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View Full Version : Figther Pilot Owns Iran

09-09-2009, 03:34 PM
AIRSPACE VIOLATION PROTOCOL http://www.acepilots.com/jets/fa18-sw.jpg

According to a Marine Pilot:

In addition to communicating with the local Air Traffic Control facility, all aircraft in the Persian Gulf AOR are required to give the Iranian Air Defense Radar (military) a ten minute 'heads up' if they will be transiting Iranian airspace.

This is a common procedure for commercial aircraft and involves giving them your call sign, transponder code, type aircraft, and points of origin and destination.

Air Defense Radar: Unknown aircraft at (location unknown), you are in Iranian air space. Identify yourself.'

Aircraft: 'This is a United States aircraft. I am in Iraqi airspace.'

Air Defense Radar: 'No, you are in Iranian airspace. If you do not depart our airspace we will launch interceptor aircraft!'

Aircraft: 'This is a United States Marine Corps FA-18 fighter. Send 'em up, I'll wait!'

Air Defense Radar: (no response ... total silence)


09-09-2009, 04:12 PM

09-09-2009, 04:15 PM
fuckin right, mine too!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-09-2009, 04:23 PM
fucking sweeeeeeeett.

Any proof of how real this convo is?


edit-one of the baddest things probably ever said.

09-09-2009, 04:25 PM
fucking sweeeeeeeett.

Any proof of how real this convo is?


edit-one of the baddest things probably ever said.

Iran face was like boxxy in your sig ANT BWHAHAHAHAHA!:lmfao:

09-09-2009, 04:25 PM
unfortunately not, saw it on a military forum. whether or not it's real i dont know, but it's great.

09-09-2009, 04:26 PM

check it:

09-09-2009, 04:27 PM
that some kewl shi* right there :)

09-09-2009, 04:27 PM
I want to call BS, like the light house one.

Only god knows how many of Iran's F-14's are still flight worthy.

09-09-2009, 04:28 PM
I want to call BS, like the light house one.

Only god knows how many of Iran's F-14's are still flight worthy.

f18 hornet would decimate the F14. Plain and simple. Not to mention the US pilots training would be light years better than Iran's pilots.

09-09-2009, 04:32 PM
f18 hornet would decimate the F14. Plain and simple. Not to mention the US pilots training would be light years better than Iran's pilots.

Precisely. :goodjob:

That's what makes his comment so frigin bad ass.


09-09-2009, 04:36 PM
f18 hornet would decimate the F14. Plain and simple. Not to mention the US pilots training would be light years better than Iran's pilots.

I never said otherwise, calm the fuck down.

09-09-2009, 04:52 PM
We have Tom Cruise...

They have Benny Lava...

We win by default.

09-09-2009, 04:55 PM


teh bri
09-09-2009, 05:00 PM
Nice thread, bro.

Bus Driver J
09-09-2009, 05:08 PM
If that wasnt such ownage I would ask you what the hell a Figther pilot was.....

09-09-2009, 05:10 PM
Nice thread, bro.

Cool post, dude.


09-09-2009, 05:20 PM
That's awesome :goodjob::goodjob:

09-09-2009, 05:52 PM
thats amazing i love it reps!

09-09-2009, 05:57 PM

09-09-2009, 06:18 PM
Iran would send thousands of missiles at once if that was for real. Good thread tho.

09-09-2009, 06:23 PM
shit by the time they did that, dude could be hundreds of miles away.

09-09-2009, 06:28 PM
shit by the time they did that, dude could be hundreds of miles away.

it would be something along this picture, just with more missiles.

09-09-2009, 06:37 PM
hmmmmm US fighter pilots would but rape them

09-09-2009, 07:07 PM

09-09-2009, 07:32 PM
Iran would send thousands of missiles at once if that was for real. Good thread tho.

I like the 2 missles that are about to slam into each other

09-09-2009, 07:50 PM
Iran would send thousands of missiles at once if that was for real. Good thread tho.

big deal.. deploy flares and hit mach 2 and say bye bye.

09-09-2009, 07:53 PM
I never said otherwise, calm the fuck down.


09-09-2009, 10:33 PM
hahaha.. that shits so true.. I do give respect to the F14's cause i always loved those planes.. i give no love to the iranian pilots! cause they have no moves! they never even had that love an feelin to loose! plus the F14s they have are so outdated. if they send a squad. against one of our f18's what he doesnt take out or F22's will finish up!

I would still love to know if this convo actually took place though.. but id imagin it did!

09-09-2009, 10:39 PM
Only god knows how many of Iran's F-14's are still flight worthy.

20 of them are still operational.

Copied From Wikipedia

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/13/US_F-14_painted_like_an_Iranian_fighter.jpg/180px-US_F-14_painted_like_an_Iranian_fighter.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US_F-14_painted_like_an_Iranian_fighter.jpg) http://en.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/common/images/magnify-clip.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US_F-14_painted_like_an_Iranian_fighter.jpg)
A U.S. "Top Gun" F-14A, painted to resemble an Iranian fighter for air combat adversary training.

The sole foreign customer for the Tomcat was the Imperial Iranian Air Force (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Iranian_Air_Force), during the reign of the last Shah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shah) (King) of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Reza_Pahlavi).
In the early 1970s, the Imperial Iranian Air Force (IIAF) was searching for an advanced fighter, specifically one capable of intercepting Soviet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union) MiG-25 "Foxbat" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan-Gurevich_MiG-25) reconnaissance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconnaissance) flights. After a visit of U.S. President Richard Nixon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Nixon) to Iran in 1972, during which Iran was offered the latest in American military technology, the IIAF narrowed its choice to the F-14 Tomcat or McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-15_Eagle). Grumman Corporation arranged a competitive demonstration of the Eagle against the Tomcat before the Shah, and in January 1974, Iran ordered 30 F-14s and 424 AIM-54 Phoenix missiles, initiating Project Persian King, worth US$300 million. Only a few months later, this order was increased to a total of 80 Tomcats and 714 Phoenix missiles as well as spare parts and replacement engines for ten years, complete armament package, and support infrastructure (including construction of the huge Khatami Air Base (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Khatami_Air_Base&action=edit&redlink=1) in the desert near Esfahan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esfahan)).
The first F-14 arrived in January 1976, modified only by the removal of classified avionics components, but fitted with the TF-30-414 engines. The following year 12 more were delivered. Meanwhile, training of the first groups of Iranian crews by the U.S. Navy, was underway in the USA; and one of these conducted a successful shoot-down with a Phoenix missile of a target drone flying at 50,000 ft (15 km).
Following the overthrow of the Shah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_Revolution) in 1979, the air force was re-named the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) and the post-revolution interim government of Iran (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Interim_Government_of_Iran) canceled most Western arms orders. Knowledge about F-14 use by Iran is limited; deteriorating relations led to an arms embargo being imposed on Iran, including the last Tomcat built for Iran, which was embargoed and eventually turned over to the United States Navy. Large shipments of spares were held back, and many aircraft were cannibalized for their spare parts.
In January 2007, it was announced by the US Department of Defense that sales of spare parts for F-14s would be suspended, due to concerns that they could end up in Iran. It announced that the decision was taken "given the current situation in Iran".[36] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-14#cite_note-35) On 2 July 2007, the remaining American F-14s were being shredded to ensure that F-14 spare parts would not be acquired by governments considered hostile to the US.[35] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-14#cite_note-shred-34) Iran had an estimated 44 F-14s,[37] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-14#cite_note-Combat_Aircraft-36) with some 20 operational as of 2009.[38] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-14#cite_note-2009_Aero_Source-37)

09-09-2009, 10:42 PM
am i the only one that thinks this is retarted, its like a story a middle school kid would tell all his friends

09-09-2009, 10:48 PM
Too bad their F14s would never even take off, in the real world some terrorist in a sleeper cell here in the US would do some massive damage just because some moron pilot thinks he is hot shit. Thankfully you need more than a high school diploma to become a fighter pilot.

09-09-2009, 10:55 PM
it would be something along this picture, just with more missiles.

Those aren't missles in that pic. Those are flares.

am i the only one that thinks this is retarted, its like a story a middle school kid would tell all his friends

Yeah, I'm thinking this is BS. If it were real, the Marine pilot would've been grounded from flight for violating an airspace agreement and probably lose his commission. Responding in the manner displayed in that text is an open declaration of war. The media would've had a FIELD DAY with this if it had truly happened.

So yeah, I'm gonna take 'No It Didn't Happen' for 500, Alex.

09-09-2009, 11:08 PM
Although most fighter jocks EGO's are big enough to do that, I doubt it happened. But if it did happen it would most likely come from a Marine!

09-09-2009, 11:26 PM
just agreat post no matter what:goodjob::yes:

09-09-2009, 11:51 PM


09-10-2009, 12:42 AM


09-10-2009, 07:52 AM



09-10-2009, 09:59 AM
real or not real this is hilarious. reps all the way!

09-10-2009, 11:36 AM
unfortunately not, saw it on a military forum. whether or not it's real i dont know, but it's great.

prolly just then talkin crap. however yes. great. epic. what have you. thats how they all need to start actin :goodjob:


So yeah, I'm gonna take 'No It Didn't Happen' for 500, Alex.

09-10-2009, 11:44 AM
Couple things

A. It'd be great if it did happen.
B. F22's are not combat operational due to bugs in the systems.
C. SAM's(Surface to Air Missiles) would quickly fuck him up.

09-10-2009, 12:30 PM
Couple things

A. It'd be great if it did happen.
B. F22's are not combat operational due to bugs in the systems.
C. SAM's(Surface to Air Missiles) would quickly fuck him up.

Where in the first post does it say "F22"?


09-10-2009, 12:48 PM
First doesnt, but it is mentioned in thread.

09-10-2009, 12:50 PM
yes it was mentioned in this thread. F22's are currently being used in combat BTW. Just not in the masses. In fact in 2008 the pentagon requested more money from congress to build more F22's that were lost in combat.. so if they aren't operational, how were they lost in combat o_O?

09-10-2009, 01:55 PM
Lost in combat and lost in testing during times of war/combat are two completely different things. Yes, an F-22 crashed last year, but it was not on combat operations. Same goes for the B-2 that crashed on Guam last year.

To my knowledge, we haven't lost an aircraft to an enemy since the F-117 downed in Serbia in the 90's.

We never lost an F-15 in Desert Storm.

F-22's are operational, but the program is wrapped up so tight that it wouldn't be feasible to assume that they have seen combat.

If you weren't in the military at any point, please refrain from commenting because BS stats and 'facts' bother us more than anything else.

09-10-2009, 02:05 PM
^the thread was just desinged for the lulz and how bad ass AMerica is. :)


09-10-2009, 03:30 PM
1. Yes, an F-22 crashed last year, but it was not on combat operations.

2.To my knowledge, we haven't lost an aircraft to an enemy since the F-117 downed in Serbia in the 90's.

3. F-22's are operational, but the program is wrapped up so tight that it wouldn't be feasible to assume that they have seen combat.

If you weren't in the military at any point, please refrain from commenting because BS stats and 'facts' bother us more than anything else.

1. It was pilot error, sad thing too. Pilot was one of our best test Pilots. David Cooley.

2. We lost an F-15E in the last war was a buddy of mine's squadron from Shady J, Basically they were inverted close to the ground, had a SAM launch, Wing man told him to pull up, thats what he did, right into the ground.

3. We have not officially used any F-22's in Combat... Officially.;)

4. AMEN!!!:cheers:

B. F22's are not combat operational due to bugs in the systems.

As AFSil Said Above they Raptor's are fully operational. Langley, Elmendorf and HO all have operational Raptor's. Tyndall, Nellis and Edwards also have Raptor's but they are mostly for test and Training.

09-10-2009, 11:37 PM
Too bad their F14s would never even take off, in the real world some terrorist in a sleeper cell here in the US would do some massive damage just because some moron pilot thinks he is hot shit. Thankfully you need more than a high school diploma to become a fighter pilot.

This... and reps.

Iran isn't going to waste its planes on some jarhead with an attitude problem. If they do send any of their planes against us, it will be some kind of sneak attack. They certainly know they will lose air-superiority, but they can still score big by attacking some kind of soft target.

Look at Iraq and Afghanistan... the cells we are fighting there don't have any planes at all and they are still holding their own against us.

09-11-2009, 06:49 AM
1. It was pilot error, sad thing too. Pilot was one of our best test Pilots. David Cooley.

2. We lost an F-15E in the last war was a buddy of mine's squadron from Shady J, Basically they were inverted close to the ground, had a SAM launch, Wing man told him to pull up, thats what he did, right into the ground.

Such a damn shame. :(

Off topic: I was in Alaska at Red Flag when the F-15 and F-16 collided during war games. Luckily the F-15 pilot ejected to safety, the F-16 made it back and it was BEAT UP. It was missing half of the vertical stab, half of the left horizontal stab, and about 3 feet off of the left wing. The F-16 was one of the Aggressor units, too.

EDIT: That Aggressor F-16 is the first picture below. That was taken on the way to Alaska, haha. The F-15 pics I took on the way home.

09-11-2009, 08:16 AM
Such a damn shame. :(

Off topic: I was in Alaska at Red Flag when the F-15 and F-16 collided during war games. Luckily the F-15 pilot ejected to safety, the F-16 made it back and it was BEAT UP. It was missing half of the vertical stab, half of the left horizontal stab, and about 3 feet off of the left wing. The F-16 was one of the Aggressor units, too.

EDIT: That Aggressor F-16 is the first picture below. That was taken on the way to Alaska, haha. The F-15 pics I took on the way home.

Any idea which base the F-15 that crashed came from? I was stationed at Elmo in the 19th for 4 years.

Here I am lauching (in my Boxer Shorts) my sister Squadron's (12fs) F-15C Down at Nellis supporting the weapons school.

And this is one of our F-15C that had a ground mishap in Turkey when one of our pilots (New Guy) lost his utility Hyd system and let it run off of the runway instead of pulling the emer Brake Handle cause he was a dipshit.

09-11-2009, 08:21 AM
lol, I can go to sleep now..

09-11-2009, 07:35 PM
Here I am lauching (in my Boxer Shorts) my sister Squadron's (12fs) F-15C Down at Nellis supporting the weapons school.

Something tells me this was during the 'Good ol' days' hahaha.

09-11-2009, 08:03 PM
Something tells me this was during the 'Good ol' days' hahaha.

That was Feb of 2000, Pretty much the good ole days.

09-12-2009, 12:51 AM
That was Feb of 2000, Pretty much the good ole days.

Yeah, the good ole days ended exactly 8 years ago today.