Miami on this one

09-14-2009, 09:35 PM
Tech all the way if Nesbitt can get his head out of his ass.

09-14-2009, 09:45 PM
i go to uga so i obviously dont like gt so ill be rooting for Miami on this one


Tech all the way if Nesbitt can get his head out of his ass.


Two of my coworkers (who are Tech fans mind you) even said that Jacory Harris looks like one of the best QB's in the nation.

09-14-2009, 09:55 PM
I honestly don't think tech will put it off..

09-14-2009, 10:05 PM
ahh well Miami's defense is no better than last year. Don't forget tech racked up the most rushing yards EVER against miami last year.

Good game, but Miami won't be able to control the option again this year, and I don't think Jacory will prove that he can stay consistent just yet. However, I believe he will prove to be one of the best QB's in the ACC

09-14-2009, 10:15 PM
The Us D is a year older and its healthy. Josh nesbit threw as many td passes as gts kicker last game. I am a diehard Canes fan and I think it will be a shootout. Don't be surprised if if that option gets stuffed. A lot of tape from last year will be reviewed. Clemson stopped it for gods sake! Canes win by 10!

09-15-2009, 05:02 PM
take a look at clemson's d-line and miami's...clemson's is one of the best in ACC.

Also take a look at tech last year. Slow start with the option, and then lead the nation in 20+ gains and had one of the top running attacks period

09-15-2009, 05:38 PM
Tech FTW!!! too bad I cant watch all of the game, I help out in concessions serving hot dogs and pretzels

Spectic Tank
09-16-2009, 11:13 AM
The Us D is a year older and its healthy. Josh nesbit threw as many td passes as gts kicker last game. I am a diehard Canes fan and I think it will be a shootout. Don't be surprised if if that option gets stuffed. A lot of tape from last year will be reviewed. Clemson stopped it for gods sake! Canes win by 10!

We also had trouble with Clemson last year, and it didn't stop us from running all over Miami's D.

09-16-2009, 11:23 AM
after the showing against clemson i think miami will kick off in their ass'

hope not though...

09-16-2009, 11:28 AM
No element of surprise for GT this year. You think that GT is gonna run the same shit and catch them sleeping again? Wake up and realize that teams have found a way to shut down Paul Johnsons option. I'm not saying the Canes are gonna shut them out but it won't be the same game from last year! Bank on that.

09-16-2009, 11:58 AM
Glad I made this thread.

Tomorrow we shall see.

09-16-2009, 10:16 PM
As a Tech fan I'm definitely a little worried about this one. I know we can pull out the W, but I think it's going to be a little closer than last year. I have no doubt it will be another solid Thursday night game.

I just hope the close call with the last game lit the fire under the team. In the first two games it seemed like the got a good lead and then just put the cruise control on. No big deal with Jacksonville State, but it almost bit us in the ass with Clemson.

09-17-2009, 06:39 AM
Tonight's the night so we shall see.

Back to my original thought... Riverside or Miami game... it's a tough call.

09-17-2009, 01:29 PM
I'll see ya at the house Dale. Wings at my place for the game holmes!!!!

09-17-2009, 01:59 PM
I'll be there man!

09-17-2009, 09:41 PM
Bummer. Great playing by Miami and a lackluster showing by Tech.

Congrats on the victory.

09-17-2009, 09:52 PM

09-17-2009, 10:07 PM
Bummer. Great playing by Miami and a lackluster showing by Tech.

Congrats on the victory.

That's all you can say. Tech had a few good plays, but overall played like ass. And Miami took advantage. Later, QD.

09-18-2009, 06:42 AM
I won't come in here with a big head and say I saw that one coming. I thought it was going to be a much closer game than that. I had predicted at work to a GT colleague that I thought Tech would have us into the 4th qtr but we would pull out the W at the end with a score of 21-28.

Now that being said, Miami was on fire last night, plain and simple. Until the 4th qtr., Miami was making flawless plays. We let Tech slip by with one TD but promptly answered back.

I feel a little bad for one of the Tech players (number 20 I believe it was). Dude was flipped over, landed face first and nearly got his head ripped off. I swore he broke his neck.

Spectic Tank
09-18-2009, 10:21 AM
You guys played a great game. You outplayed us in pretty much every aspect. I knew you guys were going to be good, but I was impressed.

09-18-2009, 10:56 AM
You guys played a great game. You outplayed us in pretty much every aspect. I knew you guys were going to be good, but I was impressed.

I appreciate a fan who can give kudos when his team loses. I get tired of hearing "Oh we let Miami win". Bullshit Miami kicked the shit out of Tech plain and simple. The option was stuffed and we did whatever the hell we wanted on offense. Hey DrPepper! i can't hear U!! Miami's D is the same D? Jacory Harris won't be consistant? Hows that crow taste haha! I welcome whatever you have to say Dr Pepper.....or should I say Dr. K from Kroger? haha:2up:

09-18-2009, 10:58 AM
take a look at clemson's d-line and miami's...clemson's is one of the best in ACC.

Also take a look at tech last year. Slow start with the option, and then lead the nation in 20+ gains and had one of the top running attacks period
95 yards....Period haha

09-18-2009, 11:16 AM
Jonathan Dwyer: 5 carries for a total of 7 yards.

Oh and Tech, what was up with your kicker booting the ball into the endzone like a little whiney bitch anyway? I mean, I appreciated the safety but is that how a ranked college team acts when shit doesn't go their way?

09-18-2009, 11:51 AM
Fuckin IA, double post.

09-18-2009, 11:56 AM
Oh and Tech, what was up with your kicker booting the ball into the endzone like a little whiney bitch anyway? I mean, I appreciated the safety but is that how a ranked college team acts when shit doesn't go their way?

Haha you've got to be kidding me. Do you expect a 180 lb white kid to pick the ball up and run? Any punter would have done the exact same.

This thread certainly took a turn.

Spectic Tank
09-18-2009, 12:11 PM
Apparantley they forgot how to win graciously...

09-18-2009, 12:48 PM
I was just saying, sit on it, don't act a fool.

It's all good. It was a good game.

09-18-2009, 01:38 PM
If you don't like hearing us when we win blame your team they had a chance to shut us up haha! Seriously I wasn't talking shit before the game and other soft drinks were. So am I gonna rub it in when we blow them up? Hell yea I am you would do the same. You want me to be all sweet about it? Hell no I'm gonna jaw untill we get beat plain and simple. Go cry somewhere else.

Spectic Tank
09-18-2009, 02:37 PM
If you don't like hearing us when we win blame your team they had a chance to shut us up haha! Seriously I wasn't talking shit before the game and other soft drinks were. So am I gonna rub it in when we blow them up? Hell yea I am you would do the same. You want me to be all sweet about it? Hell no I'm gonna jaw untill we get beat plain and simple. Go cry somewhere else.

Lol, one win in 5 years and your all big and bad now.

09-18-2009, 03:59 PM
I was just saying, sit on it, don't act a fool.

I completely understand where your coming from (at first glance it might seem pretty lame). I just wanted to make sure you realized that he did what any college/nfl punter would do in the exact same situation. There is no way that bad snap was going to result in anything better for GT than a safety. So it's the punter's job to make sure that a safety is the worse that happens.


Again, congrats Miami on the win.

09-18-2009, 05:01 PM
'Preciate it.

And remember guys, the way I act about our win is child's play when you consider that Miami invented swagger and confidence has never been lacking in the Miami fanbase.

09-18-2009, 05:38 PM
I appreciate a fan who can give kudos when his team loses. I get tired of hearing "Oh we let Miami win". Bullshit Miami kicked the shit out of Tech plain and simple. The option was stuffed and we did whatever the hell we wanted on offense. Hey DrPepper! i can't hear U!! Miami's D is the same D? Jacory Harris won't be consistant? Hows that crow taste haha! I welcome whatever you have to say Dr Pepper.....or should I say Dr. K from Kroger? haha:2up:

Have you seen me talking shit since the game? No.

GT got beat, plain and simple. They didn't run the option well, Miami stayed @ home (unlike last year), Jacory was on fire most of the game (the U did slack off in the 4th, but hey GT slacked off the whole game)

I never said Jacory would not be consistent. I said I didn't "think" he would be "just yet". However, he proved me wrong.

GT has yet to have a good, solid showing this year and they haven't showed an ounce of heart. However, I don't feel they are out of the race just yet. You guys had something to prove after last year's beating and you did it, but the VT game will be the real proof in the pudding. You guys take out VT, you can have the coastal division because it will be up to you to lose it @ that point. If Miami loses to VT, it will be another story because I think GT will beat VT in Atlanta this year because we have something to prove after not getting to the ACC championship game last year because we lost the tie breaker with VT.

If Miami beats VT, Miami wins the coastal division
If GT beats VT and Miami beats VT, it will be a toss up to be determined based on how each team fares in the ACC
If GT beats VT and Miami loses, then I feel GT will be able to pull off the Coastal division win this year.

Only time will tell on this one.

Good game Miami


Dr. K of Kroger (until further notice)

09-18-2009, 06:42 PM
Have you seen me talking shit since the game? No.

GT got beat, plain and simple. They didn't run the option well, Miami stayed @ home (unlike last year), Jacory was on fire most of the game (the U did slack off in the 4th, but hey GT slacked off the whole game)

I never said Jacory would not be consistent. I said I didn't "think" he would be "just yet". However, he proved me wrong.

GT has yet to have a good, solid showing this year and they haven't showed an ounce of heart. However, I don't feel they are out of the race just yet. You guys had something to prove after last year's beating and you did it, but the VT game will be the real proof in the pudding. You guys take out VT, you can have the coastal division because it will be up to you to lose it @ that point. If Miami loses to VT, it will be another story because I think GT will beat VT in Atlanta this year because we have something to prove after not getting to the ACC championship game last year because we lost the tie breaker with VT.

If Miami beats VT, Miami wins the coastal division
If GT beats VT and Miami beats VT, it will be a toss up to be determined based on how each team fares in the ACC
If GT beats VT and Miami loses, then I feel GT will be able to pull off the Coastal division win this year.

Only time will tell on this one.

Good game Miami


Dr. K of Kroger (until further notice)

No heart? I'm not going to even respond to that. What I saw was a bunch of un organized Tech players get ran up and down the field! When GT wins......anything we can talk. The U has been one of the most dominant programs of all time! Don't talk to me about heart when you run a gimmick offense and when it fails not only do your players admit they didn't come with it.....YOUR COACH THROWS HIS TEAM UNDER THE BUS PUBLICLY!!! Georgia Tech has no right to gauge any teams, let alone the team that just walked your ass, heart. You were talking shit about the U Defense and Jacory Harris, admit it. They both stomped a mudhole in Techs ass then walked it dry, admit it. And you are clinging to whatever you can because you know it and deep down inside it hurts cause you knew you were gonna get blasted on here. Man up bitch your team got smoked and you looked stupid because the two things you predicted were completely wrong. http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h166/tjmarley/fullj_getty76676720mz015_boston_col.jpg

09-18-2009, 06:44 PM
Lol, one win in 5 years and your all big and bad now.

Couldn't have said it better myself!!

09-18-2009, 08:35 PM
Oh my fuck, learn to take a congratulations for once in your life. It wasn't like he was even smearing Miami in the first page, he was making predictions that fell flat. Dr. K even conceded the fact that he was wrong and Miami played a hell of game, and what do you do? You run your mouth off like you coached the damn team. Hell, not even a coach (well maybe Kiffin) would say as asinine of comments as the shit you're spewing through the keyboard.

I wasn't even going to give you the satisfaction of acknowledging your ramblings but someone needs to tell you to grow up.

Done with this thread.

09-18-2009, 09:33 PM
Yeah i'm done in this thread. I said TECH had no HEART, not fucking Miami you douche bag.

I admitted we got beat, you won, I was wrong in my prediction...and what do you do?? Act like a complete piece of shit and prove to me what I have always thought about Miami and most of its fans: incompetent assholes.

I tried to give you your satisfaction and it just wasn't enough

Dr. Pepper (fuck you btw)

10-18-2009, 01:26 AM
had to bump this thread for Rick

what was that? Oh wait...GT beat VT and VT beat Miami

so I now revert from DR. K of Kroger, back to Dr. Pepper

Fuck you

10-18-2009, 08:42 AM
Miami still beat GT and if I am not mistaken are still ranked higher than GT.

All I'm sayin.

Edit: Glad GT beat VT.

10-18-2009, 12:16 PM
oh this wasnt about miami v. GT, it was about rick being an idiot and not knowing how to be gracious

10-18-2009, 04:49 PM
Miami still beat GT and if I am not mistaken are still ranked higher than GT.

All I'm sayin.

Edit: Glad GT beat VT.

VT owned Miami though... so your braggin rights just went WAY DOWN!

10-18-2009, 09:50 PM
All I am waiting for is GT to screw up one more time and watch Miami walk away with at least the ACC title. Not counting my chickens just yet but I am hoping Miami walks away with one loss the rest of the season (including the bowl game).

10-18-2009, 11:08 PM
All I am waiting for is GT to screw up one more time and watch Miami walk away with at least the ACC title. Not counting my chickens just yet but I am hoping Miami walks away with one loss the rest of the season (including the bowl game).

Well GT losing would only hurt Miami's chances of an ACC title shot. If we lose another and VT wins out, guess what, Miami has no chance at an ACC title.

Miami fans should be routing against VT.
VT fans should be routing against GT.
GT fans should be routing against Miami.

Yay tie-breakers. I just hope it doesn't come down to the lottery scenario. The way the ACC is though, I doubt it will come to that.

Damnit, I forgot that I was done with his thread.

10-18-2009, 11:15 PM
GT moved up to as high as 11 in the Top 25 AP polls. VT got knocked down to 15. Miami is at 8. Nice climb, Tech. Later, QD.

10-18-2009, 11:16 PM
Well, I'm routing against both Miami and VT LOL

10-19-2009, 06:58 AM
The only suck thing about Miami is the rest of our schedule is fairly easy (from what I can see). Clemson is next which might be something. I feel a new thread coming on. I've been lacking lately.

10-19-2009, 10:12 AM
btw the acc tie-breaker goes down to BCS standings at first, and if GT is within 5 of miami in the BCS, and all 3 win out, GT gets the nod

10-19-2009, 11:57 AM
How is that possible?

10-19-2009, 12:12 PM
I got it a little backwards

If VT is within 5 of Miami in BCS, they get the tie-breaker, if GT is within 5 of VT they get the tie-breaker...if it is just GT within 5 of miami, miami gets the tie-breaker

Weird ACC rules, but better than a coin toss like the big-12 last year lol

11-04-2009, 09:06 AM
Dr. K I apologize about the heart thing I mis read it. But I invite you to call me a douche bag to my face. No need to be a E-thug we were having a spirited battle for our teams. GT seems to be having the last laugh anyways. For future reference though, Don't get yourself hurt over shit like this. I don't like being called a douche bag and lets be honest you wouldn't say that to my face.

11-04-2009, 09:56 AM


11-04-2009, 10:22 AM
lol e-thuggin all day long

It just wasn't cool to get that kind or response when I was clearly not saying anything bad about miami and even admitting to being wrong!

I don't think you're a douche now that you have admitted to reading things incorrectly!

However, don't be mistaken, i'd call anyone I think is a douche, a douche to their face lol
No harm no foul!

11-04-2009, 10:23 AM
btw +1 ricker

and it's back to Dr. Pepper now lol Tech is 8-1 and miami has lost 2 acc games

11-04-2009, 06:39 PM
Yeah well you guys play Wake Forest and Miami had a fun time with them. Hopefully they'll be all butthurt from losing to us and will kick the shit outta GT.

11-05-2009, 10:31 AM
Can I call you Diet Dr. Pepper? It still tastes just like regular Dr. Pepper.

11-05-2009, 09:47 PM
Haha if that makes you happy, sure....I drink Diet Dr. Pepper anyway lol