View Full Version : Never would have thought....

Ms Dollar
08-31-2009, 02:39 PM
So my husband (Chuckster) and I have a boxer named Angel. I took her to the vet today to get allergy testing done because she has been extremely itchy for a while. We ruled out food and all the other stuff, blah blah.

So I find out that she is allergic to typical stuff like weeds, some trees, grass, dust mites, but one of the things she is allergic to shocked the hell out of me.

She is actually allergic to people!! I never would have thought that was even possible! The funny thing about it is that Chuck had actually said something the other day like, "Wouldn't it be funy if Angel was allergic to us?"

Go figure...

08-31-2009, 02:47 PM
lol. Never heard of that.

08-31-2009, 03:23 PM
damn thats really crazy my dog has the same issue but she gets worse when shes not around people.

VQ35 Star
08-31-2009, 03:33 PM
so going to happen to your dog?

Ms Dollar
08-31-2009, 03:47 PM
Well basically she is on steroids right now to clear everything up. Antibiotics to clear up infection, and anti-fungals to get rid of the yeast. On top of that we have to give her allergy shots starting out every other day, then slowly increase the dosage and give them to her less often. There is a 70% chance that the allergy shots will work, and 50% of the dogs that it works for don't have to rely on medication once they are done with the shots. Crossing my fingers!!

VQ35 Star
08-31-2009, 03:48 PM
well. best of luck.
but if the allergies dont ever clear what would happen?

08-31-2009, 03:48 PM
Fuck Chuckster. That's all I gotta say. Later, QD.

Ms Dollar
08-31-2009, 03:56 PM
well. best of luck.
but if the allergies dont ever clear what would happen?

Basically she would just be really itchy all the time :( Right now she scratches herself so hard that she has sores on her head, ears, and all over her stomach that have gotten infected. Hopefully this will work though, the dermatologist seems to think that it will.

Ms Dollar
08-31-2009, 03:56 PM
Fuck Chuckster. That's all I gotta say. Later, QD.

:lmfao: I'll be sure to let him know you said hello. :D

08-31-2009, 03:58 PM
Thank you, ma'am. That's all I was asking. Later, QD.

VQ35 Star
08-31-2009, 04:02 PM
Basically she would just be really itchy all the time :( Right now she scratches herself so hard that she has sores on her head, ears, and all over her stomach that have gotten infected. Hopefully this will work though, the dermatologist seems to think that it will.

wouldn't you feel bad that your bringing this upon him?

08-31-2009, 04:05 PM
wouldn't you feel bad that your bringing this upon him?


Ms Dollar
08-31-2009, 04:06 PM
wouldn't you feel bad that your bringing this upon him?

I don't quite understand what you are asking...

Are you asking if I feel bad for letting her feel like this? Of course I feel bad, but since November we have been trying non-stop to get all of this under control. I'm not exactly a baller so I had to wait until I had the money to do this allergy testing. I just spent $670 at the vet today and that's not including all the money we have spent in the past 9 months.

Let me know if I am just not understanding what you asked.

08-31-2009, 04:07 PM
thats horrible, But I'm glad you're taking care of him...

VQ35 Star
08-31-2009, 04:24 PM
wouldn't you feel bad that YOU'RE making him itch with sores and infections? since he is allergic to you?

teh bri
08-31-2009, 06:24 PM
Lol, i never even knew that was even possible.

08-31-2009, 06:29 PM
Steroids will not work.. Only for a short while.... I had a dog that had something similar.

Shit, I wonder if he ever got better ?

I guess I will not know..

08-31-2009, 06:31 PM
second opinion?

08-31-2009, 06:40 PM
Oh hai Stephanie..

How chooo biiin

08-31-2009, 06:45 PM
second opinion?

The allergy test are pretty accurate and the treatment is straight forward so a second oppinion probably wouldnt help.
One of my friends has a dog that's allergic to probably everything but people and the cost of just feeding him is outrageous, along with reading the labels of everything at Pets Mart just to see what he can have. I hope the treatment works though, it's crazy animals can be so sensitive like that.

08-31-2009, 07:05 PM
second opinion?

Look who comes out of nowhere, all ninja like...:lmfao:

08-31-2009, 07:08 PM
My dog is allergic to dust, grass, etc. She had to get shots every few days as well and they are expensive! We have been taking her off of them slowly and she isn't itching :dunno:

08-31-2009, 07:09 PM
Look who comes out of nowhere, all ninja like...:lmfao:
ninja.....thats me!
rought times at the home....rough times.

Ms Dollar
08-31-2009, 10:42 PM
Steroids will not work.. Only for a short while.... I had a dog that had something similar.

Shit, I wonder if he ever got better ?

I guess I will not know..

The steroids actually work really well, we just can't leave her on them long term :(

08-31-2009, 11:07 PM
Angel is a she.

Quickdodge - Fuck you too.

VQ35 Star - No, we rescued her. She would of most likely have been put to sleep or ended up with someone else that probably would have not been able to take care of her.

stephanie - For the money we spent for the test they just ran on her we better not need a second opinion. Or what Kourt said.

09-01-2009, 12:00 AM
kill her. lol.