View Full Version : Al Qaeda Offers Obama Conditional Truce If Troops Leave Muslim World

08-03-2009, 05:52 PM
CAIRO — Osama bin-Laden's deputy said in a video message released Monday that the al-Qaida leader's offers of a truce with the U.S. and Europe remained on the table, though he ridiculed President Barack Obama as "the new face of the same old crimes."

In a video posted on an Islamic militant Web site, al-Qaida's No. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, scorned the American president over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the U.S. approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Nonetheless, al-Zawahri said "fair" truces offered by bin-Laden were still valid.

In 2004, bin-laden offered a truce to European countries that do not attack Muslims. Two years later, he offered the American people a "long-term truce" without specifying the conditions, though in that same audio recording he also warned that his fighters were preparing new attacks in the United States.

"These offers were dealt with impolitely but are still valid, and the offer is fair," al-Zawahri said. "But they (Americans) want a relationship with us based on suppression."

"Obama is like a wolf whose fangs tear your flesh and whose paws slit your face and then he calls on you to talk about peace," he said.

Al-Zawahri has been critical of Obama since his election, even releasing a message that referred to him as a "house negro," a slur for a black subservient to whites.

In the message released Monday by al-Qaida's media operation, Al-Sahab, al-Zawahri said Obama is seeking to mislead the Muslim world with calls for better ties and was doing so because wrath from the Muslim world had inflicted catastrophes upon America.

"We are not idiots to accept meaningless flexible words. Obama is the new face with the same old crimes," he said.

U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters Monday that the United States believes it has "turned a tide" in the struggle against extremists. He spoke of success in Afghanistan, "difficult as it is," and "meaningful steps" by the Pakistani government against al-Qaida and others.

"This is not a struggle that al-Qaida is destined to win," Crowley said. "As to a truce, I have no further comment."


08-03-2009, 06:06 PM

08-03-2009, 06:12 PM
We needed a foothold in the middle east. That's why we went and built dozens of bases. We won't be leaving.

So, this is won't happen.

08-03-2009, 06:15 PM
We needed a foothold in the middle east. That's why we went and built dozens of bases. We won't be leaving.

So, this is won't happen.

And we don't negotiate with terrorists..

The Ninja
08-03-2009, 07:40 PM
And we don't negotiate with terrorists..

Lol @ that.

08-03-2009, 08:20 PM
"house negro" lol. Tough words coming from a cave negro.

08-03-2009, 08:27 PM
Looks like bush did some good afterall

08-04-2009, 05:22 AM
Looks like bush did some good afterall
I thought that was obvious 5 years ago, but we all know that a certain percentage of the population will scapegoat Bush for anything. These are the same people that refuse to admit that 8 years without an attack is proof that we are safer

08-04-2009, 07:48 AM
I thought that was obvious 5 years ago, but we all know that a certain percentage of the population will scapegoat Bush for anything. These are the same people that refuse to admit that 8 years without an attack is proof that we are safer

We are not even safe from our own government. :(

08-04-2009, 08:40 AM
These are the same people that refuse to admit that 8 years without an attack is proof that we are safer

Unless you count the numerous attacks on our interests abroad (Our embassies in Yemen and Pakistan both get attacked in some fashion about twice a year) and the various Al Qaeda attacks on our allies, especially in Europe. Not sure how many Americans total have died due to terror abroad since 9/11 but I know its more than 50. One car bombing at the embassy in Yemen last year killed 16, and one of the attacks in Europe got 22.

Its so bad that a lot of Americans wear Canadian patches when they travel so they won't be targeted.

And while we might not have been attacked by Al Qaeda on the homefront, we have been attacked by our own homegrown terrorists like the Beltway Sniper, the Anthrax Mailer, the Alabama shootings this past March , etc

08-04-2009, 09:04 AM
that has got to be the dumbest offer ever,

its not even meant to be a real offer and dumb fucks are jumping on it and thinking its a good idea...

this offer is the equivalent of braveheart fuskstick mel gibson telling the english to put their heads between their legs, and kiss their own ass during the truce on the battlefield....

lets look at his conditions:

condition 1: withdrawal of all troops from the middle east: there is no set list of countries in the middle east, the definition changes, countries are added and dropped, but countries like turkey, israel, jordan, even egypt, are countries we have a peaceful relationship with in the middle east and troop/money interminglings,
so we need to cut all ties to the peoples and governments of those countries because high and mighty osama says so? fuck him in his ass.

condition 2: no more backing of apostate regimes:
i can't wait to see the fucking list of what country's osama deems to be run by apostate regimes

condition 3: the release of all detained muslims: this is a nice ambiguous one, does he mean all muslims in american prisons? because there is a shitload of muslims in our prison system, a whole lot of reverts as they call them.
or does he mean the ones we have detained in the last 8 years, what about other coalition countries?

result: if anyone thinks this is somehow reasonable or in any way a good idea, you are the dumbest motherfucker ever,
not only for agreeing to vague unrealistic terms, but because you would be making osama the ruler of the muslim world, he would be speaking for all muslims, and would have a thousand times the military might, nuclear weapons and 2 billion people behind him, all middle eastern governments would succumb to his regime one way or another through his vast newfound popularity in the muslim world.

i say we counter-offer osama: if he cuts off his own fucking head, puts it on a silver platter, and mails it to america, we will stop killing his friends and children who fight with him. oh and his ghoulish women

08-04-2009, 10:21 AM
Its obvious this is just AQ trying to stir up shit. They know Obama isn't going to do it, they just want to make an insulting offer to him to embarrass him. The know whevever they say crazy shit like this, the world goes nuts and oil prices go up. :ninja:

its not even meant to be a real offer and dumb fucks are jumping on it and thinking its a good idea...

I haven't seen anything or anyone saying this is a "good idea". Care to point out somewhere where you found this?

bu villain
08-04-2009, 02:47 PM
Looks like bush did some good afterall

I'm not sure I see what this has to do with Bush. Could you elaborate?

08-05-2009, 05:44 AM
I thought that was obvious 5 years ago, but we all know that a certain percentage of the population will scapegoat Bush for anything. These are the same people that refuse to admit that 8 years without an attack is proof that we are safer

But 7 months without an attack and we're somehow unsafe, that logic still confuses me. :thinking:

08-05-2009, 05:46 AM
im sorry for al-Qaida leader's offers, but is not that easy to pull back, im in afganistan and so far nobody that came with me has died, but they sure try everyday, i think that if they really want for us to go back home they will have to stop all the attacks, ambushs, and IEDs so until they stop i think we will be here.

att. me..

bu villain
08-06-2009, 03:26 PM
These are the same people that refuse to admit that 8 years without an attack is proof that we are safer

Yeah.. everyone knows CORRELATION = CAUSATION !