View Full Version : Misc So today i started eating healthy

08-31-2009, 04:06 PM
Im 24 6,0 and 230lbs, Sure im not a super fat ass..but im enough of one to tell when i bend over to try and tie my shoes or put my socks on.

For the past week now iv literally felt like iv been dieing, so i went to the hospital to find out what was wrong with me. The verdict came back, and it was my eating habits.

I eat fast food nearly every day, you name it I eat it. I got up this morning and finally said fuck it to everything junk, fastfood exe... This is going to be hard as hell for me, because i have a love for all things food, bad food, greasy ass heart attack in every bite type food.

I can drop sodas just fine, but dropping sweet tea will be Super hard.

I guess my only question is should i go cold turkey on everything junk..or allow my self a little say once a week or once a money?

My next step is to get into a gym, but i need to feel a lot better before i can do that. I wouldn't last a min doing anything physical. Any support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

08-31-2009, 04:10 PM
good for you man, nothing beats a healthy body....

08-31-2009, 04:11 PM
Good luck man. I was eating out a lot and cut the fast food/soda out a few weeks back. I ate some fast food for the first time this weekend in about two weeks and it tore my stomach up! lolol But forreal, it's hard to completely 180 but if you keep at it you'll do it. You'll feel like you have more energy and such after you wake up.

08-31-2009, 04:13 PM
wow, going cold turkey is hard.

some pple, which i recommend myself, go cold turkey for 2 weeks (no gym but walk everyday for 30 min), then every sunday treat yourself to one piece of food that you like. ex: italian ice cream or one dble cheese burger (no fries no soda) but the by the 3rd week you should already have a plan for the gym and be there the leat 3 times a week. or workout at home that many times. ALWAYS work out a sweat.

Good luck! im rootin for ya!

08-31-2009, 04:19 PM
Thanks a ton guys, i need the encouragement!! Ill prob keep this thread posted as to how im doing and such.

Reps passed out.

08-31-2009, 04:21 PM
I wouldn't go cold turkey, you will eventually relapse just like anything that is an addiction. Slowly come off of it.....or opt for healthier choices at fast food locations. Grilled chicken sandwiches etc.

08-31-2009, 04:23 PM
I say stop eating french fries, period. I cut those out first, and then just started eating chicken and it helps out. lol

08-31-2009, 04:38 PM
Im 24 6,0 and 230lbs, Sure im not a super fat ass..but im enough of one to tell when i bend over to try and tie my shoes or put my socks on.

For the past week now iv literally felt like iv been dieing, so i went to the hospital to find out what was wrong with me. The verdict came back, and it was my eating habits.

I eat fast food nearly every day, you name it I eat it. I got up this morning and finally said fuck it to everything junk, fastfood exe... This is going to be hard as hell for me, because i have a love for all things food, bad food, greasy ass heart attack in every bite type food.

I can drop sodas just fine, but dropping sweet tea will be Super hard.

I guess my only question is should i go cold turkey on everything junk..or allow my self a little say once a week or once a money?

My next step is to get into a gym, but i need to feel a lot better before i can do that. I wouldn't last a min doing anything physical. Any support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

No wonder the boat was capsizing. I thought I was just that heavy, but it seems there is another in the boat with me, lolol.

I'm with you, man. 6'1", 215-220lbs. I don't look like a biggun' but I do have a mini cooper spare tire under my shirt. I've tried so many times to stop eating harsh and to eat healthy and it's hard as hail.

Here is what I try to bring to work with me on the truck every day. I bring from home a gallon of cold ass water in a water jug that I originally bought with water in it from Wally World. I fill it at night with water and stick in the freezer so it will remain cold most of the next day. I then leave the terminal and go straight to Wally World and get an entire bunch of bananas. About an 8 banana bunch. That pretty much is all I try to eat all day (at work). Later, QD.

08-31-2009, 05:22 PM
I will try and slowly work my way out from it, but i really feel my only way is just stopping it all together. Will I be perfect, no, but thats just me being honest with my self.

Sure there will be a day i say to hell with it and eat a Double Angry whopper ( which i love ) but that will be on those rare occasions that i just go into junk food relapse and splurge a day. But i have to stay at it 100% of the time the best i can. Thats not 100% but damnit im just counting 1 day at a time lol. So if i can make it 1 full day..thats 100% of that one day lol.

And yes QD that was deff my fat ass capsizing the boat. I tried to sway with the waves...but it just didn't work :S

Thanks again guys, I'm going to give this my damnedest

08-31-2009, 11:43 PM
dont just dive in and cut all of that stuff out. pace yourself allow yourself to have some kind of junk food atleast once a week or you will break and binge on a cake or a freakin butt roast haha.

seriously,its good you wanna make the change but dont be to hard on yourself take small steps if you have to, especially when it comes to excercise.

i did that once i woke up one day and said shit im fat,and i went on a crazy homemade diet for 30 days and i lost 25lbs it was hard and its been off for almost a year and i have been eating normal since but always keeping in mind to take it easy on junk and beer hehehe

oh and bascially the diet i did is similar to carb cycling and with a cheat day i think i remeber people at work bringin me plates of food cause they thought i was to skinny hahaha good luck man

09-01-2009, 12:40 AM
Two years ago I went cold turkey. My eating habits were the same as yours, except I had the metabolism of a huskie, and didn't gain a pound.

Anyway, back to the cold turkey. For me, it wasn't hard at all. Food is food in my opinion, they're both going to fill me up. It's just that one tastes good, and one is better for me. I ate a lot of red meats, ton of chicken, (I was in the gym every other day). I would work out, and do cardio. I considered myself to have a good build. I went from being 5'9 125 lbs to being (I grew an inch, go figure) to 5'10 155lbs, I started benching 130, ended in a max of 215.

Shortly after I reached my peak, I got mono AND had a staph infection that sent me to the hospital and nearly killed me.

The doctors said if I weren't in as good of shape as I was, I wouldn't have made it.

Since then I haven't been to the gym, and I'm now 165lbs. Heh. Guess what it all is...certainly not healthy lean muscle.

Health is where it's at.
Just sayin'

I guess keep that in mind. My health is what saved my life. So +1 for healthy eating and exercise.

I'm actually going to start exercising, by going to the discover mills mall and rollerblading around that Woodward skatepark over where. I used to rollerblade all the time when I was younger, jumping on handrails and stupid stuff like that. It's a great way to get into shape, as you pretty much use every single muscle in your body.

What foods are you primarily eating? I need to get back into the healthy swing of things.

09-01-2009, 01:00 AM
drink a bottle of water everytime u feel hungry...most the time ur hungry cuz ur thirsty

09-01-2009, 06:50 AM
Cool good luck.

I've found dropping drinks like soda and sweet tea alone make a HUGE difference over time. Also no more fast food feels amazing lol.

09-01-2009, 08:01 AM
If your true to yourself GO COLD TURKEY and workout 5 days a week. Try to jog/run a few miles a day even do crunches. Eating junk food everyday and not working out is unhealthy and when you get older you wont like it. Now if you go coldturkey on it and workout you will find yourself happier everyday and alot more healthier. Just dont give up and paddle out when you want a greasy hamburger or your tired from working out... PUSH yourself to get better.

09-01-2009, 11:30 AM
Good to hear that you're becoming healthier, but....

In most case dieting doesn't work, try to eat better and start walking first as a workout. Once your body start to exercise, your appetite for junk food will slowly diminish. it is always good to keep a journal of your progress, it is a good motivator, and you will be able to keep track of your progress better rather then if your were to just remembering things off of your head. You can treat yourself once in awhile. For example, everyone week you eat healthy, but on Sunday you can eat anything you want, then when it is 12am, go back to your normal routine that you have establish. If there are days that you lack inspiration to workout, ask a friend to workout with you, it is always good to have someone there to take the weight off when you are doing some bench press.:crazy: . Lastly, set up attainable goals for yourself, not to easy, not to hard.


09-01-2009, 11:42 AM
If your true to yourself GO COLD TURKEY and workout 5 days a week. Try to jog/run a few miles a day even do crunches. Eating junk food everyday and not working out is unhealthy and when you get older you wont like it. Now if you go coldturkey on it and workout you will find yourself happier everyday and alot more healthier. Just dont give up and paddle out when you want a greasy hamburger or your tired from working out... PUSH yourself to get better.

x2, not this slowly taking it down bs

just go out for a 15min run. if you are as bad as i were a couple of years ago, you will be out of breath in the first 5 min and feel so pathetic that you wont eat any junk for a while.

09-01-2009, 12:03 PM
I been doing the same thing, although last night 1 drove around for an hour trying to find a Burger King. But it was the 2nd time I had fast food since June...

09-01-2009, 12:15 PM
if you need help staying motivated check bodybuiliding.com and go to the forums and check out the motivation one, helps me.

09-01-2009, 03:45 PM
Thanks for the ongoing motivation and tips guys, I think I will be able to handle no junk food and just go cold turkey.

Only thing I wont be able to drop is sweet tea LOL, But damnit if i get a month into this and the lbs are not dropping ill drop sweet tea as well.

So far iv had a grilled chicken salad for lunch, and then for dinner i ate baked fish with rice and vegies.

09-01-2009, 11:57 PM
need help losing weight? finding it hard to control snacking between meals? got too much money to spend on junk food? have too much food tempting you in the house? eating out at fast food joints?

i've got your solution!!! let me be your roommate and you'll never have any food left in your house for as long as you live. think you can still eat out at fast food places and other restaurants? no problem!!! i can borrow money from you 10 or 20 times a day just to help you keep your pockets empty and on track to losing weight. let me know, i'm more than willing to help.

The Youngn
09-02-2009, 01:53 AM
Only thing I wont be able to drop is sweet tea LOL, But damnit if i get a month into this and the lbs are not dropping ill drop sweet tea as well.

So far iv had a grilled chicken salad for lunch, and then for dinner i ate baked fish with rice and vegies.
Basic rule of thumb to losing weight...burn more calories than you take in. You drop weight then.

Something easy i'd recommend to you is working on your metabolism. Your lunch and dinner right there sounds amazing but not good for a full day's meal. Wake up in the morning and have yourself some breakfast. One small bowl of cereal is fine. Between breakfast and lunch, have yourself a small snack like a Power Bar or something relative to that size. Have you lunch like what you posted....healthier dressings ie. vinagrettes. Once again, between lunch and dinner, have yourself another snack like a little fruit or something. Have your healthy dinner and if you need to then have a small snack after that.

With this above, portion yourself with the meals. You don't need to fill yourself up but make yourself satisfied. By having more small meals a day, it keeps your metabolism working all day. Having less meals that are bigger leaves a lot of calories laying around because your body gets overloaded with so much at a time that your metabolism doesn't handle it all.

Caffeine is also good because that gives your metabolism a boost as well. Have a cup of coffee about 3 times a week.

Hope this information helps and always glad to see someone take that step towards a healthier lifestyle. I'm not a complete health freak but I've learned to watch what I eat after my metabolism slowed down. I also get in the gym 5-6 days a week and run 1-2 miles on the treadmill before my workouts. I'd love to give more advice but there's a lot of info to be typing everything on here. Working on your metabolism will help you out a lot though

09-02-2009, 07:50 AM
Basic rule of thumb to losing weight...burn more calories than you take in. You drop weight then.

Something easy i'd recommend to you is working on your metabolism. Your lunch and dinner right there sounds amazing but not good for a full day's meal. Wake up in the morning and have yourself some breakfast. One small bowl of cereal is fine. Between breakfast and lunch, have yourself a small snack like a Power Bar or something relative to that size. Have you lunch like what you posted....healthier dressings ie. vinagrettes. Once again, between lunch and dinner, have yourself another snack like a little fruit or something. Have your healthy dinner and if you need to then have a small snack after that.

With this above, portion yourself with the meals. You don't need to fill yourself up but make yourself satisfied. By having more small meals a day, it keeps your metabolism working all day. Having less meals that are bigger leaves a lot of calories laying around because your body gets overloaded with so much at a time that your metabolism doesn't handle it all.

Caffeine is also good because that gives your metabolism a boost as well. Have a cup of coffee about 3 times a week.

Hope this information helps and always glad to see someone take that step towards a healthier lifestyle. I'm not a complete health freak but I've learned to watch what I eat after my metabolism slowed down. I also get in the gym 5-6 days a week and run 1-2 miles on the treadmill before my workouts. I'd love to give more advice but there's a lot of info to be typing everything on here. Working on your metabolism will help you out a lot though

Thanks man, good info to have :goodjob:

09-02-2009, 01:31 PM
need help losing weight? finding it hard to control snacking between meals? got too much money to spend on junk food? have too much food tempting you in the house? eating out at fast food joints?

i've got your solution!!! let me be your roommate and you'll never have any food left in your house for as long as you live. think you can still eat out at fast food places and other restaurants? no problem!!! i can borrow money from you 10 or 20 times a day just to help you keep your pockets empty and on track to losing weight. let me know, i'm more than willing to help.

Well atleast you could have put some useful information here, instead of being a total smart ass... just saying.

09-02-2009, 01:37 PM
Im glad there is more and more people trying to get healthier.. this sparks up an idea!

EDIT: I made a thread called "Need help? I have an Idea." in the lifestyles section please tell me what you think. It branch off of this of an idea I had some time ago.

09-02-2009, 01:52 PM
Good job man! I started at the first of the year and dropped 50lbs. Ive got into mountain biking and kayaking. I ride everyday unless it rains. I started at 24 5'9 301. Last I weighed I was 255 but Im less than that now. Cold turkey has to be the best route to go. Good luck and stick with it.

09-02-2009, 02:24 PM
Well atleast you could have put some useful information here, instead of being a total smart ass... just saying.

Aww, my joke wasn't funny? :(

09-02-2009, 03:29 PM
Good job man! I started at the first of the year and dropped 50lbs. Ive got into mountain biking and kayaking. I ride everyday unless it rains. I started at 24 5'9 301. Last I weighed I was 255 but Im less than that now. Cold turkey has to be the best route to go. Good luck and stick with it.

Thats awesome man, Congratz on your weight loss and deff good luck losing more in the future. Its a good motivation for me to see others doing what i want to do and them succeeding at it.

09-02-2009, 08:09 PM
if you don't want to kick tea completely out there is another option I drink Crystal light the iced tea lemon flavor one it taste like the real thing but it has no sugar or carbs! :)