View Full Version : I am really a car/power snob. Oh well.

06-26-2009, 09:57 AM
I was just reading a post and I won't call out names unless I am forced by smack talk. So it got me to thinking. I really hate it when someone has an older model car and takes 5,6,7 years to finally get it working right. Especially when tons of other people have made the same power on the same car for years.

I will use 2 cars models as examples since I see it happen most with these.

Toyota Supra. IMO, a 1000 hp Supra is played out. It was done for the first time in 2001 and has been done by every Tom, Dick and Harry at this point. The fact that it took you 6 years to read an article written in Turbo magazine on how to make 1000 hp in a Supra is sad. Once a magazine has given step by step instructions on how to build a car, it's lame and played out. Get a new car. You are not an innovator at this point.

Mitsubishi Eclipse. IMO, breaking a car 11ty billion times before you get it right 6 years later is dumb. It's sad that you spent tens of thousands of dollars on a Mitsubishi. It even more sad that it took you 6 years to run decent times on a car that has run those same times 8 years ago....by many.

Now don't get me wrong. I know that for the every day Joe, these stories my be offensive. They might say, it takes a lot of time and dedication to build a fast car and I know that more than anyone. BUT when you obviously have 10's of thousands of dollars spent on your car several times over after blowing it up several times over or not getting it right several times over, it's gay that it took you so long to get it right when you obviously have money.

Maybe I am spoiled by my experiences. Dan buys a car, makes big power in a few months then sells it and moves on to the next. IMO, that just shows that there are innovators and then there are lame poseurs.


The Ren
06-26-2009, 10:00 AM
But I like my supra.. Ass!

06-26-2009, 10:02 AM
tell us how you really feel girl.

06-26-2009, 10:03 AM

You aren't trying to show off your balls with your power. You aren't a shop. You aren't a poseur dick rider. You just got a bunk car.

06-26-2009, 10:03 AM
i have to say that i have been building this corolla for 6 years now and that has been because im broke and have trusted people to do the work that haven't exactly known what they are doing. now i'll admit twincharging a 94 corolla isn't done everyday but it shouldn't have been as much trouble as it has been. the old setup blew two motors so now i am on my third with a completely different design. i get what you are saying and im trying to be an innovator but it has been difficult on a budget

The Ren
06-26-2009, 10:03 AM
You aren't trying to show off your balls with your power. You aren't a shop. You aren't a poseur dick rider. You just got a bunk car.

I Haz no balls:lmfao: But I just wanted to start shit with you.. I <3 you Tracy!

06-26-2009, 10:07 AM
I have to agree with you on 1000+WHP Supra's being played out. Having driven a few my self it doesn't make sense to do it unless all you are going to do is run it on the highway or the strip and imho, where's the fun in that?

Tracy will be the only one who knows what I'm talking about here but, take fred's old SC300. Now that was a car made mid-low 400's on pump and he drove 50+ miles to work in it everyday. The car was fun low key but at the end of the day you could actually enjoy it EVERYDAY. There's no way in hell I'm gonna plunk a shit ton of money in a car that I'm only going to take out every once in a while because its so ridiculously unuseable its not even funny.

06-26-2009, 10:07 AM
i have to say that i have been building this corolla for 6 years now and that has been because im broke and have trusted people to do the work that haven't exactly known what they are doing. now i'll admit twincharging a 94 corolla isn't done everyday but it shouldn't have been as much trouble as it has been. the old setup blew two motors so now i am on my third with a completely different design. i get what you are saying and im trying to be an innovator but it has been difficult on a budget

I understand this for the regular person. I am more so speaking of shop cars and people who have been furiously working on their car with no expense spared and it's obvious and on top of that they dick ride a shop that has been working on their car.

I wish I hadn't straightened up my act or else I would call out the examples....but alas I am trying to be a little more grown up.

06-26-2009, 10:19 AM
I think this is silly honestly...Driving and fixing cars is a hobbie to enjoy, just because someone else enjoys it the same way doesn't mean you shouldn't as well. That's like saying you shouldn't wear make-up because you put it on the same as someone else. "it's been done, the colors, the blending...old news. Why do you bother?"

Silly point of view in my opinion.

06-26-2009, 10:25 AM
I have to agree with you on 1000+WHP Supra's being played out. Having driven a few my self it doesn't make sense to do it unless all you are going to do is run it on the highway or the strip and imho, where's the fun in that?

Right, that's why you have an Eclipse right? Because the Supra is played out.


06-26-2009, 10:25 AM
I think this is silly honestly...Driving and fixing cars is a hobbie to enjoy, just because someone else enjoys it the same way doesn't mean you shouldn't as well. That's like saying you should wear make-up because you put it on the same as someone else. "it's been done, the colors, the blending...old news. Why do you bother?"

Silly point of view in my opinion.

Well, I have a competitive spirit and makeup isn't very competitive, so that comparison doesn't make sense to me. I only wear mascara. LOL! And the cheap kind at that.

I don't walk around trying to be an import model because I wear $200 mascara. I don't think it makes my boobs look bigger. I don't think that my mascara entitles me to be called innovative and to have nut-swingers or boob-swingers (in this case) just because I spent $200 on it.

When you are doing it to swing your balls—IMO it's different than just enjoying your hobby and being humble about it and that is the point of my post.

Part of my job for years was helping people with their hobbies and like I said, I mean this more to shops and their swingers.

06-26-2009, 10:25 AM
I think this is silly honestly...Driving and fixing cars is a hobbie to enjoy, just because someone else enjoys it the same way doesn't mean you shouldn't as well. That's like saying you shouldn't wear make-up because you put it on the same as someone else. "it's been done, the colors, the blending...old news. Why do you bother?"

Silly point of view in my opinion.

well it depends on if you have the attitude of "im a badass and this make up job is the bestest". i don't know who she is responding to specifically but if you are doing something claiming to be on the cutting edge and it has been done time and time again, you look like a dumbass. someone building it themselves versus a shop building a shop car is two different scenarios

06-26-2009, 10:27 AM
well it depends on if you have the attitude of "im a badass and this make up job is the bestest". i don't know who she is responding to specifically but if you are doing something claiming to be on the cutting edge and it has been done time and time again, you look like a dumbass. someone building it themselves versus a shop building a shop car is two different scenariosExactly what I was trying to say. Thanks.

06-26-2009, 10:30 AM
Topspeed Clark and the Red Eclipse guy?

06-26-2009, 10:32 AM
I guess i need to know the context of the argument.

Are you saying that someone is saying "OMG XXXXXXXXX is the best shop ever they are better than XXXXXXXXXX cause my supra is fast"

06-26-2009, 10:32 AM
I understand what you mean Tracy. It's not a big deal when an individual is building something that has been done before, but the whole purpose behind a shop car is to bring in business. If you show everyone that as a shop you can't even follow the trends right, what does that say? OTOH, if you show everyone that you are one of the first, and an innovator, then you are actually doing something GOOD for the reputation of the shop and not just wasting money to impress a couple buddies. It's like when the Evo X came out, since it had the 4B11 EVERY big shop was scrambling to be one of the very first to make big numbers out of one so they could show they are ahead of the curve.

It's a good point that unfortunately some people will take offense to just because they think as an individual on a budget and can't see the reasoning behind shop cars. :goodjob:

06-26-2009, 10:33 AM
Is it easy to make a 1000hp Supra, absolutely, its been done 1000 times just like 500whp Hondas. But its still impressive none the less.

06-26-2009, 10:34 AM
See I agree with Tracey on this one. 1000Hp supras are played out and so are the eclipses. Dont' copy something that has already been done and think its the first time. Thats stupid to me. There is a reason that is is called "customization" and there is a reason its YOUR car. But spending tens of thousands of dollars on something that has already been done over and over is ridiculous when you can spend that same amount of money on something that hasnt' been done or not that much and be "different" than others. But thats just my :2cents:

06-26-2009, 10:35 AM
Now don't get me wrong. I value and enjoy a nicely built car with amazing power...no matter how many times it has been done. To me, it's the attitude and position behind it that counts. You get to act like a badass when you are one of the first....

Other than that, you have a nice car...not an innovative car.

06-26-2009, 10:35 AM
Is it easy to make a 1000hp Supra, absolutely, its been done 1000 times just like 500whp Hondas. But its still impressive none the less.

I agree with you, but as impressive and cool as it is, all it shows is you know how to look through a catalog ya know?

06-26-2009, 10:36 AM
I understand what you mean Tracy. It's not a big deal when an individual is building something that has been done before, but the whole purpose behind a shop car is to bring in business. If you show everyone that as a shop you can't even follow the trends right, what does that say? OTOH, if you show everyone that you are one of the first, and an innovator, then you are actually doing something GOOD for the reputation of the shop and not just wasting money to impress a couple buddies. It's like when the Evo X came out, since it had the 4B11 EVERY big shop was scrambling to be one of the very first to make big numbers out of one so they could show they are ahead of the curve.

It's a good point that unfortunately some people will take offense to just because they think as an individual on a budget and can't see the reasoning behind shop cars. :goodjob:

I strongly disagree.

Lets say some off the wall shop like Killswitch (who normally builds 240s) comes out with a 1000whp Supra. DOnt sit here an tell me it is not impressive. Has it been done before, sure. Is it still cool, yes.

Also, not every kid out there with a supra, honda, nissan, etc is looking for innovation , they want RELIABLE CHEAP HP. very few guys out there are looking to drop the big money to do something crazy different.

The money is in consistency. So if you can build a reliable 1000whp supra or 600whp evo, etc, you will attract cars that think "hey they build big HP cars, they can tinker with my car"

06-26-2009, 10:37 AM
I understand what you mean Tracy. It's not a big deal when an individual is building something that has been done before, but the whole purpose behind a shop car is to bring in business. If you show everyone that as a shop you can't even follow the trends right, what does that say? OTOH, if you show everyone that you are one of the first, and an innovator, then you are actually doing something GOOD for the reputation of the shop and not just wasting money to impress a couple buddies. It's like when the Evo X came out, since it had the 4B11 EVERY big shop was scrambling to be one of the very first to make big numbers out of one so they could show they are ahead of the curve.

It's a good point that unfortunately some people will take offense to just because they think as an individual on a budget and can't see the reasoning behind shop cars. :goodjob:


I re-read my first post and need to add the shop car thing.

06-26-2009, 10:38 AM
you guys cant be serious?

So how many of you have a GSR swapped Civic, or a 30R/35R/18g on an EVO, GT28R on a SR20det, PT67 on a SUpra.........

Come on, no one is innovative anymore. You can read a magazine article all you want, doesnt mean you are going to make the power. It takes a lot more than that.

06-26-2009, 10:39 AM
I just want George's SC...

06-26-2009, 10:40 AM
Disco potato? Welcome to 1999.

06-26-2009, 10:40 AM
I strongly disagree.

Lets say some off the wall shop like Killswitch (who normally builds 240s) comes out with a 1000whp Supra. DOnt sit here an tell me it is not impressive. Has it been done before, sure. Is it still cool, yes.

Also, not every kid out there with a supra, honda, nissan, etc is looking for innovation , they want RELIABLE CHEAP HP. very few guys out there are looking to drop the big money to do something crazy different.

The money is in consistency. So if you can build a reliable 1000whp supra or 600whp evo, etc, you will attract cars that think "hey they build big HP cars, they can tinker with my car"

I won't argue because you're right, this is the flip side of the coin. I should have left the statement a little more open. I do agree 1000% that (especially to me) the killer is in the reliability. The entire reason I take my STi to be tuned up in Charleston instead of the Atlanta area, is because of a couple different reasons. I will not bash any sponsors here, but I contacted one shop about a tune, and they just wanted to pick my setup apart and tell me what I needed to change (for example getting rid of my stand-alone to use an accessport to flash the stock ECU since it's easier) vs. the shop out of state where the tuner has had the exact same setup on his car since they first came out, without an issue.

So YES reliability sells people as much, if not more than just making huge numbers.

06-26-2009, 10:41 AM
Georges car is SICK, but lets not kid ourselves, theres nothing innovative about it. At least not that i know of. Its a GTE with a big turbo. It has cams, fuel system, and an AEM.

I think what makes his car cool is the fact that it makes that kinda power in a relatively stock looking chassis. It is very sleeperish.

06-26-2009, 10:42 AM
I strongly disagree.

Lets say some off the wall shop like Killswitch (who normally builds 240s) comes out with a 1000whp Supra. DOnt sit here an tell me it is not impressive. Has it been done before, sure. Is it still cool, yes.

Also, not every kid out there with a supra, honda, nissan, etc is looking for innovation , they want RELIABLE CHEAP HP. very few guys out there are looking to drop the big money to do something crazy different.

The money is in consistency. So if you can build a reliable 1000whp supra or 600whp evo, etc, you will attract cars that think "hey they build big HP cars, they can tinker with my car"

I wouldn't be impressed if they built a Supra. I would feel the same way. To me, cars are cars with different tolerances and such, but non the less all cars. IMO a true innovator can get a new car and build the shit out of it because he understand the laws of cars.

Dan did this with almost every car we have ever had as a shop car. Every car we have ever built minus the Supra was built with mostly crap junk parts laying around the shop and most of them left over from the Supra. The Supra went against all of the rules and was one of the very first to make 1000 hp...in 2002. He was making over 900 the same year the first person made 1000 and at the time only 2 were and one of them was Titan (even thought they weren't the first).

06-26-2009, 10:45 AM
Well i mean there is a fine line.

IMO and ive been doing this a LONG time.....the customer you want is the reliable consistent mild to medium power guy. Guy that wants to spend $2000-4000 every 6 months is a nice customer.

Ill tell you what the customer that wants to spend $15,000-20000 you make MAYBE 20% on his ticket, if you are lucky.

Like a clutch job pays $300-400 in labor for most 4 cylinders. It can be done in 1-2 hours. A ENGINE swap most shops charge $1000. Thats A LOT MORE work for not that much more money.

As the ticket price increases, your profit goes down, for the most part. Or you get to the point where the ticket is so astronomical in price it doesnt justify the work done.

I just dont see anything nowadays where if you built some cool setup or something that no one else has done , that its going to drive your business and expand it.

06-26-2009, 10:46 AM
I wouldn't be impressed if they built a Supra. I would feel the same way. To me, cars are cars with different tolerances and such, but non the less all cars. IMO a true innovator can get a new car and build the shit out of it because he understand the laws of cars.

Check your reps. :)

06-26-2009, 10:47 AM
I won't argue because you're right, this is the flip side of the coin. I should have left the statement a little more open. I do agree 1000% that (especially to me) the killer is in the reliability. The entire reason I take my STi to be tuned up in Charleston instead of the Atlanta area, is because of a couple different reasons. I will not bash any sponsors here, but I contacted one shop about a tune, and they just wanted to pick my setup apart and tell me what I needed to change (for example getting rid of my stand-alone to use an accessport to flash the stock ECU since it's easier) vs. the shop out of state where the tuner has had the exact same setup on his car since they first came out, without an issue.

So YES reliability sells people as much, if not more than just making huge numbers.

I'll give you the shop perspective on this one. I have tons of experience with this exact deal. You get your car built somewhere else or you build it. Then you want us to tune it (for example). Well, since we are the last one to touch it we either get all of the credit or all of the crap talk about how we messed up your car. If we don't agree with your setup and the power expectations, we feel the need to tell you that. It is kind of our job to tell you our experience with certain set ups. You don't know how many times people buy pieces all over the Internet with no idea about how to make a parts combo that works. Then they think tuning will fix it all.

That's not to say that's how you do, but generally that's how it goes down and as a shop we have to cover our ass by telling you what we think of your set up before we tune it. Otherwise if we tell you after you spent $500 on tuning, you will ask why didn't you tell me that before you tuned it. We used to not say anything about customer set ups until it came back to bite us in the ass a few times. It's just a way to curb the possible after drama.

06-26-2009, 10:48 AM
I see what you are saying, but even though it has been done a million times, a shop building a high HP Supra/EVO/whatever can be a great way for them to show that they know what they are doing. It could be just their way of getting noticed and saying they can hang with the shops that already have their names established in the tuner community. Granted, them acting like hot shit or innovators is kinda douchebaggy, unless they do it in some crazy new way.

06-26-2009, 10:49 AM
Well i mean there is a fine line.

IMO and ive been doing this a LONG time.....the customer you want is the reliable consistent mild to medium power guy. Guy that wants to spend $2000-4000 every 6 months is a nice customer.

Ill tell you what the customer that wants to spend $15,000-20000 you make MAYBE 20% on his ticket, if you are lucky.

Like a clutch job pays $300-400 in labor for most 4 cylinders. It can be done in 1-2 hours. A ENGINE swap most shops charge $1000. Thats A LOT MORE work for not that much more money.

As the ticket price increases, your profit goes down, for the most part. Or you get to the point where the ticket is so astronomical in price it doesnt justify the work done.

I just dont see anything nowadays where if you built some cool setup or something that no one else has done , that its going to drive your business and expand it.

We aren't talking about customers. That is a whole nother post. I am talking about shop cars with all the resources and knowledge at their fingertips.

I've been doing this just as long as you and innovation does count in the customers eyes.

06-26-2009, 10:49 AM
I just dont see anything nowadays where if you built some cool setup or something that no one else has done , that its going to drive your business and expand it.

I won't argue business numbers with you, I agree profit PERCENTAGE goes down as price goes up, the dollars still go up.

I will point this out though, if being innovative doesn't bring business, why are you going as fast as you can to make as many parts you can to support the Genesis? There aren't a shit-ton of them out there.

06-26-2009, 10:50 AM
I wouldn't be impressed if they built a Supra. I would feel the same way. To me, cars are cars with different tolerances and such, but non the less all cars. IMO a true innovator can get a new car and build the shit out of it because he understand the laws of cars.

Dan did this with every car we have ever had as a shop car. Every car we have ever built minus the Supra was built with mostly crap junk parts laying around the shop and most of them left over from the Supra. The Supra went against all of the rules and was one of the very first to make 1000 hp...in 2002. He was making over 900 the same year the first person made 1000 and at the time only 2 were and one of them was Titan (even thought they weren't the first).

Well you know i think dan knows his stuff, but come on. Its no secret. Even back then it wasnt hard to build a 1000whp supra. BIG TURBO, BIG INTERCOOLER, BIG BOOST. done.

The 240? it had a GT28R on it, then a 30R. Those turbos were around for years. His intercooler setup was cool, and the 30R made a shit load of power, but i think that was more in his tuning, not some innovative setup.

The EVO was cool. On a stock block it was def something different. But again, it was a 4G63, the recipe for power on those cars has been around LONG before the EVO 8 came out.

The STI yall had , straight up off the shelf rotated 35R kit. been done 1000 times hell it came from a car with that kit on it.

I mean i understand what you are saying, if you know cars you know cars. I could build a 1000whp supra if i had the money and desire. I could built a 500whp 240 if i had the money and desire. Its not hard. Im sure Topspeed, Mainstream, etc could all as well. Hell i bet if dan wanted to he could build a 800whp Honda too.

So i guess im back to the argument. Are you upset because someone built a car that just isnt innovative?

i just dont see the argument

06-26-2009, 10:51 AM
Couldn't have been said better

06-26-2009, 10:53 AM
I'll give you the shop perspective on this one. I have tons of experience with this exact deal. You get your car built somewhere else or you build it. Then you want us to tune it (for example). Well, since we are the last one to touch it we either get all of the credit or all of the crap talk about how we messed up your car. If we don't agree with your setup and the power expectations, we feel the need to tell you that. It is kind of our job to tell you our experience with certain set ups. You don't know how many times people buy pieces all over the Internet with no idea about how to make a parts combo that works. Then they think tuning will fix it all.

That's not to say that's how you do, but generally that's how it goes down and as a shop we have to cover our ass by telling you what we think of your set up before we tune it. Otherwise if we tell you after you spent $500, you will ask why didn't you tell me that before you tuned it. We used to not say anything about customer set ups until it came back to bite us in the ass a few times.

And thus the reason I mentioned no names. I don't care to start anything, because the fact is, I just didn't like how I was talked down to, not saying that it is wrong to inform the customer of possible issues. It went far beyond saying "OK, we haven't had the best of luck with Hydra's before, so you may want to know going in that the tune may cost a little more since it is more complicated." It was more along the lines of "That piece of shit Hydra you just bought isn't even going to crank the car. You just wasted your money like an idiot, you should have just stuck with your Cobb AP." I can't fucking stand that, because every part on that car has been researched and compared so that I DON'T create a headache for myself or my tuner.

06-26-2009, 10:54 AM
Right, that's why you have an Eclipse right? Because the Supra is played out.

LOL. No I have an eclipse because it was given to me to keep my costs down as I'm in school at the moment. My point is simply whatever happened to having well rounded cars that you could take to the strip run a respectable time, then go to the road course and run some kcik ass laps and still drive it home to pick up the lady and take her somewhere nice without looking like a complete asshat or breaking her back in the process.

Yea I kno she is talking about shops.

06-26-2009, 10:54 AM
We aren't talking about customers. That is a whole nother post. I am talking about shop cars with all the resources and knowledge at their fingertips.

I've been doing this just as long as you and innovation does count in the customers eyes.
This is prob going to start a fight, but lets see if you can stay level headed and pretend its not me.

What has Batlground done that was innovative that really had a huge impact on your business?

I mean i cant speak for before i was there, but when i was there, barely any Supras came by.

Never once built a drift car (even though you guys had kickass 240s).

Subaru Business followed Siegel wherever he went. Even though you had a STI.

EVO business , we had a few here an there, but the bulk of them went to topspeed.

240s, same as Evos, you guys had a few come in , but nothing out of the ordinary.

I mean what i see from BG was a wider spectrum of cars to work on. A lot of shops around here are branded as a certain make an model of car shop. BG has been an EVO shop a SUPRA shop a 240 SHop, its evolved. but i dont see where anything crazy innovative really got you more business than doing something simple.

Make sense?

06-26-2009, 10:56 AM
I guess my point is

IF SHOP "A" does something crazy innovative an makes 1000whp "CAR"

IF SHOP "B" does something average and makes 1000whp "CAR"

The impact on business is the same.

IMO of course. So why not just keep it simple

06-26-2009, 10:58 AM
I will point this out though, if being innovative doesn't bring business, why are you going as fast as you can to make as many parts you can to support the Genesis? There aren't a shit-ton of them out there.

I have a hunch, that im going to make A LOT of money in that market. I think i can do better than Bushur and AEM and others.

See the difference is im being innovative making PARTS. Im not building a car.

If i make an intake i average 50% return on it, i can almost guarantee if i built a genesis i would not make a 50% return on it

06-26-2009, 10:59 AM
Well you know i think dan knows his stuff, but come on. Its no secret. Even back then it wasnt hard to build a 1000whp supra. BIG TURBO, BIG INTERCOOLER, BIG BOOST. done.

Um goes to show what you know. Dan went against what all of the Supra elders were telling him. It's a long story and I won't get into it, but Allen Chen can verify and all of the drama behind Dan's supra and how he did it is why we even have a shop.

The 240? it had a GT28R on it, then a 30R. Those turbos were around for years. His intercooler setup was cool, and the 30R made a shit load of power, but i think that was more in his tuning, not some innovative setup.

Wrong. There was no Gt28R when we built out 240. We didn't have a GT28r on our car when it was first built, we had a turbo that Dan pieced together from precision parts. It ended up becoming the GT28R. If you want to call Garrett. I have their number. You can ask them about Dan's role in the creation of the GT28R turbo. The intercooler set up came like 4 years later because I was hitting too many cones. That was an accident that worked.

The EVO was cool. On a stock block it was def something different. But again, it was a 4G63, the recipe for power on those cars has been around LONG before the EVO 8 came out.True, but it was an EVO and it hadn't been done on an Evo.

The STI yall had , straight up off the shelf rotated 35R kit. been done 1000 times hell it came from a car with that kit on it. True again, but that's not the first WRX or STI we built. The first 2 we built were the innovators. The STI we have is crap and was never meant to be anything more than a daily driver and was never touted as anything more.

So i guess im back to the argument. Are you upset because someone built a car that just isnt innovative?

i just dont see the argument

I posted it in the WL because there is no point other than to bitch. There I said it.

06-26-2009, 11:00 AM
I guess my point is

IF SHOP "A" does something crazy innovative an makes 1000whp "CAR"

IF SHOP "B" does something average and makes 1000whp "CAR"

The impact on business is the same.

IMO of course. So why not just keep it simple

It is this difference in strategy that keeps the competition going though ya know? If everyone had the same exact approach to builds and bringing in customers, then it would be pretty boring. It's why one shop chooses to build Porsches while another builds domestic drag cars, while another sticks with Honda's. Everybody has a different opinion of what they want to focus on and try to do, some shops focus on the build of the car, some other focus on the bottom line of the end result, however they get it. Neither is "wrong" per se except maybe in the others eyes :goodjob:

06-26-2009, 11:01 AM
Oh i forgot about the other STIs from back in the day, im getting old.

I thought dan said that his supra wasnt anything crazy, it was like a 42R with stock pistons and carrillo rods. At least thats what i always heard.

His 240,and yours, made awesome power, and it shows that he knows what hes doing. But i wouldnt clasify it as an innovative setup. Hell i guess i dont classify anything as innovative anymore lol

06-26-2009, 11:02 AM
And thus the reason I mentioned no names. I don't care to start anything, because the fact is, I just didn't like how I was talked down to, not saying that it is wrong to inform the customer of possible issues. It went far beyond saying "OK, we haven't had the best of luck with Hydra's before, so you may want to know going in that the tune may cost a little more since it is more complicated." It was more along the lines of "That piece of shit Hydra you just bought isn't even going to crank the car. You just wasted your money like an idiot, you should have just stuck with your Cobb AP." I can't fucking stand that, because every part on that car has been researched and compared so that I DON'T create a headache for myself or my tuner.

I don't know who you are talking about (could have been us and I don't know because I haven't been there in 2 years) and my post wasn't geared toward you. Just so you know :) I was just giving my perspective. If you were treated that way, then that sucks. BUT, like I said, you can probably thank all of the idiots out there for the shop not understanding you have done all of your research and such. Facts are, most people don't.

P.S. We put a Hydra on the first STI we built with power.

06-26-2009, 11:03 AM
But i guess the point Tracy is making is that if you have a shop, and you have the tools to do it, why do the same as everyone else. Be different take risks, show that you are different than everyone else.

I get that, i just think A LOT of shops arent in that position to take that kind of risk

06-26-2009, 11:05 AM
im going to say from a customers perspective, i don't really care what the shop does with their cars. i want to go in and be able to have a conversation about my setup and them know what they are talking about. if a shop knows what they are talking about, i feel more comfortable. if they built an evo and i have a honda, doesn't really do me any good.

06-26-2009, 11:09 AM
Which is kinda of funny cause the only place that really doesnt have a shop car is Mainstream.

Killswitch has their 240s

BG has always had something from the Supra to the Evo to the 240

Mahdavi has their Supras

Topspeed has their Subaru and Supra and their Eclipse

Mainstream gets prob the bulk of honda business, and they dont have a 900whp Honda shop car. They just have a ton of customers that are satisfied and make big power.

06-26-2009, 11:10 AM
This is prob going to start a fight, but lets see if you can stay level headed and pretend its not me.

What has Batlground done that was innovative that really had a huge impact on your business?

I mean i cant speak for before i was there, but when i was there, barely any Supras came by.

Never once built a drift car (even though you guys had kickass 240s).

Subaru Business followed Siegel wherever he went. Even though you had a STI.

EVO business , we had a few here an there, but the bulk of them went to topspeed.

240s, same as Evos, you guys had a few come in , but nothing out of the ordinary.

I mean what i see from BG was a wider spectrum of cars to work on. A lot of shops around here are branded as a certain make an model of car shop. BG has been an EVO shop a SUPRA shop a 240 SHop, its evolved. but i dont see where anything crazy innovative really got you more business than doing something simple.

Make sense?

No fight. I can understand a decent argument.

You think you can speak on 8 years of business because you were there for 9 mos? That is ridiculous. We worked on a lot of Hondas when you were there because that's what you pushed, now we barely work on any. Whatever we push at the time comes in.

From 2001-2004 we ONLY worked on Supras until we decided to move on on our own accord. We built the 240 at that time (for non-drift). Then everyone thought we worked on 240's and that's all that came in until we built the Evo. Same story for Evo. You are right about the Suby's though we work on select few. All of our cars were way gone before you got here and when you were there we had been on the road for 2 years...

I know you know how fickle everyone is. That's why we always buy new cars and build them. We don't ever want to pigeon hole our abilities. We keep it moving. Funny you should mention, I was at the shop last week for a TV interview deal and we had 2 Supras there, 3 240's, a STI and 2 Evos.

06-26-2009, 11:11 AM
Mainstream gets prob the bulk of honda business, and they dont have a 900whp Honda shop car. They just have a ton of customers that are satisfied and make big power.

and that is what brings in customers IMO. my corolla has been damn near impossible to find anyone to work on because nobody looks at the corollas. that is why i would be looking for a shop that knows their shit instead of what they drive

06-26-2009, 11:14 AM
i agree, with the mighty T. i dont know whats the fascination about building the same cars over and over and over again...

06-26-2009, 11:14 AM
i agree, with the mighty T. i dont know whats the fascination about building the same cars over and over and over again...

06-26-2009, 11:15 AM
I don't know who you are talking about (could have been us and I don't know because I haven't been there in 2 years) and my post wasn't geared toward you. Just so you know :) I was just giving my perspective. If you were treated that way, then that sucks. BUT, like I said, you can probably thank all of the idiots out there for the shop not understanding you have done all of your research and such. Facts are, most people don't.

P.S. We put a Hydra on the first STI we built with power.

For the record the only reason Battlground didn't tune my car is because our schedules didn't match up, and Dan was very upfront about that, so no big deal there, I just kept looking and appreciated the honesty.

Tracy you have PM.

06-26-2009, 11:22 AM
i agree, with the mighty T. i dont know whats the fascination about building the same cars over and over and over again...

And you felt your opinion was important enough that we wanted to read it twice? :rolleyes:


06-26-2009, 11:22 AM
The 240 was innovative :) Who else was making 500 whp at the time in a 240? Not the drift cars. I am talking about in 2004 when the 240 was 5 different colors.

06-26-2009, 11:23 AM
And you felt your opinion was important enough that we wanted to read it twice? :rolleyes:

:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: Hey at least he got it in there and I am flattered!!!!

06-26-2009, 11:23 AM
No fight. I can understand a decent argument.

You think you can speak on 8 years of business because you were there for 9 mos? That is ridiculous. We worked on a lot of Hondas when you were there because that's what you pushed, now we barely work on any. Whatever we push at the time comes in.

From 2001-2004 we ONLY worked on Supras until we decided to move on on our own accord. We built the 240 at that time (for non-drift). Then everyone thought we worked on 240's and that's all that came in until we built the Evo. Same story for Evo. You are right about the Suby's though we work on select few. All of our cars were way gone before you got here and when you were there we had been on the road for 2 years...

We knew each other long before i came there, and you were VERY active on the boards. it was no secret what BG was doing or working on.

I dont act like i know anymore than i saw and dealt with. I didnt know you ONLY worked on Supras in that time frame.

anyways , gotta run

Mike Lowrey
06-26-2009, 11:24 AM
Fuck you, Tracy!

I will take all my 130 torques and run you over! :lmfao:

06-26-2009, 11:24 AM
The 240 was innovative :) Who else was making 500 whp at the time in a 240? Not the drift cars. I am talking about in 2004 when the 240 was 5 different colors.
the battleship gray car?

hmmmm im pretty sure there was a few around. Maybe not right at 500, but Brians silvia, my old silvia was making 475whp stock block.

Didnt marshall make 400-450whp in his ?

there was a few around that i semi remember

06-26-2009, 11:28 AM
I thought dan said that his supra wasnt anything crazy, it was like a 42R with stock pistons and carrillo rods. At least thats what i always heard.

It wasn't crazy and that is the point. He made power on stock pistons and rings...and the 42R wasn't even out back then. It was an 88mm turbo which is WAY bigger than a 42R. He made his intercooler piping smaller than everyone else and a few other things that I can't remember since I was a newb back then. All I know is Phil Panas and Ivy were the Supra kings back then and Dan went against all of their advice and they laughed at him.

He used his own common sense from his background at Tech to build a car. He didn't read in magazines what everyone else had done. THAT is a car builder.

06-26-2009, 11:29 AM
the battleship gray car?

hmmmm im pretty sure there was a few around. Maybe not right at 500, but Brians silvia, my old silvia was making 475whp stock block.

Didnt marshall make 400-450whp in his ?

there was a few around that i semi remember

You had a Silvia in 2004? Brian didn't have his until after ours and can't remember about Marshall. I know it was nice and fast, but don't think it was the same power as ours in 2004.

Not to mention you are arguing our "innovative" cars that were innovative for the time. Not 7 years later and we finally got it right. You understand the difference?

I never said our cars were the ONLY innovative cars just used them as an example.

06-26-2009, 11:35 AM
Nah brian aka Silviadrftr had his in 2004 im pretty sure. Almost dead sure because he had it BEFORE i was working at Nopi and that was 2005. He held the stock block record for awhile. (stock block and cams) it was like 476whp.

So the heart of all this is you have a problem with a shop building an average car. Meaning a car that isnt anything special parts or build wise.

06-26-2009, 11:44 AM
Nah brian aka Silviadrftr had his in 2004 im pretty sure. Almost dead sure because he had it BEFORE i was working at Nopi and that was 2005. He held the stock block record for awhile. (stock block and cams) it was like 476whp.

So the heart of all this is you have a problem with a shop building an average car. Meaning a car that isnt anything special parts or build wise.

No my problem is shops/"nut swingers" touting their builds like they are something special. Every shop builds average cars for their customers...If you have the means to be innovative, why would you not? As a shop you almost never have the opportunity to show all of your capabilities on customer cars but you have full reign on your own cars.

06-26-2009, 11:45 AM
No my problem is shops/"nut swingers" touting their builds like they are something special. Every shop builds average cars for their customers...If you have the means to be innovative, why would you not? As a shop you almost never have the opportunity to show all of your capabilities on customer cars but you have full reign on your own cars.
Sorry im so dumb and it took this long for me to get the argument.

06-26-2009, 11:46 AM

06-26-2009, 11:46 AM
Nah brian aka Silviadrftr had his in 2004 im pretty sure. Almost dead sure because he had it BEFORE i was working at Nopi and that was 2005. He held the stock block record for awhile. (stock block and cams) it was like 476whp.

Prolly right on that time frame because I remember him coming to Drift Fury in 2005 or 2006 with the 2jz in the 240.

06-26-2009, 11:48 AM
Sorry im so dumb and it took this long for me to get the argument.At least you are good at entertaining my decent discussion thread. Don't take that as a compliment :)

06-26-2009, 11:50 AM
At least you are good at entertaining my decent discussion thread. Don't take that as a compliment :)
oh i know i wont :)

06-26-2009, 12:42 PM
My posts just don't have the impact they used to without the callouts. I hate trying to be a good girl.

06-26-2009, 12:50 PM
I think you'd be surprised how many people back you up on this one. ;)

06-26-2009, 12:53 PM
1000hp 2jz's are super played out. 1000hp 7M...now that's a feat.

06-26-2009, 12:58 PM
1000hp 2jz's are super played out. 1000hp 7M...now that's a feat.

w3rd. 7M is tight. Who has done that?

06-26-2009, 01:07 PM
Make a smart car with 300 whp and you have my respect!

06-26-2009, 01:09 PM
Make a smart car with 300 whp and you have my respect!

Would you believe I talked to Dan about this? He said no wai. LOL. Oh well. I tried to get some innovation going.

Black R
06-26-2009, 01:11 PM
Tracy, just call the mutha's out!

I want to know, dammit! :P

06-26-2009, 01:12 PM
Tracy, just call the mutha's out!

I want to know, dammit! :PI saw your name down there and was bout to call your ass to make a post. LOL!

06-26-2009, 01:14 PM
I won't do any calling out. I will however post an old school video that I made. Everyone swore that our car had to be running nitrous because there was NO WAY! Even after we came to the event, they all still said it and we had to be hiding the nitrous. What a compliment :)


06-26-2009, 01:21 PM
damn that video had so much attitude.....remind me to never get on tracy's bad side

06-26-2009, 01:23 PM
damn that video had so much attitude.....remind me to never get on tracy's bad sideYea. Once I am over it...it's on. That was a few years ago when I was at my most crunk.

06-26-2009, 01:28 PM
Another one with a funny similarity. Let's see if anyone gets it.


06-26-2009, 01:31 PM
bah, women. If you want to tell someone you're not impressed with their shop or a car they built, just tell them. This was vague and only those who had more information knew what the crap was going on.

06-26-2009, 01:34 PM
bah, women. If you want to tell someone you're not impressed with their shop or a car they built, just tell them. This was vague and only those who had more information knew what the crap was going on.
You signed up in 2009? Do some research. I have done my fair share of call outs. Just not going to do it right now. I usually get called unprofessional. We wouldn't want that, would we? I'm just trying to put forth that professional stance and be general. Sure, it's not as fun, but it's professional! BAhahahahhahahahahaah!

Sorry you signed up so late, but you can still read everything after the 2004 crash and the few post that got stuck in the black hole because they were just too damn out of control.

Either way, it's a common problem. Not just a problem with the ATL. So just use your imagination and have fun with the debate like I do.

06-26-2009, 01:37 PM
what makes you think I care enough to research you? Just because you "used" to do something doesn't mean crap.

06-26-2009, 01:41 PM
what makes you think I care enough to research you? Just because you "used" to do something doesn't mean crap.Then don't. What makes YOU think I care about what you do or don't do? It was only a suggestion and I am by no means your boss. So sit there and wonder if you want.

If you want to tell someone you're not impressed with their shop or a car they built, just tell them.I USED to do this all of the time until everyone started to call me unprofessional. My answer was in retort to your comment. Don't care, then don't post :)

06-26-2009, 01:44 PM
Then don't. What makes YOU think I care about what you do or don't do? It was only a suggestion and I am by no means your boss. So sit there and wonder if you want.

Don't be sad that I'm not a typical leg humper and don't bow down to you because you happen to have boobs.

I USED to do this all of the time until everyone started to call me unprofessional. My answer was in retort to your comment. Don't care, then don't post http://importatlanta.com///forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

Eh, carefull. That last statement makes it sound like you're my boss! You know, telling me what to do and all.

I understand why it would be called unprofessional to call out other shops considering you have one of your own. But doing it vaguely doesn't change the fact you're still doing it. If you're going to be professional, then do it.

06-26-2009, 01:44 PM
must be that time of the month

06-26-2009, 01:47 PM
Don't be sad that I'm not a typical leg humper and don't bow down to you because you happen to have boobs.

Eh, carefull. That last statement makes it sound like you're my boss! You know, telling me what to do and all.

I understand why it would be called unprofessional to call out other shops considering you have one of your own. But doing it vaguely doesn't change the fact you're still doing it. If you're going to be professional, then do it.

I'm not going to fight with you because it is clearly not worth my time. I told you where I was coming from and it hurt your feelings. My apologies for hurting your feelings by telling you to do some research. I was unaware that it was so serious.

06-26-2009, 01:49 PM
trust me, my feelings aren't hurt. You're just another whiny women with nothing better to do.

06-26-2009, 01:50 PM
trust me, my feelings aren't hurt. You're just another whiny women with nothing better to do.Exactly, nice to see you have some sense.

06-26-2009, 01:52 PM
me have sense? That's not what I'm told. Oh well, I suppose it was meant to happen at some point in my life.

06-26-2009, 01:54 PM
If you had read the thread, you would have seen my last comment at the bottom of this post: http://www.importatlanta.com/forums/showpost.php?p=38037439&postcount=42

You are just restating the obvious. Now stop trying to act hard and try to have a decent debate like I am. It's way more fun than picking on girls (depending on the girl I guess).

06-26-2009, 02:01 PM
acting hard? Not at all. Just pointing out the fact some random women I don't know is doing thinly veiled insults to someone else I don't know, and it's really stupid as well as annoying. You are the only one who is throwing insults in this thread, I'm just asking you questions and telling you my observations.

Maybe I should go start my own thread with the title "why do some people try to act so cool online?"

06-26-2009, 02:14 PM
acting hard? Not at all. Just pointing out the fact some random women I don't know is doing thinly veiled insults to someone else I don't know, and it's really stupid as well as annoying. You are the only one who is throwing insults in this thread, I'm just asking you questions and telling you my observations.

Maybe I should go start my own thread with the title "why do some people try to act so cool online?"

Wait. So I stated some things that irk me...in the WL...and decided that I would be nice enough to leave the names out FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY E-LIFE (LOL @ E-LIFE). You find it annoying and stupid so you try to get me to call them out. Then you get all tuff and say you don't care enough about me to do research on me then call me a whiny woman for apologizing for hurting your feelings and I am the one throwing insults? I answered your questions in the best way I knew how. I told you to do some research so that you could get to know the person you don't know and where I am coming from and now I am the bad guy? You will fit in just fine here. LOL.

Go ahead and start the thread. It wouldn't be the first time and that's what the WL is for. So have fun and enjoy your stay on IA. But beware, most of it is useless call outs and rants made by people you don't know. Just sayin'.

06-26-2009, 02:15 PM
haha, grow up. I was raised that this is rude, but how old are you sweetheart? because you're acting 17 at best.

06-26-2009, 02:17 PM
haha, grow up. I was raised that this is rude, but how old are you sweetheart? because you're acting 17 at best.Nice retort. Ta Ta for now. I'm sure you'll end up one of those e-stalkers trying to prove their worth by starting a fight with me. I look forward to it :)

P.S. Do some research. LOLOLOLOL! My age is in my profile. GAWD I kill me. :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

06-26-2009, 02:18 PM
It amazes me that no matter what Tracy says to appease you, you have some smart ass comment to come back with.

06-26-2009, 02:19 PM
again, I have no desire to know anything about you. You're a rude, Attention whore of a whiny girl who doesn't nothing but try to act hard on the enterwebz on a site full of men because it feeds your simple, small, insignificant ego.

But thanks for the laughs for my coworkers and I. It was a boring day to start with.

06-26-2009, 02:20 PM
It amazes me that no matter what Tracy says to appease you, you have some smart ass comment to come back with.Worth y0. Worth.

See what I get for trying to be nice? It never works out...even when you man up and apologize.

06-26-2009, 02:23 PM
again, I have no desire to know anything about you. You're a rude, Attention whore of a whiny girl who doesn't nothing but try to act hard on the enterwebz on a site full of men because it feeds your simple, small, insignificant ego.

But thanks for the laughs for my coworkers and I. It was a boring day to start with.
Dear coworkers,

Nice to meet you.

Whiny attention girl on IA with nothing better to do.

.....Says the guy arguing with said whiny, simple minded attention whore with nothing better to do. Who is more simple?

aaaaaaaand your turn.....

06-26-2009, 02:23 PM
actually the thing is there was never anything nice comming from you. That's why I was harsh back. Saying something "nice" just for the sake of trying to be nice defeats the whole purpose. It's the basic tone of voice and sense of entitlement that annoyed me to the point to actually say something back.

But you're right. This is your thread, and it's your right to complain as you wish. I've said my part and you know where I stand. Have fun with the rest of the Blah blahing.


06-26-2009, 02:24 PM
Bye bye.

06-26-2009, 02:25 PM
So did anyone find the funny similarity in the videos? I may be the only one who thinks it is funny?

06-26-2009, 02:25 PM
I never said bye, thanks anyway ;-)

06-26-2009, 02:26 PM
I never said bye, thanks anyway ;-)I did. Bye bye.

06-26-2009, 02:28 PM
I couldn't understand the video. Shitty Quality

06-26-2009, 02:28 PM
You watched it? LOLz at you! I know better since I am a simple attention whore who has nothing better to do than e-fight on IA. You never click on links from meanies. It might be a rick roll.

Can anyone hear "tone of voice" on the internet? JW. I wonder if my speakers are broken cuz I can't hear crap.

06-26-2009, 02:29 PM
aw I'm flattered, still refering to me even though you said bye bye. I did touch your heart, poor girl

06-26-2009, 02:31 PM
aw I'm flattered, still refering to me even though you said bye bye. I did touch your heart, poor girlNo I'm flattered that you found me interesting enough to tell all of our coworkers bout me! Thanks. It satisfies my attentionwhoredness.

I win!

Why would I leave my thread because some jerk came in here and tried to flex on me?

06-26-2009, 02:32 PM
yes, you win teh internets. You should marry Al Gore

06-26-2009, 02:33 PM
yes, you win teh internets. You should marry Al GoreI should but he is taken and so am I. So sad. So so sad. Wrong place, wrong time. Maybe in another life.

06-26-2009, 02:33 PM
I watched the first 30 seconds. trying to figure out which one of the dorks that it showed was Creman. Then I realized he must be the one video taping it.

Then I thought to myself, "Self, even if none of the fore mentioned people are Creman, why in the Hell is he looking up this stupid shit anyway, unless he is a simpleton with a small mind and has nothing better to do." But then I realized that I have to be wrong, because it would be hypocritical of Creman to call you small minded if he was as well.

What an Enigma

06-26-2009, 02:35 PM
I watched the first 30 seconds. trying to figure out which one of the dorks that it showed was Creman. Then I realized he must be the one video taping it.

Then I thought to myself, "Self, even if none of the fore mentioned people are Creman, why in the Hell is he looking up this stupid shit anyway, unless he is a simpleton with a small mind and has nothing better to do." But then I realized that I have to be wrong, because it would be hypocritical of Creman to call you small minded if he was as well.

What an EnigmaI love you and your reflections. Uh oh. Careful. Don't leg hump me.

06-26-2009, 02:37 PM
I love you and your reflections. Uh oh. Careful. Don't leg hump me.

Why, because you are a mindless attention whore?

I already tried at the JM meet and you didn't even say hi. So I am done with you.

You should go find Al Gore:rolleyes:

06-26-2009, 02:39 PM
I already tried at the JM meet and you didn't even say hi. So I am done with you.

You should go find Al Gore:rolleyes:

No no no! See that's what I hate. I have to say hi to everyone! I am sorry and I would never do that intentionally. The problem is, I know everyone ON IA, but never know them in person. I am honestly sorry. Not just the sorry I told creman. ROTF. Can I make it up to you?

06-26-2009, 02:41 PM
No no no! See that's what I hate. I have to say hi to everyone! I am sorry and I would never do that intentionally. The problem is, I know everyone ON IA, but never know them in person. I am honestly sorry. Not just the sorry I told creman. ROTF. Can I make it up to you?

I'm joking Tracy, I did not expect you to know me. You have never met me.

And I knew you because of the shrine in my clos...

Well I mean it's all good.

06-26-2009, 02:43 PM
I'm joking Tracy, I did not expect you to know me. You have never met me.

And I knew you because of the shrine in my clos...

Well I mean it's all good.See!!!! Say hi to me next time. That is if you can stand a whiny attention whore off the internet. I know you can hear my tone of voice and all in my posts, but I have a hard time watching my fingers and am way nicer in person...where you cannot hear tone of voice.

06-26-2009, 02:47 PM
HA. Simple minded to listen to an acupella group? Yeah, good luck with that one.

it's cute you're the white knight though.

and no, not me or my video. It's a famous group, and that was the first video that poped up in google. Didn't preview it.

"I am ashamed"
Sorry to hurt your feelings Tracy. You keep talking about it, so I suppose it really did hurt. I'm sorry you're over 30 and still crying like a baby.

06-26-2009, 02:48 PM
HA. Simple minded to listen to an acupella group? Yeah, good luck with that one.

it's cute you're the white knight though.

and no, not me or my video. It's a famous group, and that was the first video that poped up in google. Didn't preview it.

"I am ashamed"

Yay he's back!!!!!! Must have had some work to do, huh?

06-26-2009, 02:50 PM
work? I know not that word.

I was on the phone with Al Gore. Explaining he invented the internet, and you won the internet, so he has to give you at least an hour of his time. I mean, it's a match made in heaven.

06-26-2009, 02:51 PM
Keep em coming. I am waiting for one I haven't heard yet. Right now you are batting 0, babe. If you had done your research, you would know that I get more shit than anyone on this site because I speak my mind....but you didn't, so you think you are special and the first to stand up to me. Sorry to break the bad news, hun.

See isn't IA fun?

06-26-2009, 02:52 PM
it's so funny to me you honestly think you're worth "research"

if I humped your leg, would you love me back?

but thanks for recognizing my babification. I must say my wife would agree.

06-26-2009, 02:53 PM
HA. Simple minded to listen to an acupella group? Yeah, good luck with that one.

it's cute you're the white knight though.

and no, not me or my video. It's a famous group, and that was the first video that poped up in google. Didn't preview it.

"I am ashamed"
Sorry to hurt your feelings Tracy. You keep talking about it, so I suppose it really did hurt. I'm sorry you're over 30 and still crying like a baby.

Did I say that? I'm lost. I said you were simple minded to look up an acapella group.

But I take that back. You are simple minded because you mispelled such an easy word. like Acapella.

And did you think that the title of the video would prove some point. because you couldn't understand what they were saying.

06-26-2009, 02:54 PM
actually, listen to the words of the song. You look foolish right now.

Sorry I mispelled a word. I must give myself 30 lashes now...

06-26-2009, 02:54 PM
it's so funny to me you honestly think you're worth "research"

if I humped your leg, would you love me back?

but thanks for recognizing my babification. I must say my wife would agree.
It's so funny that you aren't getting it and that you are taking this all so seriously. I am messing with you. I keep using the word research to piss you off and it's working. Did I really need to spell that out for you?

06-26-2009, 02:56 PM
no, but the ironic thing is you just described yourself. I'm doing nothing but laughing at this. Taking this seriouse? I would hope not, even for you.

opps, 30 more lashes.
"I see what you did there"

06-26-2009, 02:57 PM
actually, listen to the words of the song. You look foolish right now.

Sorry I mispelled a word. I must give myself 30 lashes now...

I won't even ask you to research. I have stated twice that you can't understand half the shit they are saying because of the video quality. Obviously if you weren't able to comprehend that, I'm not going to bash you on anything else.

06-26-2009, 02:57 PM
no, but the ironic thing is you just described yourself. I'm doing nothing but laughing at this. Taking this seriouse? I would hope not, even for you.Yay! I am so happy to know that we have something in common then. I am also flattered that you spent more than 1/2 your time on IA so far in my thread. It must be entertaining at least.

Your turn again.

06-26-2009, 02:58 PM
Are you catholic?

06-26-2009, 02:59 PM
Look creman, You helped me get 799 views by all of these people.

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 16 (16 members and 0 guests)
Tracy, stillaneon, creman, Deke, StreetHazard, ubers2k, LaotianAsn4, trundog, Halfwit, StraightSix, qwick, RedEj8

Thanks for helping out my cause! Reps for you.

06-26-2009, 02:59 PM
yeah, you're good at helping my post count ;)

stillaneon, you have the song name and artist. Do I need to explain google for you?

06-26-2009, 03:00 PM
reps are hott.
That is all

06-26-2009, 03:02 PM
Ok peoples. I have to walk my dog. The show is over for today, from me anyways. I'm sure creman will have some more lame posts for y'all to have fun with.

Bye Cre. Nice to me ya dude. Tell all of your coworkers I said later. Oh and I look forward to you trying to prove your worth in some other threads of mine (thats how it always goes)....but you better hurry. As soon as school starts back up for the Summer, I won't be posting as much...so get it while it's hot.


06-26-2009, 03:05 PM
prove my worth...That is between God and me. All else can think what they want ;)

06-26-2009, 03:07 PM
I was just reading a post and I won't call out names unless I am forced by smack talk. So it got me to thinking. I really hate it when someone has an older model car and takes 5,6,7 years to finally get it working right. Especially when tons of other people have made the same power on the same car for years.

I will use 2 cars models as examples since I see it happen most with these.

Toyota Supra. IMO, a 1000 hp Supra is played out. It was done for the first time in 2001 and has been done by every Tom, Dick and Harry at this point. The fact that it took you 6 years to read an article written in Turbo magazine on how to make 1000 hp in a Supra is sad. Once a magazine has given step by step instructions on how to build a car, it's lame and played out. Get a new car. You are not an innovator at this point.

Mitsubishi Eclipse. IMO, breaking a car 11ty billion times before you get it right 6 years later is dumb. It's sad that you spent tens of thousands of dollars on a Mitsubishi. It even more sad that it took you 6 years to run decent times on a car that has run those same times 8 years ago....by many.

Now don't get me wrong. I know that for the every day Joe, these stories my be offensive. They might say, it takes a lot of time and dedication to build a fast car and I know that more than anyone. BUT when you obviously have 10's of thousands of dollars spent on your car several times over after blowing it up several times over or not getting it right several times over, it's gay that it took you so long to get it right when you obviously have money.

Maybe I am spoiled by my experiences. Dan buys a car, makes big power in a few months then sells it and moves on to the next. IMO, that just shows that there are innovators and then there are lame poseurs.

hey i still like supras lulz

06-26-2009, 03:07 PM
yeah, you're good at helping my post count ;)

stillaneon, you have the song name and artist. Do I need to explain google for you?

Nope, but I figured if you refuse to research, then I'm not going out of my way to do it either.

06-26-2009, 03:09 PM
Nope, but I figured if you refuse to research, then I'm not going out of my way to do it either.

Touche, but then again that means you're like me. Now that's a problem :taun:

06-26-2009, 03:10 PM
Touche, but then again that means you're like me. Now that's a problem :taun:

No, it means I'm lazy, and I have better things to do than waste my time on something small as some second rate acapella group.

06-26-2009, 03:11 PM
well, Its time to wrap things up for the day and get some stuff finished before I head home. Thanks for the fun!

Hopefully I get to meet a few cars from your shop Tracy, it's a great day for a nice run. I hope their at least quick!

06-26-2009, 03:12 PM
No, it means I'm lazy, and I have better things to do than waste my time on something small as some second rate acapella group.
why so serious?

Rockapella is the best known group in the world friend. You should check out some of their stuff.

06-26-2009, 03:14 PM
why so serious?

Rockapella is the best known group in the world friend. You should check out some of their stuff.

Funny, I thought it would be someone like the Beatle's.

Guess you learn something everyday

06-26-2009, 04:33 PM

06-26-2009, 04:43 PM

no shit.

who is this creman douchebag and why in the hell is he even talking? his shit doesn't make any sense its fucking retarded. this is the WL where people state opinions. don't like it? get the fuck on then.

06-26-2009, 04:50 PM
no shit.

who is this creman douchebag and why in the hell is he even talking? his shit doesn't make any sense its fucking retarded. this is the WL where people state opinions. don't like it? get the fuck on then.

I would rep you if I could

06-26-2009, 04:58 PM
Now don't get me wrong. I value and enjoy a nicely built car with amazing power...no matter how many times it has been done. To me, it's the attitude and position behind it that counts. You get to act like a badass when you are one of the first....

Other than that, you have a nice car...not an innovative car.

being the first is great and all... but credit is still due to those shops or enthusiasts when they build a car and it runs like a champ. i don't think it matters if they were the first or the last if they built a competent vehicle. some shops will never get it right so for those who do, why not floss it? thats what draws in more business.... now if they built it, it worked, and then they thought they were a god amongst men, then i could see your point. regardless of their attitude, i respect a car if its built well.

06-26-2009, 05:02 PM
being the first is great and all... but credit is still due to those shops or enthusiasts when they build a car and it runs like a champ. i don't think it matters if they were the first or the last if they built a competent vehicle. some shops will never get it right so for those who do, why not floss it? thats what draws in more business.... now if they built it, it worked, and then they thought they were a god amongst men, then i could see your point. regardless of their attitude, i respect a car if its built well.

trust me, its the attitude you described that is the problem. they absolutely believe they are untouchable.

06-26-2009, 05:30 PM
w3rd. 7M is tight. Who has done that?

There's a few guys on supramania.com making big numbers.

Go here (http://www.gtepowered.com/index.php?page=html/site/cars.php) and look in the 7m section. Guy in Malta has a 7m on a rail dragster making over 1000.

06-26-2009, 05:37 PM
There's a few guys on supramania.com making big numbers.

Go here (http://www.gtepowered.com/index.php?page=html/site/cars.php) and look in the 7m section. Guy in Malta has a 7m on a rail dragster making over 1000.

You still got the white supra? This is baker right? (don't want to make assumptions :))

06-26-2009, 05:49 PM
being the first is great and all... but credit is still due to those shops or enthusiasts when they build a car and it runs like a champ. i don't think it matters if they were the first or the last if they built a competent vehicle. some shops will never get it right so for those who do, why not floss it? thats what draws in more business.... now if they built it, it worked, and then they thought they were a god amongst men, then i could see your point. regardless of their attitude, i respect a car if its built well.

I guess you may have overlooked the part where I said if it takes you 6 years to build the same car....it's not innovative. It may be a nice car that is finally finished and up to par, but it's not s cool if you blew it up 50 times in 6 years to get there....That is where my rant comes from. My message may have gotten lost by me not trying to piss of the "little" guys (by that I mean the not shop guys. not in a bad way) I respect people who do a good job on their own cars and understand the time and money restraints on personal cars. It's where Dan got his start.

I do appreciate a nice car, built well that lasts and runs like a champ and I do think that they deserve respect and props and floss all you want. I do not however respect it when it is something that took a very long time to get right....especially when it has been done to death. At that point there is no excuse. And I am trying to limit it to "shop cars" because shops build their own car from beginning to end, presumably. There is no control point when it comes to a customer car. The car may have been to 50 shops by the time it crosses their path. Some things you have no control over. BUT you have total control of your own build as a shop.

That being said, it still kind of irks me when a big headed, long time scener (is that a word?) does the same thing. You know, someone who doesn't have a shop, but might as well since they think they know it all (that prolly didn't come out right, but oh well).

I hope I made myself more clear. This isn't even a recent thing. I am just reflecting and getting in trouble in my boredom.

06-26-2009, 05:56 PM
I know everything. That makes my car awesome, and because of that I will be happy to tell you everything that is wrong with whatever piece of shit you drive. Now, if you bought all the same parts I have I will wish you luck, but secretly wish it blows up on you so I can laugh at your inexperience.

06-26-2009, 05:58 PM
I know everything. That makes my car awesome, and because of that I will be happy to tell you everything that is wrong with whatever piece of shit you drive. Now, if you bought all the same parts I have I will wish you luck, but secretly wish it blows up on you so I can laugh at your inexperience.LOL!!!! Tell us how you really feel. :cheers:

06-26-2009, 06:01 PM
I gotta stop this shit I'm gonna give it all away and turn this into a shit-throwing contest.

06-26-2009, 06:17 PM
if you bought all the same parts I have I will wish you luck, but secretly wish it blows up on you so I can laugh at your inexperience.


06-26-2009, 06:17 PM
If I were to start a shop.. I would build several new cars to show what I can do and what kind of power we can make with tunes. About like BG. I wouldn't just have one super car that has been built 1000x over and work on others. I would build many big number cars. Your shop isnt just building a car then, you're building a group of people that trust that you know your shit about many different setups and ways to make power. If you build custom kits and make crazy reliable power in cars that usually don't make power is what is impressive to me. If a shop takes a car like the Smart.. or a CX7 or a new Ford FLEX and turbo/sc it then they will be known for building something different. Not the same old run of the mill Supra that every other shop has built.

06-26-2009, 06:56 PM
Talking bout supra is played out...... If you have a car that's lower than year 2000, than most likely, you have a played out car! There's nothing wrong with following people's footstep if you're inexperienced with stuff. If you want a reliable, fast car, without having to blow your motor up, than why not copy what other people have proven to be reliable and fast?

06-26-2009, 07:11 PM
But where does it say a 1000whp Supra is bullet proof? I mean you say it took someone 6 years to build a car that is pretty common. Meaning its build, its power is nothing astonishing and it "blew up 50 times" before they for it right.

Well, how many motors did dan pop? Im sure at the level he was competing shit breaks. Isnt that why you guys STOPPED drag racing? i remember something about it being too expensive to compete.

IIRC Dan popped his last motor and called it quits. Quitting when you have practically no sponsors and 8th in the world, thats not something to laugh at. Thats quite an achievment.

But my point is, i can go build a 1000whp supra, and it can blow up. Doesnt mean it was put together wrong or anything. But when you make that kind of power, shit breaks plain and simple.

I think its disengenious to think that a high HP car is capable of never breaking.

06-26-2009, 09:43 PM
You still got the white supra? This is baker right? (don't want to make assumptions :))

Yes I do and yes. Who is this?

06-26-2009, 10:37 PM
Yes I do and yes. Who is this?

Chris Young. went to central at the same time you did....uhhhh i think you might remember the silver and black two tone CRX, or maybe the black RSX I had. My dad actually put a motor in that supra a few years ago if it's the same one I think it is. The red-headed dude at Audio Zoo used to own it didn't he?

06-26-2009, 10:37 PM
But where does it say a 1000whp Supra is bullet proof? I mean you say it took someone 6 years to build a car that is pretty common. Meaning its build, its power is nothing astonishing and it "blew up 50 times" before they for it right.

Well, how many motors did dan pop? Im sure at the level he was competing shit breaks. Isnt that why you guys STOPPED drag racing? i remember something about it being too expensive to compete.

IIRC Dan popped his last motor and called it quits. Quitting when you have practically no sponsors and 8th in the world, thats not something to laugh at. Thats quite an achievment.

But my point is, i can go build a 1000whp supra, and it can blow up. Doesnt mean it was put together wrong or anything. But when you make that kind of power, shit breaks plain and simple.

I think its disengenious to think that a high HP car is capable of never breaking.

You still can't tell me that a 2JZ is a difficult motor to keep together even at big power :lmao:

06-27-2009, 12:55 AM
(If y'all can put up w/ the mindless babble)

While a lot of the setups are similar and may not be declared as being innovative, they are definitely pushing the envelope. Comparing to everyone else on this list, the only one that really sticks out in my mind is Dave Henry, since he has always been 100% privateer. But it's hard to judge Dan's ranking on here since the time he posted was quite a few years back, and a number of cars on this list have only achieved that status in the last few years. Even DaveH's rank was made last year, and the same goes for SW's 6 speed car. Half of these guys are running setups that have only seen a year's worth of testing, and to see Dan still in the top 20 just speaks for what that car did at the time, IMO. A little bit of background info, when Dan was in the 8's, DaveH was still in the mid-9's. The car he (Dave) has now is a completely different setup with the rear being tubbed out, and forward of the firewall is a tubular chassis.

EDIT: Another one that really stands out was Marko Djuric's car. I remember watching videos of his car in 2005 when I was deployed. That was also right when the 6 speed battle between Ryan Woon and Saad Saad was heating up, and then Paul Efantis kinda popped up and surprised everyone with his 6 speed 'Blue Bomber'. That was a good year in Supra drag racing history, haha.

Anyways, taken off of Supraforums...Top 20 MKIV 1/4 mile times.

1. 7.71@185 Gary White Titan Motorsports 3.4L, Titan GT55, nitrous, PG8.9@163 on the stock 6 speed

2. 7.75 @186.6 Boostlogic ver2 , GT55-91, power glide, NOS spool-up only

3. 7.81 @ 187 Jamie Carter/AP 3.4L "the B" motor GT47-88 w/ nitrous Th400 28" Tall Tire

4. [email protected] Kean Wang BoostLogic 3.4L GT47-88 39 PSI BL400 3150lbs

5. 7.86@182 KRYSTOS EFANTIS MSP RACING 3250lbs DRs best MPH 185.44

6. 7. [email protected] SW/Boost Logic. 6 speed, 3.4L, BL91, NOS, AEM (highest mph 189.7)

7. [email protected] Mustafa Atat driver Al Anabi Qatar Racing Team tuned by Shane T 29 Inch Tall 10.5 tire(slick) - 200 shot SpeedTech nitrous - TH400 trans - Transbrake - GT4788 - 2900 lbs - MoTeC M800/CDI-8 - Precision Turbo Ice Water to Air Intercooler

8. 8.04@172 Dana Westover/Virtual Works Auto GT47-88, full weight

9. 8.04@168 Dave Henry '94 na-t GT4788/AEM/PG/E-98 fuel

10. [email protected] RRev Motorsports(Tim Robards driver) Supra 3.0liter, 47-88 40 psi, nitrous to spool, high compression, methanol, TH400,

11. 8.19@166 Chris Anderson AAP Powerglide

12. [email protected] Ryan Woon. 6 speed, 3.4L stroker, GT55-91, single fogger, 3330lbs

13. [email protected] Saad N Saad Valero In The Zone, 6 speed, ProEFI, 55-91, 150shot

13. 8.38@174 Darin Dichiara 6-speed, 3300 lbs, GT47-88R, 3.0L + nitrous motec m600 28x10.5 ET drags

14. [email protected] Larry Prebis Sound Performance Auto Full weight

15. 8.45@162 Marko D. Sound Performance Full weight daily driver

16. 8.45@158 WOTM/1st Upholstery Auto 3.4L, GT47-88, 3300lbs

17. 8.46@166 Errol@TPS

18. [email protected] SW/Chris Johnson/Boostlogic. 6 speed, 3.4L stroker, BL91 , 3650lbs

19. 8.58@165 Dan Willie Batlground Engineering Auto
10.3@144 6 Speed Drag Radials

20. 8.60@163mph (Fast Forward Motorwerks 94 supra BFG DRAG RADIALS @28.5lbs of boost with 100 shot of NO2)

And seeing the name Phil Panas mentioned on the second page just makes me realize I've been watching from the sidelines for awhile, hahahaha.

06-27-2009, 09:22 AM
But where does it say a 1000whp Supra is bullet proof? I mean you say it took someone 6 years to build a car that is pretty common. Meaning its build, its power is nothing astonishing and it "blew up 50 times" before they for it right.

Well, how many motors did dan pop? Im sure at the level he was competing shit breaks. Isnt that why you guys STOPPED drag racing? i remember something about it being too expensive to compete.

IIRC Dan popped his last motor and called it quits. Quitting when you have practically no sponsors and 8th in the world, thats not something to laugh at. Thats quite an achievment.

But my point is, i can go build a 1000whp supra, and it can blow up. Doesnt mean it was put together wrong or anything. But when you make that kind of power, shit breaks plain and simple.

I think its disengenious to think that a high HP car is capable of never breaking.

Dan fried his pistons when he first tried to tune it (before he had a shop) anf then he popped the motor after several years running it on the same motor with the progressive build up to the 8 sec car. Like I said, stock pistons and rings. We decided to not pursue it anymore because we just couldn't afford to compete with Titan and MSP. It was a losing battle to try to keep up with 2 sponsored teams with several engines in the trailer backing them up. We had the car from 20001 until 2004 and it popped 2 times. Once at the very beginning (on the one we crashed which most people don't even know about) and once at the very end.

I do hear your point and like my title says. I am a snob and like the title doesn't say I am a hater toward certain things and this is one of them :)

I'm surprised that no one mentioned us blowing up the Evo. I am fully aware that high HP cars break....but I still know that you know where I am coming from even though you are mincing words. :)

06-27-2009, 09:25 AM
(If y'all can put up w/ the mindless babble)

While a lot of the setups are similar and may not be declared as being innovative, they are definitely pushing the envelope. Comparing to everyone else on this list, the only one that really sticks out in my mind is Dave Henry, since he has always been 100% privateer. But it's hard to judge Dan's ranking on here since the time he posted was quite a few years back, and a number of cars on this list have only achieved that status in the last few years. Even DaveH's rank was made last year, and the same goes for SW's 6 speed car. Half of these guys are running setups that have only seen a year's worth of testing, and to see Dan still in the top 20 just speaks for what that car did at the time, IMO. A little bit of background info, when Dan was in the 8's, DaveH was still in the mid-9's. The car he (Dave) has now is a completely different setup with the rear being tubbed out, and forward of the firewall is a tubular chassis.

EDIT: Another one that really stands out was Marko Djuric's car. I remember watching videos of his car in 2005 when I was deployed. That was also right when the 6 speed battle between Ryan Woon and Saad Saad was heating up, and then Paul Efantis kinda popped up and surprised everyone with his 6 speed 'Blue Bomber'. That was a good year in Supra drag racing history, haha.

Anyways, taken off of Supraforums...Top 20 MKIV 1/4 mile times.

And seeing the name Phil Panas mentioned on the second page just makes me realize I've been watching from the sidelines for awhile, hahahaha.

LOL @ Phil Penis. Wanna bet that he still watches this forum and might just pop up since I called him Phil Penis????

06-27-2009, 10:05 AM
He's on my AIM list, but i haven't seen his name logged in for the better part of 3 years now. I don't even know if he goes onto any forums anymore. But seeing you say 'Phil Penis' almost makes me think that Tracy 2005 is coming back, hahaha.

(Not to spark drama, but my favorite car on the Top 20 is SW's 6 speed. THAT motherfucker gets DOWN, haha)

06-27-2009, 10:14 AM
He's on my AIM list, but i haven't seen his name logged in for the better part of 3 years now. I don't even know if he goes onto any forums anymore. But seeing you say 'Phil Penis' almost makes me think that Tracy 2005 is coming back, hahaha.

(Not to spark drama, but my favorite car on the Top 20 is SW's 6 speed. THAT motherfucker gets DOWN, haha)I tried to find the pic of his car that someone made into a planter for you, but I couldn't find it.

SW's is hot. I don't have a favorite anymore. Dan sold my favorite and it was my favorite just because it has sentimental value :( Dan wanted to sell it YEARS ago, but I kept begging him to keep it. I finally felt bad and gave up. He said he was bored with it and wanted to spend the money on a new car. I guess I just have to understand somethings. SOME things.

06-27-2009, 10:21 AM
Gotta make room for new things so you can be innovative hahahahaha!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

06-27-2009, 10:32 AM
Gotta make room for new things so you can be innovative hahahahaha!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.Well shit. By the looks of it the Corvette will be an antique by the time we get one.

06-27-2009, 10:36 AM
I must say i can't really agree with you 100% only because if he was doing the stuff hiself and wanting to learn the hard way so he could feel good about his work then so bid.My brother does the same thing but with computers he has burned about 5-6k worth of video cards and other bs up for 2-3 yr's trying to figure out how to be a computer tech.But after awhile now he has it and it was worth the waste of $ because now he has the pride in building fast max game rigs with his eye's closed without going to school to learn.It is now his pride and he wouldn't take it back for nothing.I really think that ppl like my brother and P do stuff on there own at no matter the cost just so they can say they did it and the feel that u get when you have built something yourself ground up.. The attitude i am not sure about but i must say if i spent s much time and $ to build a car to reach a certain goal no matter how long it takes i would be pretty proud of myself to even if it was slow and 10k other ppl done it way before me:)

06-27-2009, 10:39 AM
Bah, Vettes never get old. Unless it's a C4. They're definitely the bastard child of the Corvette Heritage. It's not good if your flagship car is slower than a Buick Regal, hahaha.

06-27-2009, 10:46 AM
Bah, Vettes never get old. Unless it's a C4. They're definitely the bastard child of the Corvette Heritage. It's not good if your flagship car is slower than a Buick Regal, hahaha.Hey Buick's are making a come back.

I hear ya stay_up. Good analogy for non-shop cars. :cheers:

Can you tell I am tired of debating right now? Sorry for the short response.

06-27-2009, 10:48 AM
Can you tell I am tired of debating right now? Sorry for the short response.

yeah, WTF!!! Takes the fun out of it :cry:

06-28-2009, 08:54 AM
I won't do any calling out. I will however post an old school video that I made. Everyone swore that our car had to be running nitrous because there was NO WAY! Even after we came to the event, they all still said it and we had to be hiding the nitrous. What a compliment :)

http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=9855382It's no fair, Dan clearly will always have the power to weight ratio advantage...against any other driver :tongue:

06-28-2009, 01:36 PM
LOL @ the Myspace vid that Tracy posted! Ahhh, that was some funny ass shit. I think I even started a thread like 5min after Dan ran that 10sec slip and sparked some shit off on here! Haha.

In regards to the the BG Supra and Dan's build, he went totally against the norm of what all the experts on Supraforums thought was right. People were hating big time, and that car was running single digit times when people were trying to just get into the 11's and high 10's. You have to remember that this was in 2003 for fucks sake. That was a long time ago. He also did it on DR's, NOT slicks, which made it all the more impressive. To me, Dan's supra was the yard stick that showed that you can do a lot with a limited budget, but smart fabrication/tuning. Hell, I have parts of the BG02 Supra on my own car, and it's amazing that some of the stuff he came up with works so well.

As far as Pepe is concerned, I don't remember anyone running around in fast 240's back in the day. This was when my street car was a DSM, and 500whp street cars weren't so common. That car beat up on a lot of cars, including John's 400awhp GSX, who was my lead tech at the time.

At any rate, shops just build what's asked of them. Shop cars are expensive to build, maintain, and even more expensive to race. That price tag rises exponentially when you wanna be innovative. It's not a lack of imagination on BG's part, that's for sure. Cost vs what you get out of it, that's the bottom line. I think you get to a point where you just wanna have your business run in a profitable fashion, and not deal with some of that stress. I could have built my SC and done a Turbo 400, and gone all crazy on a proven setup, and ran some ridiculous times, but I built my car for ME for once, not to have a pissing contest with someone else.

06-29-2009, 07:43 AM
I kinda see where you're comming from I suppose Tracy. If you're going to show off, make sure it's something to show off.

How big is this other shop you're refeering to? Do they have deep pockets? Comparing yourself to them may be the same as comparing the sponsered race teams to yourself when you had racing cars. If they don't have the income you do, it may be a real feat to reach the goal they have.

06-29-2009, 09:53 AM
I kinda see where you're comming from I suppose Tracy. If you're going to show off, make sure it's something to show off.

How big is this other shop you're refeering to? Do they have deep pockets? Comparing yourself to them may be the same as comparing the sponsered race teams to yourself when you had racing cars. If they don't have the income you do, it may be a real feat to reach the goal they have.

They sure claim to have the deep pockets and resources necessary if they wanted to race on the moon.

06-29-2009, 10:12 AM
I kinda see where you're comming from I suppose Tracy. If you're going to show off, make sure it's something to show off.

How big is this other shop you're refeering to? Do they have deep pockets? Comparing yourself to them may be the same as comparing the sponsered race teams to yourself when you had racing cars. If they don't have the income you do, it may be a real feat to reach the goal they have.

Are we friends now? I sure hope so. :cheers:

This is a general post geared toward general things that I see going on with many shops (there is only about 55 of them in Atlanta with new ones popping up all of the time). It is safe to assume that the discussion is geared toward ones that are at least on the same level as us money wise.

So I was thinking about this thread from a lot of different aspects. One of them is how shops make it. I think there are 3 levels:

-inexpensive and their clientèle is younger thus satisfied with mediocre work.
-liars and scammers who have tricked their clientèle that they do something special somehow. Their clientèle usually likes to have their ego stroked thus why they relate to slime balls and patronize the shop.
-innovative with a more experienced clientèle who appreciates above standard work.

p.s. I have decided that I like this post so much, that I will put it on my blog :) www.everythingtracy.com

06-29-2009, 11:34 AM
Come on, no one is innovative anymore. You can read a magazine article all you want, doesnt mean you are going to make the power. It takes a lot more than that.
Hey, STFU! I think I am the *ONLY* electropowered mofo on IA... innovation FTW!

can we gloss over the fact that my Prius is a hunk of shit? I should turbo it... cause you know, turbos fix everything!

06-29-2009, 11:41 AM
.. cause you know, turbos fix everything!
I may have to agree with you on this :cheers::lmfao:

06-29-2009, 11:55 AM
I may have to agree with you on this :cheers::lmfao:
Seriously... I think turbos are ducktape for ricers. I miss my turbo. :(

06-29-2009, 01:41 PM
Everyone knows that tuning actually fixes everything.

06-29-2009, 01:43 PM
you mean.... It doesn't?:cry:

06-29-2009, 01:44 PM
i can say that a bad piggy back and bad tuning caused the failure of two of my motors

06-29-2009, 03:24 PM
Everyone knows that tuning actually fixes everything.

depending on whether or not you are blessed enough to have the masters of the universe willing to tune you're hunk of shit. :D

06-29-2009, 07:43 PM
Everyone knows that tuning actually fixes everything.
Haha.. Dan is He-Man!

Can he work some magic on the Prius? Hehehe :lmfao: