View Full Version : Serious question for IA members....

Mike Lowrey
07-02-2009, 08:53 PM
Was talking to a fellow IA member today and was wondering the following:

I remember a few years ago, there was just as much drama, BS, personal bashing, etc. The difference is that there was more tolerance back then. Why? Seems like the WL, while supposed to be about 100% BS, is now supposed to be more serious.

Want to get your thoughts.


07-02-2009, 09:36 PM

07-02-2009, 09:38 PM
thoughts....i haz none

07-02-2009, 09:41 PM
well i mean. its bs yes, but at the same time you have to look at how it has grown over the past few years. its not its "mom&pop" self anymore, its growing to be one of the biggest car related forums in the southeast. if you constantly have what you had at the beginning how are you going to grow? i mean they have said this time and time again. without sponsors there is no IA. yes, we could pay for it. but honestly who really really really wants to do that. i know people are going to say " i would totally pay something if we could keep it like it used to be." you say that now, but i guarantee that after a while you would not want to have to spend money on something like that. so, in order for it to stay free they have to have sponsors, sponsors will only come if they see that this site is suitable for their business. you even have to draw the line in the whoreslounge at some point. if you afraid of change, stop posting?

07-02-2009, 09:52 PM
Honestly, this is stupid. It went from making fun of someone for 10 or 15 minutes, to giving out personal details about someone online.

BAck 5 or 6 years ago when there were only 5000 or so members, more people knew each other. IT wasn't hard to see through what someone was saying as a joke. Now there are over 30,000 + members and people don't have the same tolerances that they used to. Again. Instead of 3 million threads about why the site has changed, why not adapt to it.

Mike Lowrey
07-02-2009, 09:59 PM
well i mean. its bs yes, but at the same time you have to look at how it has grown over the past few years. its not its "mom&pop" self anymore, its growing to be one of the biggest car related forums in the southeast. if you constantly have what you had at the beginning how are you going to grow? i mean they have said this time and time again. without sponsors there is no IA. yes, we could pay for it. but honestly who really really really wants to do that. i know people are going to say " i would totally pay something if we could keep it like it used to be." you say that now, but i guarantee that after a while you would not want to have to spend money on something like that. so, in order for it to stay free they have to have sponsors, sponsors will only come if they see that this site is suitable for their business. you even have to draw the line in the whoreslounge at some point. if you afraid of change, stop posting?

Afraid of posting? WTF? Read my post, simply asking people's opinions. As far as I know we are still allowed to ask questions. :rolleyes:

07-02-2009, 09:59 PM
You have to view it from a business standpoint. Think of IA as a mall. There are alot of shops/vendors (sponsors) that pay money to be able to have a spot in IA's mall. If the mall becomes an unfriendly place that potential new members are scared to go to, the vendors are going to view the spot in the mall as a waste of money. If they see the that no new people are coming to the mall, or that they come once and don't return, they are going to want to invest their money in other places. Yeah, it is a fun forum for some people to goof off on, but at the same time it is a place of business for others.

Mike Lowrey
07-02-2009, 10:00 PM
Honestly, this is stupid. It went from making fun of someone for 10 or 15 minutes, to giving out personal details about someone online.

BAck 5 or 6 years ago when there were only 5000 or so members, more people knew each other. IT wasn't hard to see through what someone was saying as a joke. Now there are over 30,000 + members and people don't have the same tolerances that they used to. Again. Instead of 3 million threads about why the site has changed, why not adapt to it.

It is simply a question. Don't get panties into wad. Did I miss the other 2,999,999 threads? ~looks around~

07-02-2009, 10:01 PM
Afraid of posting? WTF? Read my post, simply asking people's opinions. As far as I know we are still allowed to ask questions. :rolleyes:

where did you get the 'afraid of posting' :thinking: i never said anything about that. i also never said that you could not ask a question. everyone is entitled to ask a question. i was simply giving a response in own view point.

07-02-2009, 10:01 PM
WL is supposed to be all BS, but it has gotten more and more personal. I didnt pay much attention to the WL until sometime last year, but it really is getting retarded.

Adults who dont like someone go out of their way to ignore them while the children go out of their way to inject themselves in every thread they can find with people they dont like.

Again, if the WL is supposed to be 100% BS, then dont get personal.

07-02-2009, 10:03 PM
i try my best to stay out of making up rules for the site b/c you are damned if you do/don't in the online biz... i don't give a crap unless it can possibly have legal ramifications. thats my opinion.

i will say whoreslounge has been toned down b/c to get larger sponsors and to keep some we needed to clean up some of the boards. that and noobs were getting ripped apart.

Mike Lowrey
07-02-2009, 10:04 PM
WL is supposed to be all BS, but it has gotten more and more personal. I didnt pay much attention to the WL until sometime last year, but it really is getting retarded.

Adults who dont like someone go out of their way to ignore them while the children go out of their way to inject themselves in every thread they can find with people they dont like.

Again, if the WL is supposed to be 100% BS, then dont get personal.

Good point.

Mike Lowrey
07-02-2009, 10:05 PM
i try my best to stay out of making up rules for the site b/c you are damned if you do/don't in the online biz... i don't give a crap unless it can possibly have legal ramifications. thats my opinion.

i will say whoreslounge has been toned down b/c to get larger sponsors and to keep some we needed to clean up some of the boards. that and noobs were getting ripped apart.


p.s. I thought that is what noobs were for? ;) :lmfao:

07-02-2009, 10:07 PM
yea i think there are some people who take things way to seriously/personal, its the interwebz its for fun

Mike Lowrey
07-02-2009, 10:08 PM
yea i think there are some people who take things way to seriously/personal, its the interwebz its for fun

Internetz = Serious Business

07-02-2009, 10:08 PM
cutting down newbs on a constant basis is not good, gives a shitty rep to the site. no one will end up wanting to join. i mean look at why we have barely ANY females belonging to this site. fortunately enough it has slowly gotten better. but damn. in the past, the way men treated woman on this site. the women themselves needed balls of steal just to keep postin.

Mike Lowrey
07-02-2009, 10:11 PM
cutting down newbs on a constant basis is not good, gives a shitty rep to the site. no one will end up wanting to join. i mean look at why we have barely ANY females belonging to this site. fortunately enough it has slowly gotten better. but damn. in the past, the way men treated woman on this site. the women themselves needed balls of steal just to keep postin.


Dude, the comment to paul's post was a joke. :rolleyes:

07-02-2009, 10:15 PM
rich,just go drive ur british mr2

07-02-2009, 10:16 PM

Dude, the comment to paul's post was a joke. :rolleyes:


07-02-2009, 10:45 PM
if any of you all only knew the cruel punishment IA members would dish out a few years back.. you would consider this stupid shit thats goin on a cakewalk. i was a victim back than...and it was not fun....lol

07-02-2009, 11:16 PM
The shit that was given to members years ago WAS BRUTAL!!!!
i never laughed so much in my life at the shit that was given in GOOD CLEAN, MEAN SPIRITED FUN...like one previous poster already said, when IA was major, yet still relatively still small, people knew eachother and were able to collab, and even jab at each other and when they met, if they met IRL, it was all good. QD roasted my ass a few times, THINKFAST and I traded light jabs, and it was all gravy when we met IRL...

but with the new generation of IA'ers that i've seen come on in the last 4yrs +\-, taking a joke or the bluntness of older members, was too much for their candy asses, plus the growth of the site forced a less tolerant approach towards the things we found so hilarious back then....the old heads got other shit to do...

07-02-2009, 11:19 PM
the shit that was given years ago WAS BRUTAL!!!!
i never laughed so much in my life at the shit that was given in GOOD CLEAN, MEAN SPIRITED FUN...like one previous poster already said, when IA was major, yet still relatively still small, people knew eachother and were able to collab, and even jab at each other and when they met, if they met IRL, it was all good. QD roasted my ass a few times, THINKFAST and I traded light jabs, and it was all gravy when we met IRL...

but with the new generation of IA'ers that i've seen come on in the last 4yrs +\-, taking a joke or the bluntness of older members, was too much for their candy asses, plus the growth of the site forced a less tolerant approach towards the things we found so hilarious back then....the old heads got other shit to do...

haha I remember the day Sizzle made you mad LOL shit was heeelairrrrreyous

07-02-2009, 11:21 PM
Alex got my address, and said he was gonna kill me...

guess what happened....


07-02-2009, 11:26 PM
haha I remember the day Sizzle made you mad LOL shit was heeelairrrrreyous
hell yeah!!! he literally had me soo pissed while i was at work, i had to get up and walk away from my desk........go out side, smoke a cig, and when i was out there i lol'd to myself, saying out loud, "how'd i let this fukka piss me off?! "

07-02-2009, 11:26 PM
hell yeah!!! he literally had me soo pissed while i was at work, i had to get up and walk away from my desk........go out side, smoke a cig, and when i was out there i lol'd to myself, saying out loud, "how'd i let this fukka piss me off?! "

I have a knack for making people do that LOL

07-03-2009, 12:04 AM
Part of the reason for the downward spiral of the WL is all the newcomers to the site. They're all young and horny as fuck because they've just discovered the art of fucking and are willing to use anyone of the opposite sex as their drawing pad. Another part of the postonomic depression are said drawing pads. Back in the day, the girls that signed up were relatively involved with the car hobby. Now the girls that are signing up are more willing to be drawing pads than cgEvan is willing to be smart and educated. And the final part of this abolition of a fun WL is PBS and people like him with their incessant nonsensical posts that infiltrate anything and everything civil or humorous.

Later, QD.

07-03-2009, 11:12 AM
Was talking to a fellow IA member today and was wondering the following:

I remember a few years ago, there was just as much drama, BS, personal bashing, etc. The difference is that there was more tolerance back then. Why? Seems like the WL, while supposed to be about 100% BS, is now supposed to be more serious.

Want to get your thoughts.


theres an obvious answer to that.....theres alot of sensitive or ig'nit ass pple on here now that is tryin to ruin IA. maybe the seniors of IA should group together and and bring bansih fridays back officially and fish out the sensitive pple.

07-03-2009, 01:53 PM
maybe the seniors of IA should group together and and bring bansih fridays back officially and fish out the sensitive pple.

The real "seniors" of IA never had Ban Fridays. Later, QD.

07-03-2009, 01:54 PM
ban friday's didnt start up till like 07. before that there wasnt any need, either people just got bashed enough to where they stopped posting or they new their place and came to terms with it and kept on posting.

07-03-2009, 02:13 PM
I don't feel like IA has changed in the way others have posted so far. I feel like there were always the ass hats and the non-ass hats. I feel like the bashing that went on in the past is on the same level as far as frequency and harshness goes, but the past bashing actually used to make sense and was funny. Now it seems like the bashing comes from the retards—when it used to come from the non-ass hats keeping all of the ass hats in check.

I think there needs to be some sort of checks and balances when it comes to the members keeping members in check—not just the mods keeping the members in check (not that the mods aren't members, but you get the point). I don't think it should be a free for all, but all forums have "those members" who keeps your ass in check and remind you that you are bing a dumb ass.

07-03-2009, 02:27 PM
More members = more ignorant dumb asses.

More ignorant dumb asses = less tolerance from everyone.

Years ago the site didn't have the sponsors they have today and you don't want to discourage them, it's a major part of keeping it alive.

I see no reason why forums outside the whoreslounge and kills forum should not be kept as mature as possible otherwise you have too much bullshit to go through just to find something useful.

07-03-2009, 02:55 PM
The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.


07-03-2009, 03:04 PM
The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.

-Ant.Exactly, if you don't do something about it know it will continue to sink...

07-03-2009, 06:37 PM
Was talking to a fellow IA member today and was wondering the following:

I remember a few years ago, there was just as much drama, BS, personal bashing, etc. The difference is that there was more tolerance back then. Why? Seems like the WL, while supposed to be about 100% BS, is now supposed to be more serious.

Want to get your thoughts.


personally I think it should should be 18+ ONLY, like you click through a disclaimer or something.....then it would be fucking on!

07-03-2009, 06:43 PM
personally I think it should should be 18+ ONLY, like you click through a disclaimer or something.....then it would be fucking on!IA is 18+ only.

07-03-2009, 10:01 PM
The shit that was given to members years ago WAS BRUTAL!!!!
i never laughed so much in my life at the shit that was given in GOOD CLEAN, MEAN SPIRITED FUN...like one previous poster already said, when IA was major, yet still relatively still small, people knew eachother and were able to collab, and even jab at each other and when they met, if they met IRL, it was all good. QD roasted my ass a few times, THINKFAST and I traded light jabs, and it was all gravy when we met IRL...

but with the new generation of IA'ers that i've seen come on in the last 4yrs +\-, taking a joke or the bluntness of older members, was too much for their candy asses, plus the growth of the site forced a less tolerant approach towards the things we found so hilarious back then....the old heads got other shit to do...


07-03-2009, 10:11 PM
i used to be in the wl all the time,but now its full of people that think thier in the 9th grade....then again they might be and are sneaking on to ia in thier computer class.

07-03-2009, 10:14 PM
i used to be in the wl all the time,but now its full of people that think thier in the 9th grade...

This is why my post count has dropped tremendously. Later, QD.

07-03-2009, 10:20 PM
This is why my post count has dropped tremendously. Later, QD.

yea,i mean most threads are just he said she said,drama fest....just stuff i dont give rats ass about..

now if a rat's ass was videotaped on a skateborad jumping maniac's hair,id check that thread out.