View Full Version : Its flattering to see other events trying to get your Sponsors/Supporters...

08-03-2009, 11:41 AM
Its flattering to see other events trying to get your Sponsors/Supporters...

that's right i got a call this weekend the other event is trying to get the larger sponsors/supporters we've brought in to join their event :lmfao: - yup thats how you "support the scene" by starting shit w/ heart of the scene then try to steal our sponsors. they can bring in Obama to run their event it won't make a difference our event will still be great! :bump:

The Ren
08-03-2009, 11:42 AM
bwhahaha assholes!

08-03-2009, 11:43 AM
man fuck those thieves, lets start a riot.

08-03-2009, 11:43 AM
bwhahaha assholes!

ya i got a call from one of the large sponsors that are working w/ us that they were contacted by them :lmfao:

The Ren
08-03-2009, 11:45 AM
Why doesnt that suprise me.. Thats as bad as them coming up to Pablo at formula D asking him to talk to you guys about "working shit out"

08-03-2009, 11:46 AM
Why doesnt that suprise me.. Thats as bad as them coming up to Pablo at formula D asking him to talk to you guys about "working shit out"

bahhhh they don't need to worry about me they need to worry about NOPI as they are planning on making a comeback into the market ;)

The Ren
08-03-2009, 11:48 AM
The dude was so smug too.. it was funny to me.. I was cracking up. I cant wait for them to be demolished!

08-03-2009, 12:35 PM
That's just sad. They have no idea how to plan an event so they are going to do everything you do step by step. Watch out man, next they are going to want you to write a list of all the things they need to have for a successful event.

Start charging the retards for consultation time.:goodjob:

08-03-2009, 12:46 PM
That's just sad. They have no idea how to plan an event so they are going to do everything you do step by step. Watch out man, next they are going to want you to write a list of all the things they need to have for a successful event.

Start charging the retards for consultation time.:goodjob:They don't want to pay people who know what they are doing to consult!!!!!! They want to milk every bit of info they can for free. They try to make you think they will pay you to do a job, then once they have all the info they need, they are out. I know first hand :)

SouthSide Tay
08-03-2009, 12:48 PM
Fuck NOPI! and MSN

08-03-2009, 01:05 PM
Fuck NOPI! and MSN

Why Nopi?
Nopi is playing a supporting role in Tunerfest.:doh:

08-03-2009, 01:23 PM
obama is gonna be a tfs?

08-03-2009, 01:30 PM
Fuck NOPI! and MSN

trust me i know alot of pissed people at NOPI, but i couldn't/wouldn't turn them away if they are willing to help us and they don't want anything in return. this is a FREE event anyone willing to step up to the plate and support i'm extending my hand to :cheers:

08-03-2009, 01:44 PM
Paul who is running the other event. Would it by any chance be a dude named wayne?

08-03-2009, 01:47 PM
Paul who is running the other event. Would it by any chance be a dude named wayne?

don't know i've only talked to vp/pr guys and seen julie online trying to stir up event.

i do know they contacted one of our sponsors last week trying to get them involved w/ their event

08-03-2009, 01:48 PM
aint that a bitch. PS: ren aksed a question in the SMOD forum

08-03-2009, 09:33 PM
gotta love all of the nut swingers...


08-03-2009, 09:38 PM
gotta love all of the nut swingers...

http://240atlanta.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39201&page=8Seriously, we need one person to sneak in (not pay and give those bastards money) MSN to take pictures of the fail. All-stars and Elite will be the only good thing there.

08-03-2009, 09:48 PM
Seriously, we need one person to sneak in (not pay and give those bastards money) MSN to take pictures of the fail. All-stars and Elite will be the only good thing there.

i talked to John from Allstars and they are splitting 50/50 for the event from what i was told. Some have to go b/c sponsors req them. either way i don't care b/c my friends will be at TFS as well as our sponsors - if you know import scene in atlanta you will be at TFS if not you won't.

65$ for weak sauce Nats or FREE for TFS - please i aint' worried i'm obviously not the one having to call sponsors b/c they are coming to us.

08-04-2009, 09:33 AM
i talked to John from Allstars and they are splitting 50/50 for the event from what i was told. Some have to go b/c sponsors req them. either way i don't care b/c my friends will be at TFS as well as our sponsors - if you know import scene in atlanta you will be at TFS if not you won't.

65$ for weak sauce Nats or FREE for TFS - please i aint' worried i'm obviously not the one having to call sponsors b/c they are coming to us.

Well, they are supposed to be splitting it 50/50 with the track (what I heard)—so that wouldn't work for Elite :)

08-04-2009, 09:46 AM
Ok im really lost... who is trying to take the sponsors? its not nopi is it? and um who would pay $65 a day to go to an event that wont nearly be as interesting as a free one! and how long do i has to prepair? cause if i pick the car up friday then i might could be comeing up for this event.. even though the car will most likely be stock blah!

08-04-2009, 09:48 AM
do we really care what people from 240atlanta have to say LOL

08-04-2009, 10:01 AM
yes I was trying to spare feelings with very good intentions. We did invite Batlgroud to do a display and represent the Atlanta drift scene. That offer is still on the table.

I am a 33 year old business woman and I don't need my feelings spared. I am positive you, of all people, know exactly what I am talking about Fact is, I can almost bet I wold not have even received a final e-mail if I hadn't basically called out the insurance BS by obtaining my own quote that took all of 2 minutes—after waiting 3 weeks for theirs. Luckily I AM a business woman and know the value of following up—unlike some I have run across .

I don't appreciate the lies and being treated like I am ignorant to how events and insurance run. It is insulting. I'm sure you would agree. I also don't appreciate the e-mail rather than a phone call to explain. There sure were a lot of phone calls before you were there when they needed info on how to run the drifting. Then once it was "handled" (keeping in mind that YOU are Ali's agent, so it makes perfect sense that you wold want him to get the exposure/pay rather than us—not so much worrying about competing local drifters or whatever you said to CYOA)—I got an email with a BS insurance excuse/lie. Like I said, it was insulting. I spent a lot of my own time speaking with your associates and informing them of the public's feelings and giving them information on how drifting works. They took that as an opportunity to belittle the Import Atlanta and pass off blame rather than apologize for it. I also spent time coming up with the inclusions for the contract after I was told we would have one as soon as we sent the inclusions. I'm sure you know the rule —time=money. I was willing to give MSN a chance despite all that had happened—risking the reputation that I have EARNED after several years by DOING WHAT I SAY I AM GOING TO DO when I host events. All in the name of bringing back a large event to Atlanta. That chance was stepped on and smashed into the ground like a cigarette butt.

When YOU got there, it would have been nice if YOU wold have called ME since you are now the one cleaning up the mess. I mean, we were trying to spare my feelings and all, right? I responded to a CC email saying hello to you—you never responded. The only response I have received from you is in this discussion ON A FORUM asking me to call YOU. You have my number. If it was important to you and not a public stunt to show you care, I presume you might have picked up the phone to call me. Unfortunately, I have no more time for an organization who has lied to me and belittled my friends and community and only apologized to save face—not because it was the right thing to do. My opinion of course based on my experience.

Like I said, I appreciate the offer for the booth, but I'm just not into supporting the attitude or the event. Glad y'all have learned your lesson and have time to clean up the damage already done, but for people like me—I remember being treated the way I was and how my intelligence was insulted. It was very sneaky and to me, that is a character flaw. Character flaws don't go away. I have already learned that lesson with NOPI and it was reiterated with MSN.

Best of luck to everyone involved. Truly. I LOVE cars and the enthusiast community. I WANT to see it grow and prosper. I have spent tens of THOUSANDS of my OWN money and lost a fair amount of it in the name of the community I love. I would just prefer some more honest, straight forward people heading it up

Thanks for listening.

08-04-2009, 10:05 AM
Well, they are supposed to be splitting it 50/50 with the track (what I heard)—so that wouldn't work for Elite :)

sorry i meant the club is splitting up between the two shows...

do we really care what people from 240atlanta have to say LOL

honestly i don't care what anyone thinks only we/they know what happned; my point is just to let me know what happened to us and the type of people they are based on their previous event/experience.

TFS will sellout - MSN not so much.

the one thing i don't like is people spreading false information and telling people "they want to support the scene" :rolleyes:

08-04-2009, 10:06 AM
TFS is going to be bananas


08-04-2009, 10:09 AM
TFS is going to be bananas


:insert Gwen Stephani song:

08-04-2009, 10:09 AM


i don't know either

08-04-2009, 09:17 PM
TUNERFEST v6.0 .. Mainstream > Sep 19th, 2009!!!!

That is all .. The rest is Garbage..

08-05-2009, 02:46 AM

I'd like to pee on you. Then I'd go.

Otherwise my happy Scion driving ass will be at TFS
