View Full Version : Irony.

08-27-2009, 05:12 PM
Clean my car yesterday and take pics...



And then this happens.


Traffic came to a stop on 78, I stop. See in my rearview a big white truck coming to me and think "Oh fuck, he's going to hit me..." then I hear his brakes screech and sure enough he rails the fuck out of me. No lube. Bumped ruined, quarter panels ruined, hatch maybe ruined, exhaust maybe ruined.

Where should I go as far as fixing it? I know some people have come out ahead in situations like this (i.e. having a nicer aftermarket exhaust installed) please advice me because at this point I'm going to lose it. fml

08-27-2009, 05:17 PM
damn man that sucks.

08-27-2009, 05:20 PM
first step, take off the smoked tailights?

08-27-2009, 05:21 PM
damn! I saw a pic of your car ealier and I said it looks clean. GL

The Youngn
08-27-2009, 05:22 PM
Take it to WagenWerks. He's good when dealing with insurance unless you want to take it to the shop I went to with my deer incident. Amazing work there. Let me know if you want that information

The Youngn
08-27-2009, 05:27 PM
Maybe you kind of set yourself up with that user name though

08-27-2009, 05:37 PM
first step, take off the smoked tailights?

I love the smoked tail lights. They make it much more aggressive and go great with the tint... I think the red ones look shitty.

damn! I saw a pic of your car ealier and I said it looks clean. GL

Thanks bro

Take it to WagenWerks. He's good when dealing with insurance unless you want to take it to the shop I went to with my deer incident. Amazing work there. Let me know if you want that information

PM sent

Maybe you kind of set yourself up with that user name though

I chose my name because 4 years ago I was in an accident and got a brain injury from it, long story short I have to take a lot of medication now to function on a day to day...also working in a pharmacy, the name suits me.

08-27-2009, 05:39 PM
sux bro.. g/l


08-27-2009, 05:40 PM
Think of it as a blessing. Now you can get rid of that ugly blue color, and maybe have some money left over to get rid of those ugly wheels.

He probably couldn't see you were stopped because of those idiotic taillights

08-27-2009, 05:42 PM
Dont get it fixed...Ask for another car...Its never going to be the same.

08-27-2009, 05:43 PM
Think of it as a blessing. Now you can get rid of that ugly blue color, and maybe have some money left over to get rid of those ugly wheels.

He probably couldn't see you were stopped because of those idiotic taillights

I love the color, wouldn't own any other color on a Z. The tail lights look amazing, totally add to the look of the car. If he couldn't see that I was already at a stop because of my tail lights then he shouldn't be driving. Your logic sucks, and your attempt to be funny only left you coming off as an unintelligent prick with no compassion. I just wrecked my car ffs, don't turn this into a let's flame the guy's ugly car! I wasn't posting pics of my car to show it off, I was posting pics to show how fucked up it is and see if someone could help me because I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do.

Please, don't feel the need to respond to this or reply in this thread anymore... (serious)

08-27-2009, 05:44 PM
No i think what "itsblack" meant by take your smoked tails lights off is the guy in the truck that hit you could say he couldnt see you brake lights because there so dark.

08-27-2009, 05:46 PM
No i think what "itsblack" meant by take your smoked tails lights off is the guy in the truck that hit you could say he couldnt see you brake lights because there so dark.
i thought the same thing, i kept looking at your for sale thread. sorry it happened man

08-27-2009, 05:46 PM
No i think what "itsblack" meant by take your smoked tails lights off is the guy in the truck that hit you could say he couldnt see you brake lights because there so dark.
If he meant that, he would have phrased it differently... it was an attack, and wasn't meant to be anything but that.

It wasn't a matter of not being able to see, you can see through them fine he made no mention of that. Plus, I was completely stopped anyways when he hit me...

08-27-2009, 05:47 PM
i thought the same thing, i kept looking at your for sale thread. sorry it happened man

Thanks bro. It would make sense, but you really can see through them fine. That, and I was already stopped I didn't slam on my brakes unexpectedly

08-27-2009, 05:51 PM
I got a ticket for having them and one over my license plate and the cop told me he could read my tag so thats all i meant by that.And I think they look better with that blue also so to hear that. :(

08-27-2009, 05:52 PM
SORRY not so

08-27-2009, 05:53 PM
If he meant that, he would have phrased it differently... it was an attack, and wasn't meant to be anything but that.

It wasn't a matter of not being able to see, you can see through them fine he made no mention of that. Plus, I was completely stopped anyways when he hit me...

wow dude chill. thats what he meant about your lights. that guy could take you to court and say he couldnt see your lights. if you used the spray it says on the side of the can "for off road use only". clearly you were on the road.

with that said sorry to see a nice z hit like that. hope you get it fixed soon.:goodjob:

08-27-2009, 05:53 PM
No i think what "itsblack" meant by take your smoked tails lights off is the guy in the truck that hit you could say he couldnt see you brake lights because there so dark.this is exactly what i thought as well. just because you say you can still see through the tint doesnt mean that the insurance company will believe it. :2cents:

08-27-2009, 05:54 PM
I got a ticket for having them and one over my license plate and the cop told me he could read my tag so thats all i meant by that.And I think they look better with that blue also so to hear that. :(

You're cool dude I know what you meant. I got a ticket for having one over my tags as well before. You can see out of my lights fine, it wasn't done with that shitty spray on can stuff it was done at a shop with a thin layer of paint.

08-27-2009, 05:54 PM
that sucks! 78 has that affect on a lot of cars unfortunately

08-27-2009, 05:57 PM
wow dude chill. thats what he meant about your lights. that guy could take you to court and say he couldnt see your lights. if you used the spray it says on the side of the can "for off road use only". clearly you were on the road.

with that said sorry to see a nice z hit like that. hope you get it fixed soon.:goodjob:

That may be what he meant, but he said it in a way that was attacking me. Some people need to learn proper communication skills and think about what they say before they say it. I understand what he was trying to say. Regardless of my lights, you're always at fault when you rear end someone. I've learned this the hard way... neither the cop nor the person who hit me even made mention of the lights. And thanks man, my apologies if I was quick to jump on him...but I don't appreciate his post and he could have worded it better especially at a time like this. This car is my baby

this is exactly what i thought as well. just because you say you can still see through the tint doesnt mean that the insurance company will believe it. :2cents:

Following too closely man, no other details matter. Always at fault when you rear end someone

08-27-2009, 05:57 PM
Arn't those tails againt the law? My X had them and he had somthing said to him by a cop. I would take them off just for the sake of if they were you dont want to have to fight that fact. I am really sorry dude! That sucks bad! I actually loved it. Wish I had of had the money to grab it from you!! Dude that said the car will never be the same is right. I would make them give you enough for a new one, or total it, whatever. I would take all of your aftermarket parts off though b/f they see them and replace with stock. I am dealing with insurance right now from being rearended and it sucks balls!!! I am soooooo tired of it but cant quit now. Gotta keep fighting them.

08-27-2009, 05:58 PM
Think of it as a blessing. Now you can get rid of that ugly blue color, and maybe have some money left over to get rid of those ugly wheels.

He probably couldn't see you were stopped because of those idiotic taillights


08-27-2009, 05:59 PM
Following too closely man, no other details matter. Always at fault when you rear end someone

Yeah you would think that would make the other insurance company comply with you, but the one I am dealing with doesnt seem to want to. The man the hit me had a full leg brace on and was on the way to have SURGERY on his right leg for gods sake. Plainly shouldnt have been driving.

08-27-2009, 06:05 PM
That may be what he meant, but he said it in a way that was attacking me. Some people need to learn proper communication skills and think about what they say before they say it. I understand what he was trying to say. Regardless of my lights, you're always at fault when you rear end someone. I've learned this the hard way... neither the cop nor the person who hit me even made mention of the lights. And thanks man, my apologies if I was quick to jump on him...but I don't appreciate his post and he could have worded it better especially at a time like this. This car is my baby

Following too closely man, no other details matter. Always at fault when you rear end someone

hey man its cool. i was just saying that he was really just looking out for you as i was. i have the same tint on my tail lights. i really depends on what cop you get if they are illegal or not. a buddy of mine got pulled over because of his and after talking to the cop he said that they were fine because he could see enough light through the tint. good luck with getting it fixed!

08-27-2009, 06:06 PM
i'd take off the tinted tails just so he can't say he didn't see you. think of it as an upgrade... 370

08-27-2009, 06:07 PM
Always at fault when you rear end someone

Most situations. Not all. In this situation, he was at fault. (I'm not of fan of the tinted tails either, but you should be in the clear).

08-27-2009, 06:10 PM
Gotta echo the others and say you might be screwed because of the tails. Just because you had them professionally sprayed doesn't make it legal.

Sorry man.

08-27-2009, 07:06 PM
Yeah you would think that would make the other insurance company comply with you, but the one I am dealing with doesnt seem to want to. The man the hit me had a full leg brace on and was on the way to have SURGERY on his right leg for gods sake. Plainly shouldnt have been driving.

QFT, i just got my car back from the body shop after being rear ended. Make sure you hold your ground and know your story. The insurance company will try to pressure you into excepting less. get EVERYTHING fixed like it was before (or better if you can get away with it) They tried to make me pay $190 to paint my spoiler, because it wasnt damaged in the wreck. I told them that it wouldnt match the new trunk paint, but they didnt care. In the end, i only paid $21.02 :goodjob:

and again, if you can get your hands on some stock tails from a totaled 350, do it. It will cover all your bases, if nothing else.
If i can be of any more help, let me know. I JUST came out of the situation your going into, so i feel ya.

08-27-2009, 07:39 PM
sorry to hear that dude.. hope everything works in your favor.

08-27-2009, 07:45 PM
Thanks for all the kind words guys. I think I'm in the clear with the lights, because nothing was written on the report about them being blacked out and they didn't even come up the whole time the cop was there. I believe the law is that they are legal if you can see through them a certain distance away (300ft) and you definitely can with mine. But thanks again, I can definitely tell the difference between those who care and those who care to insult :D lol

08-27-2009, 07:49 PM
QFT, i just got my car back from the body shop after being rear ended. Make sure you hold your ground and know your story. The insurance company will try to pressure you into excepting less. get EVERYTHING fixed like it was before (or better if you can get away with it) They tried to make me pay $190 to paint my spoiler, because it wasnt damaged in the wreck. I told them that it wouldnt match the new trunk paint, but they didnt care. In the end, i only paid $21.02 :goodjob:

and again, if you can get your hands on some stock tails from a totaled 350, do it. It will cover all your bases, if nothing else.
If i can be of any more help, let me know. I JUST came out of the situation your going into, so i feel ya.

HOLY WOW!!! You have already settled?!?! I am still in mine from February! Then again medical stuff is involved with mine! Glad to hear you got things settled though! =)

08-27-2009, 09:01 PM
Damn dude, that sucks!! But I bet if your taillights were not so damn dark he might have stopped in time lol

Thank God for insurance!

08-27-2009, 09:16 PM
thanks to those backing my post up, cause that was exactly what I meant. I wasn't taking a shot at your car. If I was, I would have thrown a negative adjective in there lol. I was gonna black my tailights out also but I was scared of someone running into the back of me as well.

And if I remember correctly, you had a thread months back when you first got them done from another member on IA and in that thread other people said this would happen to you because they looked too dark.

Just sayin'

08-27-2009, 10:51 PM
thanks to those backing my post up, cause that was exactly what I meant. I wasn't taking a shot at your car. If I was, I would have thrown a negative adjective in there lol. I was gonna black my tailights out also but I was scared of someone running into the back of me as well.

And if I remember correctly, you had a thread months back when you first got them done from another member on IA and in that thread other people said this would happen to you because they looked too dark.

Just sayin'

I'm sorry I reacted the way that I did, I was really stressed at the moment. I guess I got defensive, and I could see how the lights would potentially cause me to get rear ended...but I was stopped when the dude hit me :no:

The Youngn
08-27-2009, 11:52 PM
I had blacked out tails on my 745 and was stopped due to traffic one day. Semi came up behind me and stopped. I watched him and saw him jerk so i braced for impact. His coworker in the semi behind him rear-ended him and caused him to hit me. A 3/4 mile back from where we were, there was a cop on the radar just looking for speeders. We were all outside talking and the at-fault driver said that he was in fact speeding and got the signal from the cop to slow down. As he passed the cop he said that he looked in the mirror to check and when he looked back up he saw brake lights and couldn't stop in time.

Moral of my story....whether it be his tails being blacked out or not. The semi driver saw mine and stopped while the other was being a careless driver. The driver that rear-ended OP'er was being careless one way or another and was at fault. Just be a safe driver and you won't rear end people

08-28-2009, 01:06 AM
Free 370z conversion.

08-28-2009, 01:14 AM
Suprised this doesnt happen more often... i drive past atleast 15 350zs every morning on the way to work.

08-28-2009, 02:15 AM
Earth to dorks... there are factory cars w/ tinted tails. YMMV

The law says that the BULB must glow red, no law against the actual housing. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

VQ35 Star
08-28-2009, 02:32 AM
Daaaamn dude I was a little swomped today and just remembered you called, but its 3am and ur probably sleeping.

As for his tail lights I tinted them for him and I can tell you from 1st hand experience that his lights aren't that dark and you can clearly see the lights when the brakes are applied, plus the z has a very noticible 3rd brake light.

As for coming out ahead, can't talk about that in public forums like this ill call u/text you in the. Morning. Or call me if ur still up.

08-28-2009, 03:51 AM
Earth to dorks... there are factory cars w/ tinted tails. YMMV

The law says that the BULB must glow red, no law against the actual housing. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Reflectors have to be visible at night. Most reflectors are combined in the taillight housings on newer cars. This is where most people will get a ticket in regards to tinting and IOnlyLookStock got a ticket for exactly that in Lilburn.

VIP Style
08-28-2009, 11:19 AM
lol shit yo, that had to suck. that guy couldnt have been paying attention to miss the fact that you were at a complete stop.